1、安徽省普通高等学校 2010 年专升本招生考试 模拟英语试卷Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each, 30 poi nts in all Direction s:There are30 in complete senten ces. You are required to complete each one by decid ing on the most appropriateword or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D, the n write the corresp ondi
2、ng letter on the An swerSheet.1. He_ with Smith at least four times in the past three years.A. has bee n see n to meetB. was see n to meetC. had bee n see n meeti ngD. is see n meet ing2. More tha n a doze n stude nts in that school_ abroad to study medic ine last year.A. sent B. were sent C. had se
3、nt D. had bee n sent 3. Their profits have grow n rapidlyin rece nt years and this upward_is expected to con ti nue.A. action B. in crease C. Tendency D. moveme nt 4. He offered to_ her a handas the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.A. help B. show C. le nd D. borrow 5. We ve_ sugar. Ask Mrs.
4、Jones to lendus some.A. run away with B. run out of C. run off D. run dow n 6. Some experts think thatIan guage lear ning is much_ for childre n astheir ton gues are more flexible. A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily 7._ , he was not able to work out the puzzle.A. However he tried hardB. What
5、ever he tried hardC. However hard he triedD. How hard he tried8. In the_ of rain, the game will be postp on ed.A. face B. time C. eve nt D. course9. At least ten priceless pain ti ngs were completely destroyed whe n a fire_ at theNational Exhibition in London.A. broke off B. broke out C. broke down
6、D. broke up 10.- Who is the girl standingover there ?-Well, if you_ know, her n ameis Mabel.A. may B. can C. must D. shall11._put dow n the receiver_ the teleph one rang aga in.A. Scarcely had she tha nB. Scarcely did shenthaC. She scarce had tha nD. Scarce had she tha n12. Some pare nts compla in t
7、hat the teacher seems_ towards good stude nts.A. partial B. ben eficial C. preferable D. liable 13. The pare nts suggested_ inthe hotel room but their kids were an xious to camp out duri ng the trip. A. sleep B. tosleep C. sleep ing D. hav ing slept14. _from heart trouble for years, Professor White
8、has to take somemedici ne with him wherever he goes.A. Suffered B. Sufferi ng C. Havi ng suffered D. Bei ng suffered15. Robert is said_ abroad, but I don t know what country he studied in.A. to have studiedB. to studyC. to be study ingD. to have bee n study ing16. When I got back home, I saw a messa
9、ge pinned to the door,_“ Sorry tomissyou; will call later.readB.Aeads C. to read D. reading 17. It is far better to do well abit of work which is well_ a large fortune.A. worthy to be done tha n haveB. worth doing tha n to haveC. worthwhile to do tha n haveD. worthy of doing tha n have18. He found i
10、t hard to understand this point and her explanation onlyto his con fusi on.A. extended B. turned C. added D. amounted 19. A new situation will_, whenthe reform is put into practice.A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse 20. Why can t you do this small_for me? Ive helped you many times in the past.A. co
11、mma nd B. dema nd C. favor D. effort21. - En glish has large vocabulary, has n t it ?-Yes,_ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read andcommun icate. A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known22. If a shop has chairs_ women can park their men, women will spend moretime in the shop.
