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1、焦村乡中七年级英语教案设计( 2015 -2016学年第二学期 ) 七年级英语备课组老师 授课时间 2016年春季 教案编写时间 2016年5 月 课程名称仁爱英语年级七年级总学时:4-5课时 册数下册授课对象 七年级学生教材分析仁爱版教材是依据义务教育英语课程标准(2011年)版的精神和要求进行修改,同时吸收外语教学的最新理念,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣、培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的信心和自主学习能力,养成良好的学习习惯,初步形成用英语进行简单日常交流能力为目的的教材。教学目的和教学要求 1.激发学生学习英语的兴趣、培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的信

2、心和自主学习能力 2.培养学生一定的语感和良好的语言语调基础,使他们养成良好的学习习惯,初步形成用英语进行简单日常交流能力教学进度安排 每周一个Topic,其中考试留一周讲语法点,最后一周练习并讲解题,期末考试留有几周复习时间,印卷子,做题,讲解。教案设计(单元备课) 学时:4学时 章 节 Topic 2 Can you sing an English song?教材分析知识与技能目标:1. 熟悉字母o及字母组合oo,oioy,nk,ng的读音及拼写规则,能识别出相同字母或字母组合的不同读音。2. 能听懂、正确朗读词汇表中黑体词汇;能正确朗读白体词并理解含义,如piano等。过程与方法目标:

3、1.能正确使用情态动词cancould,如:I can dance and play the guitar.I cant sing Chinese songs.2. 能正确使用Or Questions提问和回答,如:Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs?Chinese songs.情感态度与价值观目标:1.通过小组间良性的竞争与合作,培养友好互助的精神2.采用对话、竞赛、小表演等灵活多样的授课方式,培养学生学英语的兴趣,敢于开口,积极参与活动。3.通过学习英文歌曲,体会到英语学习的快乐。4.学会用恰当的方式表达赞扬等意义。 5.了

4、解国外学生的课外活动及场所。教学目标 1.能正确使用情态动词cancould,如:I can dance and play the guitar.I cant sing Chinese songs.3. 能正确使用Or Questions提问和回答,如:Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs?Chinese songs.主要参考资料教材互动讲解教师用书基础训练报纸课 时 教 学 设 计第 二 话题 Section A 总课时数:1 授课时间 年 月 课题Topic 2 Can you sing an English song ?教学

5、目标1. Learn the new phrases: have a good time, dance to disco, perform ballet, no way2. Learn the usage of “can” and “cant” for ability and inability.(1)I can only sing English songs.(2)What else can you do?(3)Can you see the bread? No, I cant. 3. Learn the alternative questions.Can you dance or draw

6、? I can dance. I can do it a little/very well.重点Learn the new phrases难点Learn the usage of “can ” and “cant”教学准备篮球/吉他的简笔画/录音机教 学 过 程教学环节教学内容教学方法Warm upPresentationNew Teaching Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)复习动词短语。(复习以前学过的含有play的动词短语。学生四人一组, 列出已学过的动词短语, 看哪一小组写得最多。)T: Work in groups of four. Write as man

7、y verbal phrases with “play” as you can. Lets see which group can write out the most phrases. One phrase, one point. Now lets start.Group12345678910Point(每组写完后,派一个代表向全班学生汇报,然后教师把这些动词短语板书在黑板上。)Example:play basketball play football play the guitar T: Look at the first phrase. Lets talk about it.Step 2

8、 Presentation (时间:10分钟)呈现1a和2,引出can与cant的用法。1. (教师出示一个篮球, 引出情态动词can。)T:Whats this in English?Ss:Its a basketball.T: Right. I like basketball very much. I often play it on the playground after school. I can play it very well.(教师做打篮球的动作。)2. (询问学生最喜欢的体育活动, 引出cant。)T:Which sport do you like best?S1:I li

9、ke football best.T: Great! I like football, too. But I cant play it. (同时教师做摇头的动作)Can you play football?S1:Yes,I can I can play it well. (教师可以帮助学生回答。)(板书)can cant=can not3.(教师拿出一把吉他或画一幅吉他的简笔画。)T:Whats this?S2:Its a guitar.T: I cant play the guitar. Who can play it?S3:I can.4.(教师让学生上台表演,活跃课堂气氛。请学生表演一个

