



1、一、单词:Unitl My school我的学校会听写单词: water tiger sister computer dinner (要求会读 ruler under number eraser winter after river)四会单词:first floor一楼 second floor 二楼 teachers ' office师办公室 libray 图书馆 playground 操场 library 图书馆 art room 美术室 computer room 电脑室 music room 音乐教室三会词语: gym 体育馆next to 在 .近旁homework 作业 c

2、lass 班级 forty四十 way 方向二、短语:Go to the library.read a book.Go to the teachers office,say hello.Go to tplayground.Go to the garden water the flowers.三、句子四会句子:Where s the teachers o-ff-iIcte ? s on the second floor.Is this the teachers -Noof,fiicteis?n t .The teachers office is next to thelibrary.Is tha

3、t the computer room? - Yes, it is.听处用 this, 远处用 that)Do you have a library? -Yes, we do./No, we don t.四、句型:( Where 哪里;是对地点的提问)1 .Where is the art room?美术室在哪里?It ' s on the first / secondfloor. 在一 /二楼。2 .This is the teacher这shoffceffi办公室。This is+ 这个是3 .That is my classroom那个是我们教室 That is那个是 Forty

4、-five students. 45 个学生。(How many 是对数量的提问,答句中必须有数字。)5 .The gym is on the first floor.体育场在楼。6 .Your school is beautiful/cool.你的学校很漂亮 /很酷。7 .Isthis/that the library?这个/那个是图书馆吗?Yes, it is是的,它是。 / No, it isn 不,它不是。 t.8 . This way ,pleaseit 这边走。五、语言知识点讲解1、表示在几楼上,要用介词 on,如on the first floor.在一楼。The first表示

5、第一的,序数词在使用时前面一定要加the,表示事物的排列顺序。2、介绍离自己近的事物时用this is 介绍离自己比较远的事物时用that is 如:This is my computer这是我的计算机。 That is your computer.那是你的计 算机。3、how many侈少?用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面只能跟名词的复 数形式。如 How many books do you have?尔有多少本书?4、当表示有一个时,名词的前面可以用a或者an.元音前用an,辅音前用a.如 an apple 一个苹果 an orange 一个橙子a pear 一个梨 a dog 一只狗5、当

6、用Is this? Is th提问时;?一般用肯定回答是:Yes, it is否定是:No , itisn t.6. 对应词:myyourI yououryour this thathere there yesnocomegoteacherstudentboygirlhisher Unit2 What time is it ?几点了?四会单词:lunch 午饭 English clas褒语课 music class音乐课 breakfast 早饭 dinner正餐P.E class体育课over结束now现在o' clock点钟kid小孩thirty三 十 hurry up 快点 ge

7、t up 起床 go to school 去学校 go home 回家 go to bed 上床睡 觉 come on 快、力口油 just a minus.稍等一会二、短语:It s time for breakfast. Let chicken.It s time for dinner. Let run.It s time for English class. Let and dance.三、句子s drink some milk. Its eat some rice. Its read and write. Its time for lunch. Ls time for PE class

8、 s time for mu13 / 14四会句子:1.What time is it ?现在几点了?It ssix o ,/clock.2.It s 9:45.Its time for English 4&ss惠,该是上英语课的时候了3.1 t s time to get up.四、句型:1 .Let' s go home/go to the playground. Ok!让我住HU家/去操场吧!-好的!2 . What time is it now? It s five o 现在几点了?现在五点了。 clock.It ' s 6:00, it ' s tim

9、e for点nner到上吃饭时间了。It ' s 7:05. It ' s time togo to school.7:05 了,到去上学的时间了。Breakfast is ready 早饭准备好了。School is over放学了。3 .What time is it in Beijing/London/Sydney/New York?现在北京 /伦敦/悉尼/纽 约几点了?4 .Time to go home.到回家的时间了。5.1 m ready1备好了五、语言知识点讲解1. (What time 几点,表示时间。)-It s 5:00 (five o 现在五点了。 cl

