已阅读5页,还剩31页未读 继续免费阅读




1、知识是从刻苦劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结果,离不开一个“苦”字,努力吧,奋起吧! 巩固提高 Unit1一词组巩固1看书 read books1、 照顾你的电子狗 look after your e-dog2、 照顾好他们 look after them well3、 在7年级1班in Class 1, Grade 74、 喜欢阅读 like reading5、 在读书俱乐部in the Reading Club6、 出生在上海be born in Shanghai7、 下课后 after class8、 喜欢听音乐/跳舞love listening to music10、努力学习wo

2、rk hard11、努力学习英语work hard at English 12、擅长于游泳/数学be good at swimming 13、戴眼镜wear glasses14、对他人有礼貌的be polite to others15、打羽毛球/篮球/排球 play badminton16、在足球场in the football field17、在羽毛球场on the badminton court 18、在游泳池 in the swimming pool19、在7点吃早饭have breakfast at 720、在午餐时间at lunchtime/ at lunch21、遛狗 take t

3、he dog for a walk/ walk the dog22、步行回家walk home/ go home on foot23、骑车上学ride (a bike) to school/ go to school by bike24、乘车去公园take a bus to the park/ go to the park by bus25、跑步半小时run for half an hour26、在饭店吃饭eat in a restaurant27、一个好的运动员a very good player28、喜欢看有关足球的书like reading books about football29、

4、效力于黄河足球队play for Huanghe Football Team30、最新成员the newest member31、擅长于得分be good at scoring goals32、在下一届世界杯in the next World Cup33、看上去强壮look strong34、同龄the same age35、赢得比赛win the game 36、向你借钢笔borrow a pen from you37、这个问题的答案the answer to the question38、在周末at the weekend/ at weekends39、喜欢和他们一起玩 like play

5、ing with them 40、你所有的新朋友all your new friends41、很了解你所有的新朋友know all your new friends well42、来自于come from/ be from 43、去不同的俱乐部 go to different clubs44、与不同be different from45、听起来很棒 sound great二、重点词汇运用。1.My name is Simon. I was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now. 我叫西蒙.我出生在上海,但现在住在北京. 考点点拨 be born

6、意为“出生”,常用过去时. 我出生在连云港。_你妈妈出生在南京吗?_your mother _in Nanjing? 2.She is not very tall. She has short hair. She is good at swimming. 她个子不高,留着短发,擅长游泳. 考点点拨 be good at =do well in 意为“擅长于”.后接名词,代词或者动名词。 我擅长游泳,但他擅长画画。I _,but he _. Is she good at singing?(同义句) _.He does well in cleaning. (否定句、疑问句及回答) be good

7、for/be bad for 对.有好处、坏处牛奶对孩子们好。Milk _ _ _ children.吃太多对你的身体有坏处。_ _ _ _ _ _ your health.3.Sometimes my mother flies a kite with me in the park 有时候我母亲和我一起在公园里放风筝.sometimes 意为“有时候”常用一般现在时. some times, 许多次数 sometime, 某时 some time 一段时间 _I stay at home and watch TV. I want to visit Beijing _next year.She

8、has visited the Great Wall _ I stay here _.4. walk sb.=take sb. for a walk. 带某人散步。 我爸爸每天遛狗。My father _ My father _.5.我在游泳俱乐部。I am _ the Swimming Clnb. I am _the Swimming Clnb.6.玩的开心 have a good time=have fun= enjoy oneself doing sth.我们在公园玩的很开心呢。7.borrow sth. from sb. 主语是借进的人 lend sth. to sb.=lend sb

9、. sth.主语是借出的人。我想他借了一本书。8. spend on sth. spend doing sth 人做主语,花时间或者金钱 pay for 人做主语,花时间 cost 物做主语 花时间It takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人一段时间去做某事。我花了10元买了一支钢笔。她每天花一个小时读英语。9.take a bus= go to by bus take a taxi= go to by taxi ride a bike= go to by bike walk= go toon foot take an underground=go to by u

10、nderground 10.我来自中国。I _ _ China. I _ _ China.词性read _ (名词) long _(反义词) borrow_(反义词)swim_(动名词) glass _(复数) enjoy _(过去式)polite _(反义词) help _ (形容词) hobby _(复数)eat _(动名词) fly _(三单) day _(复数)usual _(副词)_(反义词) run_(动名词)news_(复数) play _(名词) match _(复数)good _(副词) win _(名词) strong_(反义词) 大显身手一 词形变化 A. 用括号里所给词