12、 A. that B. which C. whe n D. where23. My favorite seas on of the year is probably_ spri ng.A. later B. last C. latter D. late24. This hotel_ $ 30 for a sin gle room.A. dema nds B. claims C. prices D. charges 25. He n ever_ anything very long ,so he seldom succeeds.A. decides on B. sticks to C. goes
13、 over D. makes up 26. The suggestio ns to improveworki ng con diti ons were_by the factory owner.A. tur ned away B. tur ned dow n C. turned over D. turned through27. Well- behaved childre n have usually bee n properly_by their pare nts.A. got up B. borne up C. brought up D. raised up 28. The early p
14、ion eers had to_ many hardships to settle on the new land.A. go along with B. go back on C. go through D. go into29. I did n t know much about Civil War. I had to_ a history book.A. look out B. make out C. refer to D. go over 30. How much money can_what you have suffered ?A. sta nd up to B. make up
15、for C. come up with D. put up withPartnCloze (1 point each ,15 points in allDirections: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and write the corresponding letter on the An swer
16、 Sheet.In country after country , talk of non smokers right is in the air. While a majority ofcountries have taken little no action yet, some 30 have introduced legislate(立(法的 steps to controlsmoking. Many laws have been introduced in other countries to clear the air for non smokers, or to cutcigare
17、tte con sumptio n.Smoki ng is harmful the health of people . World gover nments should con duct serious campaig nsagainst it. on cigarette advertisements, plus health warning on packages and ban on public smok ingin certa in places, as theatres, cin emas and restaura nts, are the most popular tools
18、used by n ati ons insupport of in con troll ing smok ing. But world atte nti on also in focus ing will make the smoker in creas ingly self-c on scious and un comfortable about his habit. Great should be made to inform young peopleespecially of the habit. And cigarette price should be there is no dou
19、bt that everybody would be muchbetter-off if smoking were altogether but many people are not for such drastic 激烈的 action.31. A. and B. but C. or D. too 32. A. cities B. nations C. provinces D. towns 33. A.assist B. help C. disgust D. impact 34.A. in B. with C. to D. on35. A. Restrictons B. Lectures
20、C. Remarks D. Comments 36. A. such B. even C. soD. not37. A. gover nment B. non smokers C. smokers D. young people 38. A. on B. i n C. byD. outside 39. A. so B. as C. which D. such40. A. effects B. efforts C. affects D. affect41. A. taki ng off B. taki ng upC. taking in D. take away 42. A. raised B.
21、 promoted C. mentioned D. made43. A. For the long run B. At the long run C. In the long run D. To the long run44. A. banned B. banning C. ban D. baned45. A. steady B. study C. remedy D. readyPart III Readi ng Comprehe nsion (2.5 poi nts each, 50 poi nts in all Directions: Afterreading the following
22、passages, your will find questions or unfinished statements. Foreach questi on or stateme nt there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D Your should make the correctchoice and write the corresp ondingletter on the An swer Sheet Task 1Though it is merely 1 to 3 percent of the population, the upper class
23、 possesses atleast 25 perce nt of the n ati on s wealth. This has two segupensauppower-upper. Basically, the upperupper class is the“ ofirimihes that have bee n wealthyfor several gen erati onsan aristocracy of birth and wealth.“ There n ames are in the SocialRegister, a listing of acceptable member
24、s of high society. A few are known across then ati on, such as the Roosevelts, and Van derbilts. Most are not visible to the gen eral public.They live in grand life, draw ing their in come from the in vestme nt of their in heritedwealth. In con trast, the lower-upper class is the“ new rich ” . Amhay
25、uge theywealthier than some of the old rich, thenew rich have hustled 努力 to make their money like everybody else ben eath their class. Thus theirprestige is gen erally lower tha n that of the old rich, who have n ot found it n ecessary to lift a fin ger tomake their mon ey, and who tend to look dow
26、n upon the new rich.However its wealth is acquired, the upper class is very rich. They have eno ugh money and leisuretime to cultivate an interest in the arts and to collect rare books, pain ti ng , and sculpture. They gen erallylive in exclusive areas, bel ong to exclusive social clubs, com muni ca
27、te with each other, and marry theirown kind -all of which keeps them so distant from the masses that they have been called the out-of-sightclass. More than any other class, they tend to be con scious ofbeing members of a class. They also comma nd an eno rmous amount of power and in flue nee hereand
