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1、 NEGOTIATING PRICEUnitContents of Oral Business English (I) Detailed Items1Looking for a Job(I)Job AdvertisementsCover letter& ResumeJob Interview2Coming to a New Company(I)Reporting for workTalking about Rules of CompanyTalking about Organizational StructureTalking about Responsibilities of Job

2、 PositionsTouring the Office Building3Office Routines(I)Telephone CommunicatuionBusiness MeetingBooking4Price (II)Negotiating the Price5Modes of Payment (II)6Sales Promotion (II)7Shipment &Packaging (II)8Signing a Contract (II)9Customer Service (II) . . . . Unit 4 NEGOTIATING PRICE Unit 4 Price

3、Negotiation Learning Objectives Learning about Business Negotiation Learning about Terms in price negotiation Understanding procedures in price negotiation Learning to talk about price adjustments, discounts, and concessions Business Negotiation Definition of Business Negotiation Business negotiatio

4、n, is defined as negotiation dealing with business affairs. It arranges the settlement of terms and conditions of trade (贸易条件和条款) by discussions. It may finally lead to agreement through negotiations and compromise. It includes consultation(磋商), bargaining(讨价还价), mediation(调解), arbitration(仲裁) and s

5、ometimes, even litigation(诉讼). 商务谈判的定义 从现代意义上讲,商务谈判可以被定义为处理商务事物的谈判,以讨论协商方式来确定贸易中的各项条件和条款,并最终达成一致。它其中包括磋商、讨价还价、调解、仲裁 ,有时甚至诉讼 。 Function of Business Negotiation Business negotiation is treated as an integral part of the total international business activity. Business negotiation is a tool to achieve t

6、he general commercial interests of the parties involved. The Characteristics of Business Negotiation3. Negotiation is a very trying process with confrontation(对抗) and concession(让步). 2. Theres no such thing as “take it or leave it” in international business. Everything is negotiable. It all depends

7、on the expertise of the negotiators. Negotiation is at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to the interaction between two sides with a common goal profits. The Main Contents of Business Negotiation price (价格) quality (质量) terms of payment (付款条件) packing and shipping

8、(包装和装运) insurance (保险) agency (代理) complaints, disputes and claims (投诉、争议、索赔) arbitration (仲裁) processing and assembling trade (加工与装配贸易) compensation trade (贸易补偿) technology importation (技术引进) Proceduresof Price Negotiation Enquiry /Inquiry (询盘) Offer (报盘) Counter-offer (还盘) Acceptance (接受) Order (订

9、货)Enquiry/Inquiry 2 types of enquiry1. general enquiry (general information) a catalogue a price list / quotation sheets a sample2. specific enquiry name of the commodity the specifications (规格) the quantity unit price FOB or CIF (单价) packaging (包装) shipment (装运) the terms & methods of payment (

10、付款条款和方式)Price Terms-FOB & CIF FOB: FREE ON BOARD 离岸价离岸价装运港船上交货是指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在指定装运港将货物交至买方指定的船上,并负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。 CIF : COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT 到岸价到岸价成本加保险费、运费是指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险,并负责办理货运保险,支付保险费,以及负责租船或订舱,支付从装运港到目的港的运费。 Price Terms-FOB &

11、amp; CIF (I)A: The price of this product is $950 per set.B: Do you quote CIF or FOB?A: Our price is on CIF basis. (II)A: Whats the basis of your offer, CIF or FOB? You know, Id like to have your lowest quotation CIF Shanghai (上海到岸价).B: Wait a minute. I will have it worked out very soon. The price fo

12、r COMPAQ 1200 is $900 per set CIF Shanghai.A: Our size of order is 1000 sets. The date of delivery is July. By the way, How long does your current offer remian valid?B: Our offer is firm offer and remains open for 3 days. Here is the quotation sheet. Terms of Payment 3 categories: Remittance汇付 Colle

13、ction托收 Letter of credit信用证 Remittance:Mail transfer: M/T 信汇Telegraphic transfer: T/T 电汇Demand draft: D/D 票汇 Letter of credit:sight L/C 即期信用证time or usance L/C 远期信用证revocable and irrevocable L/C 可/不可撤销信用证unconfirmed and confirmed L/C不保兑/保兑信用证transferable and non-transferable L/C可转让/不可转让信用证documentar

