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1、课题 Unit1 We have new friends lesson 1教学目标知识目标1能够正确地听、说、认读英语国家Britain的名称;2能够正确地听、说、读、写以下单词:hello, hi, I, am能力目标3能够正确地听、说、认读涉及住址的句子:I come from (Britain).4在适当的情景中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子:Im (Bob). Im (eleven).情感价值进一步提高对英语学习的热情,培养更加稳定的学习兴趣。能积极主动地参与课堂活动,在情景对话中大胆开口,主动模仿。教学重点 I'm Bob. I'm elevenI come from

2、 BritainI'm Zhou Pei. I'm tenI come from Beijing教学难点 We have two new friends In our classWelcome to classCome to the frontGo back to your seat课时数2教学过程l. 热身复习(WarmingupRevision)1) 播放Where are you from?和歌曲 How old are you?的磁带。2) 让学生齐唱以上两首歌曲,在欢快的音乐中复习Where are you from?Im from China. How old ar

3、e you?Im seven. 等表达方式,为本课教学内容的学习做好铺垫。2. 新课导入(Presentation)1) 展示本课的教学挂图,让学生观察。2) 教师指着挂图,让学生了解会话情景及会话的主要内容。以下是供教师参考的教学语言(学生回答略):Where is this?Can you guess?(教师指着整幅场景图)Yes, its in a classroom.This is Miss Liu, the English teacher(指着Miss Liu)Look at this boy.(指着 Bob)His name is Bob. Bob is a fat boy.Wha

4、t color is his hair?Yes, its yellow.And look at this girl.(指着Zhou Pei)Her name is Zhou Pei. Zhou Pei has big eyes.Her hair is long. What color is her hair?Yes, its black.Zhou Pei and Bob are our new friends.Where are they from?Can you guess?3) 引导学生通过头发颜色等外部特征猜测Zhou Pei和Bob可能来自什么地方。最后教师告诉学生答案:Zhou Pe

5、i is from Beijing. She is a Chinese girl.Bob is from Britain. He is an English boy.(板书Britain并解释其词义)4) 提出问题:How old is Zhou Pei?How old is Bob?Do you know?Listen to the tape and try to find the answer.5)播放录音,让学生听后回答问题,可以根据情况多放几遍录音。6)选几个学生回答问题,教师应耐心引导并给以鼓励。7)再播放录音,让学生核对以上问题的答案。注:如果恰好真的有新同学插班,教师一定要抓住机

6、会,灵活地做好准备,用真实的对话代替上面的有关步骤。因为新来的学生可能会有些拘束,教师在整个教学过程中应给新同学更多的关照,注意耐心引导并鼓励新同学积极发言。3. 趣味操练(Practice)l)教师拿出事先准备好的“名片”,让学生抽签得到自己的一份。教师指导学生填写自己的姓名、年龄、性别,然后记住各自“名片”上的出生地。最后向全班同学做自我介绍。以下教学语言可供教师参考:Now, boys and girls,look at your name cards. Write your names and your ages on the cards in English. Then tell y

7、our classmates:Whats your name?How old are you?Are you a boy or a girl?Where are you from?2)选几名学生到讲台上来,向大家作自我介绍。T:A, come to the front and introduce yourself to your classmates, please.A:T:Thank you, A!You did very well. Go back to your seat, please.教师与同学共同给予评价。3)另外选几名学生两人一组,到讲台上来,拿着“名片”互相对话。参考对话如下:

8、A:Hi, B!How old are you?B:Im 10. And you?A:Im 11.B:where are you nom?A:Im from Shanghai. And you?B:Im from Hainan.4)再次播放对话录音,让学生看着挂图逐句模仿跟读。5) 选几个接受快的学生戴上Zhou Pei和 Bob的头饰,教师扮演 Miss Liu,三人到讲台上来,和全班学生(Class)一起,分角色重现本课对话。6) 鼓励全班学生四人一组,分角色演练本课对话。对话熟悉后,替换自己的真实姓名和年龄,进行真实对话。课后反思课题Unit1 We have new friendsle

