1、担保书 本担保书于2012年 9月签订。有限公司:有限公司(以下简称 “担保人”)。受益人: 有限公司是根据中华人民共和国香港特别行政区(以下简称“香港”)法律注册成 立的公司,其注册地址位于中环广成室港湾道,香港湾仔作为债权人(以下简称“债 权人”)。鉴于:(A)本贷款协议(以下简称“贷款协议”)于2012年9月发行并签订。一方为有 限公司一一借款人(以下简称“借款人”)。一方为有限公司一一债权人。 债权人已同意使借款人定期贷款额度总额本金达 500万美元(以下简称“贷款额 度”)制定的条款生效。如果借款人未能偿付任何一部分贷款,担保人需按借款 人持股比例(40% )乘以该未付款额计算出的数
2、额付予债权人。(B)担保人签订本担保书的前提条件是债权人使借款人贷款额度生效。现本担保书在此担保如下:第1节.解释 本担保书中,除非上下文中另有规定:(a)贷款协议中规定条款和表述用于本保证书时等效;和/或(b)“抵押债务”即全部总额(无论是本金,利息,费用或其他款项)随时都可由借款人依据贷款协议和全部其他在此抵押品进行支付。第2节.担保0.1根据贷款协议规定,考虑到债权人同意借款人贷款额度,保证人作为主债务人不仅为债权人做不可撤销的,无条件的担保,也连带借款人一同担保,无论在规定 期满,提前,延后或其他时间,抵押债务应按时支付并付清。2.2 凡按本担保书规定的应付款项,担保人同意以债务原币或
3、各自货币支付,随时根据 需要对债权人的发票连同债权人的简明单据说明支付相同金额。借款人根据贷款 协议不予支付相同金额,如果发票最终的,确定的欠款金额有明显错误。0.2本担保书是连续性的担保,自开立之日起生效,直至合同项下全部到期应付款项偿清后自动失效,(或理解为)不应由任何中途撤销或偿清抵押贷款账户及任何 债权人和借款人或其他人之间的账目结算而免除债务。如果全部或部分到期应付 款项偿清以后,发生破产被清盘,或因资不抵债,破产或重整必须另外重建账户 和返还债务,或出于借款人或保证人或任何其他人其他类似目的或相关作用环境, 在此期间应恢复保证人该支付义务,即使还没有进行该支付。第3节.赔偿丝毫不受
4、担保书第二节影响,担保人无条件的,不可撤回的同意第三节作为一个单独的, 附加的,持续的义务。作为主债权人,随时按债务人需要,对全部损失,债务,损害,成 本与费用进行赔偿。依据贷款协议,赔偿由借款人签订的按时偿还抵押债务或者按时履行 和遵守所有其他义务引起的任何未付款。本赔偿应持续有效,尽管担保书第二节规定对担 保人出于任何原因引起的失效或不可实施规定。第4节.权利保留0.1担保人责任不应由任何行为,遗漏,环境,事项或事件受到损害,影响或削弱,除非该规定可以推进解除担保人全部或部分义务,包括但不限于担保人或债权人 是否知情。(a) 随时同意免除授予借款人或其他人的权利;(b) 对借款人或其他任何
5、人的变化,妥协,更新或解除,拒绝或忽视,完善或强制执 行任何权利,法律救济或安全保障;(c) 借款人相关任何法律上的限制,不利条件,无行为能力或其他类似情况,或借款 人或其他人的清算;和/或(d) 任何抵押债务的异常情况,不可执行,失效或目的落空,担保人的义务持续有效, 依据本协议对无类似异常情况,不可执行,失效或目的落空情况进行解释。此外,本协议规定担保人的责任和义务应持续有效,无论借款人有任何清盘,解 散,重组或重整。0.2担保人无条件的,不可撤回的放弃所有权利,如果首先要求债务人起诉或强制实施任何其他权利或抵押金或在向担保人要求索赔之前,向借款人索赔付款。第5节.成本,费用与开支 担保人
6、应随时立即根据需要支付或偿还债权人全部成本,费用及开支(包括基于全部赔偿 基础的法律费和其他费用)关于本担保书的准备和执行中,由债权人引起的赔偿所受损失 和在行使任何其权利或权力或起诉或追讨任何款项产生的费用,或有关本担保书另外保留 或强制实行权利或产生任何索赔或免除本保证书抵押债务付款。第6节. 税费和其他扣除项目0.3依据本担保书支付的所有款项,应是全额支付,无扣除,反诉,无任何限制或条件,没有义务或牵连的任何税收或其他扣除额或任何性质的预扣0.4 如果在任何时间,任何法律或法规要求担保人从任何债权人账户中做出任何扣减 或预扣(由于税收或其他原因),担保人应一并支付此类附加金额,以确保债权
7、 人收到(没有义务或牵连的任何税收或其他扣除额或预扣)全款,如无此类规定 扣减或预扣,债权人应收到全款。担保人应立即向债权人的正式收据副本或其他 证明出示任何此类扣除额或预扣的全部金额,已支付相关税收或其他权利机关。7.1 担保人根据本担保书支付的所有款项应与债权人在相关到期日当天16:0 0点之前(首尔/香港时间)签订,债权人出于该目的可能已经指定银行账户提供资金(或 通常用美元交易结算的其他性质资金)并以书面形式通知担保人,担保人根据每 种实际情况以传真形式通知债权人。7.2 依据本协议规定,如果有任何到期应付的款项不按时支付,利息应计未付金额(基于一年360天中实际经营天数)自到期日起,
8、包括实际付款日(也在之前判决之后) 每年利率最终由债权人决定,利率高达:(a)总额的(i)百分之二(2%)及(ii)就该笔 款项按时到期日之前支付的利率(如有);及(b)总额的(i)百分之二(2%),(ii)保证 金和(iii)LIBOR(伦敦银行同业拆息)计算由债权人认为合适的该期间相关的连续利 息期,(以下简称每一个“指定利息期”)或,如果任何8.1节所描述的贷款协议 应用的任何环境中,由债权人时常进行认证的利率将变成未提供资金成本总额利 率。出于这些目的,LIBOR应由债权人于第一天决定,或债权人认为合适的相关 指定利息期第一天之前的两个(2)银行日。利息率或利率应随时根据上述决定按 天
9、计,应基于一年360天实际经营天数进行计算,应在每个利息期结束时复利并应 按需随时支付。第8节.声明与保证担保人在此声明并对债权人保证如下:(a)担保人是依照中华人民共和国法律正式成立并有效存在的公司。(b)担保人已取得全部合适和必要法人资格并能够以其本身名义进行法律诉讼,授权 执行及交付本担保和所有其他文件并授权履行和遵守本担保条款。(c)担保人已获得或实施对本担保有效执行,交付及履约的全部必要授权,根据具体 情况,贷款协议和该授权完全有效或自首次签订提款通知日始有效,在任何无违 约相同条件下,已获得该授权并完全有效。(d)本担保构成合法,有效和具有约束力的义务,本担保书在贷款协议生效时同时
10、生效。本担保条款的执行,交付和履行或担保人全部到期款项的交付与所付货币, 在此将不会(i)违反或触犯适用于担保人的任何法律法规;(ii)违反保证人公司条款 或公司章程(或类似组成文件);(iii)违反或触犯违规或强加任何产权负担,担保人作为当事人的任何协议或文书规定,其物业或资产受约束;(iv)将不构成违约或 依据任何此类协议或文书规定,随着通知发出或时间推移或两者兼而有之将构成 违约事件。(e) 担保人在任何应用于其资产或收入的协议或义务规定下不发生违约,违约后果可 能对其业务或财务状况或本担保规定其行使义务责任造成重大的不利影响,无违 约事件或预期违约事件发生。(f) 除法定的优先债务以外
11、,担保人在本保证书下所承担的责任为直接的及无条件的, 而其付款责任均在任何时间与其他无抵押债务享有同等地位。(g) 担保人近期暂时经审核的财务报表(包括经审计的损益账户和资产负债表)根据 所有适用法律法规和公众会计原则和惯用政策编制妥当,截止到最后担保人财务 状况真实与公允的反应,其相关财务期间的经营结果,在此期间最后,担保人没 有任何重大债务(负债或其他)或在此财务报表中没有披露任何重要债务或任何 重要的未实现的损失或预期的损失,自此财务报表生效起,担保人业务或财政状 况没有重大不利变化。(h) 2012年9月担保人是借款人40%的总发行股数合法的受益人。第9节.契约保证人与债权人在此承诺如
12、下:(a) 在债权人合理要求之下,担保人应向债权人提供每财政年度前六个月未审核财务报表副本和每财政年度其经审核的可见综合财政报表,在任何情况下,担保人应尽快, 但无论如何不迟于本担保签约日后担保人的每个财政年度结束后的(90)天将担保人在该年度未审核的年度财务报表副本交给债权人,不得超过本担保签约日后担保 人每个财政年度结束后的(120)天将担保人在该年度经审核的年度财务报表副本 交给债权人,有关担保人财政状况和经营的此类其他信息,债权人可随时提出合理 要求进行查看。每个财政报表应根据在韩国一贯应用的公众会计原则编制妥当,附 带由担保人主要财务处详述的一份执行单据(i)自担保人此财务报表生效起
