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1、学科:英语题目:Unit5 Why do you like pandas? Section A 1a-1c 教学设计工作单位:茶陵县马江中学姓名:何娟芳Unit5 Why do you like pandas? Section A 1a-1c 教学设计一教材分析(一)本单元在整套教材中的功能和地位: 本节课的教学内容是人教版Go for it 七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?单元话题是 animals in a zoo. 在整个初中3年的学习中,多个单元与本单元所涉及的语言知识相关联,如七年级上册Unit6 Do you like bananas? 和 u

2、nit 9 My favorite subject is science为相关话题单元,为本单元提供了话题和语法知识的支持。本单元涉及中考24个话题中的第22个话题:自然。Talk about animals,是中考中常见的话题。涉及11个日常交际用语中第2个关于态度的表达中的talk about preference。所以学好本单元会为以后的学习打下基础。(二)本课时在整个单元中的功能和地位:本节课为第五单元第一课时。根据新课标要求,本课以animals in a zoo为话题,围绕describe animals和express preferences这两个功能展开的。本课时是一节听说课,

3、教学内容与贴近学生实际生活,容易激发学生交流的兴趣。同时,在循序渐进提高学习的过程中,本课时教学内容的学习,会为本单元的进一步学习奠定词汇,句式基础,为最后语言的输出提供有力的支持。二 学生情况分析(一) 自然情况我校属于农村学校,学生的整体英语水平层次不齐、英语学习主动性较强,有一定的合作和竞争意识。在老师的鼓励下能比较积极地参与课堂。(二)已知起点学生了解一定的动物英文名称和描述性形容词;基本了解特殊疑问句的用法;会对动物话题感兴趣。三 教学目标(一) 知识目标1.使学生掌握并熟练运用下列单词:tiger, elephant, koala, panda, lion, giraffe, zo

4、o, animal, cute, , lazy, beautiful and smart.2.掌握句型:A: lets see the pandas. B: Why do you like them? A: Because they are very cute. (二)能力目标 1.提高学生听说能力。 2. 使学生熟练谈论自己喜爱的动物并给出理由 (三)情感目标 动物和人类都生活在同一地球上,动物是我们的朋友。我们应当学会关爱动物,保护动物。四教学重点难点分析 (一)教学重点 1、学生能够灵活运用动物名称和描述动物特点的形容词; 2、学生能够使用why 引导的特殊疑问句及简要回答。 (二)教学

5、难点 学生能够运用描述性形容词对动物进行描述或介绍 (三)解决办法设计了有梯度的教学环节,通过认知角度的变化及任务形式的不同来调动学生的学习愿望,掌握重点,解决难点,实现能力目标的要求。五教学资源选择 多媒体教室、PPT 课件、黑板、教材。 六教学方法 本课采用任务型教学法、情景教学法、游戏教学法,进行以学生为主体,在教师引导下学生使用课件进行自主式、探究式学习与小组学习相结合的学习方式,运用多媒体(视频,音频,图片等)手段来辅助教学。七设计思路Section A的目标语言主要是要求学生掌握一些表示动物的名词和描写动物特征的形容词以及重点句型Why do you like ? Because

6、they are very. 本课教学以get close to the animals、guess animals、listen to the animals、 talk about animals 和 love animals 为主干,每个教学环节都是围绕目标语言而展开的。呈现部分通过视频和图片激发学生的兴趣,从而引出表示动物的名词,然后过渡到目标语言:Why do you like ? Because they are very . 并设计了猜动物、谈论动物等这样的活动环节,让学生在活动中学、用目标语言,既有利于培养学生自主合作的精神,又达到提高学生语言技能和交际能力的目的。八教学过程教

7、师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warming up1. Teacher shows class a video. about animals at the zoo. And ask some questions :What can you see in the video?Do you like them? Why?Then lets go to Unit 5. Step 2 Presentation 1.show the class some pictures of animals and present other animals. And ask them: Whats that?

8、 It's a panda. Whatre these? Theyre pandas.Do you like them? Yes. Why? Because theyreYes, I think theyre cute. (Then elephant, koala, giraffe, lion, tiger,)2. Practice the words (bomb game.) Show the words on the big screen. Let Ss read loudly the words and meanwhile be careful the bomb.3. Ask s

9、tudents to finish Section A 1a and check the answer.4. Play the guessing game. Introduce an example of how to guess an animal and the rules of the game;Encourage students to volunteer to guess the animals by competition. Step3 Listening Section A 1b1. Guide students to brainstorm some description wo

10、rds and encourage student to use them when seeing the animals names.2. Play the tape, Call students to listen3. Play the tape again, Let them listen to the tape carefully and check the answers students to follow the tape.4. Ask students to follow the tape Step4 Practice (pair work)1. Ask students to

11、 read 1c2. Ask students to make the dialogues in pair3. Invite some students to show their dialogue. Step 4 Group work1. Ask students to make a survey about their favorite animals and their reasons. 2. Ask students to make a report.Ste5 Have a summary1 Ask students what they have learned in this cla

12、ss.2 Show the words and sentences Step6 Exercise1. Ask students to say the words on the Lucky Roller out.2. Ask students to do thechoice questions. 3. Ask students to translate sentences into English.Step7 Show some pictures about animals close to extinct because of the turns of the human beings and

13、 ask students if they like them。Step8 Homework1.Grasp the names of the animals and key phrases2. Make a conversation by using the words and sentences learnt in this class.1. Watch the video2. Say the names of animals out.1Look and learn new words together2. Read the words aloud.3.finish 1a and show

14、the answer4. Say the names of the animals.1. Brainstorm the adjectives to describe the animals.2. Do the listening 1b.3. Read the dialogues after the tape1. Read 1c2. Make the conversation3. Show the dialogue1. Do the survey.2. Make the report Say the names of the animals and describe animals. 1. Sa

15、y the words on the Lucky Roller out.2. Do the choice questions.3. Translate sentences into English. Talk about the feeling after looking at these pictures and what they should do.Do the homework用视频及释义抢答的方式让学生迅速熟悉本单元重点词汇-动物英文名称,为对话及猜动物游戏做语言储备;同时营造一个活跃的课堂氛围。1.学词汇,打基础,扫清学习障碍2.通过bomb game,激发学生大声朗读单词的兴趣,从而记住单词读音。3.通过匹配练习,巩固已学的动物名称4.通过以比赛的形式来猜动物游戏,利用多媒体课件的交互性,大大提高学生参与游戏的自主性和积极性。将已学的词汇通过听力先输入,然后再输出,对学生的听力进行训练。编对话,巩固目标语言。突出学生的主体地位,发扬团队精神。培养学生语言的运用能力。让学生总结本课的知识点,体现学生的主体性。利用幸运转盘,提高学生做题的兴趣。通过设计针对性的练习,巩固语言知识点,让学生将所学的知识进行信息输出,进行汇报展示。提高学生爱护自然,保护动物的意识。引


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