14、y and clean L/C 跟单/光票信用证revolving L/C 循环信用证Offer & Counter offer An offer either orally or in written form should include: *the name, price, quality and quantity of the goods; *the date of delivery and/or time of shipment; *the terms of payment; *the validity of the offer; *other terms concerned

15、, such as packaging, discount, insurance, etc. Counter-Offer A counter-offer means a partial rejection of the original offer, and it is often a counter proposal put forward by the buyer or the offeree. The sentence “accept your offer subject to the following alterations”(接受你方报盘,但须做以下修改)can be used i

16、n answering an offer. In making a counter-offer, the party concerned should express regret at inability to accept, and explain the reasons for non-acceptance . Negotiating the Price Phases Phase 1: (15 minutes) To read useful expressions and 3 conversations about negotiating prices to make it ready

17、for video watching Phase 2: (10 minutes) To watch the video of negotiating prices and get familiar with the expressions you have learnt Phase 3: ( 60 minutes) Role- play (2) Conversation Practices ( Chinese-6) Conversation Practice (6-1)v Conversation Practice 1 vA: 今天下午过得如何?今天下午过得如何?vB: 还好。今早我已详细看过

18、你给我的目录了。还好。今早我已详细看过你给我的目录了。 我想讨论一我想讨论一v 下你们计算机扬声器下你们计算机扬声器 (computer speaker)的价格。的价格。vA: 好的。这是我们的价目表。好的。这是我们的价目表。B: 我看看。你们我看看。你们680型的标价是型的标价是10美金。大量订购的话有折扣吗?美金。大量订购的话有折扣吗?vA: 当然有。当然有。100或以上的订单我们有百分之五的折扣。或以上的订单我们有百分之五的折扣。B: 如果我下六百订单,你们可以给我什么样的折扣?如果我下六百订单,你们可以给我什么样的折扣?vA: 六百的话,给你百分之十的折扣。六百的话,给你百分之十的折扣

19、。Conversation Practice (6-1)v Conversation Practice 1 (Sample)vA: How are you this afternoon?B: Just fine. I looked over the catalogue you gave me this morning, andv Id like to discuss about the prices on your computer speakers.vA: Very good. Here is our price list.B: Let me see I see that your list

20、ed price for 680 model is $10. Dov you offer quantity discounts?vA: We sure do. We gave a 5% discount for orders of a hundred or v more.vB: What kind of discount could you give me if I were to place an orderv for 6 hundred units?vA: On an order of 6 hundred, we can give you a discount of 10 percent.

21、Conversation Practice (6-2)v v Conversation Practice 2vA: 你有没有收到我们上星期寄给你的样品?你有没有收到我们上星期寄给你的样品?vB: 收到了,我们已经进行了评估。收到了,我们已经进行了评估。 如果价钱合适,我们现在就想订货。如果价钱合适,我们现在就想订货。v 这种货你们最低价是多少?这种货你们最低价是多少?vA: 单价单价12.50美元。美元。B: 我觉得这个价贵了点,你能不能减一点?我觉得这个价贵了点,你能不能减一点?vA: 恐怕不行,恐怕不行,12.50美元是我们的底价。如果你订货超过美元是我们的底价。如果你订货超过10,000

22、件,件,v 我们可以减到我们可以减到12.00 美元。美元。vB: 行,我接受这个价格,行,我接受这个价格, 第一批订货第一批订货10,000件。你们能在件。你们能在31日前发货吗?日前发货吗?vA: 当然可以。当然可以。Conversation Practice (6-2) Conversation Practice 2 (sample)vA: Did you receive the sample we sent last week?vB: Yes. Weve finished the evaluation of it. If the price isv acceptable, we wou

23、ld like to order now. Whats your best pricev for that item?A: The unit price is $12.50.B: I think the price is a little high. Cant you reduce it?vA: Im afraid not. $12.50 is our bottom price. We could reduce it tov $12.00 if your purchase is over 10,000 units.B: Very good. We accept the price and pl

24、ace the initial order of v 10,000 units.Can you deliver the goods by 31st?A: Of course.Conversation Practice (6-3)v Conversation Practice 3v vA: Steven, 您认为价格怎么样?您认为价格怎么样?vB: 我们能出到的最低价格每箱我们能出到的最低价格每箱$120.vA: 恐怕不行。我们不可能减到那个程度。恐怕不行。我们不可能减到那个程度。vB: 我认为你们非常了解现在的市场,一些西班牙公司,同样的商品,他我认为你们非常了解现在的市场,一些西班牙公司,同

