1、实训项目一全国商务英语翻译考试(初级笔译)模拟测试一参考译文一、英译汉和汉译英句子1、 商标是商品不可分割的一部分,它也是企业的无形资产。The trade mark is an indivisible/inseparable part of commodity and it is also an intangible/invisible/immaterial assets of enterprises. 2. 外商在华直接投资主要有合资、合作和独资三种形式。There are three main forms for direct investments in China by foreig
2、n companies including joint venture, cooperation and sole proprietorship.3. 他正在办理离职手续,因此无权代表公司签订合同。He is going through the procedures of resignation and therefore has no right to sign any contract on behalf of the company. 4.我公司是东南亚地区最大的高尔夫设置销售代理商之一。我方对贵公司新开发的技术很感兴趣。有关我方信誉的任何资料,请向香港的第一商业银行询问。We are
3、one of the biggest sales agents of Golf appliances in Southeast Region and are interested in your newly-developed techniques. Referring to any information about our reputation, please inquire the First Commercial Bank, Hong Kong. 5. 我们付高薪,提供往返机票及住处,仅象征性地收取住宿费We will offer excellent salary,and provid
4、e the round trip air ticket free of charge and adequate accommodation at a nominal rent. 6. If the colors we have ordered are not in stock, we will accept an alternative provided the designs are those stipulated on the order.如果我们订购的颜色没有库存,我们会接受替代品,条件是其设计与订单中规定的一致。7. Most sole proprietorships are rel
5、atively small business. The small scale reflects their limited financial resources.大部分个人独资企业是相对小的企业。小的规模正反映出它们有限的财务资源。8. If sales go as well as they should, thats still well within our profit margin. Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order.如果销售进展良好,我们的利润
6、仍在正常范围内。第一笔订单的销售收入就可以很容易支付第二笔订单的成本了。9. By the early 1990s, the companys market share had returned to 64 percent, a number could have been higher if it hadnt pre-sold its entire output by the middle of every year.到20世纪90 年代初,公司的市场份额已回归到64%,如果公司没有在每年年中就提前销售了全年的产出,这个数字还可以更高。10. We shall ship the assemb
7、led finished products to you at port of destination as instructed by you. All the shipping expenses shall be borne by you.我们会将装配好的成品按照你方指示运至你方目的港。所有运输费用将由你方承担。二、英译汉篇章1. Invoice No.: Policy No.: Insured:1. 发票号码: 保险单号码:投保人: Marine Cargo Transportation Insurance PolicyThis policy of insurance witnesses
8、 that the Peoples Insurance Company of China (hereinafter called “the Company”), at the request of the Insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid to the Company by the Insured, undertakes to insure the under-mentioned goods in transportation subject to the condition of this Policy as pe
9、r the clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.This policy of insurance witnesses that the Peoples Insurance Company of China (hereinafter called “the Company”), at the request of the Insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid to the Company by the Insured, und
10、ertakes to insure the under-mentioned goods in transportation subject to the condition of this Policy as per the clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.海运货物运输保险单本保险单证明中国人民保险公司(以下称为“本公司”), 鉴于投保人支付给该公司约定的保险费,应投保人请求,承诺按照下页印刷的条款以及以下所附的其他特殊条款,根据该保险单的条件为下列提到的货物投保。Description of
11、 GoodsPacking Unit QuantityAmount InsuredCondition: Marks of Goods: Total Amount InsuredPremium: Per Conveyance: Sig. On or Abt.:From: To:货物描述单位数量的包装投保金额条件: 货物的标志: 投保总金额:保险费: 运输工具: 运输时间约为:从: 至:LATE DELIER 交货延迟Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in this contract, with excep
12、tion of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 15 of this contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Seller agrees to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment.除合同第15款规定的不可抗力原因外,若卖方不能在合同规定的时间内按时交货时,卖方同意由付款银行从其货款中扣除一定的罚金,买方应同意其延期交货
13、。The penalty, however, shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days, less than seven days should be counted as seven days.然而, 罚金不应超过延迟交货所涉及的货物其总金额的5%。 罚金额度为每7天收0.5%, 不足7天以7天机算。In case the Seller fail to
