



1、奥运英语演讲稿:绿色奥运不是梦the GREen lympics Are Nrning ,Ladies and Gentlemen. Tday Im very happy t be here t share with yu sme f my thughts n the tpic f the GREen lympics女士们 先生们 :大家早上好!今天我很高兴在这儿和大家一起畅谈我们的绿色奥运。Its said that the GREen lympics are a dreae true .Lk at the circumstance arund us . N .I believe the c

2、ircumstance can be created by urselves .The dream f the Green lympics will d cme true by ur effrts . The Green lympics are nt a dream any mre .有人说,绿色奥运是我们的梦想,不会成为现实。瞧我们周围的环境。不, 我相信,环境是我们大家共同营造的,经过我们的努力,梦想会成为现实,绿色奥运不是梦Everyne has a lt f nice dreams.。It is a cmmn wish that we can live in cmfrting envi

3、rnment . Fr the Chinese, September 23,1993 is a reGREtful and unfrgettable day . It was because f envirnmental prblems that Beijing failed t spnsr the lympic Games f 2000,which is a big regret fr every Chinese .We successfully bid fr the qualificatin fr the 2008 lympics after we slve the prblem f en

4、virnment .Hw can we spnsr the lympics ? First f all ,we shuld d frm trifles t create a beautiful envirnment s that we can truly carry ut the Green lympics.我们每个人都有许多美好的梦想,生活在环境优美的世界是我们共同的心愿。一九九三年九月二十三日,那是一个让全中国人遗憾、难忘的日子,北京申办某年奥运会,因为环境问题以两票之差落选。从此通过我们的努力,我们改善了环境,我们最终成功的申办了某年奥运会。奥运向我们走来,我们应该从一点一滴小事做起,创

5、造美好环境,真正实现绿色奥运。朋友们,我们应该如何去实现我们的绿色奥运呢?Water is the surce f life; electricity is the necessity f ur living .Each lawn can cheer up ur heart and sul .Every animal is a creature in the nature . Are yu sure that yu save a drip f water in yur daily life ? It is reprted that the water resurce per capita in

6、 Beijing is less than 300 cube meters, representing ne eighth f the per capita level f China and ne thirtieth f the wrld per capita level. Even wrse, the undergrund water in sme regins is abslutely undrinkable. Water pllutin and water shrtage have hindered Beijing's develpment seriusly. The sayi

7、ng f "Dn't make the last drp water be human's wn tear" is by n means a deliberately eaggeratin s as t create a sensatin. If I was an envirnment prtectin wrker, I wuld enact the law f envirnment prtect strictly and check the pllutin with all my perseverance. If I was a sewage treatm

8、ent engineer, I wuld develp the mst advanced sewage treatment equipment in the wrld that can be used t filter all the sewage int clean water. A pt f water can be used three r fur times in my family . First , I use the fresh water t wash rice and then use it t wash my face .Its reprted that it is a g

9、d way t beautify my face . At last ,I use this water which is a kind f gd fertilizatin t irrigate flwers .As a student in DianYe Middle Schl,we nt nly prtect the water but als research the vegetatin arund us. Last summer hliday, with the teachers'help,we had a survey abut the vegetatin in ShiDu

10、.We fund fifty-eight species f plants were near etinctin. It's a s large number! We reprted it t the gvernment and gave them three kinds f reasnable advices at nce. Are yu sure that yu turn ff the light when it is unnecessary whether yu are at schl 、 at factry r at hme ? When yu want t spit in p

11、ublic places , d yu think f the SARS in 2003 ? When yu walk in the park and see the clrful flwers , d yu pick them ff and arrgate t yurself ? When yu walk thrugh the schl prch , d yu draw everywhere ? When yu walk int restaurants and see all kinds f creatures becme s-called delicius dishes f human b

12、eings, des the dreadful scene make yur heart and sul tremble? After all, they are all the living things just like ur human beings! The cmfrtable envirnment arund us needs t be created by every ne f us!水是生命之源,电是生活必需。每一片绿地都能愉悦我们的身心,每一个小动物都是自然环境中的小生命。在你每天的生活中,你节约一滴水,一度电了吗?据说北京人均水资源不足300立方米,为全国人均的1/8,世界


14、了调查报告,总结归纳出十渡植被中58种即将灭绝的植物,多么大的数字啊。我们立即向当地政府提出了三条改进生态环境的合理化建议。在学校,在工厂,在家里,在你不需要电的时候,你注意随手关灯了吗?当你感冒咳嗽吐痰的时候,你是否想过某年那可怕的SARS?你是否想过周围美好的环境?当你看到公园里或路边上盛开的五颜六色的鲜花时,你是否随手摘下据为己有?当你信步美丽的校园走廊,你是否随心所欲的留下了你的笔迹、你的手印? 当你走进餐馆,看到许多飞禽走兽成了人类所谓的美味佳肴,这可怕的一幕是否让你的心灵为之颤抖?他们也和人一样是有生命的啊!环境就在我身边,绿色奥运需要我们去创造。My friends , jin us! Devte yurself t the prtectin f ur envirnment . Try t make ur sky bluer, ur grund GREener and ur water cleaner. The 2008


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