已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、中考英语阅读理解填词解题技巧(潘永红 )中考英语阅读理解填词解题技巧潘永红1 通过因果关系猜词通过因果关系猜词首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系然后才能猜词有时文章借助关联词如 becauseassinceforsothusas aresultof coursetherefore 等等 表示前因后果例如You shouldnt have blamed himfor thatfor it wasnt his fault通过 for 引出的句子所表示的原因那不是他的错可猜出 blame 的词义是 "责备 "2 通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词通过同义词猜词一是要看由and 或 o

2、r连接的同义词词组如happy and gay 即使我们不认识 gay 这个词也可以知道它是愉快的意思二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词如Man has knownsomething about the planets VenusMarsand Jupiter with the help of spaceships此句中的 Venus 金星 Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星 均为生词但只要知道planets 就可猜出这几个词都属于"行星 "这一义域通过反义词猜词一是看表转折关系的连词或副词如butwhilehowever等二是看与not 搭配的或表示否定意义的词语如

3、He is so homelynot at all as handsome as his brother根据 not at allhandsome 我们不难推测出 homely 的意思即不英俊不漂亮的意思3 通过构词法猜词在阅读文章时我们总会遇上一些新词汇有时很难根据上下文来推断其词意而它们对文章的理解又有着举足轻重的作用此时如掌握了一些常用的词根前缀后缀等语法知识这些问题便不难解决了4 通过定义或释义关系来推测词义例如 But sometimesno rain falls for a精选文库longlong timeThen there is a dry periodor drought从

4、drought 所在句子的上文我们得知很久不下雨于是便有一段干旱的时期即drought由此可见drought意思为 "久旱 ""旱灾 "而 a dry period 和 drought 是同义语这种同义或释义关系常由 isorthat isin other wordsbe called或破折号等来表示5 通过句法功能来推测词义例如 Bananasorangespineapplescoconuts andsome other kind of fruit grow in warm areas假如 pineapples 和 coconuts 是生词我们可以从这

5、两个词在句中所处的位置来判断它们大致的意思从句中不难看出pineapplescoconuts 和 bananasoranges 是同类关系同属fruit 类因此它们是两样水果准确地说是菠萝和椰子6 通过描述猜词描述即作者为帮助读者更深更感性地了解某人或某物而对该人或该物作出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写例如The penguinis a kind ofsea bird living in the South PoleIt is fat and walks in a funny wayAlthoughitcannot flyit can swim in the icy water to catch

6、the fish从例句的描述中可以得知penguin 是一种生活在南极的鸟类后面更详尽地描述了该鸟类的生活习性短文改写填空型阅读理解题的解答技巧是首先通读全文对文章的大意有个初步的了解同时找出文章中的关键句在有限的时间内迅速抓住文章的要点然后纵览缩写后的短文在了解其大意的同时确定所要填写的内容即词语或短语是否与已知文段中的相一致填写时一定要仔细比如有的属于固定搭配有的句子是文中原句的同义句这些只要稍加注意就可避免出错同时还要注意动词时态人称名词单复数是否有误首字母是否大写句子的主谓搭配是不是合理等最后将改写后的文章再通读一遍看看改写后的短文是否流畅语句是否通顺同时还要照顾到原文看改写后的短文是

7、否与原文意思相符合-2精选文库My grandfather was a teacher He was the headmaster of a school forboys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen I know that he was a kind manbecause when I was youngand he was oldhe gave me presents and sat meon his knees and told me stories But I believe the boys at his school were

8、afraidof him At school when he walked into a room full of noisy boys they stoppedtalking at once When he looked at a boy with a certain某种look in his eyesthat boy was red in the faceand looked down at his shoes If a boy brought himpoor careless work my grandfather picked up the boys book and threw it

9、 acrossthe room shouting Do it all again and bring it back first thing in the morning Ifthe boy was late or if he forgot to bring his work he had to do it again and againand yet again My grandfather never forgotAt school he was very different fromthe man I saw day by day in his own home根据短文内容改写每个空格只

10、限填写一个单词When I was young I studied at a1schoolWe were all2 thirteenand eighteen Our headmaster was3oldman He was kindbut all of4were afraid of him For example we were playing talking and laughing5hecame in at once the classroom became quiet If a boy didnt6his homeworkwell or carefully he would be ver

11、y7and asked the boy to do it again and8 But his 9 told he never did things10that at home1boys 答案就在短文的第一句话之中但要注意词形的转换这里要用名词所有格形式2between 文章第一句中的of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and-3精选文库eighteen 是答案的依据3an 这个小题比较简单用不着联系短文内容仅凭语法知识就能解答old 以元音音素开头所以填写不定冠词an4us 由 But I believe the boys at

12、 his school were afraid of him可知孩子们都害怕他短文是以第一人称的口吻写的而改写的短文则是以学生们的身份写的弄清了这一点此空即能做出5when 短文第二自然段开头的那句话同样是一个以when 引导的时间状语从句6do finish 由 If a boy brought him poor careless work这句话不难联想到是学生没有认真做完成 作业7angry 由 If a boybrought himpoor careless work my grandfatherwouldpick up the boys book and throw it across

