



1、 北京市 2019 届高三综合练习 英语 本试卷共 150 分。考试时长 120 分钟。 第二部分:知识运用 (共二节, 45 分 ) 第一节 单项填空 (共 15小题;每小题 1 分,共 15分) 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 例: It s so nice to hear from her again. _ , we last met more than thirty years ago. A. What smore B. That tossay C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是 D 。 21.

2、 The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _ the other car. A. of B. for C. on D. to 22. Have you determined _ you should buy, an Apple or Nokia cell phone? A. whichever B. whatever C. whenever D. wherever 23. I beg your pardon, but I didn qtuite catch you. Oh, I _ about the price of

3、 a one-way ticket to Sydney. A. am asking B. had asked C. was asking D. have asked 24. I _ the headmaster would say something about his school report, but he didn t mention it. A. think B. thought C. had thought D. have thought 25. You can find almost whatever you need at the new shopping mall, _ is

4、 always busy at the weekend. A. as B. where C. that D. which 26. Finally, I told them to move out. They ran to the boat, _ excitedly. A. shouting B. shouted C. having shouted D. to shout 27. _ according to the directions, the machine can be running smoothly. A. When operate B. When operated C. When

5、to operate D. When to be operated 28. As you studied late yesterday, you _ have got up so early to see me off this morning. A. shouldn t B. needn t C. can t D. mustn t 29. Though Newton was a great scientist, many of his ideas _ today and are being improved by the work of today sscientists. A. are t

6、o challenge C. may be challenged B. have challenged D. have been challenged 30. While people may refer to Internet for up-to-the-minute news, it is uniikely that Internet _ the n ewspaper completely. A. will replace B. has replaced C. is replaci ng D. replaced 31. A good teacher must be able to help

7、 his stude nts lear n the subject with great in terest _ he reaches the last minute of the class. 32. There are so many kinds of reference books on sale that I can A. to be bought B. to buy C. buying D.bought 33. If he should come here tomorrow, the problem A. will be settled B. will settle C. would

8、 be settled D. would settle 34. I apologize for to the class 5 minu tes late. A. hav ing come B. to come C. come D. coming 35. It surprises all of us he will go to work in a mountain village. A. that B. what C. whether D. if 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I nno

9、 swim instructor, but I did once teach a friend to dive. She could swim as long as her head 36 above the water, but she feared diving. I 37 feared swimming. But I wasn t about to let her know it. “Comeon, ” said patiently. It S8 to dive. Just hold your breath and jump into the water. ” “ Whatf I don

10、 come back up?she expressed 39 about it. I hesitated. “ Whatf I don come back up? she 40 . “ You jump in and save me, right? Jump in? I 41 to myself. What is shecrazy? I can jump in there. It nine feet 42 ! “ Donwurry, vowed. I bdlright here to save you. ”hat wasn a 43 . After all, she was my best f

11、riend. I get her out if I had to 44 the pool to do it. She smiled and gave me a 45 look. “G(on, jump, pressed. “Youcan do it. “ All right, she said, holding her breath. I 1146 . She took several determined steps 47 the divi ng board, the n with one quick bounce, she was up in the air and dow n in th

12、e 48_. I had never seen such a beautiful dive before. I couldn wait 49 she came up so I could tell her how 50 I was. Right about now she be 51 up. But she was still in visible. As I ran to 52 911, I heard her call out to me. Turning back I saw she was on the div ing board aga in. “ Thawas a blast! s

13、he said, diving into the water 53 more.A. whe n B. uni C. un til D. after make up my mi nd which I walked back to the pool and breathed a 54 of both relief and pride. I actually taught some one how to dive. 55 felt great and won derful! 36. A. floated B. hung C. rema ined D. held 37. A. even B. besi

14、des C. still D. hardly 38. A. somethi ng B. everyth ing C. anything D. nothing 39. A. questi on B. doubt C. surprise D. idea 40. A. asked B. repeated C. said D. cried 41. A. thought B. whispered C. shouted D. talked 42. A. high B.deep C. lo ng D. far 43. A. word B. promise C. lie D. permit 44. A. di

15、g B. block C. close D. empty 45. A. en couragi ng B. expect ing C. cheeri ng D. trusti ng 46. A. go B. do C. run D. beg in 47. A. alo ng B. on C. at D. over 48. A. river B. water C. wave D. bottom 49. A. whe n B. since C. un til D. if 50. A. disappo in ted B. satisfied C. impressed D. excited 51. A.

