



1、我的大学生活英语作文:我的大学生活简述University, the number of high school students to aspire to the place. College life, every high school students have to experience a dream to experience. At least I was like this. But, to be honest, the university is just a kind of imagination, but what is it, I think now I have a

2、 certain understanding of him.I am now studying in a university, where the big break my original dream. Lonely, boring, depressed, upset, swept, I step toward the ideal. The environment can change a person, here to spend money like water, wine, mix. Their hearts are blunt. The hands are numb. Strong

3、, brave, afraid of the obstacles do you think you can: "jinzhuzhechi, ink notblack" good to experience it in person!Here is the money that you want, the only thing they can give you is life. Money to buy this thing often make you want to cry no tears.Sleeping in class, absent-minded, what

4、do talk of everything under the sun. It's just not listening to him. See the best talent here, each equipped with special skills. Ashamed to die, but he is a mud bodhisattva.Eating out, going to the cinema, go to KTV, holidays, parties, the It is often seen. Give a friend a birthday, go shopping

5、 to buy clothes, in short, the money is hard to fill in. In the mouth usually has its own slander, end computer, how much money to pay out enough.Usually do not learn to fear the test, by fear, fear feet, the minds of fear, how not hanging branches, is not how the make-up, before the game re examina

6、tion of the small stage, now a small piece of paper can become popular, popular called a Wang!This is caught, no joke, enough of you worried. Roll out catch was certainly fail, make-up in front, but also to pay up. People grow up, more on the mind, do not free to human eye. Or you don't know who

7、 you are. In order to go to school to protect the face, to lose a small life, a thousand should not. Who let you see the face of the more important than the money. 'money' is used in the apology. Poor me, the old man in the country, "the poor man is not poor," or a donkey. But I di

8、d not. Suffer a bit, you must keep your little life.When you go to college, you know it is a kind of life, perhaps not as long as you think.大学,多少高三学子向往的地方。大学生活,每一个高中生都梦 寐以求的的想去体验一番。至少当时的我是这样。但是,说句实话, 大学对那时的我来说仅仅一种想象中的美好,但究竟如何,我想现在 的我才对他有一定的了解。我现在就读于某大学,这里大碎了我原有的美梦。孤寂、无聊、 郁闷、苦恼、席卷而来,拖住了我奔向理想的脚步。环境能改变

9、一个 人,这里花钱如流水,醉生梦死的混日。自己的心都钝了。手都麻了。 坚强、勇敢、不畏险阻的你认为你能够:“近朱者赤,近墨者未必黑” 好 那就亲自来体验吧 !这里向你要的就是钱,他们所能给你的就是生活的消极。用钱买 来这东西每每都会让你欲哭无泪。上课睡觉、走神、谈天说地,啥都干。反正就是不听他白活。看 到这里人才优秀,各个身怀绝技。羞死了 自己却是泥菩萨。下馆子、去影院、去 K 歌,逢年过节开联欢,这屡见不鲜。给朋 友过生日、逛街买衣服,总之就那钱狠狠往里填。平时在有自己嘴谗、 完电脑,多少钱够往外掏的。平常不学习,考试就慌了、慌受、慌脚、慌头脑,如何不挂科, 如何不补考,以前考试的小把戏重新上演,现在小纸条可成了热门了, 人气那叫一个旺 !这个被抓,可不是闹着玩的,够你揪心的。抓卷出考场那时肯定, 挂科补考就在眼前,再不过重修还交钱。人长大了,心眼就多了,千 万别随意跟人红眼。否则你死的那天


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