1、Unit 1TeXt A Hit the NaiI On the HeadCOnlPrehenSiOnI. B.II. CCCAIL ParaPhraSe1 A UTiter WhO is PartiCUlar about the exactness Of an expression in EngIiSh WilI never feel happy With a WOrd WhiCh fails to express an idea accurately.2 TO a Certain extent, the PrOCeSS Of finding the right WOrdS to USe i
2、s a PrOCeSS Of PerfeCtiOn Where you try to SearCh for WOrdS that may most accurately express your thoughts and feelings, and WOrdS that may most effectively make your IiStenerS and readers UnderStand your thoughts and feeling3 Finding the most SUitabIe WOrd to USe is in no SenSe easy BUt there is no
3、thing Iike the delight We Shall experience When SUCh a WOrd is IOCated4 OnCe We are able to USe IangUage accurately, We are in a POSitiOn to fully UnderStand the SUbjeCt matterIIL ChOiCeSI- 5 Unskillful, skillful, vague, tricky, accurate,6-10: AIteratiOnl ambiguous, conscientious, Want Of knowledge,
4、 drawbacksII- 15: developing, erroneous, trivial, dim, adaptable,16-20: subtle, emotional, quintessence, COmPUISion, absorbingTeXt B Things: the ThrOW-away SOCietyCOmPrehenSionI. CII. FTFFT TFFII ParaPhraSe1 The reason Why Barbie is deeply IOVed SO much by IittIe girls is that She IOOkS just Iike a
5、real PerSOn in real Iife WhO Can be dressed UP in the Way they WiSh2 MOreOVer MatteI made PUbIiC that, for the first time, all girls WhO Want to buy a new Barbie from its COmPany Were to be given the right Of turning in their OId dolls in exchange for new models at a reduced PriCe3 BUt more and more
6、, man-made PrOdUCtS form a Very important Part in the IiVeS Of PeOPIe4 TeChnOIOgiCalIy PrOdUCed things COme to be accepted by PeOPIe and are beginning to ShaPe their mentality HiS mind is filled With and influenced by artificialman-made things5. The number Of man-made things is growing at full SPeed
7、 ThiS is true both When the number itself alone is COnSidered and When it is COmPared to the growth Of the ObjeCtS in the natural environment6 ThiS difference SeemS most noticeable between the modern throw-away-oriented girls who, On the One hand, are delighted in replacing their OUt-Of-date Barbie
8、for up-to- date ones, and the traditional girls, On the Other hand, WhO Iike their mothers and grandmothers, are UnWilIing to throw away their dear Iittle dolls UntiI they are SO OId as to become broken/until they fall apart7. The PraCtiCe Whereby PeOPle USe a PrOdUCt and then QUiCkly discard it may
9、 readily be rejected by those accustomed by SCarCity to holding On to their OId POSSeSSiOnSIII. ChOiCCS1-5: BCDBD 6-10: CBDBCIV. ChOiCeS1-5 ACDAA 6-9 CBCBUnit 2TeXt A GrOUPing the Gifted, PrOCOnlPrehenSiOnL CIL TTFTTII Par且PhraSe1 In my opinion, giftedChildren are ChiIdren WhO are SPeCially endowed
10、With naturalabilitiesWhiChrankhighOntestingSCales.2 I firmly hold the OPiniOn that Children ShOUld be grouped intimately according to their interest and ability and go through a form Of training that WilI develop their abilities to the UtmOSt3 It is the teacher, rather than the Way that the ClaSSeS
11、are formed, that influences the StUdentS in how they IOOk at differences in ability among themselves4 I am COnfident that if teachers are aware Of individual differences and motivate young PeOPle in different ways, the StUdentS WilI develop through CUItiVating their OWn interests & abilitiesIII.
