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1、七年级英语下册一二单元综合测试卷、单项选择(15 分)()1. Tim sfather alwaysgo to _workafter_breakfast.A. /, theB. a, /C. /,/()2.PeopleFrench and English in Canada.A. speakB. sayC. tellD. talk()3.Jack knowsFrench.A. a lotB. manyC. a littleD. a()4.Paris isinteresting place.A. aB. anC. anyD. some()5. -_does your son usually ex

2、ercise?-He usually exercises on weekends.A. What timeB. WhenC. How()6. Linda _eats ice-cream. She thinks it isnot healthy.A. alwaysB. neverC. usually()7. I always get up _about 10:00 a.m _theweekend. Because I don t go to school.A. in, atB. at, onC. on, in()8 Can he _ it in English?AspeakB speaksC s

3、ayD, talk()9. CanyouspeakFrench? Yes,butonly_.A a littleB littleC a lot()10. Lucy is good at_.A. danceB. to danceC. dancing()11.-Doyouoftenpaly_school?soccerD lotafter-No, I don tlike sports.I oftenplay _piano in my free time.A. a; theB. the; theC. /; the()12.I like singing so I want _the music club

4、.A. joinB. joiningC. to join()13. Can you talk _the childrenand playgames _ them?A. with; withB. to; toC. for; with()14 Little Tom can draw_.His drawings arevery _.A good,wellB well,goodC good,goodD well, well()15. Miss Wu _ English.A. teach usB. teaches ourC. teaches us二.补全对话( 5 分)A:Excuse me, sir?

5、 Where is the nearest hotel?B:1You may ask that policeman(警察 )over there.A: Thank you all the same. ( The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me.2C: No, there isn t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3C: It s about two kilometers way.A: 4C: You d better take a taxi, becau

6、se it s so late, therearen t any buses now.A: 5C: You re welcome.A. Thank you very much.B. I m sorry I don t know.C. How can I get there?D. How far is it from here?E. Is there a hotel near here?三完形填空。(10 分 )My brother Frank is a clerk at a clothes store. He worksvery1._hourseveryday.Heusually2._at s

7、ix in the morning. After he brushes his 3._,hestartsto4._forthirtyminutes. Hethinksrunningis5._forhishealth.Thenhehasbreakfast.Afterbreakfast,he 6._a bus to work. He is very busy. He has no time7._homeforlunch,soheeats8._atthestore.Inthe9._,heworks for four hours. He has dinner at home. On weekends,

8、heis not busy. Heusually goesto the movies10._me.()1. A. longB. bigC. short()2. A. goes homeB. gets upC. goes to work()3. A. shirtsB. shoesC. teeth()4. A. speakB. swimC. run()5. A. happyB. goodC. fun()6. A. takesB. bringsC. buys()7. A. to goB. goesC. go to()8. A. themB. himC. it()9. A. afternoonB. m

9、orningC. evening()10. A. atB. withC. for四.阅读理解。 (30 分 )阅读下面的短文,正确的写A,错误的写B.Dear Tom,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about myevening? Well, I usually get home from work at 6:00 p.m. Icook dinnerfor my family-myparents,my sisterand mybrother. After dinner I usually watch TV, play computer

10、games or play chess. I like playing chess because my father works in a chess club. I take a shower at around nine o clock and then go to bed at around nine thirty. Sometimes I read some books because I can learn something about my work. How about your evening? Writeto me soon, please.Yours,Victor()1

11、. Victor gets home from work at six in the evening.()2. Victor s family has four people.()3. Victor never read any books in the evening.()4. Victor s father works in a chessclub so Victor likesplaying chess.()5. The letter is mainly about Tom s evening activities.(一 )Jose is from Brazil. He lives in

12、 Rio de Janeiro. He canspeak Portuguese and English, but he doesn t speakSpanish. He has a pen pal in the United States. Her nameis Jane and she lives in New York. Jose s favorite sportis basketball and he can play the guitar. Jane s favoritesport is tennis. She can t play the guitar, but she canpla

13、y the piano and sing.()1. Jose comes from.A. BrazilB. AustraliaC. the USD. the UK()2. Jane is an.A. Chinese B. American C. EnglishD. Japanese()3. What languages does Jose speak?A. PortugueseB. SpanishC. EnglishD. A C()4. What is Jose s favorite sport?A. tennisB. volleyballC. soccerD. basketball()5.

