已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、pep小学英语六年级上册第五单元主题Unit5 What does he do?授课对象六年级学生内容Part B Lets try Lets talk 主备人陈慧课时第3课时一、课程标准1.能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。2.能正确朗读所学故事或短文。3.能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简单对话。二、教材解析Lets try部分通过Mike和小雨在路上讨论自己家人工作和生活的情境来呈现新句型:Where does he/she work? How does he/she go to work? 学生通过听力练习获得Lets talk板块的人物及场景信息,为进入正式的对话学习做准

2、备。Lets talk部分学习的核心句型是:Where does he work? How does he go to work?教材依旧通过Mike和小雨在回家路上聊自己家人工作和生活的场景,帮助学生感知核心句型的语义及语用情景。三、目标预设1.通过听录音,听懂录音内容并正确回答问题。2.能读懂对话大意,并用正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话。3.通过角色扮演和创设情景,能运用句型“Where does he work? How does he go to school?”询问他人工作地点和交通工具并作出适当的回答。四、重难点预设重点:1. 能灵活运用句型“Where does he work?

3、 How does he go to school?”询问他人工作地点和交通工具并作出适当的回答。2. 学生能理解stay healthy, work hard, study hard的意思。五、评价设计1. 借助动画、录音和图片,用听音跟读、Pair work、角色扮演等活动检测目标1、2的达成情况。2. 借助图片,利用所学词汇自创对话,检测目标3的达成情况。六、教学过程教学环节教学预设一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. Sing a song.2. Free talk 出示图片,复习旧知,导入新知。What does he/she do?Hes/shes.二、呈现新课

4、(Presentation)1. 听前预测。教师出示人物图片,介绍对话背景:Xiao Yu and Mike are on their way home. They are talking about Xiao Yus uncle. 教师提问:Whats Xiao Yus uncle like? Can you guess? 在学生听前预测时,引导学生使用Is he ?句型进行猜测。2. 播放录音,回答第一个问题:What does Xiao Yus uncle look like?3. 教师追问:What does he do? How does he go to work? Does he

5、 often take Xiao Yu to school? 并板书What does he do? 和 How does he go to work? 教师第二遍放录音,学生回答问题,并验证答案。 达成目标13. Listen and answer出示Mikes uncle的图片,提问:Who is he? What does he do? 4.Watch and answerQ: Where does he work? How does he go to work?5. Read silently and answerWhat else do you know about Mikes un

6、cle? 要求学生找出对话中的相关词汇。学生回答问题后,解释stay healthy, work hard, study hard的意思和should表示建议的用法。6. Read the talk sentence by sentence跟录音读课文 达成目标2三、趣味操练(Practice)1. Group work同桌合作,戴上人物头饰练习表演对话,提醒学生在表演时要注意运用适当的表情和动作。2. Showtime请几对学生上汫台表演,评选出“最佳表演者”,作为奖励。四、小结(Summary)Look at the words and sentences, the students su

7、mmarize the contents of this class.五、作业设计1. Listen to the talk and read it smoothly and correctly.听录音,跟读对话。检验目标1和22. Choose and match 检验目标2 和3( ) What does she do? A. He works in a gym.( ) Where does he work? B. She is a pilot.( ) How does he go to work? C. He goes to work on foot .3. Make a short t

8、alk on your notebook and show with your partner.编创小对话,和同伴展示。 检验目标3六、板书设计: Unit5 What does he do?What does he do? He is a fisherman.Where does he work? He works on a boat.How does he go to work? He goes to work by bike.课后反思:pep小学英语六年级上册第五单元课题Unit5 What does he do?授课对象六年级学生内容Part B Lets learn Write an

9、d discuss主备人陈慧课时第4课时一、课程标准1. 能认读所学词语。2. 能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简单对话。3. 能根据图片词语或例句的提示,写出简单的语句。二、教材解析本课时是单元B部分,在上节课的情景铺垫下,以人物职业为话题,重点学习有关第三人称职业的表达方式。主要包括4个单词fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach和两个句型What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? 教材通过Oliver和吴一凡谈论自己家人工作的情况呈现单词的词形和意义。三、目标预设1. 能听、说、读、写单词:fisherman, sc

10、ientist, pilot, coach。2. 能结合句型What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? 询问职业和工作地点并能正确回答。四、重难点预设重点1. 学生能够听、说、读、写单词:fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach。2. 能结合本部分核心句型What does he/ she do? Where does he/ she work?询问职业和工作地点。难点1. what 和where的用法学生容易混淆,在练习中帮助学生区分。2. 能灵活运用所学句型介绍自己家人的职业,对中后进生有一定难度,教师应进行异质分组

