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1、 Some Suggestions forTranslation of the CET-4考试题型 大学英语四级考试的汉译英部分包含五个句子,每句话都由一部分汉语和一部分英语构成,要求考生将其中的汉语部分翻译成英语.题号为87-91,总分值为5%,5分钟做完.做题四步法步骤一:通读全文,确定语法成分.例: (她目不转睛地看着窗外),she told us that our friend Tom had died in the air crash. (Keeping her eyes fixed out of the window; Staring out of the window; With

2、 her eyes fixed out the window; Her eyes fixed out of the window.) 步骤二:审查时态,决议表达方式.例:Since were here (我们不如四处看看)(we may as well look around.)步骤三:付诸笔墨,保证拼写无误.步骤四:重新审题,确定句法合理.适用汉译英技巧恰中选词尽量防止过于笼统的词选用其下义词或更确切的词例如:He is a good man.就不如He is a kind-hearted man.确切“他养了一条牧羊犬翻译为“He raised a dog. 就不如“He raised a

3、 sheperd dog.准确中英文句式之间的对应与转换 有些中文句子构造与含义可以对应英文中的某些句型如“只需在海洋中我们才干发现鲸鱼译为“Only in the ocean can we find whales.3.词性的转换名词转换成动词如:查理的梦想是未来成为一个侦探“梦想是名词译为:Charlie dreams of becoming a detective in the future. (dreams是动词) 动词转换成名词如:用害怕这个词来描画能够会更准确“描画是动词译为:Afraid would be a more accurate description. (“descrip

4、tion是名词名词转换成描画词如:吉姆胜利的能够性很小“能够性是名词译为:It is almost unlikely/impossible for Jim to succeed. (“unlikely/impossible都是描画词描画词转换成名词如:在这紧张的时辰他感到非常紧张“紧张的是描画词译为:The intensity of the moment filled his mind with intensity. (“intensity是名词构造对比汉语前因后果,英语前果后因。就逻辑而言,汉语重心后置,大部分基于现实的结果和结论都安排在后面。英语那么不然,它的重心前置,即先阐明结果,再述缘

5、由。例如: 汉语;付费后他就可以走了。 对应:You can leave after you pay for the bill.汉语中常用人做主语,英语却常用物做主语 汉语:他还有一大堆任务等着去做。 对应:The stacks of paper bore witness to a huge amount of work waiting to be done.汉语多自动,英语多被动 汉语:在他的国家内,美圆在任何一家银行都可以自在兑换。 对应:US dollars can be exchanged at will in any bank in his country.双重否认人人都有脾气。 T

6、here is nobody but has a temper.没有无例外的规那么。 There is no rule but has a exception.常见的双重否认构造有:不是正是 no other than再也不 not too没有 就不 not without没有 没有的 no not没有 不能的. Hardlynot定语从句1. 后置法: 汉语经常将描画词和修饰词置于主词之前,而英语那么将定语从句置于被修饰词之后。例如:小男孩一动不动盯着餐桌上的食物的眼神阐明他很饿。整句翻译:The little boys eyes that were fixed on the food on

7、 the table showed he was hungry.2. 合并法: 假设汉语是由两个并列句构成,且关键词反复,这时可以思索运用非限定性定语从句翻译该句。例如:他将本人的青春无私地奉献给了医学研讨,这项研讨使世界上更多的人得到幸福。 He dedicated his youth unselfishly to the medical study, which has enabled more people to gain happiness in the world.3. 交融法: 有些汉语句子看起来相对独立,但它们之间有着严密的逻辑关系,这种情况下,需找出共同项,作为定语从句的关联词

8、。 如:他和助手谈过话。助手表示一定会尽力帮他度过难关。 He had a talk with his assistant, who assured him that he would do his best to help him out. 4. There be 构造法 有些句子可以用there be 构造翻译,原语中的谓语部分那么以定语从句方式出现. 例如:许多在西部的孩子由于贫困而停学。 There are many children in West China who dropped out of school because of poverty.5. 带介词的定语从句 我刚刚和她