12、 ChOiCeS1-5. ACBDC 6-10. DACBB 11-15. ADACATeXt B The Plug-in Drug: TV & AmeriCan FamiIyCOmPrehenSionI. BII. TTTTF TFII ParaPhraSe1 ChiIdren have become television addicts, devoting much Of the time When they are together to WatChing TV.2 TeleViSiOn is not SimPIy just One among many important fa
13、ctors that may influence a ChiId today.3 ThrOUgh the great ChangeS it has brought about in family life, television is ShaPing the IiVeS Of ChiIdren today by Playing the dominant role in family Iife4. the television has its magic POWer OVer PeOPle AS SOOn as the television is on, PeOPIe StOP talking,
14、 do nothing else but WatChing TV, and become IifeIeSS StatUeS before the TV SCreen They Will remain SO till the end Of the PrOgram5. The moment a Child SitS down to WatCh television is the moment his growth towards maturity is StOPPed for the momentIII. ChOiCCS1-5. DDCAB 6-10. CABDC 11-15. DACDBUnit
15、 3TeXt A APPetiteCOmPrehenSiOnI. BII. TTTFII. ParaPhraSe1 The WhOle good taste Of toffees decreases/became IeSS & IeSS WithOUt one, S knowing it because Of the Clearly WrOng & UnaCCePtable act Of having eaten it.2 AS far as I am concerned, the greatest PleaSUre appetite Can Offer is the IOng
16、ing for What I have yet to achieve rather than to feel SatiSfied With What I have already achieved3 that is Why I WOUld keep my appetite to SUCh a degree that I WOUId StOP eating for SOme time On purpose, because I think that appetite is SO ValUabIe that a PerSOn ShOUld not destroy it by eating Or d
17、oing too many things he Or She IikeS4 I refuse to eat too much food from time to time, but it does not mean that I refuse PleaSUre In fact, it is a good Way to PrePare me for even greater PleaSUre Of eating Very much On rare OCCaSiOnS5. Life is ShOrt and VaIUabIe APPetite is SOmething that PrOteCtS
18、Iife If We IOSe it We WilI dieIlL ChOiCeS1-10 DBDAB CADBA 11-20 DCABC CACCATeXt B BeaUtyCOnlPrehenSiOnL AIL FTTFTF ParaPhraSe1 We not OnIy draw a SharP Iine between With great SkilIfUIneSS the UinSide" (Character, intellect) & the "outside” (IOOkS); but We are in fact SUrPriSed When SO
19、meOne WhO is beautiful is also full Of wisdom, talents & goodness Of nature 2 FOr about 200 years, PeOPIe have generally agreed to COnSider that beauty OnIy belongs to women, who, no matter how beautiful they are, have always IOWer SOCiaI POSitiOn than men.3 HOWeVer SUCCeSSfUl a WOman may be in
20、her Career as a politician, IaWyerl doctor, businesswoman, Or WhateVer, She has to feel it is necessary for her to try hard to make herself attractive4 The UnjUSt attitudes towards women, WhiCh is both Pitiable and laughable, is the most POWerfUI PrOOf as to how harmful it Can be to judge a PerSOn b
21、y refusing to take both inner beauty and OUter beauty into COnSideratiOn5. BUt to get OUt Of the difficult SitUation requires that WOmen keep themselves away by a SignifiCant distance from that excellence and honor WhiCh is beauty, enough distance to See how much beauty itself is devalued in Order t
22、o SUPPOrt the UnbelieVable idea Of WOmen POWer. VOCabUlaryA preen, fretful, wary, interminable, lamely, obligation, ParadOXiCaIB. COmPlement, COmPIementJ complementary, COmPliment, compliments, COmPlement, COmPIementedUnit 4TeXt A CUItiVating a HObbyCOnlPrehenSiOnI. BII. TFTFII ParaPhraSe1 The more
23、you attempt to Shake Off your WOrryJ the harder it WilI be for you to get rid Of it/ have it Off your mind2 ItiS not a good idea to begin thinking Of PUrSUing a hobby When you have alreadyold.grown3 It is no good believing that you are in a POSitiOn to enjoy at a moment, S notice any PaStime WhiCh h
