1、季度绩效考核英文自我评价季度绩效考核英文自我评价篇一Controltheperformanceoftheleadershipteamperformanceobjectivesat thebeginningofthecontentoftheplan,now my goals for the year 20xx, the task report is asfollows, please review.First, the completion of key work objectives1, the completion of the tasks assigned by thesuperior c
2、enter. This year, the higher level of thecentral task of more, involving me mainly two, one isthe basic organization five basic construction and AGood activities,a people - themain comment on thewindactivity.Thesetwotasks,theBureauofpartycommitteeshavearrangedeffectivecompetentleadership,my roleisma
3、inlyinvolvedinco-management.Thisisa major theme in partybuilding workthisyear.In the face of heavy tasks and more activities anddemanding high pressure, I was mainly involved in aseriesoffollow-upactivities,suchasfivebasicconstructionsandSupervisionactivities.Forexample,inJune and December thisyear,
4、we carriedouttwocomprehensivesupervision,topromotetheworkcarried out and in-depth, but also for the inspectionandacceptanceofJingzhouCity,thenecessarypreparations, passed the inspection and acceptance ofJingzhou City. Besides, the main comment on the workofthepopularstyleofgovernment,mymainresponsib
5、ility is to lead the publicity and educationgroup. Throughout the event, we carried out a numberof publicityand educationactivities,thecityshealthsystem people - the main comment on the work style ofpopularwind, and made wind and water, sound and color.Inparticular,thepropagandaofpubliccommitmentsys
6、tem,thepropagandaoflarge-scalevolunteeractivities,the selectionand propagandaofdoubletopten,andsoon,playedaverygoodpublicopinion-orientedand guidingroleinthecriticalmoment of the peoples appraisal.2, the completion of the new rural constructionobjectives. This year, 16 units of the health systemhave
7、 counterpart support village-level organizationswork tasks. In charge of leadership, I mainly assumetheprogramdevelopment,uploadandreleaseandinspection and supervision and other aspects of thework.Westrengthenedtheleadership,theimplementation of training, follow-up supervision andother means to prom
8、ote the health system of 16 ruraltaskforcetoachievetheselectedpeople inthevillage,toensureworking hours,conscientiouslydo a good jobofdiscipline,fulfilledthe Toformulatedevelopmentplans, to develop special economy, to promote publicutilities,tostrengthenorganizationconstruction,tostrengthen mission
9、training . The system-wide contactin 16 villages contact poor households or members ofthedoubleband model households165, 33 on-siteoffice,tosupportcashand material210,000yuan,lookingfor30 development projects.Second, thecompletion ofthedailywork objectives1, the completion of the Bureau of funds dir
10、ectlyunder theunitunionstask.Thisyear,tradeunionfunds,one task increased by 15%, the second is a half yearor a year to settle the practice, the implementationofthemonthlyor 15 daysaftertheinitiativetodeclare the payment method. To this end, we activelydo a good job 9 units directly under the coordin
11、ationandsupervisionwork,inaccordancewiththerequirementsoftheMunicipalFederationofTradeUnions,the completionoftheunion funds on time91918yuan.2, to promote the systemworkerstoparticipateinthe citys model selection activities. In accordancewiththecitysonce everytwo years,themodel selectionmechanism,th
12、isyearisexactlythemodeofratification in recognition of the year. 51 on the eveof ourextensivepublicity,bottom-up,tradeunionreview,thepartydecidedtoapproach,recommended theCity Maternal and Child Health Hospital Tan Yanping,Municipal Peoples Hospital of Chen Jian, Shishi Citylabormodel,recommended Ci
13、tyPeoples HospitalXieHonghua Jingzhou City, participated in the advancedworkers.Aswe arefairand impartial,strictpre-trial,recommended positive,completematerials,threepeoplewereelected totheappropriate level of themodelworkers and advanced.3, the organization staff to actively participatein the syste
14、m, 5.1 festival and other festivals. Andthe medical department together, organized the 5.12nursefestivalartshow.Recommended CityPeoplesHospitalgroupdance program DesertRose toparticipatein Shishou Federation of Trade Unions 5.1 Labor Dayculturalactivities,JingzhouCity,5.12NurseryFestival and Jingzho
