



1、考生答题情况作业名称:15秋强化口语(I )作业1出 卷人:S详细信息:题号:1 题型:问答/综合题(将你的答案在下面的文本框输入) 本题分数 :100 内容 :Give nswers to the following questions. Your gres will epen on your sttements so try to orgnize your thoughts or ies to the point ut e rief t the sme time.Suppose your frien invites you to tten his/her irthy this Suny,

2、ut you nnot mke it.Howwoul you eline this invittion politely? Sy something tht you re gonn to o on Suny.标准答案 :学员答案 :Thnk you very muh for your invittion! ut I m so sorry for not eing le totten your irthy prty on Suny. You know I m hristin, Suny morning, I must go to hurh to worship, t noon to et sim

3、ple lunh there, n then to tten fternoon group ile. ut even though I n't tten your irthy, I hope your prty very suessful! n I will pry for you, sk Go gur your life! n you unerstn me, right? Thnk you er! hppy irthy! I love you!本题得分 :考生答题情况作业名称:15秋强化口语(1 )»作业2出卷人:S详细信息:题号:1内容 :题型:问答/综合题(将你的答案在

4、下面的文本框输入) 本题分数 :100Give nswers to the following questions. Your gres will epen on your sttements so try to orgnize your thoughts or ies to the point ut e rief t the sme time.Nowys mny people rush to the ig ities suh s eijing n Shnghi for living, wht out you? o you wnt to live in the ig ity or ountry

5、sie? Tell your resons.标准答案 :学员答案 :I live in eijing. I think I m more le to gree how mny people re willing to go to the ig ity life. First, the ig ities there re mny opportunities. For exmple, there re mny foreign ompnies hve estlishe rnhes or offies in mjor ities, while the strength of the omesti en

6、terprises is gthere in the ig ities, whih n provie lot of jos for us. Seon, it n roen our horizons. There re mny ities exhiition n onert hll, where mny exhiits to see, to ppreite the rt in ifferent ountries, whih is not smll ity. Finlly, the ig ity life is very onvenient. irport flights roun the wor

7、l, proviing ese of line rilwy sttion, whih n tke you to the ountry, nywhere ro. Moreover, in the ig ities o not nee to go ro n uy goos roun the worl. In short, the ig ity life is olorful. People like ig ity!本题得分 :考生答题情况作业名称:15秋强化口语(I )作业3出 卷人:S详细信息:题号:1题型:问答/综合题(将你的答案在下面的文本框输入)本题分数 :100内容 :Give nswe

8、rs to the following questions. Your gres will epen on your sttements so try to orgnize your thoughts or ies to the point ut e rief t the sme time.Sy something out trveling. Suppose you n your fmily h visitemny ples uring the wintervtion, how o you like this trveling experiene? Whyo you hoose to go o

9、ut for trveling? esrie those ples you visite in simple wy.标准答案 :学员答案 :My home in eijing, where the winter is ol, so we woul usully hoose to go in the winter when wrm ple to trvel. We've een to Yunnn, Hinn, Sny, Hong Kong, n Thiln n other Southest sin ountries. Through trvelwe will e more retive,

10、 ut lso knowhow to respet others. It lso llows fmilies to etter unerstn eh other. Trvel lso llows us to tste mny ifferent foos, lerning some things tht re not on the ooks. In Yunnn, we n feel the ulture of ethni minorities, in Sny, we n enjoy the eutiful sny ehes,Thiln nture let us prise the iversit

11、y of fruits n vegetles! In short, the trvelexperiene will e goo memory, they n eorte our life, some right olors for those ull y! Eh trip is worth rememrne.本题得分 :考生答题情况作业名称:15秋强化口语(I )作业4 出 卷人:S详细信息:题号:1 题型:问答/综合题(将你的答案在下面的文本框输入)本题分数 :50内容 :iretion:You shoul write t lest 120 wors following the outlin

12、e givenelow in hinese.1、建议报考的专业及理由; 2 、报考该专业的基本条件; 3 、应当如何备考。标准答案 :学员答案 :1, the propose nites for professionl n resons; It reommens nites for English Mjors. With the elertion of glol integrtion, English s universl lnguge hs eome inresingly more ommon ommunition tool, so everyone shoul hve it s muh s

13、 possile; n hin's reform n opening up of soil evelopment, more n more hinese foreign friens hoose to trvel even to evelop reer, in orer to etter reflet the ntion's fine trition of hospitlity n frienly, ut lso neethe populrity of English. 2,to pplythe si onitionsof the profession; Where 18 ye

14、rsof ge, there is n initilfountion inEnglish (msterletters n phoneti), engge in theservie inustry, helth,rtiultepeople who love theirwork. 3. How shoul pro form.Exm plese memorizingsimplevoulryn prtie urtepronunition. In ition, it is reommene usully le to wth some English rtoons to enhne the sense o

15、f lnguge.本题得分 :题号:2 题型:问答/综合题(将你的答案在下面的文本框输入)本题分数 :50内容 :iretion:You shoul write t lest 120 wors following the outline givenelow in hinese.1、你认为自己具备了什么条件(能力、性格、爱好等)可以胜任学生主席(部门经理)的工 作; 2 、如当选,你将为本校同学做些什么?(你接下来的工作计划是什么)标准答案 :学员答案 :1, o you think they hve wht onitions (ility, personlity, hoies, et.) pl

16、estuent Presient (mnger) of the work; Thnk you very muh for the opportunity to prtiipte in stuent ounil eletions! I m n orgnize pity ut lso to isover n ppreite the vntges of others, n the tem spirit of the people, logil thinking is hrteristi of me, I ws le to fous, ut lso hve glol outlook, they n wo

17、rk to ensure the timely n effetive reh. lso, I love rt, I love oper, lssil musi, n rhiteture, I elieve tht these interests n ring retivity t work, the working effiieny is more exellent fruit. 2, if elete, wht will you o to our stuents?(Wht is your next work pln) If elete, I will give toppriority to the welfre of the stuents from the lssroom, the lirry, the etils strt


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