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1、2016年 6 月英语四级听力真题及答案详解 ?Section A News ReportDirections : In this section, you will hear three news reports。At the end of each news report , you will hear two or three questions 。 Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question, youmust choose the best answe

2、r from the four choices marked A), B ), C) and D )。 Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1 with a single line through the centre。Drections: Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.?Question 1A) How college students can improve their sleep habits.B) Why suffici

3、ent sleep is important for college students.C) Why college students are more likely to have stress problems.D) How college students can handle their psychological problems.Question 2A) It is not easy to improve one's sleep habits.B) It is not good for students to play video games.C) Students who

4、 are better prepared generally get higher scores in examinations.D) Making last-minute preparations for tests may be less effective than sleeping.Drections: Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.?Question 3A) Whether more airports should be built around London.B) Whether

5、 adequate investment is being made to improve airport facilities.C) Whether the British Airports Authority should sell off some of its assets.D) Whether the Spanish company could offer better service.Question 4A) Inefficient management.B) Poor ownership structure.C) Lack of innovation and competitio

6、n.D) Lack of runway and terminal capacity.?Drections: Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.?Question 5A) Report the nicotine content of their cigarettes.B) Set a limit to the production of their cigarettes.C) Take steps to reduce nicotine in their products.D) Study the e

7、ffects of nicotine on young smokers.Question 6A) The biggest increase in nicotine content tended to be in brands young smokers like.B) Big tobacco companies were frank with their customers about the hazards of smoking.C) Brands which contain higher nicotine content were found to be much more popular

8、.nicotineD) Tobacco companies refused to discuss the detailed content of their products.?Question 7A) They promised to reduce the nicotine content in cigarettes.B) They have not fully realized the harmful effect of nicotine.C) They were not prepared to comment on the cigarette study.D) They will pay

9、 more attention to the quality of their products.Section B ConversationDirections : In this section , you will hear two long conversations 。 At the end of each conversations you will hear four questions 。 Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once。 After you hear a question 。

10、 Youmust choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D)。 Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre。?Question 8A) Indonesia.B) Holland.C) Sweden.D) England.?Question 9A) Getting a coach who can offer real help.B) Talking with her

11、boyfriend in Dutch.C) Learning a language where it is not spoken.D) Acquiring the necessary ability to socialize.Question 10A) Listening to language programs on the radio.B) Trying to speak it as much as one can.C) Making friends with native speakers.D) Practicing reading aloud as often as possible.

12、Question 11A) It creates an environment for socializing.B) It offers various courses with credit points.C) It trains young people' s leadership abilities.D) It provides opportunities for language practice.Drections: Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.?Question 1

13、2A) The impact of engine design on road safety.B) The role policemen play in traffic safety.C) A sense of freedom driving gives.D) Rules and regulations for driving.?Question 13A) Make cars with automatic control.B) Make cars that have better brakes.C) Make cars that are less powerful.D) Make cars w

14、ith higher standards.Question 14A) They tend to drive responsibly.B) They like to go at high speed.C) They keep within speed limits.D) They follow traffic rules closely.?Question 15A) It is a bad idea.B) It is not useful.C) It is as effective as speed bumps.D) It should be combined with education.?。

15、 AtSection C PassagesDirections : In this section, you will hear three passagesthe end of each passage , you will hear three or four questionsBoth the passage and the questions will be spoken only once 。 After you hear a question , you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),

16、 C) and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre。Drections:Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.?Question 16A) The card got damaged.B) The card was found invalid.C) The card reader failed to do the scanning.D) The card r

17、eader broke down unexpectedly.?Question 17A) By covering the credit card with a layer of plastic.B) By calling the credit card company for confirmation.C) By seeking help from the card reader maker Verifone.D) By typing the credit card number into the cash register. ?Question 18A) Affect the sales o

18、f high-tech appliances.B) Change the lifestyle of many Americans.C) Give birth to many new technological inventions.D) Produce many low-tech fixes for high-tech failures.Drections:Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have justheard.?Question 19A) They are set by the dean of the graduate s

19、chool.B) They are determined by the advising board.C) They leave much room for improvement.D) They vary among different departments.Question 20A) By consulting the examining committee.B) By reading the Bulletin of Information.C) By contacting the departmental office.D) By visiting the university'

