



1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考外研版小学英语六年级上册Module3Unit1Collecting stamps is my hobby.教学设计作者:王顺琴学校:古浪县晨光完全小学二零一二年九月十三日学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考外研版小学英语六年级上册教案Module3Unit1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.一、教案背景 .面向学生:小学.学科:英语.课时: 2.学生课前准备 : 预习课文.教学内容:外研版(三年级起)第六册Module3unit1二、教材分析本课是新标准英语外研版(三年级起始)第七册第三模块第一单元,主要讲述的是如何谈论和介绍个人的爱好

2、。三、教学目标语言知识目标 . 能听、说、读、写单词 hobby,collect,stamp,men,women,another. 能学习和运用句型:What syour hobby? Collecting stamps is my hobby. Ive got lots of stamps.This stamp is from China.These are some stamps from Canada. 复习名词的复数形式。过程与方法通过实物、图片、领悟、自主学习、合作交流等方法让学生在学中玩,玩中学,轻轻松松、快快乐乐地度过一节课。情感态度目标.培养学生的自信心与创造力。.培养学生热爱

3、生活、乐于表达的情感。四、教学重、难点.能听、说、读、写单词。 . 能学习并运用句型。. 能谈论和介绍爱好。五、教学用具学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考录音机磁带邮票图片集邮册课件六、教学过程Step1Warming_up1GreetingSs:Good morning,teacher.T: Good morning,boys and girls.Hello, everyone! Are you happy today? Ss:Yes,Im very happy.T: Oh,Great!2 Lets chant.If youre happy,clap your hands.拍(拍手 )If

4、 youre happy,stamp your feet.(跺跺脚 )If youre happy,shave your hands.摆(摆手 )(设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣,调动学习激情)Step2Newconcepts1leading_inT: I like playing football.Playing football is my hobby.I like swimming.Swimming is my hobby.Do you know“hobby”?(板书 hobby)Ss:爱好。T: Good!2 Learn new words .1 ) hobby-hobbiesa

5、. 教师领读 “hobby”b. 指名读c. 齐读拼写T: Playing football is my hobby. Whatsyour hobby?a. 指名回答b. Pair work.c. Do and guess.几个同学做动作,一个同学猜Whatshis/ her hobby?T: Swimming is my hobby.Playing football is my hobby. I have got lots of hobbies. ( 学习单词 hobby 的复数形式,并说出 hobby 复数形式的变化规律 )2 ) stamp-stamps出示一张邮票的图片T:What s

6、this?Ss: 邮票T:It sa stamp.(板书: This is a stamp把.图片贴在单词的上面)a. 领读b. 小组读c. 升降调读指导根据读音记忆单词T:It has got a panda on it .Where is the stamp from?学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Ss: This stamp is from China.出示一张有许多邮票的图片T: These are lots of stamps(.板书 ,把图片贴在单词上面)用同样的方法学习 stamps比较两个句子,找出不同的地方,说出原因。 (设计意图:复习复数形式 )3) collect-

7、collecting出示集邮册T: There are lots of stamps in the album.I have got lots of stamps.Collecting stamps is my hobby.Do you know “collect “?Ss:收集学习单词以及现在分词。Step3TextT: Today were learning Module 3 Unite 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby. 板书课题 :Module 3 Unite 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.T: Ok,now open y

8、our English book,turn page ten.1 Listen to the tape and answer the question. (课件出示问题 )a. Does Simon collect stamps?b.c. What sSimonshobby?d. Where are these stamps from?e. What are they?f. Has Simon got any stamps from China?2 Follow to the tape.3 Act the text.Step4Summary and Extension.1Talk about

9、Simons hobby.T: Today were talking about hobby.Ok,lets talk about Simon s hobby.According to the questions.Ss: Collecting stamps is Simonshobby. He has got lots of stamps. These are some stamps from Canda. They are famous men and women. He has got some stamps from China. They are from Damingsletter.

10、2Talk about your hobbyAccording. to the questions.a.What do you like?b.c. Whatsyour hobby?学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考d.Have you got any?e.f. Where are they from?g.How are they?Step5HomeworkTalk about your hobby with friends.BlackboardDesignModule3Unit1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.hobby-hobb iesWhatsyour hobby? Playing f


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