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1、Mom Know BestA: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to B: Yes, I do. I think / No, I dont. I dont think Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. talk/shout back to parentsIf you are allowed to say just one sentence to your mother, what will you say ?3a How do you

2、get along with your parents? Talk about one thing you disagreed with them and how you dealt with it.Go through the passage and tell what kind of text is it? Novel Prose Poem Drama散文散文戏剧戏剧/pm/3aRead the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner. Mom Knows BestMom Knows BestWhat do

3、es the title mean?What does the title mean?3a3an. 诗歌诗歌The title means that a mother always knows what is best for a child, even though the child may disagree with the mother.Do you agree with it?Find out the new words and underline them!When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and

4、stayed by my side.When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in.When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hugand lifted me up.v.&n. 哭,叫喊哭,叫喊adj. 微小的微小的n. 田野田野,场地场地v. 举起,抬高举起,抬高;

5、n. 电梯;搭便车电梯;搭便车n. 拥抱拥抱一个小婴儿一个小婴儿 陪伴在某人旁边陪伴在某人旁边跑步穿越田野跑步穿越田野使使远离远离拥抱某人拥抱某人举起某人举起某人确信,确保确信,确保When I was seven coughing badly, she said no ice-cream for me.But I talked back loudly, “I should be allowedto eat some! Give it to me now!”When I was nine watching scary movies, she said itd give me awful dre

6、ams.But I shouted back angrily, “I should be allowed to watch it! Im not a baby!”When I was a teen going out with friends, she said, “Please be back by ten!”adv. 非常;严重地非常;严重地回嘴,顶嘴回嘴,顶嘴adj. 很坏的,讨厌的很坏的,讨厌的n. 青少年青少年做恶梦做恶梦大声反驳大声反驳带给我噩梦stay by my sidemake surekeep me fromhurt myselfgive me a huglift me u

7、ptalk back loudlygive me awful dreamsgoing out with friendsthinking back to those timesregret doing呆在我身边呆在我身边确保确保使我远离使我远离受伤受伤给我拥抱给我拥抱扶起;举起扶起;举起大声反驳大声反驳带给我噩梦带给我噩梦和朋友外出和朋友外出回想过去的时光回想过去的时光后悔做某事后悔做某事Find out all these phrases in the textBut I talked back again “I should not be told what to do! Im sevent

8、een now!”Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times.I coughed for days after eating that ice-creamAnd had scary dreams after watching that film.I was late for school fromstaying out past ten.I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best!v.&n.

9、感到遗憾,感到遗憾, 懊悔懊悔 回想;回忆回想;回忆上学迟到上学迟到做恶梦做恶梦后悔做某事后悔做某事Read again and answer the questions.What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child? She sang to him and stayed by his side when he cried2. She gave him food and warm arms to sleep in when he was tired and hungry.3. She kept him safe

10、 when he was running through the field4. She hugged him and lifted him up when he fell and hurt himself.2. When did the boy begin to talk back to his mom? He was seven coughing badly. When (situations 情境情境) Moms reaction(反应反应) Sons response (回应回应)She said no ice-cream for him.He talked back loudly,“

11、 I should be allowed to”She said itd give me awful dreams.She said, “Please be back by then”When he was nine watching scary moviesWhen he was seven coughing badlyWhen he was a teen going out with friendsHe shouted back angrily ,“ I should be allowed to ”He talked back again ,“ I should not be told w

12、hat to do!”Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom?He felt that he was _ _. And he didnt want to be treated like _.He thought that he was old enough to _.What does he regret now when he thinks back ? And why? How does the writer feels about his mom now?He loves his mom and is thankful for

13、 what she has done for him.growing upa little child anymorebe independent and should not be told what to do回想,回忆回想,回忆Read the poem again and answer the questions.3b3b1.What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child? 2. Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was

14、seven and nine years old? 3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten” ?4. After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom?Answer the questions.3b3b What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child?When the w

15、riter was a baby and a small child, the mom did these: sang to him and stayed by his side when he cried gave him food and warm arms to sleep in when he was tired and hungry kept him safe when he was running through the field hugged him and lifted him up when he fell2. Why do you think the writer tal

16、ked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old? He felt that he was growing up and he did not want to be treated like a little child anymore.3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten”? He was upset because he felt that he was old enough to be

17、 independent and should not be told what to do.4. After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom? He loves his mom and is thankful for what she has done for him.Important Expressions一个小婴儿一个小婴儿 陪伴在某人旁边陪伴在某人旁边跑步穿越田野跑步穿越田野确信,确保确信,确保使使远离远离拥抱某人拥抱某人举起某人举起某人回嘴;顶嘴回嘴;顶嘴回想;回忆回想;

18、回忆做恶梦做恶梦上学迟到上学迟到后悔做某事后悔做某事1. a tiny baby 2. stay by sb.s side 3. run through the field 4. make sure 5. keep.from. 6. give sb. a hug / give me a hug 7. lift sb. up / lift me up 8. talk back 9. think back 10. have scary dreams 11. be late for school 12. regret doing sth. Do you listen to your mother a