15、u City Federation of Trade UnionsVoice of Jingjiang Staff Culture and Art Festival oftheatrical performances.4,theorganizationofveteranstoactivelyparticipateinthesystemChungYeungFestivalactivities.Weadheretotheveteranspoliticaltreatmentandeconomictreatment,butalsooftenorganizeveterancadrestocarryout
16、healthyandbeneficialfitnessactivities.Especiallytheorganization of the annual celebration of the ChungYeung Festivalactivities.On theday oftheChung YeungFestival, we organized the retired veteran cadres ofthe citys medical units to participate in the cityscollectivemountaineeringactivities.Foreach r
17、etiredveteran cadre who participated in the activity, thememorial items were issued. The retired cadres Bureauof retired veteran cadres collective discussion anddinner, so thatretiredveteran cadresfeelthewarmthof her family.季度绩效考核英文自我评价篇二Key to PerformancePerformance:Self-AssessmentandObjectives.Per
18、formance work is an important part ofenterpriseHRwork. The key tothefollowingtwo points:First,giveemployeestheopportunitytoself-assessment;the second istomake thestaffsgoalsand the companys goals are consistent.Give employees the opportunity to self-assessFirst,theemployees self-assessmentas partoft
19、hecompanysperformanceappraisalprocess,isveryimportant.To encourage employees to participateinthecompanys performance appraisal process and ensure aneffectivedialoguebetween managers and employees,youcanusethesameforminthecompanysregularperformancereviewprocess,orcreateaslightlymodified version.Secon
20、d, the purpose of employee self-assessmentistoobtainemployeeson theirperformanceofself-pointof view. This is a powerful way to give employees theopportunityto speakthroughouttheperformanceappraisalprocess.Sometimes,managers worry aboutthevalue of self-assessment, that employees will simplygive their
21、 praise and higher ratings in order to trytoraise theiractualrating.Experiencehas shown thattheoppositetrendisreal,andwhenweevaluateourselves, we tend to be more severe than others.Third,themanagers personalview ofthe employee,self-assessmentisa veryvaluableway forthecompanytoget more informationabo
22、utemployeeperformance.Itcanalsohelpmanagers stay ready to dealwithdifferencesinopinionoropinionand gaininsightintoemployee expectations.So thattheobjectivesofthestaffconsistentwiththe companys goalsTheimportanceofcreatingaSMART (concrete,measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goal istoassocia
23、tetheemployeesgoalswithhigher-levelorganizationalgoals,and you createforemployees Thisisaveryimportantcontext.Thishelpsemployeesunderstand why their work is important and how theirworkcontributesto thesuccessof theorganizationasa whole.Practicehas provedthatthegoalofthestaffwitha higher level of dep
24、artmental goals, the objectivesof the branch and the goal of the entire enterpriselinked to create a personal goal and organizationalgoalsconsistentwiththebigenvironmentforthedevelopmentofstaffperformanceis crucialImportant,butalsoallowemployeesto feelthattheirwork isveryimportant.季度绩效考核英文自我评价篇三In m
25、any enterprisesperformanceappraisal,thereisastaffself-assessment link, which is the first employee oftheir performance in the assessment period, and thensubmittedtothe directsuperiorto adjust,and finallydraw the employees performance scores. In the use ofdirectsuperiorperformanceevaluationsystem,the
26、purpose of employee self-assessment is nothing morethan two: 1, the fastestquantitativedata sourcescanbe quantified; 2, reflects the staff participation inperformance appraisal; However, if the assessment ofemployees Assessment without a clear understanding ofit,itwilllead tosignificantdeviationofth
27、eassessment results, or even failure. We know that theperformanceappraisalmay be a varietyof errors,suchas thedifferentleadersof differentpersonal scales,the average tendency, etc., then the self-assessmentlink, which led to the factors that lead to errors it?First,thepersonalityof each person isdif