9、sson 2教学目标知识目标:要求听、说、认读的单词是: Britain,Australia,New Zealand; 要求听、说、读、写的单词和缩写形式是:I,am,Im;句子是:Im Bob. Im elevenI come from Britain.能力目标:能听懂,会说要求的单词和句子情感价值:进一步提高对英语学习的热情,培养更加稳定的学习兴趣。能积极主动地参与课堂活动,在情景对话中大胆开口,主动模仿。教学重点学习和练习正确书写四会单词:I,am,Im和四会句子:Im Bob. Im elevenI come from Britain.教学难点通过创设真实典型的语言情景,让学生在轻松、

10、愉快的气氛中,通过小组活动和完成任务的方式,自然运用所学知识,提高语言运用能力。课时2教学过程1. 热身复习 (Warming-upRevision)趣味搭配连词成句游戏:将学生分成A、B、C三组。运用本课新学的表达方式,滚动复习前四册的词汇。A组学生共同列出以前学过的称呼名、职业名和动物名称。如:uncle,son,daughter,sister,grandma,grandpa,girl,boy,teacher,student,driver,postman,nurse,doctor, rabbit,quail,panda,owl,mouse,monkey,lion,kangaroo,goos

11、e,duck,turkey等。B组学生随机列出1至100的年龄。如:8,1l,16,32,46,72,86,99等。C组学生列出学过的国家名和地点名。如:Canada,America,England,Singapore,the Great Wall,park,ZOO,home,bedroom,living room,kitchen,class,school等。然后,三组学生搭配成句,展开对话。例如A:I'm a panda.B:I'm 8.C:I'm from China.2. 新课导入(Presentation)1)给学生3分钟时间,观察课本第3页上的三个小图片,用最

12、快的速度记住图片上的内容,包括人名、年龄和国籍以及国旗的式样。2) 选9名学生到讲台上来,其中3名分别拿着英国、澳大利亚和新西兰的国旗,教师把Ben,Bill,Betty三个人名小声分配给三名不拿国旗的学生,把年龄ten,eleven和twelve分别小声告诉另外三名不拿国旗的学生。3) 指导学生按I'm Ben. Im ten. I'm from Britain.的顺序对号说出句子,并对号站成组。比一比谁说得好,站得对。随后教师和学生共同评价,选出最佳合作组,给以奖励。此游戏可以根据学生人数反复进行。4) 教师可以根据情况,补充更丰富的内容,以满足学生的实际需要。课本第3页的

13、最后张图表是空白的,目的是为了让学生根据实际情况填写真实内容。5) 教师在黑板上示范板书Just write部分的单词和句子,一边写边读,写完后让学生齐声朗读。然后,选几名学生到黑板上仿写。3. 趣味操练(Practice)1) 选两组学生,在黑板上进行单词拼写接力比赛。人数由单词的字母数决定。 如:friend有6个字母,所以每组由6个学生组成。让学生先排好队,教师读出单词后发出口令begin,学生开始比赛,每人写个字母,看哪个组先写完单问,写得既正确又美观。此类活动可以很好地培养学生的团队精神和合作意识,同时在竞争的气氛中巩固单词的拼写。每次比赛练习完新学生词后,还可以选择前四册学过的些四

14、会单词作为复习内容进行比赛。2) 检查学生绘制各国国旗的情况。师生共同评价,选出绘制精美的各国国旗各一个,然后让学生按课本第4页的提示,分成7个小组,教师可以加入其中一个小组成为队员。每组选出一名“队长”,负责本队队员的自我介绍顺序和各成员介绍的评价记录。各队队员依次到讲台上,用前面学过的有关语句作自我介绍。介绍的语言除了姓名、年龄、国籍外,还可以灵活加入其他信息。3) 让学生在各组内交流自己搜查资料的收获,大家一起把所有组内队员的资料汇总成表格,并把有关图片粘贴在相应的位置上,做成“小报纸”。贴在墙报栏上供全班同学交流、评价。最后选出优胜组,奖给小红花。4) 播放chant录音,让学生听两遍

