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1、物流师3级货代技能操作题答案2013年3月18日试题代码:1.1.1 试题名称:海运整箱货出口运输操作1 提单(2)ShipperCHINA AAA IMPORT AND EXPORT CORP(1)B/L No.0688BILL OF LADING(3)Consignee TO ORDER OF SHIPPER(4)Notify PartyU.K.BBB CORP.Precarriage by*Place of Receipt*(5)Vessel Voy. No. “CCC” 005E或“CCC” VOY. NO.: 005E或“CCC” V. 005E(6)Port of Loading

2、SHANGHAI(7)Port of Discharge LONDONPlace of Delivery*PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY THE MERCHANT(8)Container No./Seal No.Marks & NumbersCBHU0180286 5674813CBHU0180287 5674814CBHU0180288 5674815CBHU0180289 5674816CT LONDON NO. 1-800(9)No. of Containers or Packages800CTNS或800 CARTONS(10)Description of G

3、oodsSHIPPED ON BOARDCOTTON TOWEL(11)Gross Weight59200KGS(12)Measurement112CBM或112M3(13) TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS OR PACKAGES (IN WORD)SAY EIGHT HUNDRED CARTONS ONLY(14)Freight & ChargesFREIGHT PREPAIDRateUnitPrepaidCollectExcess Value DeclarationTemperature Control InstructionsIN WITNESS of th

4、e number of original Bills of Lading stated above have been signed, one of which being accomplished, the other(s) to be void.FOR THE CARRIERPrepaid at Payable atNumber of Original Bills of Lading(15)Place and date of issueAPRIL 6, 2008 SHANGHAI2 保险单 中 保 财 产 保 险 有 限 公 司The people's insurance (Pro

5、perty) Company of China, Ltd发票号码 保险单号次Invoice No. Policy No海 洋 货 物 运 输 保 险 单MARINE CARGO TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE POLICYCHINA AAA IMPORT AND EXPORT CORP被保险人:(1) Insured:中保财产保险公司(以下简称本公司)根据被保险人的要求,及其所缴付约定的保险费,按照本保险单承担险别和背面所载条款与下列特别条款承保下列货物运输保险,特签发本保险单。 This policy of Insurance witness that The People

6、's Insurance (Property) Company Of China, Ltd(hereinafter called“The Company”),at the request of the Insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid by the Insured,undertakes to insure the undermentioned goods in transportation subject to the conditions of this Policy as per the Clauses

7、printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.保险货物项目Description of Goods包装 单位数量Packing Unit Quantity保险金额Amount Insured (2) USD 44000COVERING ALL RISKS AS PER OCEAN MARINE CARGO CLAUSES OF THE PICC DATED 1/1/1981承保险别 (3) 货物标记Conditions Marks of Goods总保险金额:Total Amount Insured 保费 载运工具 开航日

8、期Premium Per conveyance Slg. On or Abt . 起运港 目的港From To2所保货物,如发生本保险单项下可能引起索赔的损失或损坏,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。如有索赔,应向本公司提交保险单正本(本保险单共有(4) 份正本)及有关文件。如一份已用于索赔,其余正本则自动失效。In the event of loss or damage which may result in a claim under this Policy, immediate notice must be given to the Company's agent as menti

9、oned hereunderClaims,if any, one of the Original Policy which has been issued in Original(s) together with the relevant documents shall be surrendered to the Company, if one of the Original Policy has been accomplished,the others to be void.中保财产保险有限公司THE PEOPLE'S INSURANCE (PROPERTY) COMPANY OF

10、CHINA,LTD.APRIL 6, 2008(之前都可以)赔偿地点 签发日期 签发地点Claim payable at(5)LONDON Date(6) .at 3装箱单Reefer Temperature Required冷藏温度 ºC ºFCONTAINER LOAD PLAN装 箱 单Class 等级IMDG Page危规页码UN NO.联合国编号Flashpoint 闪点Ships Name/Voy No.船名/航次 “CCC” 005E Port of Loading装港 Port of Discharge 卸港 Place of Delivery 交货地 SH

11、IPPERS/PACKERS DECLARATIONS:Container No. 箱号(1) CBHU0180286Bill of LadingNO. 提单号 Packages &Packing件数与包装Gross Weight毛重Measurements尺码 Description of Goods货名 Marks&Numbers唛头 Seal No.封号(2)5674813 (5)200CTNS或200CARTONS(6)14800KGS(7)28M3或28CBM (8)CT LONDON NO. 1-800Cont. Size 箱型20 40 45(3)20Cont.

