



1、书面表达专练Unit11. 左腿有点跛曾让汤姆很难过。Being lame in the left leg ever _.2. 让我们高兴的是,他现在已经适应了残疾。_3. 他的志向是长大后在一家开发电脑软件的公司工作。_4. 在许多方面,他的身体残疾使他心理上变得更加坚强、更加独立。_5. 要接受他们,给他们以鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。_Unit 21. 约翰极其渴望成为一名科幻小说的作家。John _ become a writer of the_.2. 爸爸不支持他的想法。妈妈却经常陪他去书店Hisfather _ his thought _ hismother al

2、ways_3. 他妈妈相信他将来取得的成绩会让别人都羡慕和嫉妒。His mother believes _ in the future will make others _and _ him.4约翰比他小三岁的妹妹,经常打电话询问他的进展情况。Johns sister, _, often _ to ask his progress.5. 由于他的努力,同学们都认为约翰一定会成功。_Unit 31. 汤姆正在前往参加朋友派对的路上, 就在这时他目睹了一场交通事故。 这件事把他吓得要死。_2. 更糟的是, 肇事车辆逃离了现场。Worse still, the car _ the scene.3.

3、汤姆打电话,敦促医生火速赶往现场。Tom called, _ .4. 他对伤者进行了急救。He gave _ to _.5. 最终,他帮助伤者脱离了危险。_, the injured fortunately _.Unit41. 我姐姐去了遥远的山村参加志愿者活动。My sister went to a _ village to _ the _ activity.2. 若不是这样,她就会在一家公司做文秘工作。_, she would do some _ in a company.3. 妈妈担心她是否能够适应独自生活在遥远的山村。Motherwas worriedabout_ she could_

4、 inthemountainous village alone.4. 在她看来,做志愿者是一件荣耀的事情。_5. 她把她所有的一切都捐给了那些需要帮助的人。She _ all she had to help those _.Unit 51. 渐渐地,我融入了国外的朋友之中。并适应了国外的生活。_, I am able to _ foreign friends and _the life abroad.2. 更为幸运的是,我的成绩一直保持得很好。3. 导师要推荐我到耶鲁大学。4. 除了全身心地投入学习外,我不知道如何去感谢他。I dontknow how to _ his help except

5、 that I am _study.5. 没有他的帮助,这些成绩是不可能的。_, these achievements _.书面表达专练Unit16. 左腿有点跛曾让汤姆很难过。Being lame in the left leg ever made Tom annoyed.7. 让我们高兴的是,他现在已经适应了残疾。8. 他的志向是长大后在一家开发电脑软件的公司工作。His ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up.9. 在许多方面,他的身体残疾使他心理上变得更加坚强、更加独

6、立。In many ways his disability has helped him grow stronger psychologically and become more independent.10. 要接受他们,给他们以鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.Unit 21. 约翰极其渴望成为一名科幻小说的作家。John has a strong desire to/

7、 is dying to become a writer of the science fiction.2. 爸爸不支持他的想法。妈妈却经常陪他去书店His father isntin favor of his thought while his mother always accompanies him to the bookstore.3. 他妈妈相信他将来取得的成绩会让别人都羡慕和嫉妒。His mother believes what he achieves in the future will make others admire and envy him.4约翰比他小三岁的妹妹,经常

8、打电话询问他的进展情况。Johns sister, who is three years junior to him, often rings up to ask his progress.6. 由于他的努力,同学们都认为约翰一定会成功。Owing to his hard work, his classmates all think John is bound to succeed.Unit 36. 汤姆正在前往参加朋友派对的路上, 就在这时他目睹了一场交通事故。 这件事把他吓得要死。Tom was on the way to his friends party when he witness

9、ed a traffic accident, which scared him to death.7. 更糟的是, 肇事车辆逃离了现场。Worse still, the car fled from the scene.8. 汤姆打电话,敦促医生火速赶往现场。9. 他对伤者进行了急救。10. 最终,他帮助伤者脱离了危险。Eventually, the injured fortunately was helped out of danger.Unit46. 我姐姐去了遥远的山村参加志愿者活动。My sister went to a remote village to participate in

10、the voluntary activity.7. 若不是这样,她就会在一家公司做文秘工作。Otherwise, she would do some paperwork in a company.8. 妈妈担心她是否能够适应独自生活在遥远的山村。Mother was worried about whether she could adapt/adjust to living in the mountainous village alone.9. 在她看来,做志愿者是一件荣耀的事情。As far as she is concerned, it is a privilege to do volun

11、tary work.10.11. 她把她所有的一切都捐给了那些需要帮助的人。She donated all she had to help those in need.Unit 55.6. 渐渐地,我融入了国外的朋友之中。并适应了国外的生活。Gradually, I am able to fit in with foreign friends and have adjusted/adapted to the life abroad.7.8. 更为幸运的是,我的成绩一直保持得很好。9. 导师要推荐我到耶鲁大学。My tutor will recommend me to go to Yale.10. 除了全身心地投入学习外,我不知道如何去感谢他。I


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