13、,担保人 完全遵守全部条款,包括但不限于所有财政契约和任何此后执行文件(ii)在此期间, 无违约或预期违约事件发生或持续。(b) 担保人应通过时常引用事实和环境现状确保担保书中的声明与保证始终真实、准 确。(c) 担保人同意获得或实施任何政府授权,担保人可能被要求或建议履行本担保中相 关的条款或者根据具体情况,贷款协议包括但不限于任何适用法律法规规定的任 何文件或定期报告。第10节.债权转让10.1 担保人不应转让以下任何权利和义务。10.2 依据贷款协议规定,债权人可随时转让或授予从属参股公司全部或任何部分权利, 利益和义务。本担保书和保证人在此不可撤销的同意受该转让约束第11节.适用法律和
14、司法管辖权11.5 本担保受韩国法律管辖并按韩国法律进行解释。11.6 担保人在此不可撤销地同意与本担保有关的任何法律行动或诉讼可在韩国首尔中央地方法 院进行,并不可撤销地服从韩国首尔中央地方法院的管辖权兹证明,担保人已通过授权代表自开头年月日签署并交付执行本担保书 担保人有限公司签署姓名:职务:GUARANTEETHIS GUARANTEE is made on the September, 2012BY: Co.,Ltd ("Guarantor").IN FAVOUR OF: CO., LTD., a compa ny in corporated and exist i
15、ng un der the laws of Ho ng Ko ng Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ( Hong Kong”,having its registered office at Rm Cen tral Plaza Harbour Road, Wan chai Ho ng Ko ng as len der ("Lender").WHEREAS:(A) By a loa n agreeme nt(the "Loan Agreement") da
16、ted September2012 and made between (1) - ., as borrower ("Borrower") and (2) Lender, Lenderhas agreed to make available to Borrower a term loan facility in an aggregateprincipal amount of up to USD 5,000,000 (the Facility”) upon the terms set out therein. If the Borrower fails to pay any p
17、orti on of the payme nt, Guara ntor shall pay to Len der the amount calculated by the shareholdi ng ratio (40%) over the Borrower multiplied to such un paid amount(B) It is a condition precedentto Lender making the Facility available to Borrower that Guara ntor en ters into this Guara ntee.NOW THIS
18、GUARANTEE WITNESSES as follows:Secti on 1. InterpretationIn this Guara ntee, uni ess the con text requires otherwise:(a) Terms and expressi ons defi ned in the Loa n Agreeme nt have the same meanings whe n used in this Guara ntee; and(b) "Secured In debted ness"mea ns all and any sums (whe
19、ther prin cipal, i nterest, fees or otherwise) which are or at any time may become payable by Borrower un der the Loa n Agreeme nt and all other monies hereby secured.Section 2. Guarantee2.1 In con siderati on of Len der gran ti ng the Facility to Borrower, Guara ntor irrevocably and uncon diti on a
20、lly guara ntees,as primary obligor and not merely as surety to Len der, jointly and severally with Borrower, the due and punctual payment of the Secured In debted nesswhe n and as the same shall becomedue and payable, whether at stated maturity, upon accelerati on, exte nsion or otherwise, accord in
21、g to the terms of the Loa n Agreeme nt.2.2 Guara ntor agrees to pay to Len der any amount of the Secured In debted nessi n the curre ncy or respective curre ncies in which the same is payable un der the terms of the Loa n Agreeme nt at any time on dema nd aga inst Len der's invoice accompa ni ed
22、by Len der's simple certificate stati ng that Borrower has failed to pay the same pursua nt to the Loa n Agreeme nt, which inv oice shall be final and con clusive as to the amount owed abse nt man ifest error.2.3 This Guara ntee shall be a con ti nuing guara ntee and shall rema in in full force
23、and effect un til the Secured In debted ness has bee n paid in full and shall not be (or be con strued as to be) dischargedby any in termediate discharge or payme nt of or on acco unt of the Secured In debted ness or any settleme nt of acco unts betwee n Len der and Borrower or anyone else. In the e
24、ve nt that any payme nt of or on acco unt of any of the SecuredIn debted ness is subseque ntly resci nded or must otherwise be restored or retur ned upon the in solve ncy, ban kruptcy or reorga ni zati on of, or other circumsta ncea nalogous in purpose or effect relat ing to, Borrower or Guara ntor