11、,鼓励他们参与课堂活动。五、评价设计1. 用听音跟读、Pair work、角色扮演等活动检测目标1的达成情况。2. 在情境中利用What does he/she do? Where does he/she work?核心句型自创对话,检测目标2的达成情况。六、教学过程教学环节教学预设一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)Warm-up1. Sing a song2. RevisionWhat does do? Where does work?3. Guessing 学生根据教师的描述,复习学过的关于职业的单词。She works in a hospital. She looks a

12、fter the patients(病人). What does she do?He helps people to post letters. He is a postman. Where does he work?He works in a police station. He helps people. What does he do?She gives us the food. She is a waitress. Where does she work?二、呈现新课(Presentation)1. At last class, we know Mikes uncle is a fis

13、herman. Today we meet another fisherman, his name is Tim. Where does he work?2. I have a friend, he can drive a plane. Its very cool. What does he do? 教授pilot.3. 出示奥运会运动员和教练合影,教授coach.4. 出示Olivers aunt的图片,再出示Oliver和吴一凡的照片,让孩子猜测:Who is she? 教授scientist.5. Watch the cartoon看动画并跟读。 达成目标1三、趣味操练(Practice

14、)1. Act the jobs.教师请四名学生到讲台上面面向全体学生,教师描述某种职业,如:Hes a businessman. Hes very busy. He sends e-mails to different people. He often wears suit. He goes to other counties by plane. 四名学生根据描述表演该职业,其他学生评出最佳职业演员。 达成目标12. Write and discuss(1) 教师出示Lee的头像和听诊器的图片,说:This is Lee. What does he do? 再出示一些动物的图片和pet ho

15、spital的图片。呈现句子: Lee is a doctor. He works in a pet hospital.(2) 教师出示university, gym, sea, plane 五个地方的图片和单词,学生进行配对。(3) 配对完成后,同桌互相用What does he/ she do? Where does he/ she work? 进行问答,然后独立完成句子,最后与教师一起订正答案。(4) 教师鼓励学生说出更多职业以及与匹配的工作地点,如:Can you think of any other jobs? Where do those people work? 学生在小组内进行

16、交流。 达成目标2四、小结(Summary)Read the new words and sentences on the blackboard.五、作业设计1. Look at the pictures,read and write the new words.看图片,跟读并写出单词。 检验目标12.Choose the right answer. 检验目标21). _ does your mother work?In a gym.A. What B. Where C. How2). He works at sea. He sees lots of fish every day. He is

17、 a _.A. fisherman B. Teacher C. cleaner3). Mikes uncle works _ sea.A. of B. about C. at4).-What does your uncle do?-_A. She is a pilot. B. He is a coach. B. C. He works at sea.5).-What does your father do?-_A.He is a fisherman. B. He goes to work by bus.C. He works in a university.六、板书设计:Unit5 What

18、does he do?fisherman scientist pilot coachWhat does he/she do?Where does he/she work?图片图片图片图片七、课后拓展作业选出每组词中不同类的一个。1. ( ) A. pilot B. teacher C. help2. ( ) A. what B. where C. watch3. ( ) A. coach B. make C. nurse4. ( ) A. scientist B. cinema C. hospital5. ( ) A. businessman B. postman C. man课后反思:pep

19、小学英语六年级上册第五单元课题Unit 5 What does he do?授课对象六年级学生内容Part B Read and write主备人陈慧课时第5课时一、课程标准1. 能借助图片、录像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。2. 能借助图片读懂简单的小故事;正确朗读所学故事。3. 能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短语句。二、教材解析Read and write分为读、写、语音三部分:第一部分要求学生阅读图片和文段,为文段选择题目,并要求填写Hu bin、Sarah和Robin爱好、梦想职业和工作地点的信息表。此外还要求学生根据自己的能力和兴趣谈谈未来能胜任的工作,构思自己的职业蓝图。第

20、二部分要求学生完成表格,获得家长许可参加Real World Camp。这是一个有意义的语用书写活动,训练学生出游应具备的安全意识,能明白没有家长陪同时,参加校外活动应该取得家长和学校的许可。第三部分旨在培养学生的语音意识,帮助学生通过朗读选自阅读文段中的句子,明白英语中逗号是句中停顿标识的朗读技巧。三、目标预设1.借助图片和录音,正确朗读文本,语音语调基本正确。2.借助图片,读懂文本及推测文中新词的意义。3.在小组或同伴活动中,能在语境中使用适当的句子,进行表达。四、重难点预设1. 难点:大部分学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读短文,能综合运用本单元的核心句型。2. 重点:大部分学生能综合运用本