15、。教师解释Berlin和baby的意思。再播放录音,让学生跟着模仿。教师可以引导学生加上一些动作。如:说到baby时,做小孩子动作,说到big时,做大块头动作。最后,让学生自己拍手打节奏,齐声说chant。课后反思 课、章、节Unit 1课题Lesson 3课时1授课日期教学目标1. Knowledge aims: Mast the new dialogue. 2. Ability aims: To train the students skill to listen say read and act.3. Emotion aims. To make the students to be in

16、terested in English.教学重点Where do you come from? I come from France.Where are you from? Im from Germany.教学难点Do you like singing? Yes, I do. I like both singing and dancing. Let us sing a song together.课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作教学过程Step 1 Revision1) Sing a song.Where are you from?How old are

17、you?2)Dictation.Step 2 Presentation:1)Listen to the tape.2)Teach the new sentences. Do you like singing? Yes, I do. I like both singing and dancing. Let us sing a song together.3)Listen and repeat.4)Practice reading in group.5)Act out the dialogue.Step 3Comprehension.1)Act out this dialogue in group

18、s2)Make up new dialogue in groupsStep 4 Applications1)Make up a short summary about this lesson. 2)Praise those who learned well.Step 5 Homework.1)Listen to the tape at home.2)Make up the new dialogue.板书设计Lesson3Where do you come from? I come from France. Where are you from? Im from Germany.教学反思 课、章

19、、节Unit 1课题Lesson 4课时1授课日期教学目标1.Knowledge aims:New words: where from Russia France GermanySentences: Where are you from? Im from China.2. Ability aims: Try to act out the dialogue.3. Emotion aims: To make the pupils to be interested in English.教学重点New words four skills: where from are you教学难点Sentence

20、s: Where are you from? Im from China. Where do you come from?I come from New Zealand.课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作教学过程Step 1 Revision1Ask and answer in pairs using these questions. Where are you from? Im from China. Where do you come from?I come from New Zealand.2Revise some old words and then

21、 play a game.Practice saying the sentences like this:A: Im a teacher.B: Im thirty forty.C: I come from Beijing.Step 2 Presentation.1.Teach the new words and sentences:New words: where from Russia France GermanySentences: Where are you from? Im from China2.Practice saying these sentences.I want a.I c

22、ome from3.Acording to these sentences practice saying pictures Step 3Practice. Divide the students into groups. Practice asking and answering.Step 4 Applications.1. Act out the dialogue in groups.2. Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns.Step 5 Homework1. Listen

23、to the tape at home. Make up the new dialogue.2. Copy the new words and sentences three time.板书设计Lesson 4New words: where from Russia France GermanySentences:Where are you from? Im from China.Where do you come from? I come from France.教学反思 课、章、节Unit1课题Lesson 5课时1授课日期教学目标1.Knowledge aims:The new word

24、s: city road streetThe new sentences: Whats your name? Where do you live?2. Ability aims: Try to act out the dialogue.3. Emotion aims: To make the pupils to be interested in English.课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作教学过程Step 1 Revision1) Revise the sentence pattern “I come from ”2) Make up a new di

25、alogue, and then act it out.Step 2 Knowledge1)Teach the new words: city street road2) Teach the new sentences: Lets be friends. Whats your name? My name is Where do you live?Step 3 Comprehension1)Look at the slide picture and listenListen and pointlisten and follow practise speaking in two stepspair

26、 work2) Play the tape and get the class to listen with their books closed.3) Act out this dialogue in pairs. Ask and answer according to the picture cards.Step 4 Applications1) Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns.2) Ask for volunteers to act out the dialogue.3