20、; s website.Question 21A) They specify the number of credits students must earn.B) They are harder to meet than those for undergraduates.C) They have to be approved by the examining committee.D) They are the same among various divisions of the university.Drections: Questions 22 to 25 are based on th

21、e passage you have just heard.Question 22A) Students majoring in nutrition.B) Students in health classes.C) . candidates in dieting.D) Middle and high school teachers.Question 23A) Its overestimate of the effect of dieting.B) Its mistaken conception of nutrition.C) Its changing criteria for beauty.D

22、) Its overemphasis on thinness.Question 24A) To illustrate her point that beauty is but skin deep.B) To demonstrate the magic effect of dieting on women.C) To explain how computer images can be misleading.D) To prove that technology has impacted our culture.?Question 25A) To persuade girls to stop d

23、ieting.B) To promote her own concept of beauty.C) To establish an emotional connection with students.D) To help students rid themselves of bad living habits.?三、 2016年 6月英语四级听力真题第二套答案?1. B)Why sufficient sleep is important for college students.2. D)Making last-minute preparations for tests maybe less

24、 effective than sleeping.3. C)Whether the British Airports Authority should sell off some of its assets.4. D)Lack of runway and terminal capacity.5. A)Report the nicotine content of their cigarettes.6. A)The biggest increase in nicotine content tended to be in brands young smokers like.7. C)They wer

25、e not prepared to comment on the cigarette study.8. B)Holland.9. C)Learning a language where it is not spoken.10. B)Trying to speak it as much as one can.11. D)It provides opportunities for language practice.12. D)Rules and regulations for driving.13. C)Make cars that are less powerful.14. A)They te

26、nd to drive responsibly.15. B)It is not useful.16 C)The card reader failed to do the scanning.17 A)By covering the credit card with a layer of plastic.18 D)ProdUCe many low-tech fixes for high-tech failures.19. D)They Vary among differe nt departme nts.20. C)By con tact ing the departme ntal office.

27、21. A)They SPeCify the nu mber of CreditS StUde nts must earn.22 B)StUde nts in health classes.23 D)ItS OVeremPhaSiS Onthinn ess.24 C)To expla in how COmPUter images Can be misleadi ng.25 A)To PerSUade girls to stop dieti ng.Part II LiSte ning COmPrehe nsionSeCtiOn ANeWS RePOrt One原文:You PrObabIy th

28、ink college StUde nts are experts at PartieSPreParations for tests , PerSonal problems and general StreSS CanWreCk a StUdent ' S sleep habits , WhiCh Can be bad for the body andthe TeCh University is even Offeringa class called “Improving YoUrSleep HabitS ” .1People SUffering from sleep loss are

29、 at an in CreaSed risk from ObeSity,psychological problems and Car who don't get enoUgh sleep have poorer attendance and lower top of all that , 2 a new?PUbIiShed in the Journal Learning&MemOry finds you're PrObabIy better off sleep ing tha n maki ng last-mi nutePreParationsfor a college

30、 kids Were taught to play some Unfamiliarvideo who learned the games in the morning lost some skills When they PIayed again 12 hours later, but they did much better aftergetting a good night' S sleep.1 you really Want to do your jobwell,d on't forget to get some sleep.解析:college StUde nts Ca

31、n han dle their psychological problems.college StUde nts are more likely to have StreSS problems.SUffiCie nt sleep is importa nt for college StUde nts.college StUde nts Can improve their sleep habits.Q: What is the news report mainly about?【解析】选项为how或Why幵头的句子表明,本题可能考查要点。选项中均出现的college StUdents ,以及重复

32、出现的sleep表明,可能与大 学生睡眠有关。结合问题,并辨认“充足的睡眠”,还是“睡眠习惯”是 解题的关键。【答案】Cis not easy to improve One ' S sleep habits.is not good for StUde nts to Play video games.last-minute PreParatiOns for tests may be less effectivethansleep ing.who are better PrePared gen erally get higher SCOreS inexam inations.Q: What

