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1、 Section 山 Integrating Skills & Grammar (教材 P64)Zheng He may_have_been the first foreigner to visit the Americans, probably between 1421 and 1423 郑和可能是在 1421 和 1423 之间访问美洲国家的 第一个外国人。 【句式分析】 情态动词+动词完成式,表示对过去行为或动作的推测。不同 的情态动词与行为动词搭配,其具体含义会有所不同。 | I归纳拓展I “情态动词+ have don6的结构 must have done 推测某事必定已经发

2、生,只用于肯定句,否定形式用 cant have dona could have done 对已发生的事的可能性进行推测。还可以表示某事本来可 能发生却未发生。 ca nt/could nt have done 表示某事不可能已经发生,could nt have done 语气 更委婉。 may/might have done 推测某事可能已经发生, might have done 所表示的可 能性更小。 should/ought to have done 表示某事本该发生却未发生,含有责备、遗憾的 意味。 shouldnt/oughtnt to have done 表示某事本不应该发生却已经

3、发生,含有责 备的意味。 need have do ne 表示过去有必要做却没有做,含有责备的意味。 need nt have do ne 表示做了不必要做的事。 I _ I The light is on. Father must have com 由 ack. 灯亮着,爸爸一定已经回来了。 The dicti onary has disappeared.Whocould have takenit?条分缕析词:匚用法细盘点 字典不见了。会是谁拿了呢? I could have sleptor long, but I did nt. 我本来可以睡的时间长一点儿,但是我没有。 She cant

4、have goneto school.lts Sun day. 她不可能去上学了。今天是星期天。 Polly is very late.She may have missecher train. 波莉到现在还没有来。她可能是误了火车。 She should have arrivedhere by now. 她现在应该已经到这儿才对啊。 You oughtnt to have spokerio them in that way. 你不应该以那种方式对他们讲话。 You need have practiced/our spoke n En glish more ofte n. 你本来应该多练习英语

5、口语的。 There was ple nty of time.Sheneednt have hurried 那会儿时间还很多,她没必要那样匆忙。 即时画用 完成句子 - 在我父亲的帮助下,我完成了我的家庭作业。 With the help of my father, I fini shed my homework. - 哦,吉姆。你原本应该自己完成的。 Oh, Jim.You_ it yourself. 一一你们听那个报告了吗? Did you liste n to the report? 没有。我们本来能够去参加的,但是在去的路上交通太堵了。 No.We _ the meeti ng, bu

6、t we had a lot of traffic on our way there. 【答案】 should have done could have attended 条分缕析语法精要细盘点. and/any/can/come/on/when 要点精析 and 1. (用于连接单词或句子中并列的部分)和;又;与;而 Sue and I left early 我和苏很早就离开了。 Do it slowly and carefully.慢慢地,认真地做。 2用于动词前代替 to 表目的 r II come and see you soon 我很快就会来看你。 3然后,接着 She came i

7、n and took her coat off. 她进来后脱下了外衣。 4. (引出说话或提问)那么,于是 We talked for hours. 我们谈了好几个小时。 And what did you decide? 那么你们做出了什么决定? 5. (连接相同的词表反复或连续)接连,又,愈来愈 The pain is gett ing worse and worse. 疼痛越来越厉害了。 He tried and tried but without success. 他反复尝试,但没有成功。 6. (连接两个句子,后者表结果)那么 Go straight and youll see a h

8、igh build ing on your left. 直走,你就会看见有一幢高楼在你左边。 any 1. (与不可数名词或复数名词连用,用于否定句、疑问句以及 后)任何的,任一的 if 或 whether 之 Are there any stamps in the drawer? 抽屉里有邮票吗? You cant go out without any shoes. 你不能不穿鞋就出门。 2. (与单数可数名词连用)任 Take any book you like. 喜欢哪本你就拿哪本。 3 代词(用于否定句、 疑问句或 if, whether 之后) 任何数量 Please tell me

9、 how many are coming, if any. 请告诉我,如果有人要来的话,有多少。 4(代词)任一,任何一些 Which colour do you want?你要哪种颜色? Any of them will do. 随便哪种都行。 5. adv. (用于否定句、 疑问句, 加强形容词或副词的语气)一点也 (不) , 完全 (不) , 丝毫 He wasnt any good at French. 他的法语糟透了。 I cant ru n any faster 我不能跑得更快了。 can 1表能力,意为“能够”。 He can swim three laps in the poo