25、or for any other pers on, Guara ntor obligati ons here un der with respect to such payme nt shall be rein stated at such time as though such payme nt had not bee n made.Section 3. IndemnityWithout prejudice to the guara nteeccontained in Sectio n 2, Guara ntor uncon diti on ally and irrevocably un d
26、ertakes,as a separate,additi onal and con ti nuing obligati on and as a primary obligor, to indemnify Len der from time to time on dema nd aga inst all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expe nses whatsoever aris ing out of any failure by Borrower to make due and pun ctual payme nt of the Secur
27、ed In debted ness or in the due and pun ctual performa nee and observa nee of all other obligati ons un der the Loa n Agreeme nt. This in dem nity shall remai n in effect no twithsta nding that the guara ntee un der Secti on 2 ceasesto be valid or en forceableaga inst Guara ntor for any reas on what
28、soever.Secti on 4. Preservation of Rights4.1 The liability of the Guarantor hereunder shall not be prejudiced, affected or diminished by any act, omission, circumstanee, matter or thing which but for this provision might operate to release the Guarantor from its obligations hereunder in whole or in
29、part, including without limitation, and whether or not known to the Guara ntor or the Len der:(e) any time or waiver gran ted to the Borrower or any other pers on;variati on, compromise, re newal or release of or refusal or n eglect to perfect or enforceany rights, remedies or securities aga inst th
30、e Borrower or any other pers on;(g) any legal limitatio n, disability, in capacity or other similar circumsta nces relati ng to the Borrower or the liquidation of the Borrower or any other person; or(h) any irregularity, unen forceability, inv alidity or frustrati on of the Secured In debted ness to
31、 the intent that the Guara ntor'obligatio ns here un der shall remai n in full force and this Agreement be construed accordingly as if there were no such irregularity, unen forceability, inv alidity or frustratio n.Further, the liabilities and obligations of the Guarantor under this Agreement sh
32、all remain in force notwithstanding any winding up, dissolution, reconstruction or reorga ni zati on of the Borrower.4.2 The Guara ntor hereby uncon diti on ally and irrevocably waives any right it might have of first requiri ng the Len der to proceed aga inst or en force any other rights or securit
33、y of or claim payment from the Borrower before claiming from the Guarantor here un der.Secti on 5. Costs, Charges and ExpensesGuara ntor shall from time to time forthwith on dema nd pay to or reimburse Len der for all costs, chargesand expenses(including legal and other fees on a full indemnity basi
34、s) incurred by Lender in connection with the preparation and execution of this Guarantee and in exercising any of its rights or powers here un der or in suing for or seek ing to recover any sums due here un der or otherwise preserving or enforcing its rights hereunder or in defending any claims brou
35、ght against it in respect of this Guaranteeor in releasing this Guaranteeupon payment of the Secured In debted ness.Secti on 6. Taxes and other Deductions6.1 All sums payable by Guarantor under this Guarantee shall be paid in full without set-off or counterclaim or any restriction or condition and f
36、ree and clear of any tax or other deduct ions or withhold ings of any n ature.6.2 If at any time Guara ntor is required by any law or regulati on to make any deduct ion or withholding (on account of tax or otherwise) from any payment for the account of Lender, Guarantor shall, together with such pay