12、Type. 箱类 (4)GPISO Code For Container Size/Type箱型/箱类 ISO 标准代码Packers Name/Address装箱人名称/地址 TEL NO.电话号码 Packing Date 装箱日期 Received By Drayman 驾驶员签收及车号 Total Packages 总件数 Total Cargo Wt 总货重 Total Meas总尺码 Remarks:备注Packed BY: 装箱人签名 Received By Terminals/Date Of Receipt 码头收箱签收和收箱日期Cont. Tare Wt.集装箱皮重(9)25

13、00KGSCgo Cont Total Wt货箱总重量(10)17300KGS试题代码: 1.1.2试题名称:海运整箱货出口运输操作BAOTOU ALUMINIUM CO.,LTD NO.1 ALUMINUM ROAD,BAOTOU,CHINA1D/R NO. (1) CAK398701托运单 ShipperABC Shipping Co. Bill of Lading(2) TO ORDER OF BANK OF HSBC Consignee(3) BARWIL (THAILAND) LIMITED 11 SOUTH SATHORN ROAD, BANGKOK, THAILANDNotify

14、 Party(4) Pre-carriage by P1ace of ReceiptDALIANOcean Vessel Voy. No. Port of Loading(5) ATLANTA V.008E或ATLANTA (6) VOY.NO.: 008E或ATLANTA 008E BANGKOKPort of Discharge Place of Delivery (7) Container No.Seal No.Marks & Nos. (8)N/MCCL2832761 46765 No. of Containers of Pkgs(9)300 CARTONSDescriptio

15、n of Goods(10)HIGH PURITY ALUMINUM INGOT L/C NO.: L08-2246987Gross Weight (11)24000KGSMeasurement(12)46CBM或46M3TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINER OR PACKAGES (IN WORD): (13)SAY THREE HUNDRED CARTONS ONLYFreight & Charge (14)FREIGHT PREPAIDRevenue TonsRatePerPrepaidCollectEx. Rate.Prepaid atPayable atPlac

16、e and date of Issue(15)DALIAN JUN. 24, 2012Total prepaidNo. of Original B(s)/LSigned for Carrier,ABC Shipping Co. as carrierService Type On Receiving Service Type On Delivery CY CFS DOOR CY CFS DOOR冷冻温度-18度TYPE OF GOODSORDINARY REEFER DANGEROUSAUTO LIQUID LIVE ANIMALBULK _危险品Class:Property:IMDG Code

17、 Page:UN NO.TRANSSHIPMENT: NOPARTIAL SHIPMENT: NOTIME OF SHIPMENT: 2012/6/24EXPERY DATE:AMOUNT:FREIGHT PREPAID OR COLLECT: FREIGHT PREPAIDDATE: 2012/5/28TYPE OF CONTAINERS: 40GPx12. 保险单中 保 财 产 保 险 有 限 公 司 The people's insurance (Property) Company of China, Ltd发票号码 保险单号次Invoice No. Policy No海 洋 货

18、 物 运 输 保 险 单MARINE CARGO TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE POLICY被保险人: (1) Insured:BAOTOU ALUMINIUM CO.,LTD NO.1 ALUMINUM ROAD,BAOTOU,CHINA中保财产保险公司(以下简称本公司)根据被保险人的要求,及其所缴付约定的保险费,按照本保险单承担险别和背面所载条款与下列特别条款承保下列货物运输保险,特签发本保险单。 This policy of Insurance witness that The People's Insurance (Property) Company Of