10、跳芭蕾舞或迪斯科的动作,并在黑板上出示相应的简笔画。)T: Whats he/she doing? Ss:He/She is dancing.T: Aha! He/She can perform ballet/dance to disco.(板书画线部分。)perform ballet dance to disco 5. (让学生做2,然后核对答案并表演对话。)T: Look at the picture in 2. Fill in the blanks, check the answers and act it out.6.(下周三是康康的生日,让学生们讨论自己将要表演的节目。练习can和c

11、ant的用法。)T:Next Wednesday is Kangkangs birthday. We plan to have a birthday party for him. I think I can sing an English song at Kangkangs birthday party. Talk about what you can do at the party. Work in pairs like this: (教师示意一名学生与之配合作示范练习。)T:Can you sing Chinese songs at Kangkangs birthday party?S1:

12、Yes, I can. What about you?T:I cant sing Chinese songs. But I can sing English songs.(学生可以借助黑板上的短语和同桌对话。)T: Well done! What can Jane and Maria do at Kangkangs birthday party? Lets listen to 1a carefully and answer the questions.7. (呈现1a, 并回答有关问题, 了解课文内容。)(1)(设置并板书听力任务。)T: Now, listen to the tape and

13、 answer the following questions:(1) Can Jane sing Chinese songs?(2) Can Maria dance to disco?(3) Can Maria perform ballet?(2)(听录音, 回答问题。然后核对答案。)(3)(让学生朗读1a的对话,找出关键词、词组或句型。)(板书)birthday partyplay the pianosing some songsChinese songsEnglish songswhat elseplay the guitardance to discoperform ballethav

14、e a good timeStep 3 Consolidation (时间:5分钟)巩固1a,掌握语音和语调, 表演对话。1.(教师放1a录音,让学生跟读,并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T: Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.2.(教师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读, 逐句核对语音语调。)T: Rub them out, read by yourselves, and then check your pronunciation and intonation sentence b

15、y 图2正面图2反面sentence according to the tape. Go!3. (人机对话。)T: Suppose you are Maria, listen to Jane and make a dialog with her.4.(利用黑板上的关键词、词组或句型,两人一组表演1a,开展小组竞赛。鼓励学生创新,不必按课本上的顺序。)T: Work in pairs, close your books, look at the blackboard and act out the dialog with your partner. Youd better use your ow

16、n words.Step 4 Practice (时间:15分钟)练习1b、1c。呈现3。练习选择疑问句。1. (师生一起口头完成1b,然后让学生完成1c。)(1)(要求学会can和cant的用法,完成1b)T:Now, boys and girls. Lets talk about what Jane and Maria can do at Kangkangs birthday party. What can Jane do at the party?Ss:She can sing English songs, dance to disco and play the guitar.T:Wha

17、t about Maria?Ss:She can play the piano, sing Chinese songs and perform ballet.T:What cant Jane do at the party?Ss:She cant sing Chinese songs.(2)(让学生完成1c。进一步掌握运用can和cant,将语言学习运用到现实生活中。)T:If you are at a party, what can you do? Work in pairs. Compare your answer with your partners.2. (练习选择疑问句,完成3。)(

18、1)(呈现并练习选择疑问句。)T:Well done! According to 1a, please answer the question.Can Jane dance to disco or perform ballet?Ss:She can dance to disco.T:Yes, you are right.(板书)Can Jane dance to disco or perform ballet?She can dance to disco.(让学生利用3中的图片及图片下面的词或短语,两人一组练习选择疑问句。)(2)(完成3。让学生掌握选择疑问句及答语,会运用a little,

19、very well。)(方案一:教师在黑板上画一幅画。)T: Look, I can draw a picture, but not very well. Can you draw?(让一名学生到黑板上画画,引导他/她回答。)S1:Yes, a little.(方案二:教师拿出一幅能体现一名男生篮球打得非常好的图片,如下图。图1正面是画面,图1背面写上very well。)T:Can he play basketball?Ss:Yes, he can.T:Yes. He can play it very well.(教师再出示一幅弹吉他的图片。如右图)T:Can he play the gui

20、tar?Ss:Yes, he can.T:Yes. He can play it a little.(板书画线部分的短语。)a little very well(让学生两人一组练习并表演3。)T: Practice 3 in pairs and act it out.Step 5 Project (时间:10分钟)小组活动, 巩固情态动词can, cant的用法。1.(做调查,并在班上汇报。完成4。以此来巩固can和cant的用法。)T: Survey what your classmates in your group can or cant do and complete the tabl