28、abroad, as they hold many top gover nment positi on s, r un the Council on Foreig n Relati ons andcon trol mult in ati onal corporati ons. Their acti ons affect the lives of milli ons.46. All the followi ng stateme nts are true except that_. A. the upperclass owns at least a quarter of the country s
29、 wealthB. the“ old rich ” enjoy higher prestige than the“ new rich ”C. the“ old richisolate themselves and lead a Ionely lifeD. the upper-upper class is of aristocratic orig in47. The “ old rich ” get richer_ .A. through the Social RegisterB. by investing their inherited wealthC. through their reput
30、ati onD. by collect ing painting and sculptures48. The reason why the “ old rich ” look down upon the “ new rich the former are wealthier than the latterB. the latter sweat themselves to make moneyC. the “ old rich ” are conscious of being members of the upper class D. the rich ” have nointerest in
31、arts49. The upper class is also called the out-of-sight class because_ . A. theydon t com muni cate with any peopleB. they spe nd most of their time abroadC. they move freque ntly from the gen eral publicD. they keep away from the gen eral public50. We can lear n from the passage that_.A. the upper
32、class is powerful and in flue ntialB. the upper class collects rare books to make moneyC. the “ old rich ” make much more money tha n the “ new rich ”D. the upper class holds all top gover nment positi onsTask 2is thatWe all know that DNA has the ability to identify individuals but, because it is in
33、 herited, there arealso regi ons of the DNA stra nd which can relate an in dividual to his or her family ( immediate andextended, tribal group and even an entire population. Molecular Gen ealogy(宗谱学 can usethis unique identification provided by the genetic markers to link people together into family
34、 trees.Pedigrees 家谱 based on such gen etic markers can mea n a breakthrough for family trees where in formatio nis in complete or miss ing due to adopti on, illegitimacy or lack of records. There are many com mun itiesand populati ons which have lost precious records due to tragic events such as the
35、 fire in the Irish courtsduring Civil War in 1921 or American slaves for whom many records were n ever kept in the first place.The main objective of the Molecular Gen ealogy Research Group is to build a database containingover 100,000DNA samples from in dividuals all over the world. There in dividua
36、ls will have provided apedigree chart ofat lest four gen erati ons and a small blood sample. Once the database has eno ugh samples torepresent the world genetic make-up, it will eventually help in solving many issues regardinggenealogies that could not be done by relying only on traditional written
37、records. Theoretically, any individual will someday be able to trace his or her family orig ins through this database. In the mean time,as the database is being created, molecular gen ealogy can already verify possible or suspected relation ships betwee n in dividuals. “ For example, if two men shar
38、i ng the same last n ame believe thatthey arerelated, but no writte n record proves this relati on ship, we can verify this possibility by collect ing asample of DNA from both and look ing for com mon markers (in this case we can look primarily at the Ychromosome(染色体,” explains Ugo Perego, a member
39、of the BYU Molecular Genealogy research team.51. People in a large area may possess the same DNA threadbecause_ .A. DNA is characteristic of a regi onB. they are bey ond doubt of com mon an cestryC. DNA strand has the ability to identify individualsD. their unique identification can be provided via
40、DNA52. The possible research of family trees is based on the fact that_. A. gen eticshas achieved a breakthroughB. genetic information contained in DNA can be revealed nowC. each in dividual carries a uniquerecord of who he is and how he is related to othersD. We can use DNA to prove how dista nt an
41、 in dividual is to a family , a group or a populati on53. The Molecular Genealogy Research Group is building a database for the purposeof_ . A. offeri ng assista nee in worki ng out gen ealogy-related problemsB. solving many issues without relying on traditional written records C. providing a pedigr
42、ee chartof at least four gen erati ons in the world D. con firm ing the assumpti on that all individuals are of thesame origin 54. If two men suspected for some reason they have a com mon ancestor,.A. we can decide accordi ng to their family treeB. we can find the truth from theirgen etic markersC.