16、 goi ng B. coming C. divi ng D. swimmi ng 52. A. dial B. deal C. search D. find 53. A. any B. some C. one D. once 54. A. word B. feeli ng C. breath D. sigh 55. A. I B. She C. It D. We 第三部分:阅读理解 (共两节,40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Welcome to the Nati onal Museum The N

17、ational Museum is the largest of its kind in the world, with over two million items in its collect ions. Twenty galleries display some of the fin est sea affairs in historic buildi ngs, which were formerly a school for the sons of seame n. Opening times 10: 00 17: 00 Win ter hours 10: 00 18: 00 Summ

18、er hours Last admissi on is thirty minu tes before clos ing. Smok ing is not allowed in the museum. Eat ing and drinking are only allowed in some areas. Photography and video are not permitted in side the buildi ng. Bookings Our Central Booking Group handles all group visit enquiries (需求 ), from sch

19、ools, group organizers and tour operators. Education and Interpretation Schools programmes operate in term-time. Programmes of talks, tours, workshops, storytelling, living history and interpretation ( 解说 ) are run throughout the year, especially at weekends and during school holidays. 56. This pass

20、age is about _ . A. the way to get to the museum B. the purpose to build the museum C. an introduction of the museum D. a description of the museum 57. Which of the following is certainly forbidden according to the passage? A. Eating and drinking wherever you are. B. Taking pictures in front of the

21、museum. C. Trying to enter the museum after 5 : 00 p. m. D. Smoking in or out of the museum. 58. From the passage we know _ . A. the museum runs a school and has students of its own B. students can receive different kinds of education here C. part of school education has to be done in the museum D.

22、school programmes are only run at weekends and on holidays B Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys. People don t tlhikoeutgoht.alk about it, Just the same, there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that

23、 you are upset about something that they are doing to you. Careful planning can provide you with relief from annoying coworkers, gossiping friends or talkative family members. Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simpl

24、y. All you have to do is get up extra one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworker hsouse. Reach under the cover of your coworker csar and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap, the car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friends at work will all be l

25、ate for work on the same day. If you re lucky, your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise. Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge. A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave false messages on their lockers.

26、If the friend that you want to get is male, leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day. With any luck her boyfriend will be there. The girl won what s gotinkgnown, and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won hotml eafvoer haismonth. When Mor

27、n and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you, harmless revenge may be just the way it makes them quiet dow n for a while. The dinner table is a likely place. Just before the meal begins, throw a handful of raisins ( 葡萄干)into the food. Wait about five minutes and, after every one

28、 has begu n to eat, cover your mouth with your hand and begi n to make stra nge no ises. When they ask you what the matter is, point to a rais in and yell. “ Bugs!” They ll throw their food in the dustbin, jump into the car, and head for McDonald s. That night you ll have your first quiet, peaceful

29、meal in a long time. A well-planned revenge does not have it hurt anyone. The object is simply to let other people know that they are begi nning to bother you. 59. Accord ing to the passage, a harmless reve nge is _ . A. to amuse the victim B. to hurt no body emoti on ally C. to react to those who b

30、other you D. to preve nt one from disturb ing others 60. As a harmless reven ge, you might come first and get a raise by _ . A. pleas ing your boss B. destro ying your colleagues cars C. making your colleagues come late D. gett ing up earlier tha n your colleagues 61. The family members threw their

31、food in the dustb in because _. A. they wan ted to eat out B. they did n t like the food with rais ins C. they wan ted to have a peaceful meal D. they thought their food had bee n ruined 62. The topic of the passage is how to _ . A. make a harmless revenge B. sile nee gossip ing friends C. avoid tal

32、kative family members D. deal with annoying coworkers We are all called upon to make a spee ch at some point in life, but most of us don a very good job. This article gives some suggesti ons on how to give an effective speech. So, you have to give a speech and you re terrified. You get nervous, you

33、forget whaitou want to say, you stumble(结巴)over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audienee. Later you s over. I m just nepeakdnat ptubpe I never have to do that aga in. ttbavethat bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech

34、. What is the occasion? Why are you speak ing? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend ple nty of time doing your research. Then spend plenty of time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, cha

35、rts, and graphs if they will help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audienee. Don talk over their heads , and don t talk dow n to them. Treat your audie nee with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfu In ess. Just remember: be prepared. Know your subject, your audie nee, and

36、 the occasi on. Be brief. Say what you have to say and the n stop. And be yourself. Let your pers on ality come through so that you make pers on-to-pers on con tact with your audie nee.In fact, you may find the experienee so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! You re not convinced ye

37、t? Give it a try and see what happe ns. 63. The main idea of this article is that _ . A. you can improve your speak ing ability B. a poor speaker can n ever cha nge C. one should make a short speech D. it is hard to make a speech t do think, “ Thank good ness, it Cheer up! It does n If you follow th

38、ese simple steps, you II see that you don t havestpebidagaid of public 64. Paragraph 2 implies that_ . A. many people talk too long B. many people are happy to give a speech C. many people do not prepare for a speech D. many people are afraid of givi ng a speech 65. The phrase talkover their heads ”