13、 the roomshouting这句话可知如果某个男孩没有很好地完成作业祖父就会把那位学生的书本扔到外面并大声训斥他重做显然祖父是因为生气了才这么做的8again 由 If the boy was late or if he forgot to bring the work he would have todo it again and again and yet again这句话可以确定此空要填写again 一词9grandson 原文是从 the headmaster 的孙子的角度写爷爷在学校与在家里的不同表现的联系第一自然段和At school he was very differen

14、t from the man I sawday by day in his own home这句话可知填写grandson 是最恰当的10like 通常全文可知作者想表达的意思是祖父在学校里的表现与在家中的表现截然不同换言之则是祖父在学校的表现从来都不象在家中的样子由此可以得出这里要填介词 like像一样In the future machines will be improved and do more and more work for-4精选文库man Few people have to work for long hours Man will have more time for l

15、eisureHow will he use this leisure in the world of tomorrowCertainly he will still needholidaysIn the future the computerwill help peopleto find the right place Thecomputer will ask them questions which they will answer by pressing a button It抣 l also show them pictures and they will say which ones

16、they like then the computer will tell them wghere to find the place they want for holiday TV will be used more in education It will also help people to use their leisure time well There will be more programmes on how to make and how to do thingsIn the future people will certainly have to do less wor

17、k Machines will take more and more work from man This means that the rest of the time will be mostly leisure timeSome scientists say that man of the future will be able to get enough pleasure and enjoyment on his own without going anywhere According to other scientists a man will put on a small cap

18、The cap will make him see feel and hear all kinds of enjoyable things根据短文内容 完成下列各题1In the future _will do more and more work for man so man will do_ work2People will spend more time _ _ in the future3_can help us to find the place where we want to spend ourholiday-5精选文库4TV will be more useful in _ a

19、nd help people use their _ time well5People will live an enjoyable life _ going _1 machines less由第一段可知在将来机器会代替人类做更多的工作所以人类的工作会更少2 for leisureenjoyingthemselves由第一段 Man will have more time forleisure 一句可知人们将会有更多的时间休息3 The computer由第三段可知电脑将会帮助人类找到他们想要度假的地方4 education leisure由文中 TV will be used more in

20、 education It will alsohelp people to use their leisure time well两句中得到答案5 without anywhere在文章最后一段Some scientists say that man of thefuture will be able to get enough pleasure and enjoyment on his own withoutgoing anywhere中可得知答案In court法庭the judge asks the boy named Henry some questionsJudge Can you

21、tell us how the accident happenedHenry Yes sir The farmer drove very fast when I met with him His carknocked me down and hurt my armJudgeTo the farmerWas that rightFarmer No sir But it rained heavily and I couldnt drive fastJudge So you dont think you knocked him downFarmer Yes I did But I didnt see

22、 him mending his bike in the middle ofthe road-6精选文库Judge Well Did you send him to a hospitalFarmer Yes But the doctor said there was nothing serious to himJudgeTo HenryDo you agree with himHenry Yes sir But my left arm often hurts and I cant lift it at allJudge Could you show us how you can lift it

23、 nowHenry SureSlowly the boy lifts his arm below his noseJudge Poor boy And how high could you lift it before the accidentHenry Oh I could lift it very high like thisHolding his left arm up overhis headJudge But I dont think theres something wrong with your armHenry IISo it is But my lawyer律师tells m

24、e to do so根据上面的对话在短文的空白处填写一个适当的词使短文内容与对话意思相符It happened on a1 _ day A boy named Henry was 2 _ hisbike on the road while a farmers3 _ knocked him down The farmer senthim to a hospital and the doctor said nothing4 _ happened to the boyBut his parents hoped the boy could be paid more5 _ for it They ask

25、edfor a lawyers6 _The lawyer taught the boy7 _to say in courtHenry told the judge his arm hurt and that he couldnt8 _ it up The judgeasked him to show it to him He could lift it below his nose The judge asked himhow9 _ he could lift it before the accident The boy10 _ whatthe lawyer said and lifted i

26、t over his head-7精选文库Dear editorI am not a good-lookingboy and I am not good at studying either Somepeople dont even want to talk to me So I usually feel lonely Sometimes I thinkthat if I want to leave home nobody will care How can I stop feeling like thisPeterDear PeterBut first I am sure that you

27、are wrong that nobody will care if you leave yourhome What about your parents And other family members It seems that you arevery sad Youd better go to see a doctor or talk to your parents They can help youSecond Im sure theres someone in your class who feels lonely too You neverknow how other people

28、 feel inside Try to make friends with them Or you join aclub to meet new people and to keep yourself busy You need to find happinessin yourself Write a list of all the good things about yourself Learn to like yourselfand then others will see your confidence信心 and like you tooEditor1Peter isnt good a

29、tand he feels _2He writes to the editor to ask for _ because he wants to _feelinglonely3If Peter joins a club he cannew people and keepbusy4The editor suggests 建议that Tom should talk to aand his5Peter is lack of 缺少and he needs to find _ in himself1 studying lonely 2 help stop 3 meet himself4 doctor parents5 confidence-8精选文库happinessOnce Ei tei gave a lecture in many place in America His driver alwaylistened to him and knew the lecture so well that he was sure he could give ithimself So Ei tei agreed that the driver gave the lecture him Nobo


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