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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一、词组翻译:1. 与相似 _ 2. 参加 _ 3. 因而著名 _ 4. 去滑雪 _ 5. 各种各样的 _ 6. 一些吃的喝的_ 7 过去常常 _ 8. 如今 _ 9. 比如 _ 10. 玩得很愉快 _ 11. 黄昏后 _ 12. 到处 _13. 穿过 _ 14. 很多、大量 _15. 为了、必须 _ 16. 出国 _17.释放;发出 _ 18.在地球上 _ 19.与交流 _ 20.互相_ 21.处于危险中 _ 22.砍掉 _ 23.关心 _ 24.从小事做起 _ 25.尽力 _ 26.感到疲惫 _ 27.阻止做 _ 28.在(某人)看来 _ 29.以的次序_ 30.

2、吹走_31.爱护;照顾_32.属于 _ 33.安全第一 _ 34.(警铃)响起 _ 35.出现 _ 36.一会儿;片刻后 _37.不少;相当多_ 38.整天 _ 39. 以为骄傲_40. 玩得愉快_41 对感到担忧_ 42对感兴趣_43 把打扫干净_ 44 吹走 _ 45. 燃烧,着火_46.在某种程度上_47.使处于工作状态_48.使从解脱出来_49.为了安全起见_50.确保_51.关掉_52.将收起;把放回原处_53.对小心_54.一盒_二、根据中文提示完成句子。1 他擅长球类运动,例如足球、篮球、网球等。 He is _ _ ball games, _ _ football, baske

3、tball and tennis.2中国是世界上最古老的国家之一。 China is one of _ _ _ in the world.3 你为什么不在花园里种些玫瑰呢? _ _ _ some roses in your garden?4 玛丽花了两个小时做了一个生日蛋糕给她的妈妈。 _ _ Mary two hours _ _ a birthday cake for her mother.5 每天,数以千计的游客登上迷人的艾菲尔铁塔,俯瞰巴黎。 Every day, _ _ visitors go up the Eiffel Tower to look down on the whole

4、city of Paris.6 参观巴黎的迪斯尼乐园是很有趣的。 _ _ _ _ visit the Disneyland in Paris.7 马路上很拥挤,所以我们很难通过。 The roads are very _, so its difficult for us to _ _ the traffic.8 身穿新校服,学生们看起来十分醒目。 The students _ _ with the new uniforms.9妈妈直到我走进学校才离开. My mum _ _ _ I walked into the school. 10你会参加明天的比赛吗? Will you _ _ _ the

5、 match tomorrow?11 怀特先生懂得多门外语,例如日语和英语。 Mr. White knows many languages, _ _ Japanese and English.12 我们在晚会上玩得很开心。We all had _ _ _ at the party.We all had _ _ at the party.13 广州以美食和鲜花而出名。Guangzhou _ _ _ its food and flowers.14. 李明和陈平在学习上常常互相帮助。 Li Ming and Chen Ping often help _ _ in study. 15. 我们的老师经常

6、教导我们要互相学习。Our teacher often tells us to learn from _ _. 16. 由于环境污染,很多植物处在危险中。 Many plants _ _ _ because of environmental pollution.17. 这棵树枯萎了,所以我不得不把它砍掉。 The tree died, so I had to _ it _ .18. 她摇摇头,表明她不同意他们。 She _ _ _ to show that she didnt _ _ them.19. 这座桥与这座城市相连接。 This bridge _ _ _ the two cities.

7、20. 地球上有数以百万计的生物。 There are millions of living things _ _.21. 艾米的妈妈总是要她弹钢琴,但是她根本不喜欢。 Amys mother always makes her play the piano, but she _ like it _ _ .22. 林老师在我有困难的时候帮助了我。 Miss Lin _ _ _ _ when I was in trouble.23. 威廉在学校不好好学习,所以他妈妈很担心他的前途。 William doesnt study hard at school, so his mother _ very

8、_ _ his future.24. 巴尔扎克书中的欧也妮·葛朗台除了钱什么也不关心。Eugenie Grandest in Balzacs book _ _ nothing except money.25 过马路时请记住安全第一。 Please remember _ _ when you go across streets.26. 这本书不属于你, 它是我的。 The book _ _ _ you. Its mine.27. 昨天,当我们在上数学课时,警铃响了起来。 Yesterday, the fire alarm _ _ when we were having a maths

