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1、重点单词:重点单词:1. alongside1).prep. _大街上挂着很多圣诞海报。大街上挂着很多圣诞海报。Many Christmas posters are hung_ _ _ 2). adv. _他站在旁边,看着我。他站在旁边,看着我。He _ _,looking at me.在在旁边,沿着旁边,沿着的边,的边,alongsidethe street.在旁边,沿着边在旁边,沿着边.stood alongside2.appoint 意思是意思是_ 名词为名词为 _1). The manager appointed her as (to be ) his secretary.2). Sh

2、e was appointed secretary.3). I made an appointment with my old friend this Sunday.任命,委派任命,委派appointment自我归纳:自我归纳: 与某人约会与某人约会/预约预约_Appoint sb. (to be/as) n._be appointed as/to be_刘付超将任命为我们的校长。刘付超将任命为我们的校长。Liu Fuchao will _master of our school. make an appointment with sb.委派委派,任命某人是任命某人是be appointed

3、as某人被任命为某人被任命为1)他被派到图书馆去对书进行分(他被派到图书馆去对书进行分(sort)。)。He was appointed to sort the books in the library.2)打电话给他的秘书进行预约。打电话给他的秘书进行预约。 Ring his secretary to make an appointment.3. absolute adj. 完全的完全的;真实的真实的adv._e.g. 1.Its an _ fact. 2.-Do you let your kids walk alone at night? -_not. 3. You are _ right

4、. 4. -Do you think so? -Absolutely. 翻译:翻译:_absoluteAbsolutelyabsolutely注意:注意:absolutely 用于简短回答或用作评语,意思是:用于简短回答或用作评语,意思是:正是,当然正是,当然 =of course你是这样想吗你是这样想吗? 当然是。当然是。absolutely4.suit 1)n._ 2).vt. _1).He had a different suit for every hour of the day.2). The blue dress doesnt suit me.拓展:拓展:suitable adj.

5、适合的适合的 一套外衣,套装一套外衣,套装适合;使适合适合;使适合注意:注意:suit, fit ,match的区别的区别suit 指衣物的指衣物的颜色,花样,款式颜色,花样,款式适合适合某人某人。fit指衣物在指衣物在尺寸,形状尺寸,形状方面适合方面适合某人某人。match 指两种东西在指两种东西在颜色,款式,风格颜色,款式,风格方面很相配。主方面很相配。主语宾语都是语宾语都是物物。1.You look nice in green .Green _you .2.I tried the dress on ,but it didnt _ me. It was so small .3.The pi

6、cture _the story .4.The colour of the shirt doesnt _that of the coat .suitsfitmatchesmatch5. anxious adj. _ n._1).We are anxious for /about your return.2).Im really anxious to see you.3).My friend seemed most anxious for me to talk me alone.总结:总结:1. be anxious about /for _2. be anxious to do sth _=

7、_3.be anxious for sb to do sth _忧虑的,不安的忧虑的,不安的anxiety 担心,焦虑,渴望担心,焦虑,渴望为为 担心担心/ 忧虑忧虑急于让某人做某事急于让某人做某事渴望做某事渴望做某事be eager to do sth.1.汤姆对于机器的安全有点担心。汤姆对于机器的安全有点担心。Tom was a bit _ _ the safety of the machine.2.我们等待着消息,越来越焦急。我们等待着消息,越来越焦急。 We waited for news with a growing sense of _.3. She is eager to go

8、college, but anxious _ not passing the entrance examinations. A. about B. through C. over D. atanxietyanxious about /for11.panic vi vt.n.它的过去式,过去分词,现在分它的过去式,过去分词,现在分词词_ _ _1) in panic 惊慌失措地惊慌失措地2) get into a panic 陷入惊慌陷入惊慌我发现门上锁了,很惊慌。我发现门上锁了,很惊慌。1)I_ when I found the door locked.2)I_ _ _ _when I fou

9、nd the door locked.panickedgotintoapanicpanicked panicked panicking10. make ones way (to someplace) _1).She hesitated(犹豫犹豫), but made her way forward .2).She rapidly left the room ,and made her way to her bed.3).If you want to make your way in the world, you must learn to work hard while you are sti

10、ll young.前往,去某地前往,去某地, 有出息有出息/ 成功成功I shall make way for a younger man.我将把职位让给我将把职位让给更年轻的人。更年轻的人。make way for:_让位让位/路给某人路给某人Exercises1. Dr. Smith _ (朝朝他的办公室走去他的办公室走去).2. If you _ (想要成功想要成功), you must learn to work hard while you are still young. 3.All the traffic has to _a fire engine. made his way t

11、o his officewant to make your waymake way forfeel ones waypush ones wayfind ones wayfight ones waylose ones way摸索前进摸索前进挤过挤过找到路,设法到达找到路,设法到达奋勇前进奋勇前进迷路迷路他们从人群中他们从人群中挤挤了过去了过去.They _ _ _ through the crowd.pushed their way5. burn off:烧掉:烧掉 2.The school has been burnt _by vandals (故故意破坏者意破坏者).3.He was bad

12、ly injured in the accident, and all his hair was burnt_.1.He put more wood on the fire to make it updownoff4).He has no place to live in because his house has been _. burnt to the ground/burnt down 1 了解关于了解关于的情况的情况 know about 2保护保护 protect from 3冒险冒险 take risks 4占据,构成占据,构成 make up 5 被覆盖被覆盖 be covere

13、d with 6上床睡觉上床睡觉 go to bed 7注意注意 take notice (of) 8用尽,用光用尽,用光 run out of 9朝边缘走去朝边缘走去 walk to the edge of 10走过去,复习走过去,复习 go over11 的家园的家园 be home to12出生出生 give birth to13.用装备用装备 equipwith 14 委派委派,任命某人是任命某人是.appoint sb. +(to be/as)+ n某人被任命为某人被任命为be appointed (as / to be)15 全部焚毁全部焚毁burn sth. to the ground16正要做某事这正要做某事这/那时那时be about to do when刚做完某事这刚做完某事这/那时那时had done sth when 正在做某事这正在做某事这/那时那时was doing sth. when17向某地走去向某地走去,有出息有出息,成功成功 make ones way让位让位/路给某人路给某人


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