14、 make delivery 10 weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in this Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this Contract and the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay. 如果卖方在合同规定的运输时间10周后仍不能交货,则卖方有权取消该合同,而卖方,尽管取消了合同,仍
15、应尽快将上述罚金支付给买方。The remedies provided hereunder constitute the full and final remedies available for delay.此处规定的补救措施即构成延迟交货的完整和最终的补救措施。三、汉译英篇章敬启者: 感谢贵公司7月18日来函附关于我方T型自行车之订单。 我们非常想接受贵方的订单,但是实在没有办法这样做。因为我们手中已有很多订单,厂家任务量很重,我们已无T型自行车现货可供。Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of July 18th enclosing the order
16、 for our bicycles in Type T.We would like to accept your order but regret to decline it because we are heavily committed to too many orders and can not supply you with Type T bicycles from stock now. 但我们想向贵方推荐我们的新产品K型自行车。我们觉得该产品的设计更有吸引力,也更为实用,只是在价格方面稍有不同。However, we would like to recommend you our n
17、ew product -Type K bicycle, which we think is more attractive in design and more practical but is slightly different in price. 对于K型自行车我们能够提供的最优惠的价格为澳大利亚悉尼到岸价每辆64美元。附有说明书的样品已空邮寄上。敬候佳音。We can quote the most favorable price for Type K bicycles at $64 per set CIF Sydney Australia. Besides, the sample ha
18、s been airmailed to you together with the Directions to Product Use. Looking forward to your good news.Yours sincerely,Wang Fei涉外商务谈判中一个重要特征就是文化差异。两种文化的歧义,必然给各国人民的文化、政治、经济交流形成一定的障碍。文化差异不仅会影响到谈判双方对各种言行举止的运用和理解,而且会影响到谈判者的思考方式和各自的价值观念,并且会使得谈判者下意识地把这些观念带到谈判桌上来,致使谈判复杂化。2. Cultural difference is one of th
19、e important features of international business negotiations. Differences between the two cultures are bound to create barriers to cultural, political and economic exchanges among people of various countries. Cultural differences will not only affect negotiating parties use and understanding of manne
20、rs and speech, negotiators ways of thinking and their respective values, but also allow negotiators to bring these ideas to the negotiating table with them subconsciously, thus complicating the negotiation. 各国的国情风俗与价值观皆不相同,不可不察。比如,印度商人喜欢杀价;中东商人精打细算,既不让你多赚,但太少了也不敢;越南商人反复无常;日本商人耐心惊人,等等。因此,进行涉外商务谈判,首先必
21、须深入研究对方的文化特征,这样,才能提高谈判的效率,减少谈判中的失误。Different countries have their own national conditions, customs and set of values, which we must be aware of. For instance, Indian businessmen like to bargain; Middle East businessmen are good at calculating and budgeting, and they will not allow you to earn more b
22、ut dare not let you earn too little, either; Vietnamese businessmen change their minds constantly; Japanese businessmen have amazing patience, etc. Therefore, to have international negotiations, one needs an in-depth study of the cultural identity of their global counterpart so as to improve the eff
23、iciency of negotiations and reduce errors. 全国商务英语翻译考试(中级笔译)模拟测试题一参考译文Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese.1. 这套产品正在做促销,节日期间打六折。有本店会员卡的话,还可享受会员折扣,也就是“折上折”。参考译文:This product is on promotion now. Its 40% off during the holiday. If you get a (membership) card, you can en
24、joy member discount, be equivalent to “fold on fold”. (原创)2. 本公司是一家集专业研发、制造和销售于一体的高新技术企业。公司创建于1995年,现有生产用房两万多平方米,生产规模达年产5000万支节能灯。参考译文:(教材P71,2011年下原题,有改动)Our company, established in 1995, is a hightech company specializing in professional R&D, production and sales of energy-saving lamps. It hou
25、ses a total production space of over 20,000 square kilometers, with an annual manufacturing capacity of up to 50 million energy-saving lamps. 3. 这个行业被几家大公司把持着,我们公司属于小角色,必须通力合作,采取一致立场反对不正当竞争。参考译文:The industry is dominated by a couple of big firms, we belong to the small fry. We must cooperate with ea
