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1、广东工业大学华立学院本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文论文题目 学 部 城建学部 专 业 工程管理 班 级 09工程管理1班 学 号学生姓名 廖丹丹 指导教师 杨力 目 录城市环境下的绿色屋顶1GREEN ROOFS IN THE CITY ENVIRONMENT6德国屋顶花园绿化13Roof Garden in Germany20城市环境下的绿色屋顶摘要本研究旨在呈现建在这个世纪的近代历史先例的屋顶草坪和花园,展现真实提供了目前水平的防水建筑和园艺技术来改善城市环境的可能性。在欧洲,尤其是在过去的十年中,可用数量的信息在“绿色屋顶”已经大幅增加了。国内最早




5、他们并没有持续多久。与广泛的屋顶花园干草和草原类型植被得到地面以及自然发芽和持久的植物。可以观察到,自然植被能够再生发芽没有保健。绿色屋顶的解决方案在北欧共同利用一个厚层植被。然而,更多的是在这些地区降水特点然后在匈牙利,和有一个高的湿度以及整体水平。在中欧地区天气条件是不太有利的绿色屋顶。气候干燥和有一个更大的温度波动的气候。因此,对于广泛的绿色屋顶,水分平衡的屋顶必须仔细计划。在这些情况下不同的排水层扮演了一个重要的角色(见图1)以及边坡的程度和使用排水方法。图2.1 绿色屋顶品种的排水角度有一个很好的机会,在欧洲中部产生了所谓的简单的密集型绿色屋顶的解决方案,即使是一些护理,也可以是一个








13、屋顶花园唯一需要的就是行动遵循的规范和规划,与人类的建设性的功能,这个地区是取自大自然来复活在我们的直接环境。GREEN ROOFS IN THE CITY ENVIRONMENTProf. Dr. Attila KoppanyAbstractThe purpose of this short study is to present the historical precedents of roof lawns and gardens built in this century, and to show the real possibilities offered by the present

14、 level of water-proof building and gardening techniques to improve the city environment. In Europe, particularly in the last decade, the available amount of information on green roofs has increased signicantly. The rst domestic attempts in the eld of green roofs were made in the recent years, but th

15、e building profession has not been friendly towards this structural, ecological solution, and it was considered somewhat curious. The main reason for such an attitude is that the available international information (based on experiences, debate papers, studies, guidelines, handbooks etc.) has not re

16、ached those professionals, potential investors, and builders whose decision is necessary for the widespread acceptance of green roofs.1 CONCEPT AND HISTORYThe concept of roof gardens can be traced back virtually to the earliest building activities of man. Throughout the course of history we can see

17、a demand for planting vegetation on roofs, among the most famous being ancient civilizations hanging gardens of Babylon. During the Roman Empire and in the middle Ages green roofs were used by the ruling classes mainly for showing extravagance. In modern times and especially in twentieth century arc

18、hitecture, green gardens are treated as a natural phenomenon. A special implementation of roof gardens can be observed in Northern Europes native architecture in its tradition of slanted grassy rooftops. Nowadays and in the age of densely populated urban areas the lack of green turf causes concern,

19、and for this reason the proponents of ecological architecture in Europe have been intensively dealt for several decades with the technical and landscaping issues relating to the restoration of green areas. Long considered as uncommon peculiarities earlier in history, the development of the technical

20、-methodological requirements for roof gardens had not been established, and therefore there was hardly any possibility of their extensive spread.The experiences gained in Europe during the last 15 years in the creation of grassy rooftops and rooftop gardens, have led to such invaluable sources of in

21、formation that, with the utilization of currently available roong insulation materials, it is possible to design excellent multi-layered, well-functioning green roofs. For example, the green roof solutions involving a sequencing of layers and use of suitable materials, introduced in Germany, Austria

22、, and Switzerland, can be adapted well elsewhere. The choice of employed plants and care techniques are dependent upon the climate and geographic location, and therefore cannot be directly adopted. In Hungarian green roofs the use of primarily domestic plants or those alien varieties that have long

23、acclimatized should be considered. There is a good chance of achieving success of grassy rooftops if domestic, uncultivated, heat and dryness tolerant grasses are used.Up through the end of the 1970s, in Europe, the concept of green roof was understood to be the so called intensive green roof garden

24、. During the last ten years, however, as a result of a change in point of view, the extensive roofs have become widespread. These roofs have given way to a more ecological city planning concept, especially in the design of extensive industrial buildings. Observation of intensive roofs has shown that

