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1、 Unit 1 warm spring bath 温泉浴 tangible and intangible benefits 有型和无形收益 Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织秘书长 distribution of profit and benefits 利益的分配 upwardly mobile chinese citizens 生活水准提高的中国人 foreign exchange receipts 外汇收入 tax receipts 税收收入 Regional Representative for Aisa

2、and the Pacific 亚太地区代表 international tourism 国际旅游 tourist industry representatives 旅游产业代表 provincial government 省政府 the world bank 世界银行 旅游市场需求 tourist market demands 连续 in a row 旅游费用 tourist expenditures 城市居民 city dwellers 交通方式 mode of transportation 生态游 ecotourism 少数民族村落 ethnic minority villages 获取

3、利润 make a profit 元宵节 the Lantern Festival 出境旅游 outbound tourism 端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival 中国国家旅游局 the China National Tourism Administration (1) The board of directors is trying to formulate the new marketing strategies for next year.董事会正在制定明年的营销策略。(formulate)(2) The United Kingdom of Great Britai

4、n and Northern Ireland comprises England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国包括英格兰、苏格兰、威 尔士和北爱尔兰。(comprise) (3) The restaurant caters to the taste of people from South China. 这家餐馆迎合南方人的口味。(cater to)(4) We intend to go Australia next year if all goes well. 如果一切顺利的话,我们打算明年去奥地利。(intend

5、) (5) The exhibition, sponsored by the Students Union, exhibits the handcrafts made by the students. 这个展览会是由学生会主办的,展出学生们自己制作的 手工艺品。(sponsor) (6) Accident arise from carelessness.Therefore, please turn off water and electricity supply.疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生,所以离开实验室之前 一定要关闭水电。(arise from) While it is relative

6、ly easy to agree on technical definitions of particular categories of tourism or tourist, the wider concept is ill-defined. Firstly, it is important to recognize that tourism is just one form of recreation, along with sports activities, hobbies and pastimes, and all of these are discretionary uses o

7、f our leisure time. Tourism usually incurs expenditure, although not necessarily so; a cyclist or hiker out for a camping weekend and carrying his own food may contribute nothing to the tourism revenue of a region. Many other examples could be cited where tourism expenditure is minimal. We can say,

8、then that tourism is one aspect of leisure usually, but not always, incurring expense on the part of the participant. Conceptually, to define tourism precisely is a difficult if not impossible task. To produce a technical definition for statistical purposes is less problematic. As long as it is clea

9、r what the data comprised, and one compares like with like, whether inter-regionally or internationally, we can leave the conceptual discussion to academics. With the development of mass tourism, perhaps the most accurate definition of a tourist is “someone who travels to see something different, an

10、d then complains when he finds things are not the same”! 相对而言,特定类别的旅游或旅游者就其专门定义不难获得一致的看法,但概念广泛一些的就难下定义了。首先应该承认,与体育活动、爱好和消遣一样,旅游只是娱乐的一种形式,都是在自由支配闲暇时间。旅游常常涉及费用开支,当然不尽如此,一名骑自行车的人或一名长途步行者周末外出露营并自带食品,对该地区的旅游收入就没有贡献。其他还有许多旅游开支很少的例子。因此我们可以说,旅游是消遣的一个方面,通常但不总是引起参加者的费用开支。就概念而论,给旅游下一个准确的定义即便是可能的也是相当困难。为了统计目的而给

11、旅游下一个专门的定义,其难度小一些。我们只要弄清数据所含内容并就其区域或国际间的同类进行比较,而把概念问题交给学者们去讨论。随着大众旅游的发展,旅游者最准确的定义也许是“一个外出旅行去看一些不一样的东西而当发现所看的东西不一样后又抱怨的人。” Unit2 an aisle seat 靠过道的位置 cruise ships 长途航行的游轮 passenger shipping 客船航运 a charter flight 包机 senior citizens 老年人 transport terminals 交通枢纽 an inclusive tour by charter 以包机方式所做的全包式旅

12、游 currency exchange 货币兑换 civil aviation 国内航空 public private sector partnership 公营部门与私营机构合作 国内生产总值 gross domestic product(GDP) 直达航班 a non-stop flight 经济舱 economy class 单程票 a one-way ticket 定期航运服务 scheduled services 经贸合作 trade and economic cooperation 国家航空公司 national airlines 包价(团体)旅游 a package tour 获

13、利 make a profit 航线 the air route (1) Chinese nation comprises 56 ethnic groups. 中华民族由56个民族构成。(comprise) (2) Exercise contributes to better health. 锻炼能促使更强健的体魄。(contribute) (3) There are lots of bus lines covering the area. 有许多的公共汽车路线遍布这一地区。(cover) (4) Refrain from doing to others what you dont want