14、Which sentence is NOT right?A. Jose has a pen pal in the US.B. Jose can play the piano and Jane can play the guitar.C. Jose and Jane like different sports.D. Jane lives in New York.(二 )Mrs Mills goes to London, She doesn't know London well and she can't find her way. Suddenly (突然) , she sees

15、 a man at a bus stop. "I can ask him the way." She says to herself. "Excuse me," She says. "Can you tell me the wayto King Street, please?" The man smiles pleasantly. He doesn't understand English. He speaks German. He is a tourist (游客) . He puts his hand into his p

16、ocket, and takes out a phrase-book. He opens the book and finds a phrase. He reads the phrase slowly, "I am sorry." he says, "I don't speak English."1.Mrs Mills goes to _.A. France B. England C. China2.Mrs Mills doesn't know the _ very well.A. wayB. timeC. people3.Mrs Mil

17、ls has to ask _ the way.A. an AmericanB. a GermanC. a Japanese4.The man is there to _.A. see a friendB. learn EnglishC. visit the city5.Which of the following is true?A. The man can't speak English well.B. The man tells Mrs Mills the way.C. The man finds the way in the phrase-book for Mrs Mills.

18、五 .根据首字母填空(5 分)1. Studentsdon tlikemuchh_.Becausetheywant to relax after school.2. My father has healthy habits. He e_ every morning so he is healthy.3. What time do you take a s?4. 4.Tom ugoes to school at 7:30 in the morning.5. I am very busy so I don t have much time to c_my room from Monday to F

19、riday.六.句型转换 (5 分 )1. Miss Wang usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. (变为一般疑问句 )_ Miss Wang usually _up at 6:30 in themorning.2. Jim always takes a shower at 8:00 a.m. (对划线部分提问)_ _does Jim always take a shower?3. We get home at twenty to ten. (改为同义句 )We get home at _ _.4. She can drive the car.(变一

20、般疑问句并做否定回答)_ she _ the car?No, she _ .5.He wants to join the art club. (划线部分提问 )_ _ _ he want to join?七.补全对话,一空一词。(10 分 )A: Welcome to our radio show, Dimash! You know you are very famous( 有名的 ) in China now.ManyChinese people like to watch your show in the 1._ competition (比赛)Singer 2017on Hunan TV

21、.B: I am really happy to have many fans(迷 ) in China, too.A: Can I ask you some 2._ about you and your family? Many fans are interested in them.B: That s for sure.A: Do you have a 3._ family?B: Yes, I have a sister. And I live with my parents and grandparents. I think my talent( 天赋 ) in music comes

22、from them. Because they are both famous 4._. They teach me music and help me a lot.A: So can you tell me something about your daily routine?B: Sure. I get up 5._in the morning. I alwaysget upat6:00to practice(练 习 )singingsongs.6._ that, I usually take a shower and have aquick breakfast. I don t have

23、 7._ time for itbecauseIhavemanyclasses aboutmusicinthemorningand afternoon.But I8._swimorplay soccer in the evening.A: So you have a good know about your sisterhabit.Somefansevenwant to s daily routine. Is she healthier?B: Yes, she 9._ to school at 8:00 in the morningand she eats lunch at 12:00. Th

24、en she has four classes in the afternoon. After school, she runs in the school for 10._ an hour. She thinks exercising for thirty minutes every day is enough( 足够 )for her.A: You both like sports and have good living habits. Thank you for your interview!八 . 选词填空 (10 分 )选择合适的单词并用其正确的形式填空,每词限用一次。有两个词是多余的。sing, draw, or, with, and, play, tell, weekend, music, make, sport,swimI have four good friends. They re Jenny, Victor, Cindy _1_Lily. We are in the same class. Jenny swims well, and she wants to join the _2_ club. Then she can swim on _3_. Victor wants to join


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