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1、Chapter 2Electronicselectronics n. 电子学,电子仪器,电子设备,电子线路electronica. 电子(学)的digital a. 数字的,数字式的,计数的Words digital library 数字图书馆 digital image 数字图象 digital signal 数字信号 digital camera 数字摄像机;数字照相机 digital technology 数字技术 signal-processing a. 信号处理的analogn. 模拟(量,装置,设备,系统) 类似,类比,比拟velocity n. 速度,速率thermocouple

2、n. 热电偶discretea. 离散的,不连续的,分散的thermostatn. 恒温器,定温器,温度自动调节器 presetv.; a. 预定,预置,(预先)调整 安装程序,给定程序的switch n. 开关; v. 接通或关断,转变,换接A/D = Analog-to-Digital模数转换,模数变换D/A = Digital-to-Analog数模转换,数模变换transducer n. 传感器,变送器,发射器,换能器,换流器displayv. 显示,显像,表现,陈列, 展览;n. 显示,指示,表现 Notes 1. To say that we live in an age of e

3、lectronics is an understatement. 这句话中的不定式短语作句子的主语,而不定式短语中又由that从句作宾语,这种形式一般不多用,避免头重脚轻,本文用不定式做主要主要是为了强调“我们生活在电子时代”这一事实。可以改为”It is an understatement to say that we live in an age of electronics “。译为:说我们生活在一个电子时代 ,这一点都不夸张。Notes 2. From the omnipresent integrated circuit to the equally omnipresent digit

4、al computer, we encounter electronic devices and systems on a daily basis. 从无所不在的集成电路到同样无所不在的数字计算机,电子设备和系统已渗透到人们的日常生活中。 Notes 3 In every aspect of our increasingly technological society whether it is science, engineering, medicine, music, maintenance, or even espionagethe role of electronics is larg

5、e, and it is growing. 在日益发展的科学社会中,无论是科学、工程、医学、音乐、维修甚至谍报,电子学的作用都是非常大的,甚至越来越重要。Notes 4. This information might involve speech and music,as in radio broadcasting,a physical quantity such as the tempera-ture of the air in a room,or numerical data,such as the record of stock market transactions. 此句看似复杂,但

6、主谓宾都比较明显,主语是the information,谓语might involve,宾语是由三个并列的短句组成。翻译时关键是看清句子成分。译为:这种信息就像无线广播中的演讲和音乐,或许像室内温度的物理量,或许是股市交易记录的数字数据。Notes 5 Thus, the behavior of a mechanical system (in which force and velocity are the variables) or a hydraulic system (in which pressure and flow rate are the variables) can often

7、 be modeled or represented by an equivalent electrical system这样,机械系统(变量为水和速度)或液压系统(变量为压力和流量)的行为经常可用等效的电力系统建模。Notes 6 A digital signal is one that can take on values within two discrete ranges. Such signals are used to represent ON-OFF or YES-NO information. 数字信号是在两个离散的范围内取值的信号,这种信号常用来表示开-关或是-否的信息。No

8、tes 7 An ordinary household thermostat delivers a digital signal to control the furnace. When the room temperature drops below a preset value, the thermostat switch closes turning on the furnace. Once the room temperature rises high enough, the switch opens turning off the furnace. The current throu

9、gh the switch provides a digital representation of the temperature variation: ON equals too cold while OFF equals not too cold. 一个普通家用的温度的调节装置可以提供控制炉温的数字信号,一旦室内温度升高到允许的程度,开关跳到关闭位置,通过开关的电流提供了一个温度变化的数字信号表示。Notes 8. A signal-processing system is an interconnection of com-ponents and devices that at the

10、 proper time. 这句话也是个长句,一个句子即为一段。主句是“ A signal-processing system is an interconnection of com-ponents and devices”. That 后面的为修饰devices的定语从句。Notes 9 Many electrical signals derived from physical systems are obtained from devices called transducers. 许多来自实际系统的电信号都是由传感器提供的。Notes 10 Generally, a transduce

