



1、-精选文档 -商务英语模拟谈判中进汽贸欲向法汽贸进口标致407couple20 辆,经邮件往来后买方赴卖方公司就价格等具体事宜进行谈判。CHINA AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.LTD is planning to import 20 cars of Pe ogeot407couple,they are going to negotiate with FRANCE AUTOMOBILE T RADING CO.LTD about the price and other details after communication by email.卖方 A:法国出口汽车贸易有限公司买方

2、 B:中国进口汽车贸易有限公司CHINA AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.LTDFRANCE AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.LTDLA:Good morning, welcome to our company(握手 ) I m XXX in charge of the case, glad to see you ,here are my colleagues.(点头 )LB:Glad to see you XXX,im XXX the marketing manager of CATCO.LT D,here are our my team members.LA: I

3、hope through your visit we can settle the agreement and conclud e the business before long.LB:I think so , We came to talk to you about our requirements of Peog eot407couple and do hope to have a good cooperation.LA: okay, Let s start with the price ,and here is our price list and catalogue of Peoge

4、ot407couple .(分发下去买方看list)HA: Do you have any ideas?HB:(停顿一下买方再说话 )USD 58,000 ?可编辑-精选文档 -GA: Yes!BB: You must be kidding me!Your price are too high. It would be impo s s i b l e f o r u s t o p u s h a n y s a l e s a t s u c h h i g h p r i c e ! BA: This is the best quotation we can make we can co

5、nsider it a rock b ottom price indeed.BB: I m sorry to hear that. But we still find no way to accept your quo tation.GA:I think you will agree that compared with other suppliers our cars are of the best quality and beautiful design which always come up to our export standard. After seeing the introd

6、uction you will understandwhy our price is it. (技术员展示 ppt)GB: Your introduction is wonderful!(GB 和 LB 互看一眼,此处可以鼓掌)HB: But I m afraid I can t agree with you in this respect. I know that your products are attractive in design, but I wish to point out that your offers are higher than some of the quotat

7、ions. We must always bear in mind the fact that all of us are operating in a highly competitive. So, your price is not competitive in this marketBA: Well then , whats the price you would pay?HB: The best we can accept is USD48,000 per,CIFShanghai.HA: Did you say USD48,000?!(卖方冷笑一声 )BB:Precisely !(坚定

8、)SA:Well, in order to help you develop business in this line, we may c可编辑-精选文档 -onsider making some concessions in your price, but never to that extent.( 看一看 BA 和 HA)BA: The best we can do is to reduce our price to USD55,000 per instea d of USD48,000 as you suggest.GB: I do appreciate the effort you

9、 are making towards reaching an agr eement , but frankly speaking, the gap between your price and mine is still enormous. I really dont see how we go above USD50,000 per.GA:What about your quantity?LB: 20.LA: Well, if you can order more than 30, we can consider giving you a further concession.GB: Al

10、l right! To get the business done, we would order 10 more.BA: Then ,the price will be USD53,000per CIFShanghai.GB: Is it possible USD52,000?HA: It Is out of the question!SB: What if we pay half of the freight?LA: You made me in a difficultposition, Itbeyonds my capability todecide it.BA: I think we

11、should have a break.(各自交头接耳讨论一下 )LA:Well ,after serious consideration we accept your proposal.LB: Then, with thissettled, Lettalksabout the terms of payment. Wo可编辑-精选文档 -uld you accept D/P? I hope it will be acceptable to you.GA: Thetermsof paymentweusuallyadoptisL/CatsightBB: But I think it would b

12、e beneficial to both of us to adopt more flexib l e p a y m e n tt e r m s s u c ha s D / P t e r m .GA: Payment by L/C is our usual practice of doing business with all customers for such commodities. I m sorry we can t accept D/P terms.LB: As forregularorders infuture,couldn t youagreetoD/P?LA: Sur

13、e.After severalsmoothtransactions,wecantry D/Pterms.LB: Ok, I see. How about the insurance?GA: Insurance is to be covered by us for 110% of invoice value againstWPA.GB:I hope you can cover the insurance against ALL RISKS.LA:Okay we agree with that.LB: I m glad we have brought this transaction to a s

14、uccessful conclus ion and hope this will be the beginning of other business in the future. Let s confirm these items we concluded at the moment.SB: Let s sum up the results of this negotiation. The unit price is USD 52,000 CIF Shanghai ,the quantity is 30 ,except half of the freight, the t otal amount is USD1,560.000,right?SA:Yes,The term of payment is L/C at sight in this transaction ,the shipment will be effected before July 5th .And the insurance is t


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