19、nd behave well? Do you argue with your mother or talk back to her? Do you regret anything you did to your parents? How you feel about your mother now?Dear mom, I am your daughter._May God bless you! Yours lovely, How old were you? Did you talk back to your mom or dad? What happened? How do you feel

20、about it now?3c3cThink about a time you did something even though your mom or dad told you not to do it. Share your story with your partner.Dad Knows Best When I was_ When I was_ When I was_ But_ When I was_ But_ Now I am_ Key words or phrases: fight with others Copy others homework tell a lie Ask f

21、or money Steal.from Cant work out problems Translation当我是个小宝宝整夜哭闹的时候,妈妈依偎在我身旁,当我是个小宝宝整夜哭闹的时候,妈妈依偎在我身旁,唱歌送我入梦乡,唱歌送我入梦乡,在我累了饿了的时候,妈妈给我食物,那温暖的臂膀在我累了饿了的时候,妈妈给我食物,那温暖的臂膀就是我的床。就是我的床。当我奔跑在田野上,她确保我的安全,让我远离危险,当我奔跑在田野上,她确保我的安全,让我远离危险,在我摔倒受伤的时候,她给我拥抱,扶我站好。在我摔倒受伤的时候,她给我拥抱,扶我站好。七岁的我剧烈咳嗽,她说我不适合吃冰淇淋,七岁的我剧烈咳嗽,她说我不适


23、了冰淇淋我咳嗽不止,看了恐怖电影让我噩梦连连,看了恐怖电影让我噩梦连连,上学迟到只因上学迟到只因10点还在外游荡。点还在外游荡。我真的后悔啊!后悔不该顶嘴,后悔没有听从妈妈我真的后悔啊!后悔不该顶嘴,后悔没有听从妈妈的忠告;的忠告;妈妈最了解(孩子),她只是想怎样对我最好!妈妈最了解(孩子),她只是想怎样对我最好!She used to be my only enemy and never let me be free. 她曾经是我最大的敌人她曾经是我最大的敌人, 处处限制我的自由处处限制我的自由Catching me in places that I knew I shouldnt be .

24、 当我在一些不良场合玩的时候总会被她逮到当我在一些不良场合玩的时候总会被她逮到Every other day I crossed the line, 有一天我终于犯了大错有一天我终于犯了大错I didnt mean to be so bad (harmony) . 其实并不是我的本意其实并不是我的本意I never thought you would become the friend I never had, 我从没想过你会变成我唯一的朋友我从没想过你会变成我唯一的朋友Back then I didnt know why. 回来之后不知道为什么回来之后不知道为什么Why you were m

25、isunderstood (Mama) ? 为什么我会误会你,妈妈为什么我会误会你,妈妈So now I see through your eyes, 现在我看着你的眼睛现在我看着你的眼睛All that you did was love. 我所能看到的,只有爱我所能看到的,只有爱Mama, I love you! 妈妈,我爱你妈妈,我爱你Mama, I care you! 妈妈,我关心你妈妈,我关心你Mama, I love you! 妈妈,我爱你妈妈,我爱你Mama, my friend, 妈妈,我的朋友妈妈,我的朋友Youre my friend. 你是我的朋友你是我的朋友Mama I

26、love you. 妈妈妈妈,我爱你我爱你I didnt want to hear it then but 过去我把你的教导当耳旁风过去我把你的教导当耳旁风Im not ashamed to say it now 但是现在我可以自豪地说但是现在我可以自豪地说Every little thing you said and did was right for me 你说的每句话都是对的,都是对我好的你说的每句话都是对的,都是对我好的I had a lot of time to think about 我现在经常会回想我现在经常会回想about the way I used to be 过去的行径过

27、去的行径Never had a sense of my responsibility 完全是对自己不负责任完全是对自己不负责任but now Im sure I know why (I know why) 但是现在我确信我知道为什么(我知道为什么)但是现在我确信我知道为什么(我知道为什么)why you were misunderstood 为什么我会误会你为什么我会误会你So now I see through your eyes 所以现在我看着你的眼睛所以现在我看着你的眼睛all I can give you is love 我所能给你的也只有爱我所能给你的也只有爱What did you

28、r mother do when you were a small child? Write a short passage.Language points1.When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.当我还是一个整夜哭闹的当我还是一个整夜哭闹的小婴儿时,妈妈给我唱歌,陪伴在我身边。小婴儿时,妈妈给我唱歌,陪伴在我身边。crying all night 为现在分词短语,跟在名词为现在分词短语,跟在名词baby后面作后面作 定语,修饰定语,修饰baby。e.g. Do you

29、know the young man waiting outside the school gate?你认识在校门外等待的年轻人吗?你认识在校门外等待的年轻人吗? Most of the people singing are the students.(1)tiny (very small in size or amount)形容词,意为形容词,意为 “极小的;微小的极小的;微小的”。 例:例:The baby put his tiny hand in mine. 那个婴儿把小手放在我的手中。那个婴儿把小手放在我的手中。 Though she was tiny, she had a very