25、样的商品,他v 们出更低的价格。们出更低的价格。vA: 价格不能与质量分开而论。你会发现,我们的产品与对手的相比,质价格不能与质量分开而论。你会发现,我们的产品与对手的相比,质v 量更好的多。量更好的多。vB: 那倒是真的,你们的质量更好。但即使考虑到你们的产品质量,你们那倒是真的,你们的质量更好。但即使考虑到你们的产品质量,你们v 的价格仍旧偏高。我们各让一步怎么样?的价格仍旧偏高。我们各让一步怎么样?vA: 那我得想一想,那我得想一想,30分钟之后给你回复分钟之后给你回复.vB: 不着急。不着急。 Conversation Practice (6-3)v Conversation Prac

26、tice 3vA: Steven, whats your idea of price?(你认为价格怎么样?)(你认为价格怎么样?)vB: The best we can do is $120 per case.vA: Im afraid thats impossible. You cant expect us to reduce it to that extent.vB: I think you are well-informed about the prevailing market. Some Spanish firms are offering the same at much lowe

27、r prices(给出更低价(给出更低价格)格).vA: Prices cant be taken separately from quality. A comparison of the quality of our products with that of rival goods will show you that ours is far superior.vB: It is true yours are of better quality. But your price is still on the high side(你们的价格偏高) even if we take the qu

28、ality into consideration. How about meeting each other half way?(我们各让一步怎么样?)我们各让一步怎么样?)vA: Well, Ill have to think about it and give you a reply 30 minutes from now.vB: Take your time, please.Conversation Practice (6-4)v Conversation Practice 4vA: 我们已经讨论过你们提出的要价。我们已经讨论过你们提出的要价。 我们认为你方的价格太高,我方我们认为你方的

29、价格太高,我方v 难以接受。难以接受。vB: 不过我认为我们的报价是现实的、合理的。不过我认为我们的报价是现实的、合理的。vA: 你说的你说的“合理的合理的”是什么意思?是什么意思?vB: 就是说,我方不会漫天要价,我们是与当前市场价格的普遍水平相一就是说,我方不会漫天要价,我们是与当前市场价格的普遍水平相一v 致的。致的。vA: 我不同意。如果没法进一步商谈,你方坚持不做让步的话,我们干脆我不同意。如果没法进一步商谈,你方坚持不做让步的话,我们干脆v 放弃这笔交易好了。放弃这笔交易好了。vB: 对不起,你方还价多少?对不起,你方还价多少?vA: 在互利的基础上,每件在互利的基础上,每件70美

30、元怎么样?美元怎么样?vB: 恐怕你方还价太低。差距太大。恐怕你方还价太低。差距太大。vA: 那么我们双方都退一步做出让步这样我们才可以完成这笔交易。那么我们双方都退一步做出让步这样我们才可以完成这笔交易。 Conversation Practice (6-4)v Conversation Practice 4vA: Well, weve discussed the offer you quoted. And we found your offer v was too high. Its difficult for us to accept it. vB: But I think our of

31、fer is reasonable and realistic.vA: What do you mean by “ reasonable”?vB: That is, we never make our price on wild speculation, it comes in line v with the prevailing market.vA: I cant agree with you. If there is no room for further discussion and you v refuse to make any concession(做出让步)做出让步), we m

32、ight as well call the deal v off.(放弃这笔交易)(放弃这笔交易)vB: Sorry. Just wait , whats your counter-offer?vA: On the basis of our mutual benefit, how about $70 per set?vB: Im afraid your counterbid (还价)(还价)is too low, and the gap(价格差距)(价格差距) v is too wide.vA: How about meeting each other half-way and making

33、a concession sov that we can make the business concluded(完成交易)(完成交易)?Conversation Practice (6-5)v Conversation practice 5vA: 早上好,先生。我的任务就是给您介绍我们的笔记本电脑。早上好,先生。我的任务就是给您介绍我们的笔记本电脑。vB: 恐怕我现在没空。恐怕我现在没空。vA: 也许您不会介意抽出几分钟时间允许我介绍一下我们的产品。也许您不会介意抽出几分钟时间允许我介绍一下我们的产品。vB: 请讲。请讲。vA: 首先,它外形优雅、美丽,相当轻便。因此无论您走到哪里携带方便。