11、r is a device that converts a physical or mechanical variable to an equivalent voltage or current signal. Unlike the thermocouple example, however, most transducers require some form of electrical excitation to operate. 通常,传感器是将物理或机械变量转换为等效的 电压或电流信号的设备,然而与热电偶不同,大多数传感器需要以电激励的方式工作。Notes 11 One can see

12、k to display the information, either in analog form (using a meter, for example, in which the needle position indicates the size of the variable of interest) or in digital form (using a set of digital display elements that are lit up with a number corresponding to the variable of interest). 一种是寻求显示信

13、息的方式,如以模拟的形式(例如用指针指示出所需变量的位置的仪表)或以数字的形式(使用一套数字显示元件)显示占所需变量相对应的一些数字。Notes 12 Other possibilities are to convert the output to sound energy (with a loudspeaker), or to use the output as an input signal to another system, or to use the output as a control signal to initiate some action. 其他可能的方式还有将输出信号转

14、换为声能(使用扩音器),或将输出信号作为另一个系统的输入信号,或将输出行为启动某些装置的控制信号。Exercises 课内完成section 1中的Exercises I, II and III课后作业: p50,exercise III (长难句翻译)Exercises I. Choose the best answer into the blank 1. The voltage produced by a thermocouple pair is signal. A. a digital B. an analog C. a discrete D. a control2. ON-OFF in

15、formation can be represented by signal. A. a digital B. an analog C. a continuous D. a control Exercises I. Choose the best answer into the blank 3. A device that can convert an analog signal to the corresponding digital form is called for short. A. A/DB. D/A C. D/DD. A/A4. The thermocouple pair con

16、verts temperature difference to a . A. current B. voltage C. power D. energy Exercises I. Choose the best answer into the blank 5. A D/A is a device that can convert a digital signal to the equivalent . A. digital formB. numerical form C. binary form D. analog formExercises II. Answer the following

17、questions according to the text 1. What is a signal?2. Which forms can a signal carry information in?3. What basic components does a signal-processing system consist of ?4. What role does a transducer play in a signal-processing system?5. What does the output form of a system depend on? Exercises II

18、I. Translate the following into Chinese Analog electronics pertains to those systems in which the electrical voltage and electrical current are analogous to physical quantities and vary continuously. Electronic circuits that reproduce music must have voltages and currents that are proportional to th

19、e sound. A high fidelity amplifying system attempts to keep the analogy as true as possible. Analog electronic circuits are carefully designed to make the electrical voltages and currents follow the input signal. If an input signalExercises III. Translate the following into Chinese doubles in amplit

20、ude, the output voltage or current also should double; this is possible because the circuit elements are made to operate within limits that preserve the linearity. Vocabulary Characteristic IIIl 合成法合成法 两个或两个以上的词结合成一个新词。专业英语中的合成词有合写式(无连字符)和分写式(有连字符)两种。 hardware 硬件;software 软件; pulse-scaler 脉冲标定器。 l 混

21、成法混成法 两个词中在拼写或读音上比较适合的部分以“前一词去尾、后一词去首”的方式,加以叠合混成新词,而混成的新词兼具有两个旧词的形和义。 telex = teleprinter + exchange 电传; transistor = transfer + resistor 晶体管。 Vocabulary Characteristic IIIl 截短法截短法 删除某一词中的一个或多个音节形成新词,其词义不变。 auto = automobile 汽车; lab = laboratory 实验室; amp = ampere 安培。 l 缩略法缩略法 将某一词组中主要的词的第一个字母组成新词。 r

22、adar = radio detecting and ranging 雷达; UPS = uninterrupted power supply 不间断电源; DC = direct current 直流电; AC 交流电; CAD = computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计。 Vocabulary Characteristic IIIl 转化法转化法 不通过任何词形上变化,直接转化为另一个词。在转化过程中,词性有所改变而词义则与转化前的原义仍保留若干联系。 xerox 用静电复印法复印。 Selection of Word Meaning 一词多类,一词多意,需词义的

23、选择和引申一词多类,一词多意,需词义的选择和引申l 根据专业选择词义根据专业选择词义 例:power(1)Knowledge is power. (力量)(2)Assume that the input voltage from the power supply remains constant. (译成“电源”)(3)The third power of 2 is 8. (译成“方”)(4)By power we mean the rate of doing work. (译成“功率”)(5)The combining power of one element in the compound