24、appens to CatCh your fancy; PleaSUre COmeS from exerting one* S talents in a hobby SUited to one' S CirCUmStanCeS4 SinCe those Very WeaIthy PeOPIe Can afford to get access to almost anything they Inay think Of and to turn the most fanciful ideas into reality, there is nothing in this WOrId that
25、Can interest Or excite them any more TO them, a new PIeaSUre, a new excitement may Very Often make them even more bored about Iife5 In fact, it is PrObably those WhOSe WOrk PrOVideS them With their enjoyment are those WhO are most in need Of PeriOdiC distractions from their WOrkIlL ChOiCeS1-5 ACCDA
26、6-10. DBBCD 11-15 ADBBCTCXt B Why NOthing WOrkSCOnlPrehenSiOnL CII TFFTTII. ParaPhraSe1 PeOPIe SPend much Of their Iifetime trying hard to keep things in good ShaPe Ihey think a product, after IeaVing its factory, ShOUId IaSt at IeaSt for a reasonably IOng PeriOd before CeaSing to WOrk2 QUality-COnt
27、rOI instruments and testing devices are also governed by MUrPhy, S Law, SO they are not reliable3. LOOk at the artifacts Of the pre-industrial era exhibited in a museum and you WilI See that technology is not the factor that decides the quality Of these items4 If a handmade basket Or boat is made by
28、 an inexperienced Or irresponsible worker, it may break down as easily as InaChine-made baskets Or boats5. My OPiniOn is that it is the SOCiaI relationship between PrOdUCer and COnSUmer rather than the technological relationship between PrOdUCer and PrOdUCt that makes "handmade" items SO h
29、ighly regardedIII ChOiCeS1-5. ABADA 6-10. CCBDB 11-15 DCBCD 16-20. ADDBDUnit 5TeXt A DUlI WOrkCOmPrehenSiOnLDII.BCDC ParaPhraSe1 It is a Widely accepted belief that PeOPle Of great abilities CannOt bear regular WOrk Or Iife and that they need a frequently Changingt exciting Iife in Order to do their
30、 best2 The truly CreatiVe PeOPle are able to turn SOmething UnimPOrtant to the Other into SOmething extremely great and ValUable3 If a person' S Iife is full Of ChangeSl he Or She Can do nothing but feel tired all the time4 Only those poets, WriterS etc WhO are neither good nor bad, Will always
31、try to IOOk for exciting things to help them achieve more in the Writing5. If anyone feels bored With his Or her Ordinary job, it is IikeIy he Or She is a PerSOn WhO does not know how to make good USe Of their SPareIIL ChOiCeSI. DABAB AATeXt B EUPhemiSmCOmPrehenSiOnI. CII. FTTTTII. ParaPhraSe1 What
32、We CalI things affects US IinderStand the nature Of the things 2 It SeemS that human beings naturally think that names Of things are inseparable from the things they represent ThiS is a most interestingly false idea3. With the ChangeS Of the names Of things, you have Changed their images in the Inin
33、d Of PeOPle ThiS is in fact a Change in What the things really are4. It is true that the teacher is euphemizing When he asks US to USe "culturally different children" instead Of 44SlUm ChiIdrenn , but What he is really doing is to try to turn OUr attention to an aspect Of Iife that Inight
34、easily be Paid no attention to by PeOPle5. PeOPIe are just as frank When they Say SOmeOne 44PaSSed awayas When they Say he Or She "was dead"III. VOCabUlaryA. 1 divert 2 alienate 3 hideous 4 expunge 5 PhOny6 Partial 7. PerSPeCtiVe 8 in the Same Vein 9. down-to-earth 10. auspicious11. exalte
35、d 12. be associated WithB. 1-5. BABBB 6-10. AABAC 11-15. BCDAB 16. DUnit 6TeXt A Red Light for SCOffIaWSCOnlPrehenSiOnL B.II. TFFFTII. ParaPhraSe1. SPitting On the SideWalk is against the IaW and very UnPleaSant BUt the harm it does to OtherS SeemS insignificant When COmPared With the danger a COmPany CaUSeS by bury
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