27、) Group work. Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue.4) Let the class make up similar dialogue.Step 5 Homework1) Listen to the tape at home.2) Make up the new dialogue.板书设计UNIT 1 We have new friendsLesson 5Lets be friends.Whats your name? My name is Where do you live?I live on(in)教学反思 课、章、节Un

28、it1课题Lesson 6课时1授课日期教学目标1.Knowledge aims: The new words: city road street Whats=what is my names =my name isThe new sentences: Whats your name? My names Carl.Where do you live? I live on (in)2. Ability aims: To train the pupils ability to read and write.3. Emotion aims: To make the pupils to be inte

29、rested in English.教学重点Whats=what is my names =my name is教学难点Whats your name? My names Carl.Where do you live? I live on (in)课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作教学过程Step 1 Revision1) Revise the sentence pattern: Whats your name? My names Carl.2) Revise some old words and then play a game.3) Lets sing

30、the old song.Step 2 Knowledge1)Teach the new words: what is youre your name in hats=what is my names =my name is2) Teach the new sentences: Whats your name? My names Carl. Where do you live? I live on (in)Let the pupils look at the pictures in your text books.Can you write them? Step 3 Comprehension

31、1)Look at the slide picture and listenListen and pointlisten and follow practise speaking in two stepspair work2) Act out this dialogue in pairs.Step 4 Applications1) Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns.2) Divide the class into boy team and girl team, get one

32、pupil from each of the team at once, and act out the dialogue.3) Group work. Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue.Step 5 Homework1) Listen to the tape at home.2) Make up the new dialogue and act it out.3) Copy the new words three times.板书设计UNIT 1 We have new friendsLesson 6Whats your name?

33、My names Carl.Where do you live? I live on (in)教学反思 课、章、节Unit 1课题Fun Facts课时1授课日期教学目标1.Knowledge aims:To learn fun Facts.2. Ability aims: Try to read the text.3. Emotion aims: To make the pupils to be interested in English.教学重点Read the text.教学难点New words and sentences课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小

34、组合作教学过程Step 1 Revision1) Revise the countries.2) Lets sing the old song.Step 2 Knowledge1) Teach the new words.2) Read and learn the text.3) Let the pupils look at the pictures in your text books.Step 3 Comprehension1)Look at the slide picture and listenListen and pointlisten and follow practise spe

35、aking in two stepspair work2) Try to read the text.Step 4 Applications1) Group work. Invite some pupils to read.Step 5 Homework1) Listen to the tape at home.2) Read the text.3) Copy the new words three times.板书设计UNIT 1 We have new friendsNew ZealandHistorySeaa land of firebe good for教学反思课、章、节Unit 2课

36、题Lesson 7课时1授课日期教学目标1.Knowledge aims: The new words: pretty cleverThe new sentences: Whats her name?Whos that girl? She has long hair and big eyes.2. Ability aims: Try to act out the dialogue.3. Emotion aims: Develop the ability use the new drills into the deferent situation.教学重点Whats her name? Whos

37、 that girl?教学难点She has long hair and big eyes.课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作教学过程Step 1 Revision1) Revise the sentence pattern: What class are you in?Im in Class One, Grade Five.2) Revise some old words such as Britain Australia New Zealand 3) Lets sing a song. Whats your name?Step 2 Knowledge1)

38、Teach the new words: pretty clever2) Teach the new sentences: Whats her name? Whos that girl? She has long hair and big eyes.Step 3 Comprehension1)Look at the slide picture and listenListen and pointlisten and follow practise speaking in two stepspair work2) Play the tape and get the class to listen

39、 with their books closed.3)Act out this dialogue in pairs. Ask and answer according to the picture cards.Step 4 Applications1) Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns.2) Get the students to discuss in groups and raise some question this dialogue.3) Get the class t