11、适当形式填空。1.You must speak to the old_(礼貌地)2.My father often_(戴)glasses because he cant see the things clearly.3.Dont worry. Your father will come back in two_(小时)。4.My father bought some big_(鱼)at the market.5. Our English teacher has many h_,such as singing,dancing,writing and so on.6.My cousin is An

12、dy. He is g_at English.二选择填空1. Nancy likes_books, but Betty enjoys _ TV.A. read, watch B. reading, watching C. looking, watching D. reading, looking2.-ImSimon._your name?-My name is Jack.A. What B. Who C whats D. Whose3. Im going skating. Would you like to go with_?A me B. I C. my D. mine4.-Is Tom g

13、ood_ Maths?-Yes, he is.A. with B. in C. at D. to5fastest way to travel to Shanghai is_ plane.A. in B. by C. on D. at6.Is she your master ? _ .A. Yes, she is B. No, she is C. Yes, she isnt D. Thats right7. Do you know how to _ your e-dog?A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look over8. Miss Li has

14、long black hair and_-A. wear glasses B. wears glasses C. wear glass D. wears glass9. My cousin Bobby enjoys _.A. play games B. listen to the radio C. wear glasses D. playing basketball10. After work,he often _home.A. walk to B. walks to C. walk D. walks11. His uncle _to go to work.A. take a bus B. b

15、y bus C. takes a bus D. by a bus 12. Jill often _-a kite in the sky on Sunday.A. fly B. flys C. flies D. flying13. Tom loves _cat.A. play B. playing C. play with D. playing with三、同义句转换1.We often have a good time after school.We often_ _ after school.2.Can I borrow a book from you? Can you_ a book_ m

16、e Can you _me _ _.3.Sandy is in the Music Club. Sandy is a_ _ the Music Club.4. The dictionary cost me fifty yuan. I_ fifty yuan _the dictionary.5. English is my faovurite subject. I _ English _.6.Li Hua does well in sports. (同义句)Li Hua is _ _ _ sports.7.Millie always walks her dog after supper. (同义

17、句)Millie always _her dog _a _ after supper.8.They go to the meeting in a taxi.They _ a taxi _ the meeting四、用所给单词的正确形式填空:1.Daniel is one of the football _(play)in our school team. 2.Simon goes _ ( swim) on Sunday. 3. You, she and I _( be ) good friends.4. I like the two _ ( e-dog ).5. Xiao Huang is g

18、ood at _( play ) football.6. He often_ ( draw ) some pictures on the wall.7. We have two _(match )in this week.8. I love him because he is _(help).9. Do you have many _(hobby)?10. We enjoy ourselves _(play) in the park.11.Listen! Someone _ the piano in the next room. ( play)12. When I grow up (成长),

19、I want _ a football player like Zidane. (be)13.Its 6.30. The Smith family _ breakfast. (have)五中译英 1.Millie 经常向学校图书馆借书。Millie often _books _the school library.2.她花了500 元买了一辆自行车。She _500 yuan _the bike.She _-500 yuan _the bike.The bike _her 500 yuan .4你姐姐每天步行上班吗?不,她有时候乘公交车去那儿。Does your sister _ _ _ ev

20、ery day? No, sometimes she _ a bus there.5. Daniel学英语很努力,他是我们学校英语兴趣小组的最新成员。 Daniel works _ at English. Hes the _ member in our school English _.6.贝克汉姆效力于皇马队,擅长进球。Beckham _ _ Real Madrid. Hes good at _ _.7.你个哥哥出生在上海吗? 不。 _your brother _ _Shanghai? No ,he _.Unit2一词组巩固1.   wake up 醒来,叫醒2

21、.  have fun=have a nice/good/great time =enjoy oneself 玩得愉快3.   its time for sth. (n.) = its time to do sth. 是干某事的时候了4.   its time for sb. to do sth. 是某人干某事的时候了5.   go to sleep/ go to bed 上床睡觉6.   have/ eat lunch 吃中饭7.  