34、首先,它外形优雅、美丽,相当轻便。因此无论您走到哪里携带方便。v 而且它设计简单、时尚,易于操作。让我给您看演示一下。而且它设计简单、时尚,易于操作。让我给您看演示一下。vB: 是的,它真的很好很方便。是的,它真的很好很方便。 保修服务怎么样?保修服务怎么样?vA: 它全保五年,您可以对我们完善的保修服务放心。它全保五年,您可以对我们完善的保修服务放心。vB: 多少钱呢?多少钱呢?vA: 正常价正常价7,000元每台,如果您喜欢,我可以给您打个折。元每台,如果您喜欢,我可以给您打个折。vB: 6,500元怎么样?元怎么样?vA: 好,成交。好,成交。Conversation Practice

35、(6-5)v Conversation Practice 5vA: Morning, Sir. My mission here is to introduce you our notebook PCs.vB: I am not free at the moment, Im afraid.vA: Maybe you dont mind sparing me just a few minutes to introduce some v information of our product.vB: Well, go ahead.vA: First, it has elegant and beauti

36、ful appearance and its excellent for itsv handiness(轻便轻便). So it is very easy to take with you wherever you go. v Moreover, it has a simple, modern design, making it user-friendly(易操作易操作v 的)的). Let me show you.vB: Yeah. Its really very nice and convenient. How about the maintenancev service(保修服务)(保修

37、服务)?vA: It is fully guaranteed (全保)(全保)for 5 years and you can count on us for v complete maintenance service.vB: How much does it cost?vA: The normal price is 7,000 yuan, and I can give you a discount (打个折)(打个折)v if you really like it.vB: How about 6,500 yuan?vA: OK. (Deal) done(成交)(成交).Conversatio

38、n Practice (6-6)v Conversation Practice 6vA: 欢迎到我们公司,欢迎到我们公司,Johnson 先生。先生。vB: 我很高兴又来到上海。我很高兴又来到上海。vA: 请到我的办公室吧。我相信你们已经研究过我们的围巾提案了。请到我的办公室吧。我相信你们已经研究过我们的围巾提案了。vB: 是的。我们对你们的羊毛围巾感兴趣。我想了解一下价格。是的。我们对你们的羊毛围巾感兴趣。我想了解一下价格。 能不能给我看一能不能给我看一v 下价格表?下价格表?vA: 给您。给您。vB: 恐怕你们的价格太高。恐怕你们的价格太高。vA: 根本不高。我们的手工羊毛围巾不仅品质好而

39、且价格合理。根本不高。我们的手工羊毛围巾不仅品质好而且价格合理。vB: 据我所知,韩国产品也是颜色鲜艳设计优美,但他们的价格平均会比你们的低。据我所知,韩国产品也是颜色鲜艳设计优美,但他们的价格平均会比你们的低。vA: 是的,您说的没错,但是您错过了重要的一点,我们的手工围巾是传统的,是的,您说的没错,但是您错过了重要的一点,我们的手工围巾是传统的,v 享誉世界市场,而他们的机器加工。享誉世界市场,而他们的机器加工。vB: 但你要承认你们的价格比你们的竞争者高出至少但你要承认你们的价格比你们的竞争者高出至少5个百分点。如果你们想得到个百分点。如果你们想得到v 订单,就得降低价格。订单,就得降低

40、价格。vA: 您能不能告诉我您大概要订多少呢?我们可以相应调整我们的价格。您能不能告诉我您大概要订多少呢?我们可以相应调整我们的价格。vB: 如果在开出的价格上打九折,我打算订如果在开出的价格上打九折,我打算订20,000 打。打。vA: 恐怕九折不行,给你个九四折吧。恐怕九折不行,给你个九四折吧。vB: 那还合理。那还合理。Conversation Practice (6-6)v Conversation Practice 6vA: Welcome to our company, Mr. Johnson.vB: Im pleased to come to Shanghai again.vA:

41、 Come to my office, please. I believed youve studied our proposal for scarves, havent you?vB: Yes. We are interested in your wool scarves, and Id like to know the price. Would you please show me your price list(价格表)价格表)?vA: Here you are.vB: Im afraid your price is too high.vA: No, not at all. Our ha

42、nd-made scarves are not only of high quality but also of reasonable price.vB: As far as I know, the Korean articles (物品)物品)also brightly colored and beautifully designed, but their price is lower than yours on average(平均)(平均).vA: Yes, you are quite right, but you have missed the very important point that our hand-made scarves are traditional and known to the wor


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