1、两宋院体花鸟画论文:从两宋院体花鸟画看现当代工笔花鸟画的 装饰性【中文摘要】在中国画中,工笔花鸟画是中国传统绘画体系中的 表现形式之一。中国绘画史表明,大多数工笔花鸟画都是选取形色俱 佳、姿态优美、富有特征的动物和植物入画,在表现形式上以线为主 要造型手段,以色辅之,并形成一定的绘制程序,以“写真”为,用笔的 细致精谨的造型、逼真的神态大都具有装饰情趣。然而,面对当代社 会生活的丰富性,面对当代人的审美情趣的多元化,面对西方文化的 冲击和现代社会文化环境与审美观念的影响,现当代工笔花鸟画在继 承传统工笔花鸟画的技法表现、美感形式、视觉传达与意境的基础上 进行的拓展显露出当下的文化语境和时代特征
2、,现当代工笔花鸟画装 饰性趣味的表现正是在这种情形下得到拓展。 本文通过对两宋院体花 鸟画和现当代工笔花鸟画造型语言的装饰性的分析与比较,研究现当 代工笔花鸟画在发展的过程中与工笔花鸟画的传统之间产生的的矛 盾。现当代工笔花鸟画面临继承传统与当下文化环境的矛盾,中国画 艺术本质的保持传统与拓展创新的矛盾。 保持传统就很难创作出有当 下文化审美情趣的作品,拓展创新又很难在当代文化环境下保持中国 画本质。在具有装饰意味的现当代工笔花鸟画中,尤其是当代工笔花 鸟画,其现实的色彩、时空结构虽然被扭曲了,但作品中的情调、意趣 都是统一的,它们又组成了另一种结构,使画面展示出更广阔的可见 与不可见的审美图
3、景,更加丰富了工笔花鸟画的绘画语言。但是当下 社会文化与传统文化产生的矛盾对现当代工笔花鸟画发展的影响,值 得我们重新审视、思考。在这种境况下我们应该正确面对矛盾,冷静 思考。【英文摘要】In Chinese painting, meticulous flower is the system oftraditional Chinese painting one of the mani festati ons. Painting Historyshows that most meticulous flower form, color and taste are selected,graceful
4、, rich features of animals and plants art, in the form of expressionin line as the main meansof modeling, Israel supplemented, and theformation of a certain drawing program to “write ” for the purpose of thedetailed fine pen like shape, most realistic mannerwith decorative appeal.However, faced with
5、 the richness of con temporary social life, in the faceof con temporary people s aesthetic taste of the diverse face of theimpact of Western culture and modern social and cultural environmentandaesthetic concepts, the traditional flower of meticulous draw ing tech nique, aesthetic form, create a moo
6、d of visual com muni cati on and revealevery mome nt of the cultural con text and characteristics of the times,moder n and con temporary decorative flower meticulous performa nee isin teresti ng in this case be expanded. Based on the academySong birdand flowerMeticulous con temporary decorative styl
7、e of Ian guage an alysis andcomparis on of bird in the developme nt of moder n andcon temporary fine brushwork and meticulous process betwee n the traditional flower of the con flict. Con temporary fine brushwork bird facing thetradition and contradictions in con temporary culturalen vir onment, tom
8、ai ntai n the esse nee ofChin ese pain ti ng traditi on and inno vati on to expa nd the con flict. It isdifficult to main tai n traditi onal culture to create a con temporaryaesthetic works hard to develop inno vative and con temporary cultural envir onment to mai nta in the esse nee of Chin ese pai
9、n ti ng. In adecorative meansof moder n and con temporary fine brushwork bird,especially con temporary fine brushwork bird, its real color, although thespace-time structure was distorted, but works in the atmosphere, charmare uni fied, they are ano ther form structure, so that the scree n show abroader aesthetic visible and the inv isible picture, more enrichedmeticulous flower painting Ianguage. But whenthe social and culturalconflicts that arise with the traditional culture of con temporary finebrushwork of flower devel
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