10、ock).同义句: What time is it? =What s the time?1.1 t ' s time fdB面跟名词。如:Itstime for dinn说吃晚饭了。It ' stime for English ciaisst:英语课了。It ' s time t后面跟动词。如:It stime to eat dinner吃晚饭了。It ' stime to have English class.英语课了。3 .a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午 P.E是体育4 、同义词: supper =dinner 晚饭5、Let'后面直接跟动词白原

11、形。如:Let' s gb!们走吧!Let ' s clean the classrooms们打扫教室吧!Unit3 Weather 天气一、单词会听写单词:arm carcard ball tall wall(要求会读 farm far )四会单词: warm 暖和 cool 凉爽 cold 寒冷 hot 炎热 snowy 下雪的 sunny 晴 朗的 rainy 下雨的 windy 刮风的 cloudy 多云的三会词语: outside 在户外 be careful 小心 weather 天气 New York 纽约 how about怎样 degree 度数 world

12、世界 London 伦敦 Moscow 莫斯科Singapore新加坡城Sydney悉尼flyput on a hat 戴上帽子 take off the shoes 脱下鞋子 have to 必须;不得不 world weather report 世界天气预报三、句子四会句子:piay娼阚皿的,让我们一起去踢足球1. It s warm today. Let吧!2. It ' scold outSd面冷。3. Is it cold?今天冷吗? Yes, it is. No, it isn' t.4 Can I go outside now现在我能出去吗? Yes, you c

13、an./No, you can ' t.5 It s cold outside.6 What' s the weather like in New 丫。钿?勺天气怎样? It ' s rainy.7 . It ' s 26 degre26 度。四、句型:1 .This is the weather report, it s cool / warm in Lhasa / Harbin / Hong Kong这是天气预报,拉萨/ 哈尔滨/ 香港天气凉爽/ 暖和。2 .-Can I wear my new shirt today?-No, you can '

14、t. / Yes, yoUScOn天可以穿 上我的新裙子吗?不,你不能。/ 是的,你可以。3 .Here ' s the world weather report, it' srainy / snowy in London / Moscow?是世界天气预报,伦敦 / 莫斯科下雨/ 下雪。4 .What are you doing?- Not much.你正在做什么呢?没事什么。5 . What s the weather like in Beijing?to daIyt .北京天气如何?今天 s snowy下雪。五、语言知识点讲解1、Can I ?我能。Can I wear m

15、y new shirt today锹今天能穿我白新衬衣吗? Yes, you ca僵的,你可以。 /No,t. 一般疑问句Can I的徊答形式也有两种,肯定回答是: Yes, you ca格定 回答是 : No, you can t.2、 close open put ontake offcold hot warm cool 复数形式:foot feet (脚)3、表示天气的几个形容词都是同是由相应的名词变化而来的,它们的对应形式是:名词形式形容词形式rain 雨 rainy 下雨的snowxxsnowy 下 xx 的wind 风 windy 有风的cloud xxcloudy 有 xx 的s

16、unxxsunny 晴朗的4、同义词:How about ? =What about怎么样?5、当问某个地方的天气如何时,要用What' s the weather like inb+名?如:What' s the weather like in Beijin或京的天气怎么样?Unit4 At a farm.在农场一、单词会听写单词: horse fork homework world map(要求会读 fork for born world horse work )四会单词: sheep 绵羊 hen 母鸡 cow 牛 tomato 西红柿 potato 土豆 carrot

17、胡萝卜 horse 马三会词语: these 这些 those 那些 yum 好吃 animal 动物 goat 山羊 garden 花园 farm 农场 eat四会句子:1 . Are these carrots g些是胡萝卜吗? 一Yes,they are是的,它们是 / No, they aren 不,它们不是。 t.2 .-Are they hens? No, they aren t . They re ducks.3 .-What are these/those? They re tomatoes.三、句型:1 .What are these/those?这、那些是什么? They