37、ment, pay such additional amount as will en sure that Len der receives (free and clear of any tax or other deduct ions or withhold in gs) the full amount which it would have received if no such deduct ion or withholding had been required. Guarantor shall promptly forward to Lender copies of official
38、 receipts or other evide nee show ing that the full amount of any such deduct ion or withhold ing has bee n paid over to the releva nt taxati on or other authority.Section 7. Payments7.1 All payme nts by Guara ntor un der this Guara ntee shall be made to Len der no t later tha n4:00 p.m. (Seoul/H on
39、g Kon g time) on the releva nt due date in same day funds (or in such other funds as may then be customary for the settlement in US dollar of tran sacti ons of this n ature) to such bank acco unt as Len der may have specified for such purpose in a written notice to Guarantor, in each case under facs
40、imile advice to Len der.7.2 If any sum due and payable here un der is not paid on the due date in accorda nee with the provisi ons of this Guara ntee, in terest shall accrue on the un paid amount (on the basis of the actual nu mber of days elapsed in a year of 360 days) from and in clud ing the due
41、date to and in clud ing the date of actual payme nt (as well after as before judgme nt) at the rate per annum con clusively determ ined by Len der to be the higher of: (a) the aggregate of(i) two perce nt (2%) and (ii) the rate of in terest (if any) payable in respect of such sum immediately before
42、the due date; and (b) the aggregate of (i) two perce nt (2%), (ii) the Margin and (iii) LIBOR calculated with refere nee to such successive in terest periods of such durati on as Len der con siders appropriate (eachDesignated Interest Period)' or, if any of the circumsta nces described in Secti
43、on 8.1 of the Loa n Agreeme nt applies, the rate from time to time certified by Lender to be the rate representing the cost to it of funding the un paid sum. For these purposes, LIBOR shall be determ ined by Len der on the first day, or two (2) Banking Days before the first day of, the releva nt Des
44、ig nated In terest Period as Len der con siders appropriate. In terest at the rate or rates determ ined from time to time as aforesaid shall accrue from day to day, shall be calculated on the basis of the actual nu mber of days elapsed and a 360 day year, shall be compo un ded at the end of each Des
45、ignated Interest Period and shall be payable from time to time on dema nd.Secti on 8. Representations and WarrantiesGuara ntor represe nts and warra nts to Len der as follows:(a) Guarantor is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of thePeoples Republic of China.(b) Guarant
46、or has taken all appropriate and necessary corporate and legal actions to authorize the execution and delivery of this Guarantee and all other documents here un der and to authorize the performa nee and observa nee of the terms and con diti ons hereof and thereof.(c) Guara ntor has obta ined or effe
47、cted all authorizati ons n ecessary for the valid executi on, delivery and performa nee of this Guara ntee or, as the case be, the Loa n Agreeme nt and such authorizations are in full force and effect or, by the date on which the initial Notice of Drawdow n is give n, such authorizati ons will have
48、bee n obta ined and be in full force and effect and there has been no default under the eonditions of any of the same.(d) This Guarantee eonstitutes the legal, valid and binding obligations of Guarantor en forceable in accorda nee with its terms. The executi on, delivery and performa nee of the term
