



1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除仁爱七年级上册英语Un it 1测试题 (2)第二部分笔试(65分)I.选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同的选项。21.()A. thisB.ChinaC. njpe22.()A meetB.heC. seven23.()A. nameB.cakeC. Canada24.()A. phoneB.zeroC. box25.()A. penB.heC.deskII.单项选择。(15分)()26. What are those? are cakes.A.ThatB. TheseC. They()27. Mary and Joy areClass One.The

2、y arethe U.K.A. from; inB. i n; fromC. to; from()28.一Yes, I'm Mike.A.What' s your name? B. What are you?C. Are you Mike?()29.Is thisfriend? Yes. He isEn glish boy.A.you; anB. your; a nC.you;a()30.is he?He is my friend, Jim.A.WhatB. WhereC. Who()31.What' s thatEn glish?It ' s a desk.A

3、. fromB. toC. in()32.is she?She's fine.A.How oldB. HowC. Where()33.What' s your phone number? -908-7653.A.ItB. It ' sC. Its()34.How do you do?A.How old are you?B. How are you? C. How do you do?()35. This is my teacher, Miss Chen.is from Hebei.A.SheB. HeC. Her()36.are hisA.These, brotherB

4、. This, brotherC. These, brothers()37.Welcome to our school.A.OK.B.Than ks.C. Excuse me.()38.Thank you.一A. You ' re welcome.B. That ' K.OC. A and B.()39.当你被介绍认识某人后,你应该说:此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除A. Good morning!B. Thank you! C. Nice to meet you!()40. 8807421 is.A. eight eight aero three four one

5、 two B. eight eight zero seve n four two oneC. eight eight zero seve n two four oneIII.完形填空。(10分)Tom and Liu Mei are good friends Tom is 41 Can ada. He is thirtee n42 . Now heis _43 _ Beijing No.10 Junior High School. He is in Class One, Grade One. _44_ pho ne number is 8696-4838. Liu Mei is from Be

6、iji ng, China. _45En glish name is Na ncy. She isthirtee n,46_. She is47_ Class Three, Grade One. Her phone number _48_6876-5432. They _49_ in _50_ same class.()41. A.toB. fromC.at()42. A. year oldB. years oldC. years olds()43. A.atB. fromC.in()44. A.HeB. HerC.His()45. A.HerB. HisC.She()46. A.tooB.

7、years oldC.year()47. A.atB. inC.from()48. A.areB. amC.is()49. A.areB. aren 'tC:.is()50. A.aB. anC.theIV.阅读理解。(30分)(A)NameAgeFromClassQQ nu mberRick12CanadaClass 8, Grade 7398827653He Mi ng13Ch inaClass 12, Grade 7356789900Ted15CubaClass 15, Grade 9468099811()51. Rose is from.A. Japa nB. Can adaC

8、. China()52.can speak(说)Chi nese best (最好).A. RickB. He MingC. Ted()53. Who are in the same grade?A. Rick and Ted B. He Ming and Ted C. Rick and He Ming()54. How old is Rick?A. twe ntyB. thirteenC. twelve()55. His QQ number is 468099811. Who is he?A. Rick.B. He Mi ng.C. Ted.(B)My n ame is He Pi ng.

9、I ' from Hai Nan. I ' twelve. I m in Haikou No.1 Junior High 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除School. I ' in Class 9, Grade 7. Miss. Wang is my English teacher.Bob Smith is my good friend. He is an English boy. His family is in Hai Nan now. His Chin ese n ame is Shi Baoguo. Bob and I are the same a

10、ge. He is in Class 9, Grade 7, too. But he is in Haikou NO.9 Junior High School. Bob's dad and mom are English teachers in his school. Look! This is one of Bob ' photos(照片).We can see Bob 'dad and mom, Bob and Tom in the photo. Who is Tom? It is Bob ' pet dog.()56. Shi Baoguo is from

11、.A. Japa nB. En gla ndC. China()57. Bob isyears old.A. 11B.12C. 13()58. He Pi ng and Bob are not in the same.A. classB. gradeC. school()59.is He Pi ng ' En glish teacher.A. Bob ' dadB. Bob ' momC. Miss. Wang()60. Tom is Bob '.A. brother(兄弟)B. Bob ' friendC. dog(C)Mrs. Brown is an

12、 English teacher. She is from America. She is 24 years old. Her Englishis very good. There are twenty boys and eighteen girls are in her class. Jim is from England.The twins(双胞胎)Lucy and Lily are from America. But the other( 其他的)students are Chinese. Mrs. Brown loves her students very much. She ofte

13、n helps them learn( 学习) English. She is a good teacher and she is the students g6od friend, too. All the students love her.()61. Mrs. Brow n is.A. young(年轻) B. old C. fine()62.There areChin ese stude nts in her class.A. 41B. 38C.35()63. Li Ming is in her class. He is from .A. Chi naB. AmericaC. En g

14、la nd()64. Mrs. Brown teaches(教)in the school.A. Chin eseB. En glish C. En glish and Chin ese()65. Mrs. Brow n is aof the stude nts.A. friendB. teacherC. teacher and friendV.情景交际。从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5分)A. That ' iSF. Is that an orange car?B. I 'nfine, too.G. How are you?C. You' rwelco

15、me.D. What' that in English?此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除A: Hello, Ji ngjin g. 66_E. O-R-A-N-G-E, oran ge.B: Ifine, thanks. And you?A: _67_ Oh, What ' that?B: It 'sa car.A: _68_B: Yes, it is.A: How do you spell “ orange ”?B: _69_A: Thank you.B: _70_第三部分 写作(35分)I .词汇。(10分)A. 根据句意首字母或汉语提示填词。71. W

16、hat' your name, p?72. Kate Brow n is from Can ada. Brow n is her fn ame.73. How are you?- I ' m f74. Let me hyou. Thank you.75. You can try that(再一次).B. 从方框内选择适合句意的单词并以其适当形式填空。be, I, this, she, class76. Michael and Tomfrom America.77. There are(有)18in Grade Seve n.78. Areyour oran ges?79. Th

17、at is Kate. And this iseraser.80. You can seein this photo(照片).n .任务型读写。(10分)Julia 'Snese name is Liu Min. She is in Class 6 and her telephone number is 756- 4321. Adam is Julia 'good friend. He is in Class 6, too. They are in China(中国)now. Their Chinese teacher is Miss Zhang. She is a good teacher.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。81. Who has a Chin ese n ame? 82. What class is Adam in? 83. Is Miss Zhang Adam


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