21、e. Then report it to the class. Put a“”for“can”and a“×”for“cant”. NameSwimDrawSingDanceDriveLi Ling×2. 家庭作业(了解邻居或者亲戚家里的宠物能做和不能做的事情,用can和cant向全班同学汇报。)Example:Aunt Lee has a pet dog. It can carry a basket with its mouth, but it cant sing a song板书设计Topic 2 Can you sing an English song ?1 sing

22、 Chinese songs dance to discoperfom balletplay the pianoplay the guitar2 Can Jane dance to disco or perform ballet?She can dance to disco.第 二 话题 Section B 总课时数:1 授课时间 年 月 课题 Topic2 SectionB教学目标1 继续学习can/cant 的用法2 掌握主要句型 What else can you do? I can count. Can you count them for me? No,I cant count so

23、 many flowers. 重点 Can/ cant 的用法难点选择疑问句的用法教学准备教学图片教 学 过 程教学环节教学内容教学方法ReviewPresentationConsolidationPracticeProject1 师生问答。复习can/cant的用法 T:Can you dance? S: Yes,I can./ Yes, a little./yes,very well. T: Can you draw? S: NO,I cant./NO,not at all.2 双人活动。 一名学生说I can 或I cant 她的同伴表演动作。1 让学生听1a 录音,回答下列问题。 1

24、Can the parrot sing an English song? 2 What else can the parrot do? 3 Can the parrot count the flowers?2 让学生再听1a,然后核对答案,并推出新词:smart ,count,1 引导学生做下列对话 T: Can the parrot sing? S: Yes,it can. T: Can it count? S:Yes, it can, but it cant count many number.2 让学生三人一组练习1a,完成1B3 找几组学生表演1a4 双人活动。假设它们有只小猫或小狗。

25、告诉其他同学它会做什么如; I have a little dog. It can swim. But it cant climb the tree.5 根据它们对话中的信息,进行问答 S1: Can your dog swim? S2: Yes,it can. S1: What can your dog do ? S2: It can swim, but it cant climb the tree.1 完成2.choose some students to write the sentences on the blackboard.and then check the answers to

26、gether.2 完成3. 听录音并排序,然后核对答案。1 课堂活动 听录音 唱歌曲I Can Sing It Well.完成5.2 让学生谈论自己的朋友可以用方格中的形式3 找几名学生汇报它们的短文。Ask and answerListen Game,speak,listen Listen,write板书设计 Section B What else can you do? Id like to take these flowers to the party. Can you count them for me ? Can Ann dance or draw? 第 二 话题 Section C

27、 总课时数:1 授课时间 2016年 5月 课题When is your birthday ?教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:ago, ping-pong, be good at2. Talk about the past form “could” of the modal verb “can” and its negative form “couldnt”.(1)She can fly kites very well now. But one year ago, she couldnt do it at all.(2)She can perfo

28、rm ballet very well now. But when she was five, she could dance just a little.(3)They can sing English songs now, but they couldnt sing any English songs two years ago.重点依照例子造句,进一步操练谈论过去和现在经历的表达法难点依照时间状语从句的例子造句,进一步操练谈论过去和现在经历的表达法教学准备简笔画/录音机/单词卡教 学 过 程教学环节教学内容教学方法Step 1. Review(时间:3分钟)Step 2.Presenta

29、tion(时间:15分钟)Step 3. Consolidation(时间:5分钟)Step 4. Practice(时间:15分钟) Step 5. Homework(时间:1分钟)猜活动让一个学生抽签,让其他同学来猜。猜两次均不对后,该生可适当做些动作来提示,运用can和cant表述。Example:T: Can he swim?Ss:No, he cant.T: Good job! Look at me carefully. I want to show you some pictures. Pay attention to the words under the pictures.(过

30、渡到下一步。)呈现1a。理解1a内容,回答有关问题。1. (利用简笔画或单词卡,用can和couldnt谈论某人能和不能做某事,引出生词和短语。)(Kangkang, one year ago) (now)T: Michael can play basketball now. But when he was five, he couldnt play basketball. Kangkang could play ping-pong one year ago, but not very well. Now he is good at playing it. (板书)could, couldnt