26、ch other to take a unified position upon anti-illegal rival principle. 4. 在中国境内,禁止外币流通,商品买卖不得以外币计价结算。同时,人民币目前尚未成为自由兑换货币,在其它国家和地区无法使用人民币进行交易。参考译文:In China, the use of foreign currencies is prohibited for the procurement of goods and services and commodity trading can not be denominated in foreign cur
27、rencies. Meanwhile, RMB is not yet a freely convertible currency, and cannot be used for trading activities in other countries and regions.5. 据报道估计,今年国内游客将增加到19亿人次,比去年激增10%;总收入将达到9500亿人民币(约合1390亿美元),比去年增长8%。 参考译文:(教材P357)According to report estimates, the number of domestic tourists this year will i
28、ncrease by a robust 10 percent to 1.9 billion persons, and total revenues will gain 8 percent to reach 950 billion Yuan (139 billion).6. The minium tariff rates apply to imports originating in the countries with which China has concluded trade treaties or agreements with reciprocal favourable tariff
29、 clauses therein. 参考译文:对产自与中国订有关税互惠条款的贸易条约或协定的国家的进口货物,按照最低税率征税。7. Let no one nurse the vain hope of exploiting that example tomorrow in the negotiations which the question of economic transformation will require. 参考译文:(教材P274)明天在就经济改革问题进行谈判时,希望不要援引那个例子,因为那将是徒劳的。8. The amendment will be notified in w
30、riting to all prospective Bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents. The prospective Bidders shall promptly acknowledged receipt thereof. 参考译文:修改文件将以书面形式通知所有购买招标文件的未来投标人。未来投标人应立即以书面形式确认已收到该修改文件。9. Executives in Chinas steel industry and other sectors have been weighing possible options in res
31、ponse to the BHP move. One possible step is to step up Chinas overseas acquisitions efforts, to lock up as much as possible the worlds relatively few remaining deposits of mineral and other resources. 参考译文:中国钢铁业及其他行业的高官们一直在权衡各种可行措施,来应对BHP的行动。可行办法之一就是中国加大在海外的收购力度,将全球依然相对所剩无几的矿藏及其他自然资源尽可能地掌握在自己手中。10.
32、No one looking ahead 20 years possibly could have foreseen the ways in which a single invention, the chip, would transform our world thanks to its applications in presonal computers, digital communications and factory robots. 参考译文:没有哪一位展望未来20年的人能够预料到硅片这样一项发明,因其在个人电脑、数字通讯和工业机器人中的应用,会给我们的世界带来种种变化。Part
33、 Translate the following passages into Chinese.Passage 1Article 1 Party A agrees to buy from Party B and Party B agrees to sell to Party A Assembly Lines for Color TV Sets, whole specifications, technical requirements, price and delivery schedule shall be specified in additional contract to be made
34、between both parties, which shall serve as an integral part of this contract.Article 2 Party B shall buy from Party A Color TV Sets turned out on the Assembly Lines supplied by Party B in an amount approximately equal to that of the Assembly Lines. The quality, quantity, unit price, packing and deli
35、very schedule shall also be specified in an additional contract, which shall constitute an integral part of this contract.Article 3 Payment of the transactions stipulated in Article 1 shall be effected by reciprocal L/C. Party A shall open a usance L/C in favor of Party B to pay by installments the
36、entire cost of the Assembly Lines to be supplied by Party B; whereas Party B shall open a sight L/C in favor of Party A to pay each shipment of color TV sets to be delivered by Party A. The tenor of the usance L/C shall be in consistency with the term of compensation stipulated in Article 3. The tot
37、al proceeds received by Party A from selling color TV sets to Party B within the duration of this contract shall be equal to, and used to cover the total value of the Assembly Lines. In case the total proceeds received by Party A from selling color TV sets to Party B is not enough to cover the total
38、 value of the Assembly Lines, the balance shall be made up by Party B with down payment before the usance L/C opened by Party A expires, thus enabling Party A to effect payment due under the usance L/C.4、Party A shall pay the total cost of the Assembly Lines by exporting color TV sets to Party B wit