18、are goats它们是山羊。2 .Are these/those sheep / horses?!/那些是绵羊 /马吗? -Yes, they are是 的,它们是。 /No, they aren ,它们不不是。 t3 .Look at the green beans. They '毒is出丽鼠。它们很长。4 .一What are these花们是什么? They are carrots / onions.它们是胡萝卜 / 洋葱。四、语言知识点讲解1 、复数形式sheepsheep &帛羊)henhens (母鸡) lamblambs(羊羔)goat一goats (山羊)co

19、wcows (奶牛)horsehorses (马)goosegeese鹏)footfeet(脚)toothteeth(牙齿)tomatotomatoes(西红柿)potatopotatoes(土豆)carrotcarrots(胡萝卜)2、可数名词变复数的规则:( 1)、一般情况下,在单数名词词尾加“ s ”.如:catcats dog dogsbookbooksrulerrulers(2)、在以s, ss , x , sh , c怆吉尾的名词后面加“es如,:box boxespeachpeachesbusbusesclassclasses(3)、在以o结尾的有生命的单词后面加“es如;tom

20、atotomatoespotato potatoes以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,去掉y后加“ies如:,babybabiesladyladies butterfly butterflies(5)、以f, fe结尾的名词,去掉f或fe后加“ve§”如:shelfshelvesleafleavesknifeknives3、一般疑问句Are these/those这些V那些是。答句:Yes, they are是的,它们是。/ No, they aren't.不,它们不是。)Are these/those sheep?Yes, they are。. / No, they aren

21、9;t.Are these tomatoes ? Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.4、Look at 看Look at the hensU那些母鸡。5、I like后面要加可数名词的复数形式或者不可数名词,如:I like apples .我喜欢苹果。I like chicken.我喜欢鸡肉。6、特殊疑问句: What are these? What are those ? What are they?在回 答时,都要用“Theyare”What is this ? What is that?What is it ?在回答时都要用 It ' s

22、a (arr)般 疑问句:Are these %伯those ? Are they 的回答形式也都是一样的,肯 定回答:Yes, they are否定回答:No, they aren ' t.一般疑问句:Is this a(an) ?Is that a(an ) Is ita(?n)的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:Yes, it is否定回答:No, it isn t.Unit5 My clothes 我的衣物一、单词会听写单词:applepeopletable(要求会读 little uncle )四会单词: sweater 毛衣 jeans 牛仔裤 pants 裤子 socks

23、短袜 shoes 鞋 shorts 短裤jacket 夹克 shirt 衬衣 skirt 短裙 dress裙子 T-shirt T恤三会词语:yours你们的whose谁的mine我的pack收拾wait等待二、短语Put on your shirt.穿上你的衬衫。Hang up your dress挂起你的连衣裙。Take off your hat.脱下你的帽子。Wash your skirt.洗洗你的短裙。Put away your pants. 收起你的裤子。三、句子四会句子:1 .Is this John 这是约翰的吗?Yes, it is是的,它是。/No,it ' s no

24、t.不,不是。2 .-Are these yours就些是你的吗? No, they aren ' t.Yes, they are.3 .-Whose coat is this馆是谁的外套? It ' s mine是我的。四、句型:1 、 My shoes are green . They re Chen Jie s.2 、 I like that green skirt. -Me , too.2、Can you help me, please帮你帮我好吗? OK./Sure./Of,course好的4、 Whose is this /it/ that? It s m-syhi

25、Trt / your brother s._Whosepants are these/those?-They re your father s.5、 床上。Where are my socks?They' re on the bed的短袜在哪里?它们在6、What colour is it/are they?它/它们是什么颜色? It ' s /They are wh超它 们是白色。五、语言知识点讲解2、特殊疑问词 What colour ?什么颜色?用来问物体的颜色,回答时一定 要有表示颜色的词语。如: What colour is your bag?It sblue.3、