25、 the direct utilization of roof gardens is negligible.2 CONSTRUCTIONSCost cutting requirements as well as lighter roof structures have been motivating forces behind the move toward the use of the thin layered, more economically viable extensive green roof solution. The simpler construction and maint

26、enance options have placed the extensive solution in a more favorable position.The intensive roof gardens developed well where plenty of water and fertilizer were available, but left alone, they didnt last long.With extensive roof gardens the dry grasses and steppe-type vegetation gained ground as w

27、ell as the naturally sprouting and enduring plants. It has been observed that the naturally sprouting vegetation is able to regenerate annually without care.The green roof solutions common in Northern Europe utilized a thicker layer of vegetation. However, much more precipitation is characteristic i

28、n these areas then in Hungary, and there is a higher overall level of humidity as well. In Central Europe the weather conditions for green roofs are somewhat less favorable.The climate is drier and there is a greater uctuation in temperature. Therefore, in the case of extensive green roofs, the mois

29、ture-balance property of the roofs has to be carefully planned. In these cases the different drainage layers play a signicant role (see gure 1) as well as the degree of the slope and the usage of drainage method.Figure 1:Figure 1There is a good chance of the survival of the so called simpler intensi

30、ve green roof solution, which, with some care, can be a viable solution even in Central Europe. In this category, under care, we mean the necessary water supply, periodical addition of nutrients, cutting and mowing.Based on international green roong practices, as well as domestic green roong experim

31、ents, it can be determined that currently green roofs are realistic alternatives for the replacement of developed former green areas. The great number of existing at roofs and those under construction can be converted into ecologically functioning surfaces.Grassy roofs and roof gardens provide an ad

32、vantage over insulated roofs and roof terraces. One important advantage is the pleasant, tranquil view. Green surfaces are especially desirable for lessening the rigid, box-type effect of buildings. In the 1920s Le Corbusier, in his acclaimed thesis on modern architecture, already pointed out the po

33、tentials for expanding the active living areas with roof gardens.Nowadays, the demand for the development of a healthier urban environment is getting more and more urgent since air pollution is nearing the limits of tolerance. The evaporation and oxygen producing effect of the planted vegetation on

34、the roofs of buildings can contribute to the improvement of the microclimate. Evaporation controls the air temperature and humidity, the air becoming cleaner with the increased production of oxygen.Dust removal effect of vegetation is also signicant ensuring more favourable and cleaner living condit

35、ions. With the retention of precipitation and the delay of run-off, the green roof decreases the strain on the gutter network. Green roofs planted with vegetation have an increased insulating capacity which improve the balance of energy of the buildings, leading to energy savings. There is no doubt

36、that green roofs cost more and a stronger heavier roof structure is needed. It should be noted, however, that the roof insulation layers held down by the gravel load do not exceed the stress load of the extensive green roof layers.Therefore, we can ask - gravel or grass? - When speaking about the an

37、ti-precipitation insulation load on the roof. From an ecological viewpoint there is no doubt about the correct answer. Usually green roofs are classied according to function, type of vegetation, and the thickness of the vegetation layer.In the case of extensive green roofs we are talking about hardy

38、, dryness tolerant ora above an insulation layer developed with a thin membrane of soil mixture and a water retaining membrane, not suitable for supporting human weight constantly. The thickness of the extensive green roofs is less than 20cm, and the typical surface mass is less than 150kg/m2.In the

39、 case of extensive green roofs, the vegetation layer is made up of dryness tolerant grasses, short rock garden plants, and steppe ora. Usually these do not require regular care, except during the transplanting period. In the case of simpler extensive roofs, the insulation installers, after some trai

40、ning, are able to build up the vegetation layer and do the planting.Characteristic of the intensive green roofs is that they have a thicker vegetation layer above the roof insulation than the one on the extensive roof, and therefore it can fully be utilized as a roof garden.They are suitable for dif

41、ferent types and sizes of plants from evergreen trees and bushes to shrubs. They require regular care and nutrient additives. They can be functional roof and garden areas, and therefore, some of the elements of garden design can be applied, utilizing pergolas, screening, covered walkways, benches, e

42、tc. The thickness of intensive garden roof structures is generally more than 20cm, usually between 20 and 40cm. Space must be provided for the developing roots of plants with a larger root system. The mass of the surface structure is more than 150kg/m2. The development of an intensive roof garden al

43、ways requires team work, the cooperative effort of architect, designer, structural engineer and landscape architect is essential. Generally, in practice, green roofs are on built-up roofs, since in the case of the two-crust ventilated roofs, the lighter upper crust is not suitable for the support of