14、to be done by. 己所不欲,勿施于人。(refrain) (5) Every student is an integral part of our class. 每个学生都是我们班不可缺的一分子。(integral)Tourism, as an economic activity, is characterized by a high level of elasticity. As transport costs are significant for international transportation, demand is strongly influenced by co

15、st fluctuations. Therefore, transport is the key element in the tourism industry. The demand in international and even national transport infrastructures implies a very large number of people who want to move in an efficient, fast and inexpensive manner. It requires heavy investments and complex org

16、anization. Transport is the cause and the effect of the growth of tourism. To start with, the improved facilities have stimulated tourism, and the expansion of tourism has stimulated transport. In order to access the areas, tourists will use any transportation mode. However, air transport is the mai

17、n mode for international tourism. Air transport plays a dominant role in inter-regional movements of tourists. Transport policies and decisions of governments can make a big difference in the destinations available to tourists. “Holiday spenders” usually make enough contribution to the local economy

18、 that governments are more willing to invest in efficient road networks or airport facilities, especially in locations that have limited economic opportunities other than tourism.旅游,作为一种经济活动,特点是高度的弹性(elasticity)。由于国际运输成本高,需求受成本波动影响强烈。因此在旅游业中交通是关键要素。对国际甚至国内交通的设施需求,意味着很多人要求以有效率、快速和便宜的方式出行。这就需要大量投资和复杂的

19、组织。交通是旅游业增长的原因及效果。首先,改善了的设施刺激旅游,旅游的扩大刺激了交通运输。为了进入访问的地区,游客将使用任何运输方式。然而航空运输是国际旅游的主要方式。旅游运输在跨区域流动(inter-regional movements)的游客中起着主导作用。在提供给游客的目的地中,政府的运输政策和决定作用很大(make a big difference),“假日消费者”通常给当地经济做出足够的贡献,以至于政府非常愿意投资于高效率的道路网络或机场设施,特别是在出旅游意外,经济机会有限的地点。Unit3 extra bed 加床 FIT 国外散客 executive suite 行政套房pre

20、sidential suite 总统套房mini suite 小型套房open air terrace 露天平台room commitment 订房承诺master account 主帐,总账 quotation 报价 high season supplement 旺季加价费 季节差价 seasonal prices 廉价旅馆 budget hotel 入住率 occupancy 成对单人床 twin bed 可用房率 room availability 续住 extend ones stay 大号床 king size bed 灯具 lighting fixtures 装潢布置 uphols

21、tery 礼宾部 concierge 熨烫服务 valet service 住房费 room charges (1) The main job responsibility of the advance reservationists includes answering questions concerning reservations, booking and assigning rooms for guests who ask for rooms in the hotel. 预定人员的主要任务是为需要预定的顾客解答问题,登记和分配房间。(include)(2) Front office

22、staffs duty includes taking reservations, cancellations and revisions and writing and sending out the hotel letters of confirmation. 前台员工的职责包括办理、取消、修改预订,以及填写和发 送酒店的确认信。(include) (3) There are different ways of making advance reservations. 办理预定有多种不同的方法。(there are) (4) The hotel can confirm a guests b

23、ooking immediately with a reply e-mail. 酒店只需回复电子邮件,就可以对顾客的登记进行确认。(confirm) (5) The first thing a reservationists should do after receiving a reservation request is to check if the hotel has any vacancy during the specified period. 预订人员接到预订请求后要做的第一件事就是确认酒店在该时间内是否有空房。(check) (6) If the hotel is able t

24、o accept the booking ,the reservationists would fill out a reservation from and record the information in a reservation diary. 如果酒店有可以预订的房间,则需要填写预约单,并在工作日志上记录相关信息。(fill out)Welcome to our hotel, Mr. Smith. Four pieces of luggage all together. Is that correct? Please follow me. Your room is right at

25、the end of the corridor. The bellman will bring up your luggage/baggage very soon. Your room is facing the garden. Its very quiet. The mini-bar is over there. The service guide is on the desk. And in the first drawer of the dresser, youll find a brochure with full information about the facilities an

26、d services of our hotel. I wish you would enjoy hour room. The bar is on the ground floor near the lobby. There is a post and fax service on the ground floor, next to the corridor.The safe right here is ready for your use. Please go to the service center first and fill out a signature card, then the

27、 clerk there will give you an activation pin. Once you get the pin, please just plug in and open the door of the safe, insert the pin, then “OPEN” will be indicated on the door. Just put the cipher code and the open the safe after it is decoded. If you keep the code unchanged, the safe will be locke

28、d automatically when the the door is closed. If you stop using the safe, please remove the active pin and return it to the service center. For the in-house guests, recreational facilities are free for you to use. The room will be cleaned daily and for the purpose of environmental protection, you may