9、lesson.28. 我父母不准我晚上出去。 My parents dont _ me _ _ out at night.29. 如果参观者来到,把他们带到图书馆。 If the visitors come, _ them _ the library.30. 他妈妈回来时小男孩还在睡着。 The little boy _ still _ when his mother came back.31. 如果你睡觉前喝茶,你会很难入睡的。You will be hard to _ _ if you drink tea before _ .32. 我上周日订了一间房。 I _ _ _ last Sund

10、ay. 33. 我们用耳朵听。 We _ our ears _ _.34. 相当多的学生暑假去工作。 _ _ _ students go to work during their summer holidays.35. 作为一名警察,你一定要有好的听觉。 As a policeman, you must have _ _ _ _ listening.36 我们应该学好语文,也要学好英语。 We should study Chinese well. And we should do well in English _ _.37. 因为下大雨, 我们不能出去野餐。 We couldnt go ou

11、t for picnic _ _ the heavy rain.38. 我市政府设法确保本地儿童都能享受免费九年义务教育。 The government of our city tries to _ _ at local children can enjoy a nine-year compulsory education for free.39. 我们要对水、电小心。 We must be _ _ water and electricity.40. 从某个意义上说,这是一部好电影。 _ _ _. It is a good film.三单词拼写1 He works in a school in

12、 Guangzhou, the c_ of Guangdong.2. Look! People are enjoying the s_ in such a sunny day!3. It is wonderful to enjoy the f_ air and scenic areas in the countryside.4. I am going to the c_ in Xinghai Music Hall tonight.5. My mother is good at cooking. She can cook d_ food.6. No one can live w_ water o

13、r air.7. People cut down many trees every year, so trees are in great d_ now.8. Tom is a careless boy, he dont c_ about what he did at all.1. He became b_ when he was eight. From then on he could not see anything.2. Please be quiet. The baby is a_.3. My mother is cooking. I can see s_ coming out of

14、the chimney.4. On my way home, I saw a man lying on the road. I thought he was d_.5. You have to wait for another 30 m_. Mr. King is still having a meeting.6. The cookies t_ delicious. I want two more pieces.8. Its raining hard outside. Please c_ the windows.9. You must learn the book by heart. Its

15、u_ for your exam.10. This factory m_ makes all kinds of perfumes.1. His aunt is a n_ .She looks after sick people in the hospital.2. You mustnt play football in the street. Its d_.3. Did you e_yourself at the party yesterday evening?4. The boy is too young to look after h_.5. Please help y_ to some

16、fish, children.6. I taught m_ English.7. We were doing our homework when the light w off.8. A construction worker m uses his hands.9.This dictionary is very u .10. Many people go to have lunch at the Chinese r_.11. The two friends c_ with each other by e-mail.12. Will you p_ me that book?13. Trees a

17、re called pollution f_, because they can give out oxygen.14. When did your brother j_ the army.15. Dont worry about the exam; just try to r_.16. Some reporters came to i_ the swimmer after he won the swimming competition.17 The car s_ to let the fire engines go past.18. He was so tired that he fell

18、a_.19. A scientist says that beautiful music can make cows p_.20. Electricity can be changed into different f_ of energy.21 When the traffic light turns red, you m_ go across the street.22. What is your e_ for being late?23.I dont know how to do so I asked my English teacher for her a_.四单选题1. We can

19、 enjoy _ seafood except fish here.A. and B. the other C. other D. another2. He bought a new house _ a small garden in front of it.A. with B. in C. of D. has3. Do you have anything _?A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank4. I have _ homework to do tonight.A. so much B. so many C. such much D. such

20、 many5. What about _ shopping this Sunday?A. go B. to go C. going D. went 6. I saw John _ in the river when I was taking a walk along the river.A. swim B. swam C. to swim D. swimming7. Planting trees in the garden sounds _. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. well8. Is the food useful _ our

21、health? -I am not sure.A. with B. at C. for D. on 9. The cars made a lot of _ last night, I couldnt sleep.A. noise B. voice C. sound D. shout10. There are many _ for your answer, it is very easy.A. choose B. choice C. chooses D. choices11. What is the boy doing over there? -He _.A. is running B. ran