30、loud voice. 虽然她个头很小,嗓门却很大。虽然她个头很小,嗓门却很大。(2)cry 此处用作不及物动词,意为此处用作不及物动词,意为“哭;叫喊哭;叫喊”。 例:例:Dont cry. Your mom is coming. 别哭了!你妈妈来了。别哭了!你妈妈来了。 cry可用作名词,意为可用作名词,意为“叫喊;大喊;哭叫喊;大喊;哭”。 例:例:When he heard a cry for help, he run out as quickly as he could.听到呼救声听到呼救声,他尽可能快地跑出去他尽可能快地跑出去(3) stay by my side 待在我身边;陪伴

31、我待在我身边;陪伴我 Im grateful for having you always stay by my side. 感激你一直陪伴在我身边感激你一直陪伴在我身边! by sb.s side 在某人身旁在某人身旁 By her side stood her granddaughter. 在她的边上站着她的孙女。在她的边上站着她的孙女。2. When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in.在我累了饿了的时候,妈妈给我食物,那温暖的臂膀在我累了饿了的时候,妈妈给我食物,那温暖的臂膀就是我的床。就是

32、我的床。to sleep in在这里是在这里是动词不定式修饰前面动词不定式修饰前面的名词的名词I want a pen to write with.I need a house to live in.3.she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger. 她确保我的安全她确保我的安全,让我让我远离危险远离危险 keep awayfrom使某物远离使某物远离 keep.from doing sth.同样的还有同样的还有 protect.from doing sth.都是一样的意思。都是一样的意思。 4. When I fell and hurt m

33、yself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up. 当我受伤跌倒时,她给我拥抱当我受伤跌倒时,她给我拥抱并把我抱起来。并把我抱起来。(1)hug( an act of putting your arms around sb. and holding them tightly)此处作名词,意为此处作名词,意为“拥拥抱;搂抱抱;搂抱”。give sb. a hug 意为意为“拥抱某人拥抱某人”。例:例:Mr. Smith gave his daughter a hug and put her to bed. 史密斯先生拥抱了一下女儿并安顿她上床睡觉。史密斯先生拥抱

34、了一下女儿并安顿她上床睡觉。hug 用作动词时意为用作动词时意为“拥抱;搂抱拥抱;搂抱”。例:例:She hugged her sister when she met her. 当当遇到了妹妹时,她拥抱了她。遇到了妹妹时,她拥抱了她。(2)lift此处用作及物动词,意为此处用作及物动词,意为“举起;抬高举起;抬高”。 Lift 及物动词,意为及物动词,意为“举起;抬高举起;抬高”,强调用力把某,强调用力把某物物 从地面提到一定高度。从地面提到一定高度。 raise及物动词,意为及物动词,意为“抬高;提高抬高;提高”,通常发起此动,通常发起此动作作 的主语是人,其后必须接宾语,可用于被动语态。的

35、主语是人,其后必须接宾语,可用于被动语态。例:例: The box is too heavy for me to lift. 这箱子太重,我搬不起来。这箱子太重,我搬不起来。If you have any question, please raise your hand. 如果有什么问题请举手。如果有什么问题请举手。n. 电梯;搭便车电梯;搭便车lift 还可以作名词,意为还可以作名词,意为“电梯电梯”时,时,相当相当 于于“elevator”;意为意为“搭便车搭便车”时,相当于时,相当于ride,常常构成短语构成短语give sb. a lift(让某人搭便车)。让某人搭便车)。Its on

36、 the sixth floor. Lets take the lift.He had a car and often gave me a lift home.他有一辆汽车,经常让我搭便车回家。他有一辆汽车,经常让我搭便车回家。5. But I talked back loudly 但是我大声地顶嘴但是我大声地顶嘴(1) talk back 意为意为“回嘴;顶嘴回嘴;顶嘴”。例:例:Dont talk back. Listen to what your father says. 不要顶嘴,听你父亲讲。不要顶嘴,听你父亲讲。(2) talk back to sb. 意为意为“跟某人顶嘴跟某人顶嘴

37、”。例:例:Dont talk back to your parents. 别跟父母顶嘴。别跟父母顶嘴。6. give me awful dreams. awful adj. 很坏的;讨厌的;糟糕的很坏的;讨厌的;糟糕的This is really an awful movie. 知识延伸知识延伸awful可用在系动词可用在系动词look或或feel后面后面look/feel awful相当于相当于look/feel ill, 表示表示“面带病容;感面带病容;感 到不舒服到不舒服”。She felt awful. She needed to see a doctor. 7. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 我后悔顶嘴,不听妈妈的话。我后悔顶嘴,不听妈妈的话。(1) regret (to feel sorry about sth.) 动词,意为动词,意为“感到遗感到遗憾;懊悔憾;懊悔”,其后可接动词,其后可接动词-ing形式、动词不定式或形式、动词不定式或that从句。从句。regret to do sth. 和和 regret doing sth. regret to do sth. 意为意为 “很遗憾很遗憾 / 抱歉要抱歉要 做某事做某事” (事事情还没有做情还没有做) ; re


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