



1、仁爱版英语教材课堂教学观摩课教案任教学校:福州市教育学院附中授课教师:刘晓铃授课班级:初二(7)班授课时间:2006年11月23日(星期四)下午第节教材:仁爱版八年级上册 Unit 3, Topic 1,Secti on教具:/、 收音机、白板、图片,实物道具教学方法:本节课主要采用自主学习、合作探究的教学方法教学目标:一. 认知目标:1. 进一步巩固本单元的重点词汇,重点句型;2. 巩固用 enjoy、like、love、prefer表达自己或他人喜欢和不喜欢做的事、学习用 be interested in等表达自己的兴趣爱好。b5E2RGbCAP3. 学会用used to do sth.谈

2、论过去喜欢做的事以及与现在做的事变化。二. 能力目标:学生在掌握语言知识后1. 培养学生听,说,读,写的全方面能力,引导他们自主学习;2. 通过学生的自我评价培养学生自我调控能力。3. 能根据所给出的个人爱好话题进行简单对话、能提供有关个人情况和个人爱好的信息。4. 在各项活动中学生一起参与评价,发展学生的评价能力。三. 情感目标:1. 通过这堂课的学习过程,把个体学习变为合作学习,形成学习的合力。2. 培养学生的兴趣爱好和对生活、未来的一种积极态度。3. 引入竞争机制,调动全体学生主动参与,满足初中孩子的表现欲,增强自信心,通过小组合作,培养团结协作的精神。p1EanqFDPw教学重难点:重

3、点在于熟练掌握用 enjoy, like, love, prefer, be interested in 表达自己兴趣爱好。DXDiTa9E3d难点:将自己现在的兴趣爱好与以前比较,用used to do sth.表达自己爱好的变化。教学步骤:Step 1. ChantStep 2. OrganizationStep 3. Revision1. Dialogue competition2. Words competition3. Ask Ss to talk about“What do you love doing?”. Use the words or the phrases “enjoy,

4、 prefer, favorite, love, like, et”cR.TCrpUDGiTStep4. Presentation1. Lead in.2. Listen and choose the right answers.Step 5. Practice1. Play the tape and ask a row to repeat sentences without looking at the books.5PCzVD7HxA2. Read the dialogue in groups.( exchange)3. Practice in pairs.4. Act out the d

5、ialogue.Step 6. Listen, read and understand.1 Lead-in.2Play the tape and listen to 2a (once) and finish off 2b.(without looking atthe book)jLBHrnAILg3Read the passage 2a once again and check the answer bxyHASQsX7.4J0X4 Check the answers together.5 Mainpoints.Step 7. Consolidation.Step 8. Homework.教学

6、过程:Step 1ChantStep 2OrganizationStep 3.Revision1. Dialogue competition.1) 看病 2)谈论爱好 3)打电话、留言 4) 谈论最喜欢的人物2. Words competition.T: Next the words will be shown by me. I will show you the Chinese meanings of some words.Please say them in English. Two words for each student. Row 5 , plLeDaAYsteRy.KfE3. M

7、ake sentences with the words or phrases.(love、like、favorite enjoy、like best be interested in etc.)zzz6ZB2LtkStep 4 Presentation1. Lead inT shows a picture about Part1a. T introduces the picture and write some useful language pointson the blackboarcdyzfvkwMii1) in one'spare time Eg.2) need a chan

8、ge Eg.2. Listen and choose the right answer.T plays the tape recorder about 1a once, and choose the right answeyni4ZNxi1) What does the boy often do in his spare time?()A. go swimming B. go fishing C. go boating2) What does the girl often do in her spare time?()A. listen to music B. do some outdoor

9、activities. watch moviesEmxvxOtOco3) Who needs a change?()A. The boy B. The girl C. Both of them4) Does the girl only watch movies in the theater?()A. No, she did'. B. Yes, she did. C. No, he didnixE2yxpq53. Play the tape once and ask a row to repeat it sentence by sentence without looking at th

10、ebooks6 ewMyirQFLStep5 Practice1. Read the dialogue in groups. ( exchange)2. Practice in pairs.3. Act out the dialogue.Step 6 Listen, read and understand1. Lead in. Use two pictures to introduce the phrasised to do st”kavU42VRUs2. Play the tape and listen to 2a once and finish off the forv3ALoS89Phi

11、lipUsed toNowReasona movie fan.His interests are changing all the timeplay sports.3. Read the passage 2a once again and check the answer byUbssTnp4. Check the answer together.5. Mainpoints.1) . Be interested in Eg.2) . Know little about Eg.3) . Share onesinterests Eg.4) . Used to do sthEg.Step 7 Con

12、solidation1. Combine 1b with 3. Divide the students into eight groups. Ask one student in each group to make a survey about their hobbies among their groups. Ask and answer one by one and the leader record the conclusion.Then the leader make a report for us. They can use thesequestions: What do you

13、love doing now? 2) What did you use to duj?mucw2. Fill in 1b.3. Report the data to the whole class according to the example in 3. After reporting, ask Ss to choose the winneeuts8ZQVRdStep 8 Homework1. Review Section B and recite 1a.2. Write a composition about the report.2. Preview Section CBlackboa

14、rd DesignUnit3 Topic1 Section B1. Practice.1) enjoy,love,like ect.2) .A form of 2b2. Apictureabout 2aMain Points1.in one'spare time2. need a change3. be interested in4. Know little about5. Share ones interests6. Used to do sthCompetition Table &Homework课后反思:本节课师生热情高涨,情绪饱满,师生的互动热烈。在教学上基本上顺利完成了预定的目标, 对所要求掌


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