9、说话的那个姑娘是我表妹。 The girl to whom I just spoke is my cousin. 我指的就是这个人。 This is the man to whom I referred. 他们寻觅的文件曾经找到了。 The documents for which they were searching have been found. 这是一个我们能够长时间争论的问题。 This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while. 强调句式1.描画词very强调。 例如: 正是在这个房间,他们讨论这个艰苦事件。

10、They discussed the great event in this very room.2. 助动词do/does/did强调。例如:一定要进来喝杯茶。 Do come in and have a cup of tea.3. 句式It isthat/who强调。强调句构造可以强调主语、状语、定语等成分。4. 强调方式方法时,副词或介词短语出如今句首起强调作用,此时句子倒装。例如:只需用这种方式,才干吸引他的留意。 Only in this way can his attention be attracted. 倒装句式.汉语无主语的句子常译成由副词there, here, now,

11、then等出如今句首引导的倒装句。 铃响了。There goes the bell. 瞧,约翰来了。 Here comes John. 如今该他啦。 Now comes your turn. 这时又出现了一个新困难。 There came a new difficulty. 也有由so, neither, nor引导的倒装句 “我喜欢这部电影。 “我也喜欢。 “I like this movie. “So do I. 他再没去过,也没写信负疚。 He never went again, nor did he write to apologize.2. 有些带有退让从句的句子可运用对应的倒装句式

12、。 他虽然聪明,却没有多少洞察力。 Smart as he was, he had not much insight. 虽然我作了很大努力,却无法使他改动主意。 Try as I would, I could not make him change his mind. 3. 汉语句子出现强调方位或方式的短语时,英文部分状语提早,此时句子倒装,句中的谓语动词常用不及物动词。 门道里站着一个拿枪的人。 In the doorway stood a man with a gun. 它旁边有一堆纸杯。 Next to it stood a pile of paper cups. 在前面坐着一位老妇人。

13、 Ahead sat an old woman. 嗖的一声,箭被射上了天。 Up went the arrow into the air. 呼地从丛林中冲出一只老虎。 Out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.4. 英文否认副词在句首时,句子倒装。 过去很少有这样愉快的会议。 Seldom has there been such a happy meeting. 不仅他的话说的更正确,而且讲得也更流利了。 Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more freely. 她刚到就下起雨来。 H

14、ardly had she arrived when it began to rain. 我从来没有见过这么美丽的女孩。 Never have I seen such a pretty girl. 他刚睡下铃就响了。 No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang again. 我永远都不会忘记我们在一同的日子。 Never shall I forget our days together.5. 英语介词短语或副词在句首时,句子倒装。 这个门绝对不能翻开。 On no account must this door be opened

15、. 直到我看过他的信,我才了解到真相。 Not until I had read your letter did I understand the truth. 在任何情况下,我都不会赞同他刚刚说的话。 Under no circumstances could I agree with what you just said. 他讲话声音那么大,隔壁屋里的人都听得见。 So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.虚拟语气:条件从句If从句 主句与现在事实相反 did/werewould+do(sh

16、ould/could/might)与过去事实相反 had donewould+have done (should/could/might与将来事实相反 did/were should+do were to dowould+do(should/could/might) If I were you, I would express my love to her. If I knew your name, I would call you. If I were a Janpanese, I would speak Janpanese. If he had told me the truth earl

17、ier (他假设能早些通知我实话),I would have helped him. If it had been a sunny day, we would have gone climbing. (我们就会去爬山)。 If I hadnt said such words to him, (假设我不给他说那样的话),he would not have left the home. If he had not missed the interview, he would have been elected the vice-manager. (他就会被选为副总理) If +subject+were/had/should. =were/had/should+subject+ It is/was important/essential/necessary. +that.(should) doe.gIt is necessary


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