



1、五年级英语期中测试卷题号一二三四五六七总分得 分一按要求写单词(20 分)1 first (完全形式 )_2. don t ( 完全形式 )_3. twelve (序数词 )_4.drive(现在分词) _5.wash (单数第三人称) _ 6.have(单数第三人称) _7. swim (现在分词) _8 .dear(反义词) _9.know (同音词) _10.sad(反义词) _二选正确的词填空。 ( 6 分)A .onB.orC .SorryD.CanE.WhichF.for1._I go out for a walk? 2.Don t eat_drink.3.They are wai

2、ting_the bus. 4.We are _the train.5._,you can t smoke here.6._sign means“ go out this way ”三 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. I need some_(pen).2.They are _(play)football.3.Linda_(have) a new dress.4.We have_(get)some paints.5.The shirt _(be) nice but it s dear.6. Kitty is looking at _(she) uniform.7.My siste

3、r and I_(be) in a big shop.8.Tom is _(wear)his new shoes.9.We need some _(scissor) now.10.I m thirsty. I want_(you)juice.四问答配对连一连 (10分 ) 。1.What do you need for school?A. I want some milk.2.Let s make a cake.3.Can I have a cake?B.She has got a new sweater.C. Yes, please.4. What has she got?D.I need

4、some crayons.5.What do you want?E. Great.五选择填空。 ( 34 分)()1.I like cabbage_I don t like carrots.A. andB .orC .but()2 .-How are you today?-_A .ThanksB.I m sickC.I m sorry,thanks.()3._is your birthday?-My birthday s on the second of march.A. What B. HowC.When()4.What_you like?-I don t like carrots.A .

5、don tB. doC. does()5.I get up_half past six_the morningA . in;inB . at; onC . at;on()6.There is the _man , go!A. redB. blueC. green()7.Is kitty thirstyor_?-I mhungry.A .sadB .fullC. hungry()8.Here_some paper.A. amB. isC. are()9.This is _she cleans her teeth.A. wayB.the wayC. place()10.I go to schol_

6、at seven.My mother_to work at seven,tooA .go;goB.goes; goes C.go; goes()11.He_his homework at home.A. doB. doesC. is()12._he like potatoes?-No,he doesnt.A. doB. isC . does()13 .What_Idoing?-You re_a picture.A.are; paintB.am;paintingC.are;painting()14 .Is your birthday _Sunday?A. inB. toC. on()15.My

7、birthday s on the_of January.A. eightth B.fourth C. four()16.Which bicycle do you like? I like the pink_.A.one B.itC. thing()17.What do you want_your birthday?A. to B. forC.with六按要求完成下列各题。( 12分 )1. I like the red car. (对划线部分提问 )_ _do you like?2.I need a bag forschool . (对划线部分提问 )_ _ _need for school

8、?3. cake, good,the ,smells ( .)(连词成句 )4. These dresses are old .These dresses are nice.(合并成一个句子 )_5.She goes to bed at ten o clock.(变一般疑问句 )_ _ _to bed at ten o clock?七阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符用 T,不符的用 F。( 10 分)Look! This is my school.Itis small,butit s clean. There are three floorsin the building. On the first floor,there is a toilet and a library. There ia anoffice on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is beautiful.I like it very much.1.The


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