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1、英语外研社版 五年级上New words时刻,时候,时间New words上课时间;上学时间New words开始,发生New words晚于,过(几点)在之前New words迟到的New words上床睡觉New words运动,锻炼New words操 场New words加入,参加New words跳 绳New words咖 啡New words茶schoolstartpastteaGame点击礼物读单词礼物就属于你啦timeplaygroundgo to bedboforeskipping ropejoincoffeeListen and chantListen and chantW

2、hat time is it now?Its half past eight.School starts at nine.I dont want to be late.点我看解析点我看解析Listen and readListen and read Amy: Lets go to bed, Lingling. I dont want to be late for school tomorrow.Lingling: Whats the time now? Amy: Its nine oclock.Lingling: What time does your school start? Amy: M

3、y school starts at nine oclock in the morning.Lingling: What time do you get up? Amy: I get up at half past seven.Lingling: Ill get up at half past seven too. Do you walk to school? Amy: Yes, I do. Our house is very near the school.点我看解析点我看解析Lingling: Do you do exercise every morning? Amy: No,we don

4、t. We play in the playground before nineoclock.Lingling: Do you skip in the playground? Amy: Yes, I do. Join me tomorrow! Lets take myskipping rope. Amy: I like coffee. I like tea. I like Lingling skipping with me.Lingling: I like coffee. I like tea. I like Amy skipping with me. Amy: Thats fantastic

5、, Lingling! You can skip very well.Act out四人一组2分钟准备时间,分组展示表演成果Listen and sayWhat time does your school start?学校什么时候开门?学校什么时候开门?My school starts at nine oclock in the morning.我们学校早上九点开门。我们学校早上九点开门。What time do you get up?你什么时候起床?你什么时候起床?I get up at half past seven.你什么时候起床?你什么时候起床?PractiseExerciseRead

6、 and choose. 单项填空。1. What time does your school ? A.begins B.starts C.start2. We play_the playground. A.in B.to C.for 3. Do you do exercise_morning? A.on B.every C.in4. I like Lingling_with me. A.skipping B.skip C.skips5. My school_at nine oclock. A.begin B.starts C.is Homework Thank you本句意为“现在几点了?”

7、是询问时间的句型,它的同义句为:“Whats the time? ”用“Its十时间”来回答1.What time is it now? 现在几点了? half past eight八点半 时间的表达法及读法有以下两种:(1)按顺序读(基数词), 先读整点数再读分钟数。2.Its half past eight. 八点半。(2)非整点的时间表达法还可以借助介词to和past, 即”分钟数十to/past十整点” 或60减去分钟数十to十整点数加1”拓展(1)at与时间连用,表示时间的某一点、某个时刻等。 They came home at sunrise. 他们在日出时回家。 He goes

8、home at 5: 00. 他五点钟回家。(2)较短暂的一段时间。可指某个节日或被认为是重大事件的日子。 He went home at Christmas. 他在圣诞节回家了。(3)at表示在某一点的位置,多用于较小的地方。例如: We live at No. 87 Beijing Road. 我们住在北京路87号。(4)at与名词所有格连用表示在某地。例如: Were at my sisters. 我们在我的姐姐家。What time意为“何时,什么时候”, 询问某人在某时做了什么事,其基本结构为“Whattime+do/does十主语十动词原形十其他?”回答在某时刻用“At十某时刻”W

9、hat time does your father read books? 你爸爸几点读书?At seven in the evening. 在晚上7点。3.What time does your school start? 你的学校几点开始上课?辨析 what time,when what time 与 when 都是对时间进行提问的,what time 更强调“时间点”指“几点钟,几时几分”,when 询问的时间更广泛,有时也可指“几点钟,几点几分”, 用来代替 what time, 也可以指一段时间。(1)一般情况下,二者可以互换。 When does your father go to

10、 work? 你父亲什么时候去上班? What time does your father go to work? 你父亲几点去上班?(2)询问日期、月份、年份等,只能用 when. When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的? I was born on July 2nd, 1992. 我是1992年7月2日出生的。(3)询问钟表上的具体时间时,只能用 what time. What time did you call me this afternoon? 今天下午你几点给我打的电话? I called you at 4: 00 this afternoon. 我今天下午四点

11、给你打电话了。(4)when 可以做连词,意为“当时”, 而what time 没有这种用法。 Im reading a book when my mother comes home. 当我妈妈回家时我正在看书。 注意:询问生日日期时,不要用“what time”而应用 when.near用作介词,表示“在附近”, 表示的距离比by和 beside稍远些。 There is a theatre near his home. 他家附近有一家剧院。Dont play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩耍。There is a post office near No. 1 Middle

12、School. 第一中学附近有一家邮局。4.Our house is very near the school. 、我们家离学校很近。(1)near 用作形容词: 表示“邻近的,接近的”。例如: His house is very near. 他的房子就在附近。 表示“亲密的,亲近的”。例如: He is my near friend. 他是我的好朋友。(2)用作副词,意为“不远,在附近”。例如: Come near! 走近些! My friend lives quite near. 我的朋友住得很近。拓展谢谢大家学生课堂行为规范的内容是:按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。不做与课堂教学无关的事,保持课堂良好纪律秩序。听课时有问题,应先举手,经教师同意后,起立提问。上课期间离开教室须经老师允许后方可离开。上课必须按座位表就坐。要爱护公共财物,不得在课桌、门窗、墙壁上涂写、刻划


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