26、Who 和 Whose 的区别:Who谁。用来问人是谁。如:Who is that girl?那个女孩是谁? She is my sister. 她是我的姐姐。Who is that tall man?那个高个子男人是谁? He is my father.他是我的爸爸。Whose 谁的。用来询问物品是谁的。在回答Whose 引领的问题时,如果答案有人名,要在人名的后面加蔡中的表示 某人的"。如:Whose shirt is this?这是谁的衬衣? ItsMikeE是Mike的。Whose bike is blue碓的书包是蓝色的? My bag is blue我的书包是蓝色的。4、

27、have(第三人称单数)has5、pants , socks , shoes , shorts , jean睡些单词都是成双成对出现的,所以 在句子中一般都是复数形式。如:These are my shoe这是我的鞋子。Those are your socksIB是你的袜子。6、人称代词和名词性物主代词对应:我 I 我的 my他 he 他的 his我们 we 我们的 our你 you 你的 your她 she 她的 her你们 you 你们的 your他们 they 他们的 their她们 they 她们的 their人称代词一般在句中用作主语。物主代词一般后面加名词。一、单词会听写单词:wo

28、rk工作sir先生turn转向circle圈park公园mall购物商场 四会单词: glove 手套 scarf 围巾 umbrella 雨伞 sunglass 太阳镜 pretty 可爱 的、漂亮的nice好的cheap便宜的expensive昂贵的三会词语:try on试穿size尺码of course当然too太;也just刚好how much多少钱eighty八十dollar美元sale大减价more更多us我们二、短语try on 试穿 put on 穿上 take off 脱下 just right 刚刚好 how much 多少钱look at 看三、句子四会句子:1.How

29、much is it够少钱?It s ten yuan.无02 . How much are they ?它们多少钱? They re threedollars 美元。. 33 .Can I help you ?我能为你做点什么?-Yes. Can I try them on? Size 6,please.是的,我能试穿吗?请给我6 号的。4 .They ' re too smOJ们太小了。5 .I ' ll take买它。四、句型:1 .Can I help you?es, these shoess are nice. Can I try them on?能帮助你 吗?好的,

30、这双鞋子很好,我能试穿吗?2 .一What size?-Size five多大号码?五号.3 .Are they OK?They ' re justESgMT以吗?它们刚刚好。五语言知识点讲解1 、 Can I help you ?是一般购物时,售货员的礼貌用语。2 、 How much 与 How many 的区别:问一件物品的价钱时用 How much is?How much is this jacket速件夹克衫多少钱?It ' sfc-fyre yuan.它是 45 元。问多件物品的价钱时用 How much are?How much are these books?&

31、amp; 些书多少钱?They are ninety-nine yuan.它们是 99 元。( 2)、 How many 意思是多少。用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面跟名词 的复数形式,回答时一般数字后面没有单位。如:How many horses are there ?那儿有多少匹马?They are 12.有 12xx。四年级英语下册重难知识点总结特殊疑问句1 .whose 谁的,答句必须出现物主性代词(物主代词: my/mine,your/yours, 人名's, his,her/hers-Whose is it?谁的? Its AmyB是艾米的2 .where 哪里。答句一般有方

32、位词( on, in, under ,near ,next to)3 .what什么,是对 是什么”的提问。一What are those?®些是什么?一These are carrots.4 what time什么时间。 What time is it? It ' s one o ' clock.5 what colour.什么颜色。What colour are they? They are yellow.6 What size?Size 6什么码数?.6 码。7 what ' s the weather like todays天气如何? -It ' s rainy/sunny/cloudy/windy/smowy.8 . who 谁。回答包括人物关系。-Who s that woman? She s my mother.9 . how many 多少个。回答含有数字。 How many students are there in your class?- Forty.10 . how much 多少钱。回答含有金钱。 How much is


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