31、, ping-pong, be good at2. (呈现1a, 理解课文内容。)(1)(教师设计过去时间状语并板书, 引导学生自己造句子, 学习could和couldnt。)could swimone year ago could not ride a biketwo years agocouldnt fly a kitewhen I was fivecould play table tennislast year(让学生用黑板上列出的短语自己造句子。)T: Suppose I could do something one year ago/when I was five, how to e

32、xpress it? Look at the blackboard and make a sentence according to these phrases. (2)(看1a的图画,快速阅读短文,回答问题。) T: Its time for outdoor activities. What are Jane, Maria, Michael and Kangkang doing? Do you want to know? Look at the pictures. We can know. (设置并板书阅读任务。)(1) When couldnt Jane fly a kite?(2) Ho

33、w old was Maria when she could dance?(3) What is Kangkang good at?(4) What is Michael good at?(让学生阅读短文后,回答问题。)T: Read the passage and answer the questions on the blackboard.(3)(再次阅读短文, 圈出短文中的动词短语, 找出重点活动。)T: Read 1a and circle the activities.(板书动词短语。)fly a kiteperform balletplay ping-pongplay soccer

34、do well in basketball巩固1a,完成1b。1. (学生独立完成1b。)T: Fill out the form in 1b by yourselves.2. (检查学生所做的答案。)T:Lets check the answers. Who would like to share your answers? Volunteers?S1:S2:T: Well done!3. (学生跟读1a录音,注意语音和语调。) T: Follow the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.4. (根据自己的

35、实际情况, 说出自己过去根本不能做或者能做一点, 现在却能做得很好的事。)T: Please make sentences like this:(1) I couldnt speak Japanese at all one year ago, but now I can speak it very well.(2) I could dance a little when I was five, but now I can dance very well.(3) I couldnt perform ballet at all when I was seven, but now I can per

36、form ballet very well. 5. (结对活动。找几组学生到讲台上来, 如一名学生说:“You can play basketball now.”另一名学生说:“But I couldnt play basketball three years ago.”)练习并完成2, 3。1. (1)(看2的图片, 猜他们所做的动作。)T:Now lets look at the pictures in 2. Can you guess what they are doing? Now, look at the picture in my hand.Ss:The are singing.T

37、:You are right. They can sing English songs now, but they couldnt sing any English songs two years ago.(逐一展示2中的图片,让学生回答。)(2)(让学生看另3幅图,按示范独自完成句子。完成2。)T: Look at the other pictures and complete the sentences after the example.(3) (检查答案并给出评价。)T:Lets check the answers.2. (让学生听录音,完成3。)(1)(让学生听两遍录音,完成3。)(

38、2)(检查并核对答案。)3. 联系实际并结合示例,运用could, couldnt。加深理解。1.Please complete the blank. Write down your own ability and inability. when I was four. when I was four, but now I can. when I was four and I still cant now.2.(培优作业)调查自己的爷爷、奶奶或爸爸、妈妈在像自己一样的年纪时能做哪些活动, 不能做哪些活动。写一篇小短文。例文: My parentsIm Wang Jing. Im thirtee

39、n years old. My father is a teacher. He could do a lot of housework when he was thirteen years old, but he couldnt play any computer game. My mother is a worker. When she was thirteen, she could help work on the farm, but she couldnt swim at all. She still cant do it now. My parents teach me a lot a

40、nd I love them.Do this activity in the classTalk、ask and answerAsk and answer板书设计 U7T2SC Topic 2 Can you sing an English song ?fly a kiteperform balletplay ping-pongplay soccerdo well in basketball(1) When couldnt Jane fly a kite?(2) How old was Maria when she could dance?(3) What is Kangkang good a

41、t?(4) What is Michael good at?could swimone year ago could not ride a biketwo years agocouldnt fly a kite when I was fivecould play table tennislast year Homework: 1.完成以下填空: when I was four. when I was four, but now I can. when I was four and I still cant now. 2.培优补差作业 调查自己的爷爷、奶奶或爸爸、妈妈在像自己一样的年纪时能做哪些