28、ferentfrom the self-assessment scale is very different. Forexample, some employeesself-confidence,theirownevaluation of high, some people feel inferior, theirevaluation on the low side. In addition, some peoplepursue perfection, strict requirements on their own,and some others have passed, these two
29、 categories ofpeople to their own scale certainly different. Also,some old employees of the company and colleagues knowveryclearly,scoringwhen itscapability,andnewemployees do not know other peoples shallow depth, totheirscoringwhen thereis notmuch referenceto speakof.Second,psychologicalresearchsho
30、wsthatmostpeopleareoverconfident.Donot make a normalfool,anexample ofthisbook mentionedthatwe oftenheara lotof people say that they not on the phase, that is,accordingtothephotos didnotlookgood. Infact,thephotoisan objectivereflectionofourappearance,andeach of us in the mirror when it will be specia
31、l (andmay be unconscious orhabitual)to choose the best angle,that is more than a layer of subjective Factors in it,which led to our look in the mirror look better thanthephotos.Soinfact,thestaffpartoftheself-assessment on the provision of such a mirror toour stafftothebeauty,thiserrorwhichisself-evi
32、dent.Third,thestaffself-assessmentofthescore,theassessment will do a great impact on the scoring. Havethe experience of bargain people know that if you seethestallon a package, and my heartthatprobablyworth100, but the mouth asking price, the boss said 500, ifyou reallywant thispackage, bigMost peop
33、leonlydareto300 or 400 piecesto cut.Thisisthe so-calledanchoreffect,the negotiationinsidethefirstoffer,withoutanger in each others situation, the higher the betteristhemeaning,because thefirstbidwillgreatlygrasptheinitiative,sothatthe otherpsychologicalexpectationsResultingingreatchanges.Employeesel
34、f-assessmentactuallygave theexaminera chance totake the lead in the bidder,and whethertheassessmentdue to face or other considerations, are likely to bethequoteeffect,so thattheassessmentresultserror.We in the actual work of human resources, but also didfind this phenomenon, a company several depart
35、mentsstaffperformanceappraisalscores,withoutexception,no less than its self-rated scores.Based on the above analysis, we will find that thedepartmentleadersgettheself-evaluationscoresmixed withtoomany subjectivefactors,so thatcan notbe filtered through technical means, and this scorewill have a grea
36、t impact on the assessment; Confidentemployees have a high score, and sometimes due to theneed formandatorydistribution,thosewho requiretheirown strict,scoringlow staffhas become a victim,because theirscoringlow, thefinalscoreis difficultto be brought up leadership. In the assessment of theindicator
37、s can not quantify the more components, ordifferent departments in different parts of the workof employees, the lack of uniform measure of the time, this situation is particularly serious.So,companies intheperformanceevaluation oftheactualoperation,howtosolvetheseproblemsImentioned above? Many peopl
38、e may be from the increasetheproportionofquantifiableindicators,tostrengthen the assessment and assessment of those whotraining, But in practice, it will only increase theworkloadandcomplexityofperformanceappraisal,implementation easier said than done? In fact, justlook back to see the implementatio
39、nof thetwo purposesofself-evaluation.Self-evaluationandimplementation of self-evaluation, , We will find asimplesolution:therelativelyobjective quantifiableindicators,theimplementationofemployeeself-evaluation, while maintaining a fast data source- in fact only data sources, but also embodied in the
40、 form Employee participation; and not to quantify thesubjectiveevaluationof indicators,the assessment bythedirectscoring,donotgiveemployeesself-evaluation(andthusinthislinkerror)opportunity.We knowthatperformanceappraisalinhumanresources work is a huge project, the implementationof the highest cost,
41、 companies should seize the maincontradiction,stepby step,and in the initialstage,but not for the form of trapped. So is slightly Junpolicyforsome enterprisesinitiallysetupperformancemanagementsystem,simplycanceltheself-evaluationsession,thusavoidingthelinkerror,but also to a certain extent reduce t
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