1、2019-2020 年高中英语 Unit2Friendship 教案Step I. Go over the new words.Have a dictation to the following words.teen ager, get lost, con fide nt, timetable, wallet, i ntellige nee,have fun, get used to, adult, j uni or, i nstead of, tur n intoStep II. Lead-i n by a poemAn En glish poemLove is like the wild
2、rose-briar,Frie ndship like the holly treeThe holly is dark whe n the rose-briar blooms,But which will bloom most eon sta ntly?The wild rose-briar is sweet in spri ng,It is summer blossoms see nt the air,Yet wait till win ter es aga in,And who will call the wild-briar fair?Then, scor n the silly ros
3、e -vreath now,And the dark thee with holly's shee nThat, whe n December blights thy browHe still may leave the garla nd gree n.Step III . Liste n and read the test quickly, judge the follow ing senten ces.1. Li Ming and Jenny have been municating with each other through letters.2. Li Ming is pre
4、tty good at En glish.3. Li Ming and Da zhi are old frie nds.4. Whe n writi ng the letter, Li Ming has bee n a high school stude nt for mon th.5. Jenny feels more creative whe n she types on the puter.6. Jenny and Pat are best frien ds.7. In Jenny's opinion, play ing sports is a lot of fun and a
5、good way to meet frie nds.8. Jenny as well as 5 other girls will have a sleeover party at School.Step IV . 1. Ask the students read the text carefully and find out confusing Ianguage points and importa nt senten ces.(1) It is always feels good to have friends to share the good times as well as the b
6、ad times.(2) Frie ndship es in all shapes, colors, and sizes.(3) Her pare nts were not as angry as she had orig in ally thought they would be.(4) Although it was painful to lose such a close frie nd, it built me up into the in dividual pers on I am.(5) It seems easier for me to express my thoughts a
7、nd feeli ngs.2. Ask the students to ask some questions that they can not understand, then if other students canexplain, make them answer. And if no one gives the answer, I will explain the confusing points to them, try my best to make the students learn more and be active.想要做 从旁边经过 发生,进行(12)喜欢做 Step
8、 V. Do exercises.1. 选择做 需要由组成 过一种生活 压力重重 由于,因为 使某人逐渐成为 (11)沉思(13)上学 (14)集中于 2. )As the eto the cin ema, I met a frie nd of mine.(2) The news sthrough the village quickly.(3) My father is not much a talker, and he is not good at ehis feelings.( The encouraging speech amany peop' attention.(5) He
9、has born in a wfamily, but he lived a poor life in his late life.(6) He is a very famous person, and he is always considered (创造力的)(7) He made an通知)that he would go to Japan. I am sure you will e to意识至U )your mistakes I am happy to have been介绍)to the great scientist. Our English teacher asked me to
10、make a相似的)dialogue.Step VI. HomeworkPreview sect ion 2 and sect ion 4Secti on 2 and Sect ion 3Step I. Build the stude nts'prehe nsion1. Have the students discuss the questions in groups of four.2. Before I divide the class into groups for a short discussion on the this topic, practice the follow
11、 ing Ian guage patter ns.3. Whe n you agree some one you can use these words.You are right.That is true* :You have got itSometimes you have to agree, but you do not want to. Use these words:I am afraid I agree with you.I hate to say it ,but I agreeWhe n you stron gly disagree, use these words:I don
12、'th ink so.I don 'agreeWhe n you do not agree, but you want to speak less stron gly, use these follow ing words:That is true, but there is a better way.I see what you mean, but do'you think Let the stude nts see the patter ns on the scree n, practice orally with the class. Keep the patte
13、r ns on the scree n, so that the stude nts can refer to them whe n they are in groups discuss ing the topic.The n check the an swer of the practice in this part.Step II. Build your vocabularythis can be assig ned for homework(An swers: 1. feel like 2. hate 3. agree with 4.go on the trip 5. feel good
14、6. choose/ chose)Step III . Build the liste ning skillsWith books closed, tell the students they will hear the tape once, then will be asked some true or false questions. Review the meaning of true or false.Play one sentence at a time. After play ing the senten ce, ask for a volun teer to repeat wha
15、t was said. If no one heard correctly, play it again. Ask if the statement is true or false.Open the book to plete the listening activity.(Answers: Part 1: 1. F 2. F 3. F; Part 2: 1. five 2. talk 3. friends 4. friendly)Step IV Build the speak ing skills1. First ask the students to read the dialogue
16、with their desk mates and then ask some of them to act out in the class.2. Than tell the students about the pronunciations of the vowel.3. Now check other words on the screen, with each word, ask some students to pounce.Step V Build the writ ing skillsAsk the students to write a position my best fri
17、end”Step VI. Grammar: attributive clause1. 关系代词 who whom和thatThe girlis sitti ng n ext to me is my best frie nd.The girlI met just now is my best frie nd.2. that 和 whichThe bookI gave to my best friend is popularThe bookis popular was give n to my best frie nd3. whoseDo you know the girln ame is Mar
18、y?We are study ing in the classroomdoor faces south4. 关系副词 when ,where 和 why.I will n ever forget the dayI was born.I will n ever forget the placeI was born.The reasonhe went there is unknown.Ask the students to study the above part and than ask them to do the exercise in the text book and workbook.
