1、Introduction to Rhythm Factory PlannerKwok PoonMay 17, 2000Agenda What Is Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) Rhythm FP Architecture Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) Planning Concept Rhythm FP featuresWhat Is Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) ?What Is Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) Factory Planner uses the information fr
2、om the existing transaction system (ERP) to provide intelligent decision support capability in Planning and Scheduling Factory Planner provides a global integrated view PurchasingOrder EntryShippingMRPFactory PlannerFloor ControlDataDecisions & DataWhat Can Rhythm FP Do? Factory Planner provides
3、 a systematic and constraint-based planning concept Factory Planner can help to minimize the current ad-hoc planning process Factory Planner can quickly reveal the production constraint, which is almost impossible for traditional planning processRhythm FP ArchitectureRhythm FP Architecture Client-Se
4、rver Architecture Both server and client processes can run on Windows NT machines May run server and client on separate machines Use existing data (from Triton and SFCS) Memory Resident Multi-User capabilityRhythm FP Architecture (cont.)Rhythm FP ClientRhythm FP ClientRhythmFP ClientData FilesRhythm
5、 FP ServerRhythmFP ServerProduction PlannerMaterialPlannerReport ReaderProduction ServerWhat-ifServerRhythm FP Framework (Input & Output)RhythmFP ServerDemandProduct Structure:Part numberBOMRoutingsFactory Model:ResourcesResource CalendarMaterial Availability:Unassigned InventoryP.O./ Vendor Inf
6、o.WIPOther Information:Tools.Production Plan:CapacityMaterialRhythm FP Framework (cont.) FP requires ACCURATE and SUFFICIENT data input (garbage in & garbage out) Open loop planning process in the first phase Planners execute the production plan based on FPs suggestionBasic FP Data Objects BOM d
7、ata Demand order data Part number data Unassigned inventory data Supplier part data Resource data Routing dataMore FP Data Objects Wip data Operation resource data Resource calendar data Vendor calendar data Variable capacity bucket size dataFP Output Files Critical delivery data Purchase order EDC
8、recommendations Manufacturing order data Planned start times Procurement data Procurement by part data etc.FP Data Objects RelationshipDemand Orders & Forecast OrdersBOMUnassignedinventoryRouting dataVendor Info Resource dataResource calendar dataWIP dataFinished GoodsPart NumbersMfg OrdersRhyth
9、m FP Planning ConceptFP Planning Concept BTO (Build-to-order) engine: use Demands as the driver to create plan Consider both material and capacity constraints at the same time Consider both Sales Orders and Forecasts as the demand input with different priorities Start as an Infinite Capacity Plan an
10、d progress to a Finite Capacity PlanFP Planning Concept (cont.) Materials are assigned according to the BOM explosion from the finish good level also consider Time factors Raw Materials (Procured Parts) are supplied by on-hand inventory or P.O. from vendors. Manufactured parts (finish goods and inte
11、rmediate parts) are supplied by WIP or manufacturing orders (work orders).Process Flow in FPInfinite Capacity PlanningFinite Capacity PlanningCAO (constraint anchor optimization)Detail Scheduling Identify Material and Capacity Problems Fix Material Problems Attempt to fix Capacity Problems Create de
12、tailed schedulesFP Infinite Capacity Planning (ICP) Build factory model phase Inventory Assignment phase Planned start time phase Capacity utilization phase Presents plan through user interface (client)ICP - Build Factory Model Read files into memory and create resident memory model File formats in
13、Spec Files Do consistency checkingICP - Inventory Assignment Explore Bill of Materials Determines BOM configuration and routing assignments Creates manufacturing orders to satisfy demands Net requirements for raw materials and sub-assemblies against on-hand inventory and WIP (Work-In-Process) Create
14、s material requirementsICP - Inventory Assignment (cont.) Backward Schedule Definition: Latest Possible Start Time (LPST) - the latest date a manufacturing task can begin and still complete on time LPST = Task Due Date - Task Processing time Calculates the LPST for each manufacturing task Each manuf
15、acturing task will have a LPST Soft constraint: violate LPST constraint will deteriorate the order-fulfillment performanceICP - Inventory Assignment (cont.) Backward ScheduleSubassembly 1R.W. #1R.W. #2Sub assembly 2Computer Order Due DateTask Due Date (LPST)LPSTLPSTMfg order #1Mfg order #3Mfg order
16、#2ICP - Inventory Assignment (cont.) Inventory Assignment Prioritize demand orders (due date, priority, quantity) Sort prioritized demand orders Sort parts from end-item to raw materials Calculate demands Allocate supplies ICP - Inventory Assignment (cont.) Forward Schedule Definition: Earliest Poss
17、ible Start Time (EPST) - the earliest date that a manufacturing task can begin (constrained by materials) EPST = max (Server Start Time, Material Available Time) Calculates the EPST for each manufacturing task Each manufacturing task will have an EPST Hard constraint: production cannot be started wi
18、thout materials availableICP - Inventory Assignment (cont.)Sub assembly 1R.W. #1R.W. #2ComputerOrder CompletionTimeMaterial AvailableTime (EPST)EPSTEPSTMfg order #1Mfg order #3Mfg order #2 Forward ScheduleSub assembly 2ICP - Planned Start Time Assign PST for each task Definition: Planned Start Time
19、(PST) is the expected start date that a task will begin taking material availability into consideration Calculation: PST= max (EPST, LPST) Each manufacturing task will have a PST PST values may be overriden through the user interfaceICP - Capacity Utilization Determine bucket (operation time interva
20、l) configuration - from variable capacity bucket size data Calculate capacity for each bucket - from resource calendar data Calculate work load in each bucket based on PST and run time of each taskFP Finite Capacity Planning Identify the constrained resources Balance and offload loads for constraine
21、d resources in a GLOBAL view (Global optimization) Plan based on flexible strategy options (e.g. Minimize WIP) Respond quicklyFP Detail Scheduling Schedule based on flexible strategy options (e.g. FIFO) Able to specify the scheduling horizon Able to generate a global optimized production schedule Ge
22、nerate the dispatch list for execution Intelligent scheduling algorithm and resultsHow to make it successful User-own project Trust and Cooperation What are our game rules? Forecast/Acceptance, S/O, P/O, etc. Thinking of future, reasonable procedures Data Clean-up Should be started from the very beginning Where, when, who, how, etc. etc.Rhythm FP FeaturesList of Some Features Transfer Batching Manufacturing Lot Sizing (CMO) Procurement Lot Sizing WIP Reporting Advanced Scheduler (AS) Due Date Quoting Batch Client Alternates Alternate Parts Alternate Resources Alternate Routin
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