21、单元的核心词句,根据阅读所获取的信息完成有意义的仿写活动。五、评价设计1.利用图片和录音,听读、跟读、仿读等活动,正确朗读故事。检测目标1的达成。2.借助图片,读懂文本并正确地回答问题。检测目标2的达成。3. 指导学生完成Fill in this form环节。检测目标3的达成。六、教学过程教学环节教学预设一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)Step 1 Pre-reading 1. Free talk What are your hobbies?2. Sharp eyesT: You know so many jobs. Now let me check who can rea

22、d the job words quickly.出示有关职业单词和图片,让学生快速读出。3. 说一说,写一写。T: boys and girls, give you a task. Write down 5 jobs on the paper. Then compare with your partner. How many different jobs are there in your list?要求学生写出五种职业,然后同桌对比,看看自己与同桌列出职业的异同。二、呈现新课 (Presentation)Step2 While-reading 达成目标2T: They are my frie

23、nds. Look!(呈现3张人物图片)They are Hu Bin, Sarah and Robin. Do you want to know them? There is a passage about my friends, lets read it and choose a title for it, OK?1. Read the passage quickly and choose the title for the text.利用课文图片简单介绍文中的三个主人公:Hu Bin, Sarah and Robin,然后要求学生猜测题目,在快速阅读文段,选择适合文章的题目。(课件展示题

24、目选项及阅读提示“快速阅读“)【预设】The Ss may choose A or B,教师讲解文中谈论到的两部分,hobbies and jobsTip: Read quickly and answer: what is the passage about? (快速阅读文本,找出文章谈论的主要内容)2. 细读第一段。 首先呈现Hu Bin图片,引导学生观察图片T: Look at the picture about Hu Bin. Guess. Whats Hu Bins hobby? (预设:学生可能回答He likes football. He likes sports)引导学生猜测Wh

25、at does he want to be? T: He likes sports. What does he want to be?(预设:学生可能回答He wants to be a football player. He wants to be a coach.) Read the 1st paragraph回答问题 What does Hu Bin like? Where does he want to work? 画出相关句子。(课件展示阅读提示Tip: Read carefully and underline the key sentence and words (仔细读,画出有用

26、的信息)依次解决问题,He likes sports. He wants to work in the gym. 教师问Do you like sports?(预设学生会说Yes) If you likes ports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter or a PE teacher.出 示幻灯片。What does Hu Bin want to be? 同桌讨论找答案。根据gym,可以知道是coach.3. 细读第二三段,找出Sarah、Robin的爱好、理想职业、和工作地点。划出相关句子。We know Hu Bin likes sports.

27、He wants to be a coach .He is going to work in a gym. How about Sarah and Robin? Read the 2nd and 3rd paragraph carefully and finish the table.Tip: Read carefully, circle the key words and finish the table(仔细读,画出重点词)Hu BinSarahRobinWhat does he/she like?sportsWhat does he/she want to be?coachWhere i

28、s he/she going to work?gym4. 学生提出疑问Do you have any questions? Read quickly and find it.【预设】学生可能会不理解 secretary type very quickly, like 的意思。三、趣味操练(Practice)Step3 Post-reading 1. Read the passage in pairs.注意正确的语音语调和停顿。Read and show. 2名学生起来朗读,其他同学给他们找优点和缺点,指导朗读技巧,pay attention to “pause”。 达成目标12. The re

29、al world camp大屏幕呈现图片T: At the Real World Camp, children can do different jobs. Do you want to go there?T: What job do you want to do?T: If you want to go, you should fill in this form “Parents information”(大屏幕呈现)You must tell your parents. If your parents agree, you can go.要求:根据自己的实际情况,独立完成申请表。渗透安全教

30、育,校外活动应该取得家长和学校的许可【预设】学生可能会不理解表中的个别问题或单词,教师可根据情况进行解释。 达成目标3四、小结 (Summary)What have you got in this class?让学生自己总结本节课的收获。五、作业设计1. Read the text fluently and pay attention to the tips for pronunciation。 检验目标1熟练朗读课文,注意朗读技巧。2. Fill in the blanks. 检验目标2和3给下列人物提出合理的职业规划。Mike likes making paper planes very much. He wants to fly a plane in the sky. He w


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