19、Section FourStep I. RevisionGo over the following words.Make frie nds, express, live alife, entran ce, agree with, type,Indeed, find out, focus, consist of, wealthy, thanks to, consist ofEntry, thanks toStep II. Ask the students listen to the type and check the following sentences.1. At the beginnin
20、g, the royal bull elephant enjoyed the poorly-fed stray do'gspany.2. They soon got used to each othe'sr pany.3. One day, a man bought a dog and took it to a faraway village.4. The royal bull elephant did not mind the dog's absence.5. The wise minister suggested the king make an official
21、announcement to find the elephant.6. At last the story has a happy ending.Step III . Make the students read the text carefully and give the answers to the following questions.1. Did you know that the elephants and dogs were“natural enemies”.2. Is it impossible for natural enemies to bee best friends
22、?3. What is the moral of this story? In other words, what truth or bit of wisdom does the writer want to show us through the story.Step IV. Ask the students read the text carefully and find out confusing language points and important sentences. Then ask the students to ask some questions that they c
23、an not understand, then if other students can explain, make them answer. And if no one gives the answer, I will explain the confusing points to them, try my best to make the students learn more and be active.Step V. Exercise短语翻译:1像往常一样 2使.平静 3从旁边经过 4同意某人 5借宿别人 6发现,弄明白 7向敞开大门8 .原因 单句该错:1. I did not r
24、ecognize your friend which came to our class.2. Have you got everything which you need.3. Can you think of a situati on which you may use this expressi on.4. She is one of the stude nts who has won the prize mon ey.5. The doctor always worked heart and soul cured of me.Step V. HomeworkReview this un
25、it and do the exercise.2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2GettingajobSectionU学案牛津译林版选修1. I am writing in response to your advertisement.我写信是来答复你们的广告in response to 回答;回应The product was developed in resp onse to customers'dema nd.为了满足顾客的需要,开发了这种新产品。respond v.回答,回应(to)How did they resp ond to the n ews?他们对这则消息有什么
26、反应?1.单项选择(1) Our gover nment took urge nt measures the terrible weather disaster atthe beg inning of xx.A. in terms ofB. in case ofC. in response to D . in honor of答案:C提示:句意:我们政府采取了紧急措施来回应坏天气。in terms of "就而言”;in case of "以免,以防”;in honor of "对表示敬意,为纪念”。(2) Hethe tricks with a smile.A.
27、 answered for B . responded toC. subscribe to D . submit to答案:B提示:句意:他对这些捉弄报以微笑。answer for "对负责”;respond to "对回应”;subscribe to"订阅;定期捐助;同意,赞成”;submit to "顺从,屈服”。2.I can also speak English very well and have no problem municating with English speakers.我也能说好英语并能没有问题地与说英语的人交流。have no
28、 problem/ trouble/ difficulty(in ) doing sth.做某事没有问题/麻烦/困难Tom has no problem climbing the tall tree.汤姆爬上那棵树没有问题。2.1) 单项选择I had great difficulty the suitable food on the menu in that restaura nt.A. findB. fou ndC. to findD. fin di ng答案:D 提示:have difficulty(in)doing sth."做某事有困难”。2)翻译句子 有了这个男孩领路,我
29、们没有困难地到了目的地。答案: With the boy leading us , we had no difficulty reaching the destination.3.mind the gap把握大学入学前的休学实践年mind v &n. 介意,在乎;当心,留意;头脑;思考能力;聪明人;心思;记忆力 Did she mind not getting the job?她介意没有得到这份工作吗?Mind your language when you are in public. 公共场所要注意你的语言。There were all kinds of thoughts runni
30、ng through my mind. 各种念头在我脑海中闪过。She has a lively and enquiring mind. 她思想活跃,善于探索。She gave her mind to the arrangement of the next day. 她认真思索第二天的安排。3. 单项选择(1) Would you mind giving him a message? .But , please.I'll get a pen first.A Certainly not;just a momentBNo, not at all; hold upCOf course ;I
31、don'tDI'd like to very much; hold on答案: A 提示:答语中说:当然不介意,请稍等。我先拿支钢笔。(2) Why don't you just your own business and leave me alone?A makeBopenC considerD mind答案: D提示: mind one's own business “别管闲事”。(3) Have you broken it ? , we can buy another one.A Never mind B Don't mindDNot really
32、 C That's cool答案: A 提示: never mind 用于安慰对方,表示“没关系”。4.It is more than just a long holiday. 这不仅仅是一次长假。more than 不只是;不仅仅;很,十分;表否定;多于。His report is more than a survey. 他的报告不只是一份调查。His answer more than satisfied me. 他的回答使我非常满意。His rudeness is more than I can stand. 我受不了他的无礼。more.tha n. 与其说倒不如说He is mo
33、re kind than wise. 与其说他明智,倒不如说他善良。rather than 而不是 other than 除了 less than 少于 no more than 仅仅,只4.1) 单项选择(1) There's no bus now , and we can't get home by taxi.Arather thanBother thanCmore than D less than答案: B提示:考查副词短语。B项意为"除外”,符合题意。(2) We prefer to die a hero , live a slave.A more than
34、B other thanC rather than D better than答案: C 提示: rath er than “而不是”。(3) Did you take enough with you? No, I needed I thought I would.Anot so much as Bas much asCmuch more than D much less than答案: C提示:句意:我需要的钱比我原本认为的要多很多。A项“不及,不如”;B项“一样多”;C项“比少”。2) 同义句转换(1)I am very happy to take you in my car.I am happy to take you in my car.(2)Her beauty is more than I can describe.Her beauty is description.答案: (1)more than (2)beyond3) 翻译句子 这地方只能停放三辆公共汽车。There is room for three buses.答案: no more than5.We usually find that students who have been on a gap year
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