22、 C. running D. runs12. Listen! The girls _ in the next room.A. singing B. sing C. sang D. are singing 13. Why not stop the two children _ with fire? Or it may hurt them.A. to play B. from playing C. play D. to playing 14. She didnt ride her bike to school _ hers was broken.A. for B. because of C. be

23、cause D. when 15. Toms mother did _ best to teach him to cook. A. his B. her C. him D. hers16. Hangzhou is one of the _ cities in China.A. beautiful B. most beautiful C. beautifully D. beautier17. He _ his lost book everywhere, but he couldnt _ it.A. found, found out B. looked for, findC. found out,

24、 looked for D. looked for, found out18. He left the room without _ goodbye to us this morning.A. saying B. to say C. speaking D. talking19. Tom found out the _ between my jacket and his.A. different B. differently C. differenties D. difference20. I have two cousins. They are _ my good friends. A. al

25、l B. every C. either D. both21. _ is very important when you are outside.A. Safety B. Safe C. Safely D. Safer22. The waiter didnt allow us _ into the restaurant because we were too young.A. go B. to go C. went D. going 23. Please _ me carefully, or you wont _ what I say.A. listen to, hear B. hear, l

26、isten toC. listen, hear D. hear, hear24. Thank you for _ me a lot. -Its my pleasure.A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped25. Mr. Li _ talked to the boys parents. _ met in the meeting room.A. herself, He B. himself, TheyC. he, They D. him, He26. I looked out _ the door and saw a car running fast al

27、ong the road.A. from B. of C. on D. in27. My friends and I decided _ to Xinjiang in the summer holiday.A. go B. going C. to go D. will go28. Joe heard someone _ at twelve last night.A. singing B. to sing C. sang D. sing29. Water is very important to us. No one can live _ it for a long time. A. with

28、B. for C. to D. without 30. _ house is very beautiful. It gives _ a good feeling.A. You, my B. Your, I C. You, me D. Your, me31. Why not _ to the library after school? Good idea!A. plan B. go C. visit D. grow32. Henan Province is in _ China.A. middle B. east C. central D. north33. China is a country

29、 _ a long history.A. with B. has C. about D. in34. Can I go to California _ train? -No, you cant.A. on B. in C. with D. by35. My mother used to _ in the factory when she was young.A. work B. working C. works D. worked36. One of our teachers _ from San Francisco, America.A. are B. comes C. were D. co

30、me37. They _ the river by boat.A. cross B. across C. travel D. past38. Tom is reading in the classroom, but _ boys are playing on the playground.A. another B. others C. the others D. the other1. Our class teacher _ us an interesting story. A. said B. spoke C. told D. talked 2. Mrs Sun _ her son. He

31、never studies hard. A. worried about B. is worried about C. is worried D. worry about 3. Tom is _ in animals. A. interest B. interesting C. is worried D. interested 4. People think trees are _ plants. A. used B. useful C. usefully D. using 5. Trees are becoming _ because people continue cutting them

32、 down.A. less and less B. more and more C. fewer and fewer D. few and few 6. Grandma Li couldnt study in the past. She cant read _ write. A. and B. also C. but D. or 7. -I cant work out this math problem._ ? -Sure. Let me see. A. Can I help you B. Can you give me a hand C. What can I do for you D. H

33、ow can I do it 8. -We are going to climb the hills next Sunday. Would you like to _ us? -Id love to.A. enter B. join in C. join D. take part in 9. The students made much _ when the teacher wasnt in the classroom. A. voice B. noise C. sound D. shout 10. We can do our best to protect our environment,

34、_, we can take good care of trees and keep the city clean. A. such as B. as well as C. by the way D. for example 11.- We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in the town. -Why didnt you stay at _ one ?a cheap B. a cheaper C. the cheap D. the cheaper 12. -You really help

35、me a lot with my studies. Thank you very much. -_.A.My pleasure B. No thanks C. Its right D. It doesnt matter13. Most children enjoy _ computer games. A. play B. to play c. played D. playing14. -Our environment is getting worse. _ do you feel about it? -Its too bad. I hope people can protect the environment together. A. When B. What C. How D. Why 15. Trees are the big


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