



1、江苏省 2013 年高三英语考前赢分30 天第 24 天倒装句的用法倒装句分为两种:全部倒装(将谓语的全部提到主语之前)和部分倒装(将谓语的一部分提到主语之前)。一、全部倒装全部倒装有以下几种情况:1. There be结构。此结构中可以用来代替be 动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live,rise, stand等,表示“存在、出现、消失”等。There stands a temple at the top of the hill.There exist different opinions on this question.注意:如果主语是人称代词,

2、 就不用倒装。如:Here you are.There she comes.3.表示方向的副词out, off, in, over, away, up, down等置于句首, 要用全部倒装。如:In came Mr. White.Away went the boy.4. "分词 ( 代词 ) + be +主语 " 结构。如:Walking at the head of the line was our teacher.Such was the story he told me.5. 表示地点的介词短语放在句首时 , 要全部倒装。如:On the top of the hil

3、l stands a pine tree.In front of the classroom is a playground.二、 部分倒装部分倒装是把be 动词、情态动词、 助动词放到主语之前。部分倒装主要有以下几种情况:3. so 或 so 引导的短语放在句首 I saw the film, so did she., 要部分倒装。如:So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.5. Not until放在句首 , 从句不倒装 , 主句倒装。如:Not until last week did

4、they find the lost bike. (简单句)Not until my son had entered the university did he realize the importance of time. (复合句 )6. as引导的让步状语从句。如:Proud as these nobles are, he s afraid to see me.Tiredas he was, he kept on running.8. 在虚拟条件句中省去 if 时,将 were, had 或 should 提到主语前。Had they been given more help, they

5、 would have succeeded.Should it be fine tomorrow, we would go on a picnic.经典例题1. My room gets very cold at night. _.A. So is mineB. So mine isC. So does mineD. So mine does2._, he does get annoyed with her sometimes.A. Although much he love s her B. Much although he loves her C. As he loves her much

6、 D. Much as he loves her备考提示D选项中 as 也可替 换为 though 。考前赢分第24 天爱练才会赢前日回顾1. There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. It _ acomfortable journey.A. can t beB. shouldn t beC. mustn t have beenD. couldn t have been3. I can t find my wallet. You _ it on the bus.A. must f

7、orgetB. must leaveC. must have forgotten4. Such a businessman _ be honest. He gets his money in a dishonest way.D. must have leftA. can tB. mustn t beC. may notD. shouldn t5. Peter _ A. m ust_ come with us tonight B. may,but he isn C. can t very surD. wille yet.当天巩固2.There _. And here _.A. goes the

8、phone; she comesB. is the phone going; is sheC. does the phone go; does she comeD. the phone goes; come she3.Out _, with a stick in his hand.A. did he rushB. rushed heC. he rushedD. he did rush4._ from the top of the building when the policeman pointed the gun at him.A. Jumped down the robberB. Jump

9、ed the robber downC. Down jumped the robberD. Down the robber jumped5._, a man of achievements, deep thoughts, but with simple habits.A. Einstein was suchB. Such was EinsteinC. Einstein was soD. So was Einstein6.Only when the war was over _ to his hometown.A. did the young soldier returnB. the young soldier did returnC. returned the young soldierD. the young soldier returned7.Thedoctor told Charlie to breathe deeply and _.A. so did CharlieB. Charlie did soC. Charlie does soD. did Charlie so8.So l


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