22、 a member of =be in 的一员8.   have lessons 上课9.   do after-school activities 进行课外活动10.   write to sb. 写信给某人11.   do morning exercises 做早操12.   in the playground 在操场上13.   play volley

23、ball 打排球14.   practise doing sth. 练习干某事15.  talk to each other 相互交谈16.  spend doing sth. 花费/金钱时间干某事17.  a lot of things to do 有许多事要做18.  twice a week 一周两次once/ twice/ three times/ four times/ 一次/两次/三次/四次/19.  listen to the ra

24、dio 听收音机20.  read newspapers 看报纸21.  say hello to sb. 向某人问好22.  sit under the tree 坐在树下23.  at lunchtime  在午餐时间24.  a piece of news/information一条新闻/消息25.  all the time 一直26.  be good for sb. 对某人有益27. in the school football te

25、am  在学校足球队28.  need to do sth. 需要做某事29.  on Mondays = every Monday 每个星期一30.  chat with sb. 和某人闲聊31.  know how to do sth. 知道怎样做某事32.  write back to sb. 给某人回信33.  thanks for doing sth. 谢谢你34.  like/enjoy/love doing/  喜欢干某事35.&#

26、160; would like to do sth. 乐于干某事,想干某事36.  look forward to + n./ +doing sth. 期待77.  learn more about sth. 对某物了解更多38.  be nice to sb.=be kind/good/friendly to sb. 对某人友好39.  the answer to the question 问题的答案40.  teach sb. sth. =teach sth to sb. 教某人某

27、物41. each other 互相二、词性 wake _(过去式) sleep _(过去式) fun _(复数)activity _(复数) good _(比较级)_(最高级)chat _(过去式)_(动名词) one _(序数词)spend _(过去式) library _(复数) swim_(名词)use _(形容词) much _(比较级)_(最高级)busy _(反义词) close _(反义词)_(形容词)wish_(三单) like_(反义词) easy _(反义词)三、知识点梳理1.wake up sb.=wake sb.up 叫醒某人 如果加代词只能放在两个词的中间

28、。妈妈每天叫我起床 My mother _ _ _ every day.我正在叫醒我的哥哥。I _ _ my bother _now.2.its time for sb. to do sth.=its time for sth. 该某人做某事的时间了。该我们上学的时间了。Its _ _ us _ _ _ _.Its _ _us _ _.是该他们起床的时间了吗?_it _ _ _ _?3.how to have fun如何取乐 how to do sth. 怎样做某事你能告诉我怎么到公园吗?Can you tell me _ _ _ _ the park?我知道怎样玩的开心。I know _ _

29、 _ _ _ _.类似的词还有what/when/where/which/to do.我不知道我该去哪里I dont know _ _ _-.我知道下一步做什么I know _ _ _ next.4.want to do= would like to do 想要做某事。我想打篮球I _ _ _ _. I _ _ _ _.你们想吃午饭吗? _you _ _ _ _? _you _ _ _ _?5.chat-chatted-chatting chat with sb.与某人聊天 chat with each other.互相聊天我们喜欢和你聊天We like _ _ you.他们经常相互在网上聊天

30、。They often _ _ _ _ _ the Internet昨晚他们聊得很开心。They _ _ last night.6.spendon sth spend doing sth 花时间或者金钱做某事。我们花了100元买了一辆自行车We _100 yuan_the bike.We _100 yuan _the bike.我每天花大量的时间上课I _ a lot of time _ _ every day.7.favourite =like best 最喜欢蓝色是我最喜欢的颜色。 I _ blue _. Blue is my _ _.我最喜欢练习弹钢琴。 I like _ _ _ _.

31、_ _ _ is my favourite.8.球类前不加the ,乐器前要加the 打篮球 打排球 踢足球 拉小提琴 弹钢琴 弹吉他三餐前不加the 吃早饭 吃中饭 吃晚饭9.read read- read 读He read English just now (否定句、疑问句、回答)看报 _ 看书_ 看广告_He read every day.(用now/ last night /tomorrow 改写句子)He does his homework every day.(否定句、疑问句。及回答)He did his homework every day. (否定句、疑问句。及回答)9.onc

32、e 一次twice 两次 three times 三次 十次_许多次_ 一年两次_她每周回家两次。She goes home twice a week. (否定句、疑问句、回答、提问)_.(对频率提问要用_)10.information /news不可数名词 a piece of 一条 许多信息_ 一条信息_ 十条信息_两条有趣的新闻_.11.thank you for sth/ doing sth.感谢做某事感谢你帮我。Thank you _ _ _.Thank you _ _ _.12.what do you think of =how do you like你觉得怎么样?你觉得我的学校怎

33、么样?_ _ _ _ _my school?=_ _ _ _ my school?13.look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事我们正在盼望去北京旅游。We _ _ _ _ _ _Beijing.她盼望收到她妈妈的来信She _ _ _ _ _her mother.巩固一下一、用括号里所给词适当形式填空。1. Daniel _ playing football, but he likes basketball. (like)2. This is one of the _ . (swim)3. Would you like _(play) us?4. The boy has