40、o practise the questions and answers in pairs.4) Group work. Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue.Step 5 Homework1) Listen to the tape at home.2) Make up the new dialogue.3) Copy the new words three times.板书设计 Lesson7Whats her name?Her name isWhos that girl?Shes教学反思 课、章、节Unit 2课题Lesson 8课时1

41、授课日期教学目标1.Knowledge aims:The new words: her his eye nose hairThe new sentences: Whats her name? Her name is Zhou Pei. Whats his name? His name is Peter.2. Ability aims: Draw your friends.3. Emotion aims: Love all kinds of activities.教学重点Whats her name? Her name is Zhou Pei.教学难点Whats his name? His na

42、me is Peter.课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作 教学过程Step 1 Revision1) Revise the sentence pattern “Whats your name?” 2) Revise some old words 3) Play a game.” What s missing?” about words for Unit Two.4) Make up a new dialogue, and then act it out.Step 2 Knowledge1) Teach the new words and sentences

43、, Teacher says: Whats your name? And then ask: Whats her name? Whats his name? 2) Lets sing: Whats your name?3)Introduce the new friends: Carl Cathy CarlaStep 3 Comprehension1) Play the tape and get the class to listen with their books closed.2) Look at the slide picture and listenListen and pointli

44、sten and follow practise speaking in two stepspair work3) Act out this dialogue in pairs.4) Lets find. Draw your friends and find him and her.5) Lets read and chant.Step 4 Applications1) Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns. 2) Ask for volunteers to act out the

45、 dialogue.3) Group work. Invite as many groups to act out the dialogue.4) Let the class make up new dialogue.Step 5 Homework1) Listen to the tape at home.2) Make up the new dialogue.板书设计Lesson 8Whats her name? Her name is Zhou Pei.Whats his name? His name is Peter.教学反思 课、章、节Unit 2课题Lesson 9课时1授课日期教学

46、目标1.Knowledge aims:To learn a new dialogue. 2.Ability aims :To make the students to be interested in English.3.Emotion aims:To make the students to be interested in English.教学重点my new friend at the art clubShe is smart How old is she?教学难点How old is she? My new friend at the art club课 型新授课教学媒体Cards、r

47、ecorder教学方法讲解、小组合作教学过程Step 1 Revision 1.Sing a song.Where are you from?How old are you?2.Revise some old words and then play a game.Step 2 Presentation:1.Teach the new words: at the art club little smart 2.Teach the new sentences:How old are you? How old is she? He is smart.3.Listen to the tape.4.Re

48、ad after the teacher.5.Practice reading in group.Step 3 Practice:1) Look at the slide picture , listen and practice speaking in two stepspair work2) Act out this dialogue in situations.Step 4 Applications1.Ask the pupils to make up dialogues in pairs by using the sentence patterns. Step 5 Homework1.

49、Listen to the tape at home.2.Make up the new dialogue.板书设计Lesson 9my new friend at the art clubHow old are you?How old is she? He is smart.教学反思 课、章、节Unit 2课题Lesson 10课时1授课日期教学目标1. Knowledge aims: New words: how old he she hes he is shes she is Sentences: How old are you? Im ten. How old is she he? H

50、e She is twelve.2Ability aims: Try to act out the dialogue.3Emotion aims: To make the pupils to be interested in English.教学重点how old he she smart active cute lovely教学难点How old are you? Im ten. How old is she he? He She is twelve.He She is active.课 型新授课 教学媒体Cards、recorder教学方法讲解、小组合作教学过程Step 1 Revisio

51、n1) Ask and answer in pairs using these questions. Whats your name? How old are you?Where are you from?2) Revise some old words and then play a game.Practice saying the sentences like this:A: Im a teacher.B: Im thirty forty.C: I come from Beijing.Step 2 Presentation.1)Teach the new sentences:How old are you? Im nine.How old is she? He She is twelve.2) Practice saying these sentences. He She is active.3) According to these sentences practice saying picture 1.2.3.and4.Step 3Practice. Divide the students into groups. Cute group and act group, practice asking and answering.Step 4 App


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