19、China, Ltd(hereinafter called“The Company”),at the request of the Insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid by the Insured,undertakes to insure the undermentioned goods in transportation subject to the conditions of this Policy as per the Clauses printed overleaf and other special clau

20、ses attached hereon.保险货物项目Description of Goods包装 单位 数量Packing Unit Quantity保险金额Amount Insured(2)USD66145.52承保险别 货物标记Conditions (3) COVERING ALL RISKS AND WAR RISK AS PER CIC Marks of Goods 总保险金额:Total Amount Insured.保费 载运工具 开航日期PremiumPer conveyance Slg. On or Abt 起运港 目的港 From To所保货物,如发生本保险单项下可能引起索赔

21、的损失或损坏,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。如有索赔,应向本公司提交保险单正本(本保险单共有(4) 3 份正本)及有关文件。如一份已用于索赔,其余正本则自动失效。In the event of loss or damage which may result in a claim under this Policy, immediate notice must be given to the Company's agent as mentioned hereunderClaims,if any, one of the Original Policy which has been iss

22、ued in Original(s) together with the relevant documents shall be surrendered to the Company, if one of the Original Policy has been accomplished,the others to be void.中保财产保险有限公司THE PEOPLE'S INSURANCE (PROPERTY) COMPANY OF CHINA,LTD.赔偿地点 签发日期 签发地点Claim payable at(5)BANGKOKDate(6)JUN. 24,2012(之前都可

23、以).atDALIAN3. 装箱单Reefer Temperature Required冷藏温度 ºC ºFCONTAINER LOAD PLAN装 箱 单Class 等级IMDG Page危规页码UN NO.联合国编号Flashpoint 闪点Ships Name/Voy No.船名/航次 ATLANTA V.008E Port of Loading装港 Port of Discharge 卸港 Place of Delivery 交货地 SHIPPERS/PACKERS DECLARATIONS:Container No. 箱号(1) CCL2832761 Bill o

24、f LadingNO. 提单号 Packages &Packing件数与包装Gross Weight毛重Measurements尺码 Description of Goods货名 Marks&Numbers唛头 Seal No.封号(2) 46765(5) 300 CARTONS(6)24000KGS(7) 46CBM或46M3(8)N/MCont. Size 箱型20 40 45(3) 40'Cont. Type. 箱类 (4) GPISO Code For Container Size/Type箱型/箱类 ISO 标准代码Packers Name/Address装箱

25、人名称/地址TEL NO.电话号码Packing Date 装箱日期Received By Drayman 驾驶员签收及车号Total Packages 总件数 Total Cargo Wt 总货重Total Meas总尺码Remarks:备注Packed BY: 装箱人签名Received By Terminals/Date Of Receipt 码头收箱签收和收箱日期Cont. Tare Wt.集装箱皮重(9)3600KGSCgo Cont Total Wt货箱总重量(10)27600KGS试题代码: 1.2.1试题名称:海运整箱货进口运输操作1进口提货单填制进口集装箱货物提货单DELIV

26、ERY ORDER港区场站 换单日期收货人名称(1)SHANGHAI XIANSHI INTERNATIONAL TRADE CORP.收货人开户银行与账号船名(2)GULF SPIRIT 航次(3)002-1起运港(4)KEELUNG目的港(5)SHANGHAI船舶预计到港时间(6)2007/09/01提单号(7)KEESH708450K02交付条款(8)CY/CFS卸货地点 进库场日期第一程运输标记与集装箱号(9)N/MOOLU3157264 货名(10)NYLON TRILOBALCRINKLE 集装箱数或件数(11)114ROLLS重量(KGS)(12)2218.54KGS体积(M3)