24、 must equal the combining power of the other element. (译成“化合价”)Selection of Word Meaningl 根据专业选择词义根据专业选择词义 例:power(6)Energy is the power to do work. (译成“能力”)(7)Electric power can be transmitted over long distance to users. (译成“电力”)(8)Basically, all power is with the people. (译成“权力”) Selection of Wor

25、d Meaningl 根据词类选择词根据词类选择词 例:like(1)Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. (形容词,作“相同的”解)(2)He likes power electronics. (动词,作“喜欢”解)(3)In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. (介词,作“像”解)(4)It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the li

26、ke. (名词,做“相同之物”解)(5)Waves in water move like the waveform moves along a rope. (连词,作“像、如”解) Selection of Word Meaningl 根据上下文选择词义根据上下文选择词义 例:(1)The transformer works properly. 这台变压器运转运转正常。(2)The motor is not working. 电动机故障故障了。(3)The threads of the screw work hard. 这螺丝的螺纹太涩太涩了。 (4)In order to meet the

27、critical service requirements, scientists are still looking for better materials. 为满足使用的紧迫紧迫要求,科学家们仍在寻找更好的材料。Selection of Word Meaningl 根据上下文选择词义根据上下文选择词义 例:(5)We can heat the steel again to a temperature below the critical temperature, then cool it slowly. 我们可以把钢材再次加热到临界临界温度以下的某一温度,然后再让它慢慢地冷却。 Sele

28、ction of Word Meaningl 根据搭配习惯选择词义根据搭配习惯选择词义 例:heavy (1) heavy current 强大电流; (2) heavy industry 重工业; (3) heavy line 粗线; (4) heavy traffic 交通拥挤。 Extension of Word Meaningl 专业化引申专业化引申基于基本词义,根据所涉及专业引申出其专业化语义,以符合技术语言规范和习惯。 The running of such automated establishments remains only a matter of reading vari

29、ous meters mounted on panels. 管理这种自动化工厂只不过要求查看查看一下控制台上的各种仪表而已。(2) These experiments have produced some valuable data. 这些试验得出得出了某些有价值的数据。 Extension of Word Meaningl 具体化引申具体化引申将原语句中含义较为笼统或抽象的词,引申为意思较为具体或形象化的汉语词语,避免译文概念不清或不符汉语表达习惯。 At present coal is the most common food of a steam power plant. 目前,煤仍然是

30、凝汽式电厂最常用的能源能源。(2) All the wit and learning in this field are to be present at the symposium. 这一领域里的全部学者们学者们将出席这个科学讨论会。 Extension of Word Meaningl 抽象化引申抽象化引申将原句中含义较为具体或形象化的词语,引申为意思较为概括或抽象的汉语词语,以符合汉语的表达习惯。 (1) VLSI is still in its infancy. 超大规模集成电路仍处于发展初期发展初期。(不能翻译成“婴儿”)(2) There are three steps which

31、 must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology. 我们要完全掌握完全掌握集成电路,还必须经过三个阶段。(不能翻译成“毕业于”) Translation of Long Sentencesl 顺译法顺译法 是指基本上保留原文的语法结构,依照原文顺序译出。一般地,当原文的语法结构和时间顺序与汉语相同时,可采用顺译法。在翻译过程中,根据具体情况,可增加或省略有关连接词。 (1) No such limitation is placed on an alternating-current machine;

32、 here the only requirement is relative motion, and since a stationary armature and a rotating field system have numerous advantages, this arrangement is standard practice for all synchronous machines rated above a few kilovolt-amperes. Translation of Long Sentencesl 顺译法顺译法 (2) For large motors, ther

33、efore, a phase-wound rotor is used, with the winding connected at one end to each other and at the other end to slip-rings, thus enabling the resistance of the rotor to be varied at will, providing a greater starting torque and some speed control. Translation of Long Sentencesl 倒译法倒译法 当原文的结构层次与汉语相反时,要从英语原文的后面译起,自下而上,逆着原文的顺序翻译,称为倒译法。 (1) The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding the potential differ


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