



1、(人教版高中课程标准试验教科书 选修6 Unit 1 ART, A ShortHistory of Western Painting)一、 教学课型:阅读活动课 本单元的课文主要是对西方绘画史的介绍。主要介绍各 个时期绘画的特点和风格。二、 教材分析1.教学内容(见文本)2.教材处理 本文是对西方绘画史的一个简洁的介绍。主要介绍了不同时期人 们的信仰对绘画主题与风格的影响以及各个时期绘画的主题和风 格。本节课主要安排一下几个教学环节导入对课文的理解 探究人们各个历史时期的想念根源 通过自己的绘画体现自己对各个时期绘画作品主题和风格的理 解。展示自己的作品并用英语进行描述。3.教学目的Teach

2、ing Goals:(1). To arouse Ssinterest in learning about art.(2). To let the students understand the text and know the fourpainting styles in different times.3). To let the students understand how faith influences the artstyles and guide students to understand what the peoplsefaith in the four differen

3、t timesand how they influenced the painting styles.(4). To encourage the students to draw their own paintings according to theirunderstanding and experience to illustrate their understanding to the paintings indifferent times and express their ideas by using what they have learned from the text.4.教学

4、辅助teaching aidsMulti-media, simple drawing, pictures, painting papers and pencils三、 教学设计Teaching Procedures:(一) 总 体思路1.在导入阶段,通过欣赏西方世界名画来激起学生对西方绘画史的 兴趣。2.通过阅读找出各个历史时期绘画的主题,特色和风格。3.引导学生分析人们在各个不同时期产生不同想念 (faith)的根源。4.通过自己的绘画作品来体现各个不同历史时期人们的信念和受 此影响下的不同时期的绘画特色和风格。5.通过展示和介绍自己的绘画作品来使用本篇阅读文本中学习的 语言知识,历史文化背

5、景以及获取的信息。(二)教学过程Step 1 Leading-inGuide the students to appreciate some world famous drawings. Purpose: To activate Ssand arouse their interest in the western draining.Step 2. Fast Read ingWhy the title is a SHORT HISTOR Y OF WESTERN PAINTING?There are so many different styles of Western Art, it woul

6、d be impossible to describe all of themin such a short text. This text will describe only the most importa nt on es.Step 3 Skim mingRead through the text quickly and match the pictures with the styles.Middle AgesRen aissa neeImpression ismModern ArtStep 4 Further un dersta nding1. Read the 1st parag

7、raph and answer the following question.What is the art in flue need?2. Read the 2nd paragraph and an swer the follow ing questi on.Why the typical picture at that time was to represe nt religious themes andwas full of religious symbols?To show respect and love for God.3. Read the 3rd paragraph and a

8、n swer the follow ing questi on. Whatwould happe n without the new pai nts and the new tech niq ue?We would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which thisperiod is famous.4. Read the 4th paragraph and an swer the follow ing questi on.Why did many people dislike the impressionists styl

9、e and became angryabout it?Their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier pain ters.They said the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous.5. Read the 5th paragraph and an swer the follow ing questi on.Why some moder n art is abstract?The pain ter does n ot attempt to pai

10、nt object as we see them with oureyes, but in stead concen trates on certa in qualities of the object.PeriodMiddle AgesRen aissa neeImpressio nismModern ArtTime5th-15th cen tury15th-16th centuryLate 19th-early20thcen tury20thcen tury-todayCharacteristics ofthe pain ti ngsreligiousthemes ma nyreligio

11、us symbolsrealisticthemes perspective new oilpain tspai ntedoutdoors painted cha nges inlightnotdetailed had topai nt quicklyabstract:Concen tratedon qualities oftheobject veryrealistic: likephotographsStep 5 Deeper un dersta ndingHow did the faith in flue nee the draw ing style?Using simple drawing

12、s to show the faith of the time and how the faith in flue needthe art style.The middle Ages : people love God and showed their respect and love to God.Ren aissa nee : people bega n to realize that they were the world.The Impressionism : people went to cities and began to have the desire to get close

13、 tothe n ature.Moder n Art : People thi nk every one is uniq ue.Step 6 Show your own un dersta nding by draw ing your own paintings to show thecharacteristics of the painting styles.Let the students choose one painting style and draw their own paintings to show thecharacteristics of the painting sty

14、les. Then, ask them to show their paintings, explainthe characteristics and describe the paintings. Step 7: Showing the studentspaintings and explaining your own pain ti ngs.Step 8: Appreciate the pain ti ngsStep 9 HomeworkYou can choose one from the following:A. Write a summary of the short history

15、 of western painting.B. Write an introduction of your painting.教学反思:这节课感觉达到了预期的目的。 我主要想展示如何调动学生的学习积极性和 学生的创造思维。通过多种形式让学生通过动手,动嘴,动耳,调动尽可能多的 感官让学生加深理解。 本节课运用了美术, 音乐等手段, 通过让学生画画来表达 他们的理解,然后通过自己的作品来练习口语和交流。 课后,Paul 和其他老师给 出了比较高的评价。 我觉得吧英语课上的轻松愉快, 让学生喜欢上英语课, 体验 身心的愉悦和成就感, 轻松愉快的提高英语水平和能力, 这将是我今后将一直追 求的。附件

16、 1 Blackboard Design附件 2 画纸的设计附件 3 学生课堂活动任务设计 . .附件 1Blackboard DesignPeriodMiddle AgesRen aissa neeImpressio nismModern ArtTime5th-15thcentury15th-16thce nturyLate 19th-early 20thcen tury20thcentury totodayCharacteristicsof the pain ti ngsreligious themesfull of religioussymbolsmore huma ni sticper

17、spective/oilpa in tsto work outdoorspain ted quickly2 importa nt styles:abstract/ realisticThe faithWe Love you, God!We are the world!We love you, nature!Iamdiffere nt/uniqueThe paintingShowyourun dersta nding附件 2Show My Un dersta ndingPeriod:Characteristics:The n ame of my paintingSig nature:The de

18、scription of my painting:附件 3.学生课堂活动任务参看下一页Unit 1 Art A SHORT HISTOR Y OF WESTERN PAINTINGRead the passage to find out the characteristics of the paintings in different times and fill in the chartPeriodMiddle AgesRen aissaneeImpressionismModern ArtTime5th-15thcen tury15th-16thcenturyLate 19!P-early 2 century 20thcentury to todayCharacteristics of the painti ngsthe main aim of painterswas to present_A typical picture was fullofCon


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