29、 not want to have the sheets washed daily. In that case, please put the small card on the bed. Then we will handle the rest of things. I hope you enjoy your stay with us!欢迎来到我们酒店,史密斯先生。行李一共四件,没错吧?请随我来,您的房间就在走廊尽头。行李员很快就会把您的行李送上来。您的房间正对这花园,很安静。小冰箱在那儿。服务指南在桌上。在梳妆台的第一个抽屉里,您可以找到酒店指南,其中有我们酒店设施和服务的全部信息。希望您

30、住的愉快。酒吧在一层的大厅旁边,一层有邮电和传真服务,在走廊旁边。这个保险箱可供您使用。请先到服务中心填一张签名卡,然后再那里的服务员会给你一个激活销。您拿到激活销后,请接通电源打开箱门,插入激活销,这时门上会显示“OPEN”。您要开门时,只要输入设置的密码,带解锁后,在拉开柜门。如不改变密码,则关上便会自动锁上,如果您不用保险箱了,请拿走激活销并还给服务中心。住店客人可免费使用各种娱乐休闲设施。房间会每天打扫。为了环境保护,如果您不要每天清洗床单,请将这张小卡片放到床上,我们就会做相应的其他工作。希望您在这个房间过得愉快。 Unit4 repeat business 回头客 well-tra

31、ined 训练有素的 guest loyalty 客人忠诚度 rack rate 门市价 lounge 酒廊 revenue 营业额 set menu 套餐 a la carte 零点,照菜单点 trolley 送餐车 florist 花工 布巾 linen 维修 maintenance 公共区域 public area 欧式早餐 continental breakfast 升级 upgrade 配偶 spouse 财务部 accounting office 机场接机 airport pick-up 语音留言 voice mail 工作量 work load 儿童菜单 childrens me

32、nu 餐前酒 aperitif (1) Can I have one more spoon and bowl? 能否再帮我拿一个勺子和一个碗?(have) (2) This is the fruit combination.It is on the house. 水果拼盘,免费赠送。(on) (3) Your braised prawns,fried steak,and Red wine, sir.Please enjoy. 您的油闷大虾、煎牛排和红酒,请慢用。(enjoy) (4) May I move this dish to you side? 我能把这道菜移到您那边去吗?(move)

33、(5) Waitress,can you bring me the menu?I want to order something more. 服务员,能不能把菜单拿过来?我想再点一点东西。(bring) (6) Can I change a table? The sun is shining straight into my eyes. 能不能帮我换张桌子?太阳光直射我的眼睛。(change)Food and beverage management is one of the important factors in hotel management. The whole management

34、 process should not only deal with customer satisfaction, but also deal with cost reduction. Different hotels and restaurants use various methods in achieving these two aims. Nowadays the most commonly adopted ways are French Service, Russian Service, American Service and Buffet Service. All food is

35、 brought to the table on platters and individually served to the guest by the waiter or captain at the right time. As service payrolls have increased, more and more hotels have been using buffet service in certain areas. Since the customers mostly serve themselves, it reduces the number of staff req

36、uired and often speeds up turnover, resulting in a greater number of covers. 餐饮管理是酒店管理的重要组成部分之一。管理的过程既要关注客户的满意度,又要尽量降低成本。不同的酒店和餐厅都采取了多样的形式来完成这两个目标。如今最常用的方式是法式、俄式、美式和自助式。所有菜品都用浅盘、菜碟装盛,由服务员适时给每位客人分盛。由于工资支出增加,越来越多的酒店在一些区域采取自助式服务。因为客人大多自取食物,就减少了所需的员工数量,往往也增加了翻台率,可以获得更多的就餐客人。 Unit5 inclusive tour 包办旅行 ch

37、arter inclusive tour 包机旅行 fixed routes 固定线路 a means of transportation 一种交通方式 planned activities 计划好的活动 places of interest 旅游景点 tour guide 导游 vacation tour 度假旅游 企业服务标准 corporate identity service code 丝绸之路游 the Silk Road Tour 长江三峡游 Yangtze River Three Gorges Tour 会议和奖励旅游 convention and incentive tour

38、东方快车丝绸之路游 Orient Express Silk Road Tour 健身旅游 keep-fit tour (1) This new theatre is becoming known for its good productions. 这家新剧院因上演节目的质量好而渐渐出名。(be known for) (2) No matter how hard he tried ,he couldnt finish the work. 不管他怎么努力,他都不能完成这项任务。(no matter how) (3) His job consists of helping old people wh

39、o live alone. 他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人。(consist of) (4) The dictionary is intended for the beginners. 这本词典是为初学者编的。(be intended for)(5) There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication.毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具。(means) (6) He is engaged in writing a novel. 他正忙于写一部小说。(engage in) (

