1、阅读的模式阅读的模式 Reading Process主讲:张亚蜀主讲:张亚蜀Chapter 3Reading Process 1. Bottom-up Model 自下而上模式 2. Top-down Model 自上而下模式 3 The Interactive Model 交互模式Reading Process Reading has traditionally been the most important source of information in the learning situation. The traditional reading advocates using bot
2、tom-up model-a kind of passive decoding model. That is to say , the reader only need to read word by word, it will be very easy to get the whole meaning for them. With the development of applied-linguistics and psychological linguistics, the researchers found that reading is not a process of passive
3、 decoding model, but a process of active” guess-confirm”. ( Goodman, 1971:135). That is top-down model. After that , the artificial, intelligence expert D.E Rumelhart said reading was a process that the bottom-up model and the top-down model interact together and at the same time processes word info
4、rmation. It was called interact model. 1. Bottom-up Model The term “bottom-up” and “top-down” have been borrowed from cognitive psychology. Carrell(1988:2) defines the bottom-up model as “ a decoding process of reconstructing the authors meaning by recognizing the printed letters and words, and buil
5、d up the meaning for the textual units at the bottom. So the bottom-up model is a process which proceeds from the lowest level to the highest level of processing in such a way that all of the lower levels of processing operate without influence from higher levels(Carroll, 2000:53). That is , the rea
6、der will proceed from the features of symbols, to the analysis of strings of words into phrases and sentences, until finally to the meaning of the discourse, that is , reconstructing the authors intended meaning via recognizing the printed letters and words, and build up a meaning from the smallest
7、linguistic items at the “bottom” to larger units at the “top”(e.g. phrases, clauses, relationship between sentences and paragraphs) ( Richards,2000). Bottom-up models have had their long-lasting influence in second language reading instruction. Problems of second language reading comprehension were
8、viewed as being essentially decoding problems, deriving meaning from print. Failures to activate appropriate schemata are often interpreted as deficiencies in language processing skills. Consequently, poor readers and beginners are encouraged to expand their vocabulary and to gain greater control ov
9、er complex syntactic structures in order to improve their reading comprehension. As words and syntactic patterns become familiar, less attention will be needed to process them, and reading will be more fluent. However, in this solely bottom-up model of reading, learners may foster a habit of reading
10、 word for word to make sure of every unfamiliar word without paying much attention to the gist of the whole text. This hinders them from efficient reading, and may result in poor comprehension as well as slow reading and loss of interest in reading. 自下而上模式来源于人们对阅读过程最初的理解,是对传统的阅读理论观点的系统性总结。该模式产生于20世纪