33、 is the finding of the new?PUbliShed in the JournalLearni ng&Memory?【解析】选项中重复出现的StUdents和sleep表明,本题可能考查学生的睡眠情况。【答案】CONeWS RePOrt Two原文:Long queues, delayed flights and OVerCroWding at airports have become almost as much a topic for conVerSation in Britain as the traditionalcomplaining about the

34、, there ' re complaints : the poorSerViCe at London' S major airports is discouraging foreigners from doing bus in ess in of the CritiCiSm is directed at the BritiShAirPOrtS AUthOrity,which runs 7 major airports , includingthe 3 mainones SerVing London.3 The COmPetitiOn COmmiSSion is now to

35、in VeStigate Whether the BritiSh AirPOrtS AUthOrity n eeds to sell off some of its idea is that COmPetition between rival OPeratOrS would lead to better SerViCe at airports.4The BritiSh AirPOrtSAUthOrityrecently bought by a SPaniSh company,says the root CaUSeof the problems is not the ownership StrU

36、CtUre,buta lack of runWayand term inal CaPaCity,which is address ing through a PrOgramme of heavy in VeStme nts.解析:adequate in VeStme nt is being made to improve airport facilities.the BritiSh AirPOrtS AUthOrity should sell off some of its assets.the SPaniSh compa ny could offer better service.more

37、airports should be built around London.Q: What is the COmPetition COmmiSSiOn going toin VeStigate?【解析】选项均为以 Whether幵头的宾语从句,其中重复出现的airport ,以及 facilities ,assets,SerViCe 和 morebuilt 表明,本题可能考查与机场有关的(设施、财产、服务和机场数量)情况。【答案】B.Poor own ership structure.man ageme nt.C. LaCk of innoVation and COmPetition.D.

38、LaCk of run Way and term inal capacity.Q: What is the root CaUSe of the poor SerViCe at BritiSh airports according to the BritiSh AirPOrtS Authority?【解析】选项均为名词短语,其中重复出现的lack ,以及poor,inefficient和 runWay and terminal CaPaCity 表明,本题可能考查机场出现某种缺陷的原因。【答案】DONeWS RePort Three原文:5 Un der the law in MaSSaChUS

39、ettS,tobacco compa nies have to measure the ni cot ine content of every type of Cigarette and report the results.6The DePartme nt of PUbIiC HeaIth in Bost on gathers and carefullyexamines the figures , and then draws its conclusions116 brands Were looked at for the? Were found to havehigher nicotine

40、yields than they did 6 years PreViously.6Thebiggest in CreaSe is ten ded to be in bra nds that Were popular With young SmOkerS, that WOrrieS the DePartment because of the addicted nature of GlantZ , a PrOfeSSOr of medicine in San Francisco explains why. “ The amount of nicotine WaS delivered in ever

41、y type ofCigaretteS is 10 PerCent higher than it WaS 6 years ago, WhiCh means that it ' S easier to get hooked and harder to quit.7The big tobacco compa nies have always in SiSted that they are flank With theirCUStOmerS about the dan gers of smok ing and PrOVide them With eno Ugh detail to makea

42、 n in formed , 7none of them Were PrePared to comme nt on this?or discuss the detailed nicotine COntent of their products. ”解析.?the effects of ni coti ne on young smokers.B. Set a limit to the ProdUCti On Of their cigarettes.C. Take StePS to reduce ni coti ne in their products.D. RePOrt the ni coti

43、ne COntent of their cigarettes.Q: What do tobacco companies have to do Under theIaW in Massachusetts?【解析】选项中重复出现的nicotine(content)和CigaretteS 表明,本题可能考查香烟中尼古丁含量的要求。【答案】DObiggest in CreaSe in ni coti ne COntentten ded to be in bra ndsyoung SmOkerS like.WhiCh COntain higher ni cot ine content Were foun

44、d to be muchmore panies refused to discuss the detailed nicotine COntent of their products.tobacco compa nies Were frank With their CUStOmerS about thehazards of smok ing.Q: What do We Iearn from the?by the DePartment Of PUbliC HeaIth in Bost on?【解析】选项中重复出现的nicotine(content),以及SmOkerS和smo

45、king表明,本题可能考查香烟中尼古丁含量对吸烟者的影响。【答案】AOwill Pay more attention to the quality of their products.Were not PrePared to comme nt on the cigarette?.PrOmiSed to reduce the ni cot ine content in cigarettes.have not fully realized the harmful effect of ni coti ne.Q: What do We learn from the news report about