39、 means _ . A. speak too loudly B. look at the ceili ng C. use difficult words D. look dow n upon them 66. The title for this passage may be _ . A. Try to Enjoy a Speech B. How to Give a Good Speech C. How to Prepare for a Speech D. Do Not Make a Long Speech D Because I will be away for a few days af

40、ter Spring Break, I am writing this during the actual holiday, when I can use time to catch up on a number of purely administrative ( 管理的)items. First of all, you should have received the letter I sent out on April 2 advising of the transition (过渡)arrangements to new leadership at ISM (International

41、 School of Moscow) . In that letter I poin ted out that Dr. Paul Mal one will be arrivi ng in Moscow on Mon day, May 4th, and that I will work with him during that week to ensure smooth transition. My last day at ISM will be Friday, May 8th. Several people have asked me why I required Dr. Malone to

42、come early. There are many problems facing ISM at the moment which have major implications (影响)for the future, and it makes sense for the new director to come aboard before the end of the school year. This will give him the chance to play a major role in the planning process for 2019 and beyond. The

43、 fact that Paul Malone is able to arrive in early May is good for the school. I have been working closely with him, and will do everything possible to see that he can move in easily when I leave. From here I will go to Hong Kong for a couple of weeks to spe nd time in my new situation, and the n I w

44、ill retur n to the United States for a few weeks vacation. In the most recent edition of the Compass(a kind of paper of ISM), I wrote briefly what I consider to be the major challenge for ISM in the future. I am sure that the new leadership of the school will be able to face those challenges in an a

45、ctive manner, which will ensure a strong future for the school. I shall certa inly watch the progress of the school with in terest. The results of the school for the past few years have bee n quite outsta nding, and I fully expect that level of performa nee to con ti nue. 67. We can infer from the t

46、ext that the writer was the _ of ISM. A. director B. employee C. teacher D. stude nt 68. Why should Dr. Malo ne come to ISM early? A. To work closely with the author. B. To do everyth ing possible for the school. C. To move in easily whe n the author leaves. D. To work with the author for a few days

47、 and make a future plan. 69. The un derl ined word situation ” in the third paragraph means _ . A. place B. job C. appo in tme nt D. con diti on 70. From the text, we lear n that _ . A. Paul Malone is a capable man B. the writer is a best fri end of Paul Malone s C. Paul Malone will work with the wr

48、iter for several years D. the writer will do his best to help Paul Malone to work well at ISM 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。 How to get started You might have more than one hundred channels on cable to choose; 71 However, the only real way to find idea is to get ou

49、t there, see it and experie nee it. 72 Childre n un der two years old travel free, so there is no excuse. Ideally you should discover one new city or country a year. Go to as many places as you have pages in your passports. The tourist can be very hard; the trick is to mix with the local people, res

50、pect their culture and the doors will ope n for you to explore. 73 . You can see what it looks like in t he picture, but you don t know whke ibristhe in side un til you have take n a bite. Take a risk and find a new favorite. Films and books are a great source of in spirati on. The sound of Music wi

51、ll send you to Salzburg, Moulin Rouge to Paris; Picnic at Hanging Rock to Australia. 74 While Brain Stocker s Dracula will pack you off to Penn sylva nia. You will, of course, need to know something special ahead of time. You need to know the culture of the country you are visit ing. In some coun tr

52、ies, such as Saudi Arabia, shoulders should be covered. In Japa n it is con sidered the height of bad manners to blow your nose in the street. 75 If you still don t feel you ve found the place you are looking for, you could caatidosly see a select ion of your friends holiday pla ns, or go to the tou

53、rism website to sehat dest in ati on they have on offer. A. Travel should start at an early age. B. Adults may travel as much as possible. C. It is worth checking things out before signing the deposit ( 保证金 ). D. Everyone should visit the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris at least once. E. Picking a

54、destination is like deciding which chocolate to Choose from a box. F. You may be able to google any piece of information you like on the Internet. G. If you are feeling a literary dip into Tess of the D Urbervilles, you will head to Dorset. 第四部分:书面表达 (共两节, 35 分 ) 第一节 (15 分) 一周前你去香港度假时在一家商店买了一件上衣,现有质

55、量问题。请结合下面提示向该 店外籍经理写一封英文信。 所购衣物:绿色上衣,价格 268 港元。 问题:洗涤时褪色。 要求:退款或换衣。 注意: 1. 词数不少于 50。 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:褪色 fade in color Dear Sir, While I was on holiday in Hong Kong about a week ago, _ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 第二节 (20 分) 假设你是红星中学高三 (1)班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,为校刊“英语 园地”写一篇短文,记述你教母亲使用微信的情况。


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