11、60年代,代表人物有P.B. Gough,S.T. Samules等。该理论认为,阅读是从辨认字母、单词开始,然后理解词组、短语、句子乃至整个篇章。这种模式强调信息从低级向高级转换并在高一级的水平上得到进一步的加工,当低一级水平上出现理解故障时就必然导致句子或篇章上的理解困难。这样看来,阅读就仅仅是从文字中提取意义的单一过程了,教师在进行阅读教学时,主要任务就是帮助学生解决语言文字上的障碍,即弄清单词、短语及句子意义即可。这样会使学生容易形成逐字逐句的阅读习惯,导致阅读速度慢,并且将注意力过分集中在字句的细节上,忽略对文章的总体把握。表面上似乎看懂了文章,但对于作者的意图和目的,文章的组织结构
12、以及作者的写作风格并不能准确把握。 这一模式从一定程度上反映了阅读过程的特征,但随着研究的深入,有人开始怀疑这个传统的阅读理论过程。认为自下而上模式忽略了读者记忆里已有知识所起的作用,低估了读者的主动作用,没有把读者看成是信息的积极处理者。 美国学者高夫认为,阅读是从最低级的字母辨认开始的,经过认读单词,了解词义,确定句子意义等阶段,最后了解读物的意义。这种模式可以表示为:字母单词句子意义“自下而上” 的模式是指阅读只不过是一个词语解码的过程,在阅读中读者逐个词、逐个词组、逐个句子、逐一进行解码,从而达到对整个段落,整篇文章的理解。该模式认为,阅读的困难主要出在文字层面上,只要读者掌握相当的词
13、汇,具备迅速解码能力即能达到流畅理解的程度. “自下而上”的模式是把阅读看成是从词到文章大意的信息解码过程。读者与文章的联系是单方面的,他只能通过类如词或词组来理解文章,因此读者往往会处于被动地位,很容易就面临一种只知道词的意思却不知道或不完全理解整篇文章大意的孤立处境。例如,“see eye to eye”是指“达成协议”,如果按字面意思来翻译却成了“看从眼到眼”,意思完全不同。 “自上而下与自下而上的阅读模式是一种科学合理的阅读模式.自下而上的阅读模式是阅读的基础,自上而下的阅读模式是高水平阅读的必要条件. 2. Top-down Model Goodman had described r
14、eading as a “psycholinguistic guessing game,” in which the “reader reconstructs.a message which has been encoded by a writer as a graphic display” (Goodman,American Linguist 1971:135). According to this point of view, the reader reconstructs meaning from written language by using the graphophonic, a
15、nd semantic systems of the language, but merely uses cues from the three levels of language to predict meaning, and most importantly, confirms those predictions by relating them to his past experiences and knowledge of the language. In the top-down view of second language reading, not only is the re
16、ader an active participant in the reading process, making predications and processing information, but everything in the readers prior experience or background knowledge plays a significant role in the process. 自上而下阅读模式是古德曼在六十年代末提出来的。他认为,阅读过程并非是一个精确的知觉过程,而是一个选择的过程,即在阅读者预测的基础上运用那些可能得到的最少的、从知觉中选择而来的语言
17、线索。一旦这些选择而来的信息被加工,则形成“暂时决定”。而这些“暂时决定”在继续阅读中会加以证实、拒绝或进一步提炼,直到阅读者理解阅读材料,阅读过程便告完成。这种模式可以表示为:经验、语感、期待选择部分材料意义 此外,他强调阅读者认知系统依赖于已有的语言知识和社会经历。在阅读过程中,充分发挥语言知识和社会经历的作用,以此来推动对书面文字的理解。 古德曼认为,自上而下阅读模式的主要步骤是: (1)扫瞄和注视。从左到右对文字符号进行扫瞄,并对某些部分进行注视。 (2)选择线索,形成表象。选择那些将成为知觉表象的信息,结合对材料的预测信息(线索)形成一种知觉表象。 (3)一致性猜测。将选择的信息和预
18、测的信息作一致性猜测。 (4)反馈。如果猜测不一致,则返回到第一阶段重新开始;如较一致,则检验该猜测在背景中(即在材料的上下文中)的可接受性。如果不可接受,则返回到特定背景中重新扫瞄和注视,直到发现误点,矫正后继续下一步工作;如可接受,则译码过程继续进行,材料意义也就被阅读者所吸收和同化。至此,完成一个阅读过程。 自上而下阅读模式把阅读过程看作是个体选择阅读信息的过程,同是强调个体已有的知识经验在阅读中的作用。这在一定程度上能说明为什么不同的阅读者在阅读相同材料时所得到的不同的阅读信息,以及对阅读材料的不同理解程度。研究表明,该模式在一定程度上和一定范围内有助于促进学生的阅读理解。但由于该模式
19、过分强调个体已有的知识经验的作用,导致在阅读教学中忽视学生基本知识的作用,不注意培养学生的阅读能力,使学生的阅读技巧下降。从长远看,该模式不能给学生很大的帮助。 自下而上的模式:“阅读是一个语言心理的猜测过程”Goodman,1967读者在对语言层次的词语进行解码时,同样也在运用自己的知识:事实和社会文化方面的知识、有关阅读材料话题的知识、文章结构组织的知识、情景上下文的知识等对文章的下文进行预测,阅读检验自己的预测、修订自己的预测、进行新的预测。整个阅读过程实际上就是读者与文章的交互过程。根据这种“自下而上”的观点,背景知识比词汇问题更重要。阅读中读者所需要的是更多的相关经历和对文章背景知识
20、的了解。不同的读者由于其经历不同对文章的理解可能会相差很远,这也许就是为什么阅读异文化的材料比阅读本族文化材料要难,阅读不同时代的材料比阅读同时代的材料要难。 由于认知科学的出现和发展,在20世纪70年代末,一些学者从认知心理学的角度研究语言。 1976年,美国心理学家Goodman(古德曼)指出,读者不是逐字的获取信息,而是猜测,过滤和验证他们已获取的知识,并对他们猜想进行修订,然后实现准确的理解。该模式被称为“自上而下阅读模式” ,它体现了读者的积极影响。 自上而下的阅读模式意味着读者应该使用基本常识,语言知识,和对主题的认识来理解整篇文章的意义,猜测不理解的文段的意思,然后仔细地研究他所