27、(13)4.52CBM或4.52M3收货人章海关章检验检疫章试题代码: 1.2.2 试题名称:海运整箱货进口运输操作1进口提货单填制进口集装箱货物提货单DELIVERY ORDER港区场站 换单日期收货人名称(1)DAWNING TRADING CORPORATION收货人开户银行与账号船名(2)ANGLE 航次(3)098起运港(4)HAMBURG目的港(5)SHANGHAI船舶预计到港时间(6)2012/5/12提单号(7)KH-SPTSC28交付条款(8)CY/CY卸货地点进库场日期第一程运输标记与集装箱号(9)CONTAINER NO. XYS20656087TARE 2800KGSS

28、EAL 008579KD-SPTSC08SPORTARHUMBURGNO.1-UP货名(10)DUMBBELL集装箱数或件数(11)170 CTNS重量(KGS)(12)17000KGS体积(M3)(13)24 CBM或24 M3收货人章海关章检验检疫章试题代码: 1.3.1试题名称:拼箱货运输操作Bill of ladingShipper(2)SINOTRANS SHANGHAI CORPORATIONB/L No.(1) COSU20100115RECEIVED by the carrier as specified below in apparent good order and con

29、dition unless otherwise stated, the goods shall be transported to such place as agreed, authorized or permitted herein and subject to all the terms and conditions whether written, typed, stamped, printed, or incorporated on the front and reverse side hereof which the Merchant agrees to be bound by a

30、ccepting this Bill of Lading, any local privileges and customs notwithstanding.The particulars given below as stated by the shipper, the weight, measure, quantity condition, contents and value of goods are unknown to the carrier.In WITNESS whereof one (1) original Bill of Lading has been signed if n

31、ot otherwise stated below, the same being accomplished the other(s), if any, to be void, if required by the carrier one (1) original Bill of lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order.ORIGINALConsignee (3)NIPPON EXPRESS CO.,LTD.OSAKA BRANCH OC-1,5-89,6-CHOME

32、 NANKO,HIGASHI SUNINOE-KU,OSAKA JAPAN 559-0031TEL:81666125111 FAX 81666125050Notify Party(4)SAME AS CONSIGNEE或NIPPON EXPRESS CO.,LTD.OSAKA BRANCH OC-1,5-89,6-CHOME NANKO,HIGASHI SUNINOE-KU,OSAKA JAPAN 559-0031TEL:81666125111 FAX 81666125050Precarriage by*Place of Receipt*Vessel Voy. No. Port of Load

33、ing Port of Discharge Place of Delivery*PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY THE MERCHANTContainer No./Seal No.Marks & Numbers(5)N/MCN/SN:COSU3615639/C738693No. of Containers or Packages(6)215PKGSDescription of Goods(7)CONSOLIDATED CARGO COTTON PRINTS TOY HARDWARE TOOLS 1*20GPSHIPPERS LOAD,COUNT AND SEAL, S

34、AID TO CONTAIN FREIGHT COLLECTGross Weight(8)ON BOARD19340KGSMeasurement(9)23.882CBM或23.882M3TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS (10)OR PACKAGES (IN WORD) SAY TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN PACKAGES ONLYFreight & ChargesRateUnitPrepaidCollectExcess Value DeclarationTemperature ControlInstructionsIN WITNESS of t

35、he number of original Bills of Lading stated above have been signed, one of which being accomplished, the other(s) to be void.盖签单章 FOR THE CARRIERPrepaid at Payable atNumber of Original Bills of Lading Place of DATE issue * Applicable only when Document used as a Combined Transport Bill of LadingSCL

36、 STANDARD FORM 2003试题代码: 1.3.2 试题名称:拼箱货运输操作Bill of ladingShipper(2)TIANJIN QIHUA GARMENTS CO.,LTD. 5 XINMEI ROAD, HUAYUAN ZONE, NANKAI DISTRICT, CHI- TIANJINB/L No.(1) SNL JP62912356RECEIVED by the carrier as specified below in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise stated, the goods sha

37、ll be transported to such place as agreed, authorized or permitted herein and subject to all the terms and conditions whether written, typed, stamped, printed, or incorporated on the front and reverse side hereof which the Merchant agrees to be bound by accepting this Bill of Lading, any local privi