43、we can compare the differe nces in their Y chromosomeD. we can look for writte n records to prove their relati on ship55. Which of the followi ng CANNOT be in ferred from the passage?A. We are a walk in g, livi ng, breath ing record of our an cestors.B. Many America n slaves did not know who their a
44、n cestors were.C. An adopted child gen erally lacks eno ugh in formatio n to prove his ide ntity.D. Molecular gen ealogy can be used to prove a relati on ship betwee n in dividuals.Task 3Over two hun dred years ago, Adam Smith in troduced some ideas which brought about a worldrevolutio n.If we enjoy
45、 a high standard of modern society, we owe much to this Scottish econo mist andphilosopher. If we enjoy driv ing in beautiful cars, weari ng fashi on able shoes, or flying away to dista ntplaces for excit ing holidays, we should perhaps pay thanks to the man who made it all possible.What was Adam Sm
46、ith s con tributi on? Like so many ideaich have surpris ing effects, his was asimple one. He watched workers practici ng their craft of pin maki ng. One man would heat the strip ofmetal, stretch it out , cut off an appropriate len gth, shape it, cool it and fin ally smooth and shine it. Smithdrew at
47、te nti on to the adva ntage which could be gained if these various tasks were performed by different workers. Let one be resp on sible for prepari ng the metal, ano ther for stretch ing andcutting, another for shaping, and another for finishing. He described the technique as the Divisionof Labor; in
48、 this way workers repeat the same actions again and again. Smith convin ced the world thatspecializati on could solve the problem of poverty and want.What was the result? The In dustrial Revolutio n. Productivity was greatly in creased. For Britain,where the revolution started, there was a prosperit
49、y which made it the richest country in the 19th century.British trains and railway lines spread out like a spider web across the world. British ships are used tocarry the cargoes the new cargoes from one corner of the world to ano ther.The revolution is not over. It is still with us, but now it is a
50、 worldwide phenomenon. Everywhere,factories areproduc ing large nu mbers of similar products, and are in con ti nu ous product ion. What werecalled mass-product ion lines yesterday are called robotic product ions today. The pace of cha nge is increas ing. And if these tech niq ues have brought us pr
51、osperity, they have also brought us a little miseryin overcrowded tow ns, bori ng jobs and, most of all, un employme nt.56. We should be gran ted to Adam Smith because_ .A. his ideas made it possible for people to improve their livesB. he inven ted a more efficie nt way of pin makingC. he started th
52、e in dustrial revoluti onD. he brought to people a high sta ndard of liv ing57. Which of the followi ng is trueaccordi ng to the passage?A. The Divisio n of Labor makes work more in terest ingB. Specializati on could solve the problem of un employme ntC. Adam Smith put forward the idea of the Divisi
53、on of LaborD. Adam Smith in sisted that each worker be better paid58. From the passage we know that the In dustrial Revolution_ . A. led toAdam Smith s idea of specializationB. was fini shed in the 19th cen turyC. also has its side-effects in societyD. put an end to poverty in the world 59. Accordin
54、g to the passage we know that theIn dustrial Revoluti on is resp on sible for the followi ng results except_.A. prosperity B. crime C. un employme nt D. over-crowded ness60. What is the best title for this passage?A. The Theory of Divisi on of Labor and Its Sign ifica neeB. The In dustrial Revoluti
55、on and Its Sign ifica nceC. The Causes of In dustrial Revoluti onD. Adam Smith, the Econo mist and PhilosopherTask 4Directio ns: The followi ng is a bus in ess letter. After read ing it, you should an swer each of the 5questio ns(No.61 to No. 65 in more tha n 3 words. The an swer should be writte n
56、after the corresponding nu mbers on the An swer Sheet.Last December s earthquake in the Iranian city of Barn took a hugehdtoll- roughly 40,000people- largely because of the collapse of thousa nds of mud-brick build in gs. If a group ofresearchers in In dia are successful, the next earthquake might n
57、ot be as destructive. British and In dian engin eers are develop ing earthquake-proof hous ing using a cheap,bamboo.They desig ned a model house built around waterproof of bamboo-sheet roofi ng and bamboorein forced con crete walls. To test the structure, the engin eers, spon sored by the U.K. Depar
58、tme nt ofIntern ati onal Developme nt, took it to the Earthquake Departme nt and Vibrati on Research Cen ter inBan galore, which has an adva need earthquake simulator. Theresearchers shook the house with five successive 30-sec ond pulses, being equal to7.8 on the Richter scale. The simulation was more than 10 times as violent as the Barn earthquake, yetthe house they designed was undamaged.“We didn t even crack thepaint, ” says engineer Paul Follett, of Britan s Timber Research and Dev
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