34、 lots of _ (friend) here at Nanjing No 2 Middle School.5. My cousin, Andy often spends lots of time _ (chat) with her friends. 6. Its time for us _(have) lunch.7. We should be nice _(for/ to) the old.8. Thanks for _(help) me with my English.9. The boy looks forward to _(see) his father again.10. We

35、must practise _(speak) English every day.11. She often talk _(with/ about) her parents.12. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball _ (play). 13. Which do you like _ (good), volleyball or basketball? 14. They are in the _ (swim) pool. 15. Lei Feng was a kind young man. He was very _ (help) and people

36、all liked him. 二选择题1. She always has a good time _ the violin every day.A. playB. playingC. to playD. played2. Millie likes _ blue jeans.A. putting onB. wearsC. to wearD. put on3. The students at our school meet _ lunchtime.A. onB. inC. atD. /4. Sandy likes playing _ badminton after _ dinner.A. the;

37、 theB. the; /C. /; /D. /; the5. - _ do you go shopping every week? - Twice.A. How often B. How many timesC. How longD. How much6. Its time to get up. Lets _.A. wake her up B. wake up herC. waking up herD. waking her up7. Look at Todays newspaper. Some news _ really interesting.A. does B. isC. are D.

38、 do8. We should _ “thank you” when someone lends something to us.A. tell B. speakC. say D. talk9The students are _EnglishAgood in Bgood for Cgood to Dgood at10Thank you _meAfor help Bfor helping Cat helping Dhelp11We spend about an hour a day _- Ado our homeworkBdoing our homework Cdo our homeworks

39、Ddoing our homeworks12Would you like _with us?Ato have badminton Bto play badminton Chaving badminton Dplaying badminton三、句型转换1She does her homework every day(改为否定句)She _ _her homework every day2Its time for breakfast(2-7同义句转换)Its time _ _ breakfast 4I go to school by bike every day. I _ _ _to schoo

40、l every day. 5. How do you like your English study? _ do you _ _ your English study?6.I want to watch TV. I _ _ to watch TV.7. My favourite food is meat. I _ meat _四、翻译句子1. 该叫醒我妈妈的时间了Its time _ _ _ my mother.2. 感谢你和我聊天。 Thanks for _ _me.3. 我们期盼着早日收到你的来信。We are _ _ _ _ from you soon.4. 每天我花两个小时照顾我的奶奶

41、。I _ two hours _ _ my grandpa every day.Unit3一、词组 1.庆祝节日 celebrate the festival2.装扮成美猴王 dress up as Monkey King3.某人最喜欢的节日 ones favourite festival4.为做好准备 get ready for 5.谢谢告诉我 Thank you for telling me6.告诉某人某事 tell sb about sth 7.玩一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏play a game called “trick or treat”8.给某人东西作为招待(2种)give sb

42、 sth as a treat=give sb a treat of9.招待我们糖果 give us some candy as a treat10.招待他们 give them a treat11.穿戴面具的戏服 wear costumes with masks12.捉弄某人 play a trick on .13.在十月三十一号晚上 on the evening of October 31st14.喝热饮料 have hot drinks15.用南瓜做灯make a lantern out of a pumpkin16.在早餐时 at breakfast19.在8岁时 at 8 at th

43、e age of 820.在12月 in February21.看病 see the doctor22.带某人去散步 take sb for a walk23.去参加读书俱乐部 go to the Reading Club24.给他开一个大聚会have a big party for him25.在早餐吃什么 have .for breakfast26.去度假 go on holiday27.从9点到午夜 from 9 p.m to midnight28.在度假 be on holiday in Yunnan29.我的第一次看电影 my first time to see the film30

44、.在夜里 at night31.给我一些礼物 give me some presents32.敲人家的门 knock on peoples doors33.西方人 people in the west34.用许多方式 in many ways35.挖出锋利的牙齿 cut out the sharp teeth36.从眼睛里射出来 shine through the eyes37.用做灯笼 make a lantern out of 38.在万圣节晚上 on the night of Halloween39.在另一边 on the other side of40.乘公交车去上学 go to school by bus take a bus to school二、词性大变脸interest_(形容词) dress_(三单) candy _(复数)cut_(动名词)_(过去式) tooth_(复数)hot_(反义词) holiday_(复数) meet_(名词)finish _(三单) excite_(复数)way_(复数) west _(形容词)shine _(动名词)三、知识点梳理1. Lets celebrate. 让我们一起庆祝吧。let sb.


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