21、表达的意思。 它建议处理文本开始于读者的心灵之意与驱动过程或关于文本意思的一个假定。读者识别字母和单词只是用来确认他们所假设的文本的含义。 总之,阅读首先是从对视觉信号的加工开始(自总之,阅读首先是从对视觉信号的加工开始(自下而上),一旦文字被分辨为可识别的信号,有下而上),一旦文字被分辨为可识别的信号,有关语言与常识的背景图式就开始活动并对信息来关语言与常识的背景图式就开始活动并对信息来源进行解释(自上而下)。在阅读过程中,无论源进行解释(自上而下)。在阅读过程中,无论在哪一个阶段,在哪一个层次里,两种信息处理在哪一个阶段,在哪一个层次里,两种信息处理的方式总是同时进行的。自下而上的信息处理
23、平,也取决于阅读的目的与速度及读物的内容和难易程度。物的内容和难易程度。 3 The Interactive Model On the basis of the two models and the schema theory, the third one, that is, the interactive model has developed. In the interactive model, the reader is not a passive receiver but an active searcher and reconstructor. In this way, the re
24、ader cannot only achieve comprehension in one text but also become more competent in more reading activities. As Goodman put it, highly efficient reading does not result from precise perception and identification of all elements, but from skills in selecting the fewest, but the most productive cues
25、which are necessary to produce guesses. Therefore, the interactive model has been confirmed to be much-balanced and the most efficient model for the teaching and learning reading. An important aspect of a schema-theoretic account of reading comprehension is that top-down and bottom-up processing sho
26、uld be occurring at all levels of analysis simultaneously( Rumelhart 1976). In practice a reader continually shifts from one focus to another, now adopting a top-down approach to predict the probable meaning, then moving to the bottom-up approach to check whether that is really what the writer says.
27、 Therefore, the interaction takes place at three levels, that is, the interaction between lower-level and the higher-level skills; that between the background knowledge presupposed in the text and the background knowledge of the reader. 交互模式:近年来,人们越来越趋向于把自下而近年来,人们越来越趋向于把自下而上模式和自上而下模式两者结合起来进行阅读,上模式和自
28、上而下模式两者结合起来进行阅读,这样就产生了交互作用模式。交互作用模式是这样就产生了交互作用模式。交互作用模式是以心理语言学家DERumelhart为代表, 于于1977年年提出的。他认为阅读理解是视觉信息与读者已有提出的。他认为阅读理解是视觉信息与读者已有的背景知识相互作用的过程。的背景知识相互作用的过程。是一种比较科学的模式,也被越来越多的人所接受。它既强调背景知识,上下文预测的重要性,又不忽视单词、短语的解码能力、迅速捕捉关键信息以理解阅读材料的重要性,反映了阅读过程的本质提出了“相互作用”阅读模式。该模式理论认为,阅读过程实际上是一个多种语言知识,包括文字词汇、句法和语义内容、背景知识
29、等 “相互作用”的复杂过程。任何单一的语言知识都不能促成对阅读材料的真正理解。阅读只能是“自下而上”与“自上而下”双向应用。 交互作用模式与心理学理论以及认知学习理论是一致的。它同时肯定了低层次和高层次的认知过程对阅读理解的重要作用,认为阅读是读者同时运用各个层次的信息加工重构信息的过程,是读物与读者头脑中各种知识之间相互作用的过程。 “交互”模式认为每一阶段的知识分析既有来自低级阶段,也有来自高级阶段的分析。只有当低级阶段和高级阶段的信息吻合时,才能产生令人满意的正确理解,否则假设就要重新修改和建立,直至两种信息完全吻合。也就是说,阅读是一个多种语言知识,包括文字、词汇、句法和语义等知识的复
30、杂相互作用过程。 Take the following text for example. This afternoon, three school buses that left Central Junior High School at three oclock, was struck by a truck that ran into the back of the bus. The student getting off and ten other students have been badly hurt in the accident. The trucker also was hurt when the truck turned over. The police say that the trucker or the bus-driver had not been drinking and nor can poor weather conditions be used to explain the accident.
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