49、s of this Guara ntee or the payme nt by Guara ntor of all amounts due on the dates and in the curre ncy provided for here in (i) will not violate or con trave ne any provisi on of law or regulatio n which is applicable to Guara ntor; (ii) will not con flict with the Articles of In corporati on or By
50、-laws (or comparable con stitue nt docume nts) of Guara ntor; (iii) will not con flict with or result in the breach of any provisi on of, or in the impositi on of any En cumbra nee un der, any agreeme nt or in strume nt to which Guara ntor is a party or by which it or any of its properties or assets
51、is bound; and (iv) will not constitute a default or an eve nt that, with the givi ng of no tice or the pass ing of time, or both, would con stitute a default un der any such agreeme nt or in strume nt.(e) Guara ntor is not in default un der any agreeme nt or obligati on applicable to it or its asset
52、s or revenues, the consequences of which default could materially and adversely affect its bus in ess or finan cial con diti on or its ability to perform its obligatio ns un der this Guara ntee and no Eve nt of Default or prospective Eve nt of Default has occurred.(f) This Guara ntee is the direct,
53、uncon diti onal and gen eral obligati on of Guara ntor. Guarantor'sobligations hereunderrank and will rank at least pari passu in priority of payment and in all other respects with all other unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness of Guarantor except for those preferred by operation of law.(g)
54、 The most rece nt audited finan cial stateme nts of Guara ntor for the time being (in clud ing the audited profit and loss acco unt and bala nee sheet) were prepared in accorda nee with all applicable laws and regulati ons and gen erally acceptedacco unting prin ciples and policies con siste ntly ap
55、plied and show a true and fair view of the finan cial positi on of Guara ntor as at the end of, and the results of its operati ons for, the finan cial period to which they relate and, as at the end of such period Guara ntor did not have any sig ni fica nt liabilities (contingent or otherwise) or any
56、 un realized or an ticipated losses which are not disclosed by or reserved aga inst in, such finan cial stateme nts,and there has bee n no material adversecha nge in the bus in essor finan cial con diti on of Guara ntor since the date of such finan cial stateme nts.(h) Guarantor is the legal and ben
57、eficial owner of 40% of the issued and outstanding shares of Borrower on September 2012.Secti on 9. CovenantsGuara ntor un dertakes and agrees with Len der as follows:(a) Upon reas on able request by Len der, Guara ntor shall provide Len der with copies of its un audited finan cial stateme nts for t
58、he first six mon ths of each fiscal year and its audited and consolidated financial statements for each fiscal year as they are available but in any eve nt no t later tha n ninety (90) days after the close of each fiscal period covered by an un audited finan cial stateme ntand not more tha n one hun
59、 dred and twe nty (120) days after the close of each fiscal period covered by an audited and consolidatedfinancial stateme nt and such other in formati on respect ing the finan cial con diti on and operati ons of Guara ntor as Len der may from time to time reas on ably request. Each finan cial stateme ntprovided here un dershall have bee n preparedi n accorda n
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