42、活动, 不能做哪些活动。写一篇小短文。第 二 话题 Section D 总课时数:1 授课时间 2016年 5月 课题Section D教 学 过 程教学环节教学内容教学方法一般过去式一、一般过去式表示:(1)过去存在的状态。My father wat at work yesterday afternoon.(2)过去某个时间发生的动作。I got up at 6:30 yesterday.(3)过去经常或反复发生的动作。He always went to work by bus last year.常用的时间状语:two days/months/years ago, last year, i

43、n those days, just now, in 20等。 二、动词过去式的构成:1. 规则动词在动词后面直接加“ed”。play-played 动词以“e”结尾加“d”。move-moved动词以辅音字母加y结尾改y为i加ed. study-studied动词为重读闭音节,双写词尾的辅音字母加ed. plan-planned stop-stopped 2. 不规则动词 am/is-was are-were do-did (详情见书后最后一页) 三、行为动词一般过去时态陈述句变否定句和一般疑问句: 肯定句:I bought some books yesterday.否定句: I didnt

44、 buy any books yesterday. 一般疑问句:Did you buy any books yesterday?Topic2重点语法 掌握情态动词can/cant,could/couldnt的用法。重点句型 Can/Could you dance? Yes, I can/could. No, I cant/couldnt.What can you do? I can speak English. He cant sing English songs.重点讲解1 Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? Chinese

45、 songs.选择疑问句中,回答时只能选择一者作答,不能用“Yes”或“No”回答。2 Id like to take these flowers to the party. take sb./sth. to sw.带某人/某物去某地巧辩异同 take与bring take (从说话人处带到别处)带去,带走bring (由别处带到说话人处)带来3 一段时间+ago是表示过去的时间状语。 two years agoat the age of 在?岁的时候4 be good at doing sth. = do well in doing sth.擅长做某事,在?方面做得好。5 with ones

46、 help = with the help of 在?的帮助下6 can和could的使用(1) can(could)“可以,同意,准许”表示请求,允许。could语气较can委婉。(2) can“会,能”,表示能力,could表示过去的能力。7. Tomorrow is your moms birthday.名词所有格表示名词之间的所属关系。一般有两种表示方式,一种是在名词后加 's 构成,一种是用 of 所有格。(1) 表示有生命的人或物的名词,在词尾加 's 来表示从属关系,如:Marys school bag my sisters cat(2) 以 s 结尾的名词,表示

47、所有格只在后面加, 如:the boys game the teachers chairs(3) 由 and 连接两个或两个以上的单数名词,表示共有关系,这时只在最后一个名词后加's ,如:Tom and Mikes sisterJack and Johns roomToms and Jacks fathers(4) 无生命东西的名词,一般都与 of 构成短语,表示所属关系, 如:a map of China a picture of my school Unit7 Topic1重点语法 掌握be动词的一般过去式。重点句型 Were you born in Hebei? Yes, I

48、was./ No, I wasnt.When was your daughter born? She was born on October 22nd, 1996.What's the shape of your present? What does it look like?How long/wide is it? What do we use it for? We use it to study English.重点讲解1 英语中日期可以有两种表达法:(1)月日,年。May 1st,2008 (2)日月,年。1st May,20082 plan to do sth.计划做某事 pl

49、an for sth.某事订计划3 基数词变序数词的规律:基变序,有规律,五、十二ve用f替再加th一二三,特殊记,整几十改y为ie再加th八去t九去e再加th,几十几只改个位就可以。4 表示确切“几百”时,hundred后面不加“s”,但表示不确定数目的“数以百计”时,hundred后面应加“s”,用“hundreds of”表示。three hundred students三百名学生 hundreds of students几百名学生5 英语中表达物体的长、宽、高,先说数字,再说单位,最后加上一个表示长、宽、高的形容词。“”读做“point”。 6.4米长 six point four m

50、eters long6 What do we use it for?我们用它来做什么?use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事. = use sth. for doing sth.语法讲解 be动词的一般过去时1. be动词的一般过去时,表示过去存在的状态。 My brother was at school yesterday.2. be动词的过去式为was/were,其否定式为was not/wasnt和were not/werent.3. 一般疑问句以及简略回答:Were you born in July,1999? Yes, I was./No,I wasnt.第 3 话题 Section A 总课时数:1 授课时间 2016年 5月 课题 Everyone had a good time 教学目标1. Learn the new words and expressions about activities of entertainment: recit


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