1、越绝书论文:越绝书创作背景叙事艺术地位和影响 【中文摘要】本文在前人研究的基础上,首先把历来学者对越 绝书的价值判定做了梳理和总结,对于其史学价值与文学价值做了 重点分析。 越绝书作者是以历史为基础进行创作的,因而历来学 者非常重视其史学价值。近代以来,很多学者开始注意到其具有小说 的创作痕迹。先秦两汉时期,我国的叙事文学已取得了很高的成就, 史传文学无疑对越绝书的创作有非常大的影响,因此,本文从越 绝书的创作背景出发,来分析越绝书的叙事成就,并进一步探 讨越绝书在我国叙事文学发展史上的地位和影响。本文共分为五 个部分:第一部分为绪论,讲述本文的研究史回顾,选题依据和研究 思路。第二部分探讨越
2、绝书创作的时代背景。在中国古代文化中, 中原文化、荆楚文化以及吴越文化形成三足鼎立之势, 他们互相交融, 互相影响,越绝书的产生深受这两种文化的影响。第三部分主要 分析越绝书的叙事艺术,本章中立足于越绝书对先秦两汉叙 事散文的接受以及突破,来探析越绝书的叙事艺术。第四部分在 前两部分的基础上,探讨越绝书在我国叙事发展史上的地位和影 响,重点分析其对吴越春秋以及后世小说的影响。第五部分为结 语,总结本文的研究成果。 【英文摘要】 This article studies in the predecessor in the foun dati on, the first value senten
3、cedalways the scholar to YueJueShumakesto order has combedand summarizes, has madethe selective analysis regarding its history value and the literary value. YueJueShucarries on the creation take the history as the foun dati on, thus always the scholar takesits history value. Since modern times, many
4、scholars began to notice that its have novelwriting trace. The pre-qin period, our narrative literature has achieved greataccomplishme nt, historical-biography literature on YueJueShu absolutely no doubt thecreatio n of the book has great in flue nee, therefore, this paper, starting from thebackgrou
5、nd of YueJueShuto discuss the creati on of rejects, in order to an alyz ing thebackgro und YueJueShu of n arrative rejects the achieveme nt, so as to explore YueJueShu in China rejects the n arrative literature history status and in flue nee. Thisarticle altogether divides into five parts:The first
6、part is an introduction, narrated that this article research history review,the selected topic rests on and studies the men tality.The sec ond part discusses the time background which YueJueShu creates. In Chinain the an cie nt civilizatio n, the area south of Y ellow River culture, the Jing chu cul
7、tureas well as the Wuand Yue kingdoms culture formed the tripod to stand like a tripod thepotential, they ble nded mutually, mutual in flue nee, YueJueShuproducti on depth thesetwo cultural in flue nce.The third part rejects mai nly an alyzed Y ueJueShu of n arrative art, this chapterbased on the bo
8、ok of the absolutely to accept the pre-qin n arrative prose an dbreakthrough, to explore the book of the n arrative art rejects.The fourth part in the first two parts of foundations, discusses YueJueShuto theWu and Yue kingdoms Spring and Autumn Period , the in flue nee, as well as to laterge nerati
9、o n no vel in flue nce.The fifth part is a con clusi on, summarizes this article research results. 【关键词】越绝书 创作背景 叙事艺术 地位和影响 【采买全文 以昙】139.938848 1 .381.1372.1 同时提供论文写作定制和论文发表服务保过包发. 【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请与总库或学校联系。 【英文关键词】Y ueJueShu Creation backgrou nd Narrative art Affects 【目录】论越绝书的叙事艺术 摘要5-6 Abstract 6 绪论7-12 第一章越绝书的创作背景12-31 第一节 越绝 书与中原文化12-21 第二节 越绝书与荆楚文化 21-31 第二章
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