39、hin 10 months from the 4th month after all parts of the Assembly Lines are delivered. In principle, the amount to be paid by Party B for its imports from Party A per month shall be 10 percent of the total amount due to be paid for the Assembly Lines. Party A can make payment ahead of schedule with a
40、 notice to Party B 1 month in advance.参考译文:1、甲方同意从乙方购买、乙方同意向甲方出售彩电装配线,其规格、技术要求、价格和交货日程安排,由双方另行签订合同,作为本合同不可分割的一部分。2、乙方从甲方购买乙方提供的装配线生产的彩色电视机,其金额与装配线的金额相等。彩电的质量、数量、单价、包装和交货日程安排,亦由双方另行签订合同,作为本合同不可分割的一部分。3、第一条所订交易的支付通过对开信用证进行。甲方开出以乙方为受益人的远期信用证,分期支付乙方所供装配线的全部价款;乙方开出以甲方为受益人的即期信用证,支付甲方交付的第一批彩电。远期信用证的期限应与第三条
41、所订补偿期限相一致。甲方在合同期限内向乙方出售彩电的全部收入应等于并用于支付装配线的价款,假使甲方向乙方出售彩电的全部收入不足以支付装配线的全部价款,余额由乙方在开出的远期信用证到期前用预付款补足,以使甲方能够履行远期信用证项下的付款。4、从装配线的所有部件交付以后第4个月起,甲方应在10个月内通过向乙方出口彩电偿还装配线的全部价款。原则上,乙方为每月自甲方的进口所支付的金额,是装配线应付总金额的10%。甲方可提前付款,但须提前1个月通知乙方。Passage 2Re: Transshipment of Cotton Piece Goods to West AfricaWe acknowledg
42、e, with thanks, receipt of your letter of the 2nd February. In reply, we have pleasure in providing the following information for your reference:1. There are about 2 to 3 sailings weekly from Shanghai to Hong Kong. 2. Arrangements have been made with the XXX Line, which has one sailing approximately
43、 on the 10th every month, from Hong Kong to West African ports, such as Lagos, Accra, etc. Shipping space is to be booked through their Shanghai Agents, who communicate with the Line by telegraph. After receipt of the Lines cable reply accepting the booking, their Shanghai Agents will issue a Throug
44、h Bill of Lading. Therefore, with the exception of unusual condition which may happen accidentally, the goods will be transshipped from Hong Kong without delay. 3. In general the freight for transshipment from Hong Kong is higher than that from U.K or Continental port, but XXX Line now agrees to the
45、 same freight, the detailed rates of which are shown on the 2 appendices to this letter.If you wish to have our goods transshipped at Hong Kong, your L/C must reach us well before the shipment month so as to enable us to book space with the Lines agents.We are assuring you of our best attention at a
46、ll times. 参考译文:回复:转运棉质货物到西非收到你方2月2日来信,谢谢。现提供如下情况,供参考:1. 从上海到香港轮船,每周约两三次航次。2. 已与XXX航运公司联系,该公司每月10日前后有一班航轮从香港去西非港口,如拉哥斯,阿克拉等地。可通过该公司在上海的代理行预定舱位。该代理行以电报与船公司联系。接到公司同意订舱的电复后,代理行将签发一份联运提单。所以,除非遇到偶然发生的不正常情况,货物能从香港立即转船。 3. 从香港转船的运费比从英国或欧洲大陆港口转船一般高一些,但XXX航运公司已同意按同样费率运货。运费细则详见此信两份附录。若你方打算在香港转船,信用证须在装船月份前尽早开来,
47、以便我们向该公司代理行订舱。我们向你保证我们时时刻刻都慎重办理一切业务。Part Translate the following passages into English.Passage 1 本公司主营文教用品、纸张及纸制品、体育及健身器械用具、运动服装及包袋、运动鞋、日用鞋、旅游用品、乐器及其他电器用品,以及各类海外用户适销的有关商品。凭着训练有素的外贸专业人才、科学的管理体系、高质量的商品、优质的服务和可靠的信誉,四十余年来,我公司与国内二十多个省市千余家厂商建有购销关系,与世界一百二十多个国家和地区的上万家贸易商开展了进出口业务,年进出口额已达一亿美元,一直跻身于中国500家最大的进出
48、口企业。本公司竭诚与国内外新老朋友和伙伴加强合作,在“平等互利”的宗旨下,开展各类国际间的进出口贸易,还可进行来料加工、来样生产、补偿贸易、定牌生产、代理进出口业务、各类合资或合作经营等贸易方式。参考译文:(教材P35,有改动)We deal with a variety of goods including stationery and paper products, sports and fitness equipment, sportswear and daily wear items, travel necessities, musical instruments, household
49、 appliances, and a variety of salable commodities that appeal to overseas clients. Our high-quality products and service have helped us develop a reliable reputation during our forty-plus years in business. We employ a well-trained staff of professionals specializing in foreign trade, which, combine
50、d with our state-of-the-art management system, has helped our corporation to establish a productive trading relationship with more than 1,000 manufacturers from more than twenty provinces and municipalities in China and more than 10,000 traders from 120-plus countries and regions throughout the world. Our vol
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