



1、小学五年级上册英语期末复习:单项选择练习题( ) 1.There are seasons in a year .A.se*en B.twel*e C.four( ) 2.What' s the weather like today ?A.in B./ C.on( ) 3.My mother is art teacher of this school .A.a B.an C./( ) 4. The raadfdsit eat a carrot *ery day .A.like to B.likes C.likes to( ) 5. The yogurt mine .A.aren '

2、;t B.isn ' t C.doesn 't( ) 6. does he go after Zhuhai? To Guangxhou .A.What B.When C.Where( ) 7. We go ice-skating now .A.aren 't B.doesn 't C.can 't( ) 8. Is March April ? Yes, it is .A.before B.after C.in( ) 9. What are they? They are .A.sugar B.nurses C.worker( ) 10. He doesn

3、' t ha*e tape .A.some B.any C.a( ) 11. Are the boys models in their classroom ? 1/ 5A.make B.making C.makes( ) 12. Dose Jim any tofu? No, but Jenny some .A.ha*e, ha*e B.has , has C.ha*e , has( ) 13. Let go to the swimming pool .A.we B.us C.our( ) 14. bag is on the table .A.He's B.His C.Those

4、( ) 15. 你想知道天津冬天天气如何,可以问:A. What 's the weather like today? B.Is it cloudy in Tianjin today? C. What 's the weather like in winter in Tianjin?( ) 16. 朋友来你家里做客,你想知道家里还有没有水果,可 以问妈妈:A. Do you ha*e any fruit, Mom? B.Do you need any fruit, Mom?C. Do you ha*e any juice, Mom?( ) 17. 你看到大街上张灯结彩,想知道今

5、天是什么日子,可 以问:A. What 's the date today? B.What 's the weather like today? C. Is your birthday today?( ) 18. 你想告诉游客那个公园过去很脏,但现在很干净,可 以说: A. The park was clean, but it is tidy now. B. The park was wet, but it is dry now. C. The park was dirty, but it is clean now.( ) 19. 你想告诉妈妈,你们昨天在生日晚会上跳舞啦,可以

6、 说: A. We jumped at the birthday party yesterday. B. We danced at the birthday party yesterday. C. We played the trumpet at the birthday party yesterday.( ) 20. 你想告诉同学你需要一些胶水,可以说:A. I need some glue. B.I need some scissors. C.I ha*e some paper clips.( ) 21. 你想问同学昨晚又没有听音乐,可以问:A. What did you do last

7、night? B.Did you listen to music last night? C.What did your mother do last night?( ) 22. 你想邀请朋友一起去滑冰,你应说:A.Let 's go to the bank. B.Let's go ice - skating. C.We can 'tgo ice-skating now.MV 篇二( ) 1. Do you ha*e any salt? Yes, I ha*e .A. any B. some C. come D. an( ) 2. My father some juic

8、e.A. ha*e B. has C. is D. am( ) 3. I want a book.A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. to buying( ) 4. He the bed now.A. making B. is making C. is making D. making( ) 5. Did Tony last night? -Yes, he did.A. studied B. study C. studying D. studies( ) 6. Can I ha*e an eraser? -Yes, .A. Yes, you do. B. You are

9、 welcome C. Here you are. D. Yes, it is.( ) 7. He can .A. jumped B. jumps C. jump D. jumping( ) 8. The bag is . Tom can ' t carry it by himself.A. hea*y B. light C. dirty D. small( ) 9. They come back October 21st .A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 10. Let me you now.A.to help B. help C. helping D. hel

10、psMV-篇三1. ( ) What does she often on TuesdaysA. does B. doing C. do2. ( ) - Is Mr Ma funny ?A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he is C. No, he is3. ( ) you ha*e a new teacher ?A. Are B. Can C. Do4. ( ) I don't ha*ebread, but I ha*ecakes.A. any ;some, B. some, some, C. some; any5. ( ) She often books on the weekend .A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read6. ( ) Wang Fang can play erhu.A. / B. an C. the7. ( ) Her fa*orite food chicken .A. are B. for C. is8. (


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