44、 more load. Exceptions are those extensive green roofs which are only a few centimeters in thickness, which can be built on the lighter upper crust. Also suitable for green roof building are the built-up roof and the insulated roof membrane application too. In cases of roof renovation, keeping the o

45、ld insulation layers and with the use of new waterproong plies as well as preparation additional insulation, the basis of a green roof superstructure can be built up. Naturally, the addition of extra weight on the old roof can only be done if the load capacity of the roof support structure has been

46、properly checked.Theoretically, a green roof can be built up on the surface of any at roof, if it is waterproof and the ceiling structure can take the load. Naturally the root resistance protection needs to be dealt with. Basically there are two types of root protection. In the separated type of roo

47、t protection system the membrane is not root resistant, but the FLL resistance tests four year test period has not been completed to date, and for this reason, it is temporarily used with a separate root protection layer. Therefore, in the case of a separated system of root protection, the root prot

48、ecting layer is placed on a distinct level. In the case of an integrated root protection system, the waterproof membrane itself is proven to be root resistant, so additional protection is unnecessary. For conventional at roof solutions, the vapor load coming from beneath must be blocked, since the u

49、sual ventilation of vapor barrier is hardly possible, and from an aesthetic point of view, ventilation pipes are to be avoided.For I.R.M.A. type solutions, the waterproong membrane is underneath the insulation and there is no vapor barrier layer. This way there are less layers and the construction t

50、echnology is simplied. As is generally known, only closed cell extruded hard polystyrene foam thermal insulation is to be used (Roommate), with inset and truss in one layer. Compared to the construction of the conventional built-up roof, about a 20% thicker thermal insulation should be used, due to

51、the moistening of the insulation surface, and the cooling effect this causes. A requirement regarding the load carrying roof structure is the proper heat retaining capacity, with a steel-cement structure roof mass of 250kg/m2 minimum criterion. Above the thermal insulation the other layers should be

52、 installed with materials suitable for ventilation and diffusion of vapors. In choosing the green roof construction solution with insulated roof membrane application, the rising tendency of the insulation should be considered, and therefore a shallow extensive roof might present an obstacle.With dua

53、l insulated at roofs, the waterproong is positioned at the bottom layer which is cheaper and has a poorer quality, and then, after the possibly required root protection layer, comes the top insulation layer, which has to have the same quality as the I.R.M.A. Here there is less danger of rising then

54、with the insulation of I.R.M.A., here too it should be considered. If the dual insulated roof is new, then the vapor barrier layer is omitted (with engineering approval). If the dual insulated roof is used in the renovation of roof insulation, then naturally, the original layers could contain a vapo

55、r-block and vapor-pressure equalizer layer too.In the renovation of old roof insulation; the lighter extensive green solutions are advisable, since generally the load capacity limits have to be considered. In these cases the use of thin sod or a precultivated vegetation cover would be suitable, with

56、 periodical care, considering the climate of Central Europe.3 SUMMARYFor those future home owners, architects, and builders who accept and assert the views of ecological architecture, the green roof system provides the chance to contribute to an aesthetic and healthy environment with the creation of

57、 roofs planted with green vegetation. The technical and landscaping requirements are available for the construction of grassy roofs and roof gardens; the only thing needed is that action follows the words and planning, so that with human constructive capabilities, the areas taken from nature are mad

58、e to come alive again in our immediate environment.德国屋顶花园绿化(德)渥尔纳·皮特·库斯特摘要本文介绍了德国屋顶花园的类型、构造、工作原理、政府的政策支持。屋顶花园是必需品,而不是奢侈品。关键词:风景园林;屋顶花园;综述;开敞型1 屋顶花园的优势屋顶花园拥有很多优势,这是一个毋庸置疑也不可否认的事实。有些人还存有疑虑或持相反观点,其主要原因是这些人不了解屋顶花园的技术发展。在30年前或者仅仅15年前,这些疑问更多地与技术相关,如今疑问主要与成本相关。现在我们能否拥有屋顶花园已完全不成问题,因为屋顶花园是必需品,而不是奢侈品。1 高度水分保持根据屋顶花园的设计,直接的水分流失量将减少70%90(100)%。排水口的数量能够大大减少,管道的直径也可以更小,因此能够节省大量建筑费用。所收集的水资源也同样能够通过日常的蒸发和输送达到自然循环。2 空间的利用将普通的未被使用的屋顶区域设计为屋顶花园,尤其是作为公共娱乐和运动建筑的屋顶,不仅充分利用宝贵的


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