46、the big tobacco compa ni es?【解析】选项均为以they幵头的句子,结合四个选项的内容可知, they 指烟草公司。选项中的pay.attention to quality., notprepared. the nicotine COntent 和 not.harmful effect of nicotine 表明,本题可能考查烟草公司存在的问题。SeCtiOn BCon VerSati on One原文:M: And you know.one thing that l Want to ask' S greatly youhave had this exper

47、ie nce of teach ing in follow ing UP on What you just mentioned, What would you recommend for StUdents who do notlive in an English SPeaking country?And , you know,they Want tolearn?l don ' t know about PerfeCting, but they Want at least tobe able to com muni Cate Can they go about this?W '

48、S really ' S the real StrUggIe because 8Right now I do live in Holla nd but I really don' t socialize much With DUtChpeople.10A nd my boyfrie nd's En glish is so good that We just basically SPeak En glish all the I have to make a real effort to'S as much listening exposure as I I hav

49、e to do is turn on the TVM: And readingW plenty that I Can get to read and listen for SPeaking,there really is no SUbStitUte for trying to SPeak and USe theIan guage in a relaxed atmosphere.9 thi nk that's really thechalle nge for people who live in a COUntry Where their targetIanguage isn't

50、 spoken. And for that gosh, What would I do?If I didn ' t have people here , PrObabIy , try to find a club 11In SWeden they have a really cool SyStem called “ ?CirCIeS ” .where it ' S not it ' S Iike a really,you just have a CoUrSe Ieader who' S mere sort Of as a coach and to help ou

51、t.And you don' t get you go justbecause you Want to lear n.W OK Nathan.12So we' re talking about driving and are there any rules or regulations that You' d like to Change?M: I'm not SUre I Want to Change I ' d like to PIeaSe to be StriCt on the roads , like , if people jam the tr

52、affic don ' t know Why there isn ' t a Camera at the traffic IightS to stop people doing like SPeeding , it ' S Very easy to PUt SPeed CameraS in Certain places.W 13Maybe Car manufacturers should have some responSibiIity in limitingtheir power of their ' S the point in PrOdUCing an e

53、nginethat ' S big and POWerfUI enoUgh to go like 200kmh When the SPeed limit is only 100?M: do you know there ' S no SPeed IimitS in Germany?W 14 People there do drive responsibly,though. Often , people break laws SimPIy because the laws are the law isn ' t there , people will drive With

54、in their ability you' Ve got SPeed IimitS , thisCreateS SitUati ons actually PreSe nt dan gers on the road.M: Do you think Germans have better educatiOn about PerSOnal responSibiIity When driving?W POSSibly,they also have Very good cars.M: Right.W If you ' Ve got a good Car that Can go at a

55、high SPeed then it ' S Very nice to do that.M: BUt still With care.W think it ' S the restricti on that CreateS the dan gers sometimes.M: OK.W driving through a residential area, or Where thereschool , you' Ve got to have SPeed policemen.M: SPeed bumps.theyW bumps-those SPeed-bumps that

56、force you to slow think re good idea.M: So, 15you don't think fining people is useful?W 15Not really,because the police don' t have time to police every Sin gle driver.解析Q: Where does the woman IiVe right now?【解析】选项均为国家名称,结合问题对号入座是解题的关键。【解析】答案。With her boyfrie nd in Dutch.a coach who Can off

57、er real help.the n ecessary ability to socialize.a Ian guage Where it is not spoke n.Q: What does the woman Say is the real challenge?【解析】选项中的 talking in DUtCh , socialize 和 learning aIanguage表明,本题可能考查语言的情况【解析】选项均为以it幵头的句子,it可能指某一语言机构。选项read ing aloud as Ofte n as PoSSibIeoto Ianguage PrOgramS on the radio.to SPeak it as much as OneCan.friends With n ative speakers.Q: What does the WOmanSUggeSt doing to learn to SPeak a foreign Ian guage?【解析】选项均为动名词短语,其中的language , SPeak , SPeakerS ,reading aloud , on the radio 和 friends With native表明,本题可能是针对语言提出的建


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