



1、23.some flowers on the win dow.Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 单元练习笔试部分I.词汇(15 分)A.选词填空(5 分) )boring, relaxing, difficult, fun, interestingI.Joh n sits on the chair. Its very_ .2.S un can play volleyball. She thinks its very_3.1 dont like maths. Its_.4.That book is very_ like it very much.5.1 cant

2、play computer games. Its very_B.圈出使用正确的单词(10 分) )6.A:(Do, Does) you have a televisi on?B: Yes.7. Does he have a soccer ball? No, he( does nt, dont)8. Lets( play, to play) tennis.9. Do they( like, likes) computer game? Yes, they do.10. He does nt have(a,/) volleyball.11. Does Mary have (one, two) pen

3、cil cases?12. Ca n you(bri ng, take) your basketball to school? Yes, I can.13. Where are these soccer balls? They are (un der, i n) the bed.14. (Let her, Lets her) sit dow n.15. A:Lets play volleyball. B:(That, Thats) sounds good.n.单项选择(10 分) )16.A:Does he have a pencil?B:_.A. Yes, he doB. No, he do

4、esC. Yes, he doesD. No, he dont17.1_ have an eraser. She has one.A. dontB. does ntC. hasD. does18. There are many_ in the bookcase.A.bookB.booksC. a book19. A:she like Chi na?B: Yes, she_20. A:Lets go home.B:_ .A. All rightB. Here you are21.1 think they_a brother.A. is thereB. haveC. doesD. has22._

5、Liu Mei_ a volleyball?A. Do; haveB. Does; have C. Have;/D. /;hasD. two booksA. Does; doB. Do; doesC. Is; isD. Does; doesC. Youre welcome D. RightA. hasB. haveC. there isD. there are24. More girls_ apples in their han ds.A. haveB. areC. there isD. there are25. Do Liu Li and Liu Jun have_ gran dfather

6、?川.情景交际(25 分)A.重新排列下列句子(5 分)26. There are many ball games in America.27. Childre n play baseball in sports fields or in parks.28. The matches are ofte n showed on televisi on.29. After the match is over, the people still talk about the game and the players.30. Baseball is one of the favorite sports

7、in the U.S.A.31. The baseball match is from April to September.32. The members of the important teams became heroes(英雄).B.根据情景完成对话(10 分)A: Excuse me. 33 you 34 a basketball?B: 35 ,I 36 .Ask C.l thi nk she 37 o ne.A: 38 .Excuse me, C, do you have a 39 C: 40 ,I do.A: Let 41 play it.A: That 42 good.C.从

8、n栏找出i栏的答语(io 分)i43. Whats your name?44. Whats your teleph one nu mber?45.Is this your pen cil?46.How do you spell it?47.Is she your sister?48. Where is my book?49. Do you have a baseball?50.Is Guo Peng your brother?51. Does your aunt have an alarm clock?52. Whats this?IV.完成句子(20 分)nA. Its 281-8769.B

9、. David.C. No, its her pen cil.D. Yes, she is.E. W-A-T-C-H.F. Its in the backpack.G.Sorry, I dont.H. No, he isnt.I. Its a ring.J. Yes, she does.A.按要求完成句子(10 分)53.She has a lot of work to do this week.(改为一般疑问句)54.We have a big TV set in our house.(改为否定句)55.Does she have any English-Chinese dictionary

10、?(作否定回答 )56.We have some n ice pictures.(主语改为 he)57.Ann has a basketball.(改为复数句子)B.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(10 分)58. 你有录像带吗?_you_video cassette?59. 他的叔叔没有电脑。His_ have a computer.60打篮球有趣吗?_playi ng basketball_ ?61. 他仅在电视上观看它们。He_them on televisi on.62. Tony 有八个朋友。Tony_ eight_.V.阅读理解(5 分)Do you have a brother

11、or a sister? Do you have two tennis rackets and a tennis ball?You can play tennis. Two people or four people can play tennis. Do you have a basketball?Do you have two brothers or sisters? Can your mother and father play? Five people can playbasketball.Volleyball n eeds six people for each team and a

12、 volleyball. But baseball n eeds a big family. Abaseball team has nine people. You n eed a baseball bat and a ball.63. _ people can play baseball and they need a_ and a_64. _or_ people can play tennis.65. Five people can play_ .66. _n eeds six people for_ team and a_W.书面表达(5 分)根据表格,介绍第二中学和第三中学的运动队。答

13、案:I.词汇(15 分)A. 选词填空(5 分)1 relax ing 2 fun 3 bori ng 4 in terest ing5 difficultB. 圈出使用正确的单词(10 分)6 Yes. Do 7 does nt8 play 9 like 10.a11. two 12. bring 13. un der14. Let her 15. ThatB.根据情景完成对话(10 分)排列顺序:26 302731 283229No.3 :volleyball team,soccer team,baseball team,tennis team.No.2 tennisteam, baseb

14、allteam, soccer情景交际(25 分)A.重新排列下列句子(5 分)33.Do 34.have 35.Yes 36.do 37.has38.Thanks39.baseball 4O.Yes 41.us42.so undsIV.完成句子(20 分)A. 按要求完成句子(10 分)Does she have a lot of work to do this weak?We dont have a big TV set i n our house.He has some nice pictures.They have basketballs.B. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(10 分)Do, haveun cle, does ntonly, watch Is, in teresti nghas, friendsV.阅读理解(5 分)答案:Nine, baseball, baseball bat答案:Two ,four答案:basketball答案:Volleyball, each, volleyballW.书面表达(


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