1、国家开放大学试题2021国家开放大学电大专科商务英语1期末试题及答案试卷号:3897盗传必究一 文豚用增共计1。分.每小W2分1一5 :眼豪对话内客迭择恰当的选项.L Think you very much for helping me*A. You1 re welcome.氏 It doent matter.C. No need.2. Helk>« Lucy. How are youAnd you?A. Finj thank>>B. Yes. 1 «nuQ Glad to meet yoit3. Help yourself to wme fish.A.
2、It sounds nice.B. Thank you.C. Yrs. please.L Good marrnng. Far Eas: Logtsncs Company. This ts bn FUnxue May I hdp you?N Good morning > Ms. Lin. Nice to meet ygK、e think yowC. Good morning. Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speakings5Herr ytro aret Sir.N All right.Bl Yese here we arc.C Thank you ve
3、ry much.二国汇与结构共计30分.每小U2分6-20 :AS下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中逸出一个茬填入空白处的隹选项.6. There many people running tn the park every morning.A is& wereG are7. These police oftenthe children across the streetsA. helpB. belpBQ is helping8. It u better to teD someone to net it .A. fixK h*ed<'. fixmi9. Thr tm dsy
4、 display and tale finrsbed tomorrowA. isR would beC. will be10. Yem er* planning to export this product to Europe99A. don#t youH <rtnfl youC are youIL Markets arc the *y«tetn that tome people" dem«nd» and >omc otherpeopled ,叩pbe,A reject*A meet»G brid<nI2« Smal
5、l holo should be made in thecloth to let the moisture out.A< dry& waterproof:U wet)3. !packing in wooden c*ms>A- preferH getG think14. ril the remittance for you in our records.A. check inB check outC. check up15. There arr some visirnrsio our marketing department next week.A. come:B to ro
6、mingC. cotning16. The woolen glavr shouldin twenty boxes.be packed矗 PkC be packing1. Bin the charge will be _ »nd it aho slows down delivery.A. marc vnluableBt cheaperC, higher18. I'd like to know what time we can get the containerit is 泊 the portA. whyB whenC< where19. The third part is
7、 theresults.A. expectC. expectedH. rxpecting20. 18 o( the EU members have rrplacrd thrir nnttonal currencies by Euro note* and troinn 2002.A. forB. at( flince三、何读埋11(共计40分佃小H 4分)21-25 n:««T列斌文,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正答案.Everyone hkr living in n rlran and comFonable environments If the cnvironntcni
8、 bad. it will nUcci our body, and make 眼 not (ecl wrlL Somelirncji we mny be terribly ill At that time wc don't wnnt to work# find wc have to my in bed and rest at home So the environment is very importAnt to u*.hS I he Kcrm lhai nwikrii 11s ill. There ftre germn everywhere 1 hey are very small
9、and you can1! find them with your own eyes. You enn sec ihrm with n microscope. There m«y be hundreds of them nn very arnnll things Germs can Always be found tn diny water. When we look at dirty water under the mirroscopcr we shflll «cr them in iL Gernu can oiso be found in air and du»
10、;tf If you rut your linger> Home of the dust (rorn the floor mny go into it« and you will have much pAin in it. Somenmes thr Rtrm will gu into all ol your body. and you will have pnin everywhere.To kerp uw hralthy we should try our best 10 make aur environment became cleaner and tKlicr. Thi&
11、#187; needs iiu to act together2L Thr writer u» that A. we like working when we are illB» we canfT (eel ill if the environment in badC. we feel well when the cnviranmcnt good22. Germu ireA. very small things that you am'I see with yaur eye*H. the things that don't effect peopleC. t
12、hr thinR» that you enn find with your cytn23. Where can germt be found? They can be found.A. everywhereB. in air and dustC. only in dirty water24. How will you frel if Rcrni> go into the Huger that in cut?A. I will cel nothing.H> I will feel termc.C 1 will feel painful.25. From the paiisB
13、K we know that.A. rnvironrnrnt d0c<mft nlfcct our lifeBt y ilon11 need to Improve our environmentG grrma may make u» ill2630 fl:阅读下面的句孑,根据文*内容进行判断.正确写 "T错误写 "广。Beadle stones> xenMhelkf paper precious metala such as gold and silver base nieuh such bs iron have all been rnted 心 mo
14、ney. Today money ix printed an papcr< A lol of countries use their own currency t with names such as dollar pound frjuuc< ruble yuan and so an. Since 2002. 18 of the EC members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes und coinstIf you want to pay for something in another currency
15、you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outride your nAtive country> you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visitingw Most large banks sell foreign currencies You can cxchnngc money at a bank or at an office of b toun
16、st agency.Wherever you go< rxrhanging money puts you in lourh with internallonnl finance which is concerned w;th exchange mte between different cijrrcncirse Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one nf the most complex aspects of intrrnntiona】 banking.26. Thh best title for
17、 this passage in wThe History of Monty.27. Euro is available in all EU member countnen.28. Foreign exchange rates have significant impact on the economy of country29. Currency me/ins money in the form of paper.30. Bank* are a good option to gel your money exchanged.»3.财译共计20分,每小鹿4分31 35:从以下入、B、
18、C三个选项中选捋出fll佳的翻漫.31. Letf s get down to buainesflA. 让我们坐下来谈买实吧!K我们一起做生意吧!G我们谈正事吧!32. I think it1 a preferable for you to change the brand name.A. 我认为您聚好换一个商标.B. 我宁愿让您换个商怵名.C. 我考虑您必须取消这个商标名.33. A job interview in n kind of rmploymcni tvsi «nd UMU/illy very forrmtl.A.1作rtfibt既贤一神虹业制试.也是形式上必要的.11求职HB试建-神就业侧域扁常IHB正式.C. 1。会使足一种崩伽醐试,湎常是很注威方式的.3 L Thrn the report was followed by « hcnird di "uyKn.A.报告之后是大家热烈的付怆.B. 热烈的讨论之后是一个报告C. 报告和讨抡都进行的很热烈,35. We* ve prepared the tuimc cards to be
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