10、l. 他能在游泳池游三圈。 2. 表许可(ca n= may, can t= must nt) You can have the book if you like it. 如果你喜欢这本书,可以拿走。 3. 表示推测,意为“可能”。指现在用“ can+原形”,指过去用“ can+ have done”。 He can not have done such a thing. 他不可能做这种事。 习惯用语: can not but+ do 不得不 I can not but admire his courage. 我不得不佩服他的勇气。 can not help+ doing 禁不住 I can

11、not help laughi ng 我禁不住大笑。 come 1. 来 Here comes the bus! =The bus is coming!) 公共汽车来了! 2. come (to)抵达(某地),来到 Your breakfast is coming soon. 你的早餐很快就到。 3. come for/about/to do sth 来拿,来取,来做 rve come for my book. =ve come to get my book. 我来拿我的书。 4. 边边 The children came running into the room. 孩子们跑着进屋来了。 5

12、. (用于疑问句 )怎么,为什么 How come you are late? 你为什么迟到? 6. come to/into sth./ to do sth 达到/进入 . At last win ter came to an end 冬天终于结束了。 In time she came to love him 她终于爱上他了。 on 1. 表时间 (用于星期、日期或特定的早上、晚上、上午、下午等 ) on the eve ning of 11th 在 日的傍晚 I will show you the book on my return. 在我回来的时候,我会让你看那本书。 on this o

13、ccasi on 在此场合 2. 表示地方或位置,意为“在上面”。 There is a map hanging on the wall. 有一幅地图挂在墙上。 3. 表示在江、河、湖、海之滨。 London is on the Thames 伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。 4. 表示“关于、论及”,等同于 about, concerning。 He has written a lot of books on the history of China. 他写了很多有关中国历史的书。 5. . 表示“为 的一分子”,相当于 as a member of Who is on the committee? 谁

14、在此委员会中? 6. . 表示“支撑,依靠,以 为生”,可换用 upon。 Man goes on two legs, brutes on four. 人类走路靠两脚,兽靠四足。 That depends on circumstances. 那要视情形而定。 depe nd on/count on/rely on 依靠 7. 在状态或情况中 on fire/on show/o n leave 在着火/在上演/在休假 when 1. adv.(疑问句中)什么时候 When did you last see him? 你最后一次见他是什么时候? 2. (作关系副词时,用于所表达的时间之后 )在那时

15、 Sunday is the only day when I can relax. 星期日是我唯一可以休息的日子。 3. pron.何时 Un til whe n can you stay ?你可以待到什么时候? 4. adv. 当时 The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful. 上次我去苏格兰是在五月份,当时天气很好。 5. conj.当 .时 I loved history when I was at school. 当我在学校读书时,我喜欢历史。 6. conj.就在 . 时候 I

16、 was about to go when the phone rang. 我正要走,就在这个时候电话响了。 7. conj.虽然,然而 She claimed to be 18, when I know shes only 16. 虽然她声称有 1 8 岁,但我知道她只有 16 岁。 语法过关 I根据括号内的提示用 come 短语的适当形式完成句子 1. _ We are going to buy a house only if the prices of the houses _ 降低). 2. _ (加油),guys, you can do it! 3. _ It suddenly 想至

17、 U) her that she had been wrong all along. 4. I will let you know if anything _ (发生)at the meeting. 5. _ I (偶然碰至 U) an old friend in Oxford Street this morning. 6. Hes very ill but the doctors still expect him to _ (脱险)this dangerous disease. 7. _ The work is (进展)quite well. 8. Her attempt to break

18、the world record nearly 成功)in 2004. 【答案】 e dow n 2.Come on 3.came to es up/about 5.came across 6. come through i ng along 8.came off n 翻译句子,体会 can, when, on, any 的用法 1. You cant be hungry yet; you had a big cake only half an hour ago. 2. He was about to deliver a speech when the earthquake happened.

19、 3. Dont shout into my ears like that. I can hear you perfectly well. 4. There were very few, if any, deaths that were related to the disease. 5 . On entering the police station, Tom picked out the thief who just stole his purse. 【答案】1.你现在不可能觉得饿,半小时之前你才吃了一大块蛋糕呀。 2. 他正要做演讲,突然发生了地震。 3. 别那样对我大声嚷嚷,我听得很清楚。 4 .如果这种病可以致人死亡的话,人数也是很少的。 5. 汤姆一走进警察局就认出了刚刚偷他钱包的那个贼。 川


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