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1、IFR FLIGHT ENVIRONMENTAir Traffic Control SystemAir Traffic Control System Enroute OperationsAir Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) Terminal OperationsApproach ControlDeparture ControlControl TowersGround ControlClearance DeliveryARTCC Provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on

2、IFR flight plans in controlled airspace. Central authority for issuing IFR clearances Provide nationwide monitoring of each IFR flight - enroute mostlyARTCC Priorities 1 Safe separation of known IFR traffic 2 Issuance of safety alerts 3 Workload permitting, separation of VFR aircraft Before you can

3、operate in controlled airspace under IMC conditions, you MUST:file an IFR flight planANDhave received a clearance Plan to file your flight plan at least 30 minutes prior to departureRequesting Your Clearance Field has Control TowerGround ControlClearance Delivery if appropriate Field only served by

4、FSSFSS forwards it to you before you leave Uncontrolled FieldRequest FSS by telephoneWill include a “clearance void time”Longevity of Flight Plans After one hour past planned departure time, most IFR flight plans are dropped from systemUnless you want this to happen, advise ATC when it looks like yo

5、ull be delayed further than 1 hour from intended!Enroute Separation Techniques used to ensure adequate separation standards:route changesradar vectoringaltitude crossing restrictions for navaids and intersectionsaltitude changesspeed adjustmentsPilot Responsibilities When asked to reduce your speed,

6、 stay within +/- 10 knots of it. Know your regulations Know your currency status Know your airspace Know your aircraft requirementsSeparation is Good! Remember ATCs first priority is separation of IFR traffic. When IFR in VMC:always use “see and avoid”if possible, ATC will separate you from VFR traf

7、ficWeather Information Lower priority than separation Keep in mind that workload, radar limitations & frequency congestion may limit ATCs ability to provide In-flight weather avoidance assistance. Center meteorologistuses a network of radar sitesissues a center weather advisory (CWA) if necessar

8、ySafety Alerts Issued by center controller when in unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft. Terrain or obstruction alertMode C below MSA Aircraft conflict alertmin. separation could be compromisedposition given and possible course of action neededRadar Services Radar Contact is

9、a bonus of IFR operation.Clear conflicting trafficradar vectorsradar approach to the nearest suitable airportASR: Airport Surveillance RadarPAR: Precision Approach Radaralert search and rescueTerminal Facilities I ATISReduces radio congestionDeparture and Arrival possible Clearance DeliveryRelieves

10、congestion of Ground frequencyReceive IFR clearance prior to taxiClass B/C clearance for VFR pilotsDeparture control and transponder code for radar departure controlTerminal Facilities II Control TowerIn our arena, when delegated, tasked to provide separation of IFR aircraft in terminal areasMovemen

11、t areaPlace IFR aircraft into departure sequenceStay on Tower until told to switchApproach Control - sequencingTower - landing clearanceTerminal Facilities III Departure Controlintegrate departure to enroute phase Approach Controlintegrate enroute to terminal Optional radar service to VFRBasicTRSA (

12、terminal radar service area)Class B / Class C serviceRadar Service for VFR Basic radar service1) safety alerts2) traffic advisories3) limited vectoring4) sequencing TRSA service1) radar vectoring2) sequencing3) separation for all IFR and participating VFR aircraftDOs and DONTs of Radar Service Not m

13、andatory for VFR operations, but highly recommended Youre not relieved of your job to watch terrain, see and avoid, etc. Decline a clearance which appears to violate a regulationadvise “unable”request amended clearanceClass C Service Class Cmandatory where establishedATC provides sequencing of all a

14、rriving aircraft to primary airportSeparation between IFR and VFRTraffic advisoriesSafety alertsClass B Service Class Baccommodate arrivals and departures at busy terminalsMandatory since clearance requiredSeparation based on:IFRVFRAircraft Weight CriteriaTraffic Advisories Convention of traffic call-outs:1) position relative to your aircraft2) distance in nm3) direction of movement4) type of aircraft5) altitude Use of 12-hour clock for azimuth- Each clock number is 30 degrees Dont forget your crab angle when looking for


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