



1、儿童英语故事 60 字:公主和豌豆A Princess and the Green Pea公主和豌豆A long time ago, there was a prince of a country. When he grew old enough to marry, he decided to find a princess who was going to be his queen. So he started to travel all around the world.很久以前,有一个王子。当他到结婚年龄的时候,他决定找一位公主做他的 王后。于是他开始环游世界。The prince vi

2、sited many countries and searched for a beautiful and kind princess, but no princess seemed good enough to be his bride. “ There is no great prin world. He was disappointed and webnatck to his country spiritlessly.为了寻找一个美丽善良的公主,王子周游了很多个国家,但没有一个公主符 合他的标准,有资格成为他的新娘。 “世界上并没有我想要的公主。 他无精打采 地回到自己的国家,很是失望。

3、One day, there was a frightening night of thunder, lightning, and very severe rainstorms. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the castle. “ Whois it in the middle of this stormy night? The king went out his room and opened the door by himself curiously. A girl in shabby clothes was standing in

4、front of the door. Even though she looked tired from the severe rainstorm and the strong winds, she was beautiful and looked clever.有一天,在一个暴雨倾盆、雷电交加的可怕夜晚。突然,有人敲开了城堡的 大门。 “这么大的暴风雨,会是谁呢? 国王走出自己的房间,好奇地翻开了门。 一个穿着破烂的女孩站在门口。虽然为了躲避暴风雨使她看起来很疲惫,但是仍 旧掩盖不了她的美丽与聪明。She was soaking wet with rain.I am a princess o

5、f your neighboring country, bgot lost. Could you please let me stay in your castle tonight. She ask The king was surprised to hear that the shabby girl was a princess, and he allowed her to stay in his castle out of pity.她浑身湿透了。女孩很礼貌地问道: “我是邻国的公主,但我迷路了。今晚你 可不可以让我在城堡内休息一下。 听到女孩说自己是公主,国王很是惊讶,出 于怜悯他容许了

6、她的请求。But the queen thought the girl was lying. Is the girl with those shabby cloprincess? I am sure she is not a princess, but let her stay here with us tonight for the moment. '但是王后认为这个女孩在撒谎。穿着如此寒酸的女孩真的是公主吗?我敢肯 定她不是公主,但今晚就勉为其难让她留宿一晚吧。The queen thought to herself like this and went into a guest&

7、#39; s roomthe sheets off the bed, and put a grain of a green pea on the bed. Then, she covered the bed with twenty layers of blankets and another twenty layers of soft bird feather blankets. The girl fell asleep in that bed.王后这样想着,便走进了客人的房间。她把所有的床单拿了下来,然后把一 粒豌豆放在床上。之后,她又在床上铺了二十层毯子,另外又铺上了二十层柔软 的羽毛被子

8、。女孩上床后很快便睡着了。The next morning, the queen asked the girl,“ Did you sleep well last night?she answered, “ I appreciate your kindness, but there was something under the blankets It hurt me so much I could hardly sleep last night.第二天早上,王后问女孩: “昨晚睡得好吗? 然后女孩答复说: “很感谢你的 好意, 但毯子下面好似有东西。 昨天晚上咯得我睡不着, 让我觉得挺不舒服

9、的The queen was surprised at what she heard, and she thought that the girl must be a great princess. If the girl was so sensitive that she could not sleep well because of a green pea even under many blankets and soft bird feather blankets, she must be a noble princess. They found the noble princess accidentally. The prince was happy when he heard the story.王后听到后感到很吃惊,她觉得这个女孩一定是个公主。如果一位女孩敏感 到即使铺了那么多毯子以及羽毛被的情况下还会因为一个绿色的豌豆而失眠的 话,她一定是一位高贵的公主。他们居然不经意间遇到了一位身份高贵的公主。 王子听到这个事情的时候很快乐。The prince made the princess his wife. The green pea was displayed in a


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