38、leges and customs notwithstanding.The particulars given below as stated by the shipper, the weight, measure, quantity condition, contents and value of goods are unknown to the carrier.In WITNESS whereof one (1) original Bill of Lading has been signed if not otherwise stated below, the same being acc

39、omplished the other(s), if any, to be void, if required by the carrier one (1) original Bill of lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order.ORIGINALConsignee (3)AMERICAN MANHATTAN OTTO DRESS CO., LTD. 46; 22113 MANHATTAN 20457 NEW YORK ; USATEL:81666125111 FA

40、X 81666125050Notify Party(4)SAME AS CONSIGNEE或AMERICAN MANHATTAN OTTO DRESS CO., LTD. 46; 22113 MANHATTAN 20457 NEW YORK ; USATEL:81666125111 FAX 81666125050Precarriage by*Place of Receipt*Vessel Voy. No. Port of Loading Port of Discharge Place of Delivery*PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY THE MERCHANTContai

41、ner No./Seal No.Marks & Numbers(5)N/MMCSU4597787/M738693No. of Containers or Packages(6)315PKGSDescription of Goods(7)CONSOLIDATED CARGO COTTON PRINTS TOY HARDWARE TOOLS 1*20GPSHIPPERS LOAD,COUNT AND SEAL, SAID TO CONTAIN FREIGHT PREPAIDGross Weight(8)ON BOARD20340KGSMeasurement(9)33.882CBM或33.8

42、82M3TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS (10)OR PACKAGES (IN WORD) SAY THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN PACKAGES ONLYFreight & ChargesRateUnitPrepaidCollectExcess Value DeclarationTemperature ControlInstructionsIN WITNESS of the number of original Bills of Lading stated above have been signed, one of which being

43、 accomplished, the other(s) to be void.盖签单章 FOR THE CARRIERPrepaid at Payable atNumber of Original Bills of Lading Place of DATE issue * Applicable only when Document used as a Combined Transport Bill of LadingSCL STANDARD FORM 2003试题代码: 1.3.3 试题名称:拼箱货运输操作Bill of ladingShipper(2)QINGDAO MINJIA INTER

44、NATIONAL CO.,LTDNO.226 CHANGJIANG MIDDLE ROAD,QINGDAO ECONOMIC & TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE,CHINAB/L No.(1) DSEPSSC01-APORT TO PORT OR COMBINED TRANSPORTRECEIVED by the carrier as specified below in apparent good order and condition unless otherwise stated, the goods shall be transported to such

45、 place as agreed, authorized or permitted herein and subject to all the terms and conditions whether written, typed, stamped, printed, or incorporated on the front and reverse side hereof which the Merchant agrees to be bound by accepting this Bill of Lading, any local privileges and customs notwith

46、standing.The particulars given below as stated by the shipper, the weight, measure, quantity condition, contents and value of goods are unknown to the carrier.In WITNESS whereof one (1) original Bill of Lading has been signed if not otherwise stated below, the same being accomplished the other(s), i

47、f any, to be void, if required by the carrier one (1) original Bill of lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order.ORIGINALConsignee (3)TO ORDER OF EUROASIA CO.A/SNotify Party(4)EUROASIA CO.A/SNO.25,VIGERSLEV ALLE,DK-2500 VALBY COPENHAGEN,DENMARKPrecarriage b

48、y*Place of Receipt*Vessel Voy. No. Port of Loading Port of Discharge Place of Delivery*PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY THE MERCHANTContainer No./Seal No.Marks & Numbers(5)R.B.SE05-19001COPENHAGENNO.1-1200No. of Containers or Packages(6)240 CTNSDescription of Goods(7)PHOENIX BRAND BICYCLEONE SET IN ONE CARTONSYE803 100CTNSTE600 140CTNSFREIGHT COLLECTJH-FLSSC01USD60.00/SETON BOARD Gross Weight(8)4800KGSMeasurement(9)38.4CBM或38.4M3TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS (10)OR PACKAGES (


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