40、7) Up to now,we haven?t got the news of his arrival. 到现在为止,我们还未得到他到达的消息。(up to now) (8) Usually the interviewer attaches great importance to the educational background,abilities and past experiences of the applicant. 通常面试者对申请者的教育背景、能力和过去的经历看得很重要。(attach great importance to)World Expo had pushed forw

41、ard extensive international communication and effectively promoted the countries of the world toward internationalization and modernization process over the past 159 years. Meanwhile, the number of tourists World Expo received has increasingly become one of the most important symbols in measuring it

42、s success. It is estimated that 70 million tourists will visit the Shanghai World Expo, and 3.5 million of them are predicted coming from abroad. It undoubtedly will become both a new highlight which can give great impetus to tourism industry in the Asian-Pacific region and even the whole world, and

43、 a major opportunity to promote the development of Chinas tourism industry as well. The National Tourism Administration has set 2010 as the Year of World Expo Tourism and is also planning to hold several campaigns to promote Chinas World Expo around the world. 在过去的159年里,世博会广泛地促进了国际交流,有效地促进了世界各国的国际化和

44、现代化。同时,世博会吸引的旅游者人数越来越成为衡量世博会成功的重要标志。据估计,将有7千万旅游者参观上海世博会,其中350万旅游者来向国外。上海世博会肯定会成为促进亚太地区甚至整个世界旅游业发展的新亮点,也是促进中国旅游业发展的主要机会。国家旅游局将2010年定为“中国世博旅游年”,并计划在全世界举办几次中国世博会宣传活动。 Unit6 fight check-in 乘机登记 the means of transportation 交通方式 the life of the party 旅行团中最活跃的人 how to handle this challenge to your authorit

45、y 该如何处理对你权利的挑战 finalize the itinerary 把路线确定下来 景点 scenic spot 导游资格证 tour guide certificate 地方陪同 local guide 享有特权 enjoy the privileges 个人请求 individual request (1) He has made it clear that he wont take over the job. 他已经明白表示他不愿接管这件事。(take over) (2) In fairness to students,the teacher asked all the stud

46、ents to rise and hand in their test papers when the bell rang. 为了对学生公平,当铃响时,老师让学生全体起立交卷。(in fairness to) (3) My husband could not be here tonight as he has a meeting to attend, but I want to thank you on his behalf. 我丈夫今晚有会不能前来,我代表他向你们致谢。(on ones behalf) (4) Dont undermine your worth by comparing yo

47、urself with others.It is because we are different individuals. 不要把自己和别人进行比较,对自己的价值产生动摇,因为我们每个人都是不同的个体。(undermine)How would you like to travel around the world, visit exotic locales, stay in luxury hotels, meet interesting people, and get paid a good wage for the trouble? Tour guides do just that. To

48、urist guides show visitors around places of interest, such as towns and cities, historic buildings, gardens, religious sites or museums and art galleries. As a guide, you could work in one place such as a castle or historic house, or accompany groups on day tours to interesting places. When you esco

49、rt groups around the site or area, you will give information about history, purpose, architecture or other points of interest. You could also work as a “driver guide”, taking small groups of tourists on guided tours around places of interest in a car or minibus. The following are the skills and know

50、ledge a tour guide need to have : (1) an interest in working with people ; (2) confidence to speak to groups of people ; (3) excellent communication skills, and a clear voice ; (4) the ability to present information in an interesting way, even when repeating the same tour many times a day ; (5) a go

51、od memory for facts, figures and events ; (6) an interest in the arts, history and other related subjects, such as architecture. 你想周游世界,访问异国景区(exotic locales),住豪华酒店,和有趣的人打交道,并为付出得到很好的工资报酬吗?导游员就是这样。导游员带旅客参观景点,如城镇、城市,具有历史意义的建筑、园林、宗教场所或博物馆和艺术画廊。作为一个导游员,你可以在一个地点工作,比如,古堡或者有历史价值的场所(historic house),也可能陪同团体的一日游去参观景点。当你陪同旅游团参观景点时,你要提供有关历史、目的、建筑或其他有兴趣的信息。你也可以做一个“司机导游员”,用轿车或小巴带小型旅游团游览景点。以下是一个导游员需要掌握的技能和知识:(1)有做与人打交道的工作的兴趣;(2)对群体讲话的信心;(3)很好的交流技能以及清晰的声音;(4)有能力用一种有趣的方式提供信息,即使在一天中重复接待同样的旅行团很多次;(5)对事实、数字和事件有很好的记忆;(6)对艺术、历史和其他相关科目(如建筑)有兴趣。Unit7 receive annually 500,000 person-tim


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