



1、新概念英语2 Lesson 11 One Good Turn Deserves Another 礼尚往来I. 语法与词汇知识 1. _ I got to the airport, the guests had left. A. whenB. WhileC. SinceD. So 2. While we _, a stranger came in. A. danceB. dancedC. were dancingD. was dancing 3. You have to pay _ the debt at the end of each month. A. forB. backC. toD. i

2、n4. She sat on _ same chair the entire afternoon. A. aB. /C. anD. the 5. Students can use their student ID to borrow books _ the library. A. fromB. toC. forD. at 6. I work very hard, so I _ a raise and a promotion. A. earnB. returnC. deserveD. pay 7. We need _ bananas. Have you got _? A. any; someB.

3、 some; anyC. any; anyD. some; some 8. If anyone _ early, ask them _. A. arrives; waitB. arrive; to waitC. arrives; to waitD. arrive; wait 9. She is _ at telling stories. A. wellB. niceC. fineD. good 10. I knew him _ when I was a boy. A. years agoB. for many yearsC. at the momentD. nowII. 阅读理解Mr. and

4、 Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters. One Sunday, Mrs. White said to her husband, “The children dont have any lessons today, and youre free too. Theres a new funfair (游乐场) in the park. Lets all go there to play.”Her husband said, “I want to finish some work today.” “Oh, forget it. Go there a

5、nd make our children happy. Thats the most important work.” Mrs. White said. So Mr. and Mrs. White took their children to the funfair. Mr. White was forty-five years old, but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and ate lots of sweets. One of the child

6、ren said to her mother, “Dad is just like a small child, isnt he, Mom?” Mrs. White didnt want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered, “He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might spend more money than a small child.”11. Why did Mrs. White agree to go to the f

7、unfair? A. She wanted to relax herself. B. She wanted to make her husband relax. C. She hoped the children could enjoy themselves. D. She didnt want to do housework.12. Who enjoyed the funfair most? A. Mr. White B. Mrs. White C. The sons D. The daughters13. What did Mrs. White think about Mr. White?

8、 A. He was very lovely. B. He spent more money than the children. C. He spent too much time in the funfair. D. He didnt love his children.III. 翻译14. have dinner with my friends_ 15. in a lawyers office_ 16. at the bank_ 17. come in_ 18. borrow 20 pounds from me_ 19. 他很仁慈,借钱给我。 He was kind enough to

9、_. 20. 你买的新车花了多少钱? How much did you _ your new car? 21. 如果我马上走,我还能赶上早班火车。 I could still catch the early train if I _. 22. 我永远忘不了你的好意。 I will _ your kindness. 23. 晚上我总是在家里。 Im _ in the evenings.新概念英语2 Lesson 12 Goodbye and Good Luck 再见,一路顺风I. 语法与词汇知识 1. He feels ill now, and he _ to see the doctor. A

10、. will goB. goC. to goD. goes 2. He has _ car. A. a American redB. American redC. a redAmericanD. red American 3. I _ this song so many times that I can sing it. A. have heardB. hearC. heardD. am hearing 4. My plan for this summer is a long journey _ the country. A. upB. overC. downD. across 5. I ne

11、ed _ time to finish the work. A. manyB. a large number ofC. plenty ofD. a fewII. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. Smith, our, very, new, Mr., is, to, kind, teacher, us_. 7. oclock, I, for, at, you, seven, call, will_.8. beautiful, in, a, old, they, house, live_.9. life, I, lucky, many, to, have, my

12、, so, am, friends, in_.10. airport, went, to, the, friend, to, she, off, see, a_.III. 完形填空An old woman (11) _ a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run (12) _, and she could not bite, (13) _ she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and (14) _ the mouse. But she could not bite

13、 it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran (15) _, because the cat could not bite it.Then the old woman became very (16) _ because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to (17) _ the cat. The cat said, “Do not hit your old servant. I (18) _ for you for many years, and I would work for you

14、still, but I am too old. Do not be (19) _ to the old. Remember what good work the old did (20) _ they were young.” 11. A. boughtB. hadC. broughtD. lived 12. A. quicklyB. oftenC. slowlyD. loudly 13. A. ifB. butC. becauseD. so 14. A. hadB. ranC. eatD. caught 15. A. afterB. awayC. outD. down 16. A. ang

15、ryB. happyC. surprisedD. interested 17. A. fedB. lovedC. hitD. chased 18. A. am workingB. workedC. workD. have worked 19. A. pleasantB. unkindC. helpfulD. sad 20. A. beforeB. afterC. whileD. whenIV. 翻译 21. at the harbour_ 22. say goodbye to my friends_ 23. be proud of_ 24. take part in_ 25. good luck_ 26. 他从一大


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