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1、翻译二级口译综合能力 -11总分: 92.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟、Part I总题数: 2,分数: 16.00 分数: 10.00 1.Bioinformatics is a new computer software technology that makes research findings on geneticengineering publicly available to the public. 分数: 2.00 A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 Bioinformatics is the name given to the computer software tech

2、nologies that are being devised to manage information overload. The field includes everything from storage to classification, analysis and distribution of gene and protein sequence data. Bioinformatics tools have moved genetic research out of the laboratory and transferred it to computer databases f

3、or use by anyone with access to the Internet. 分析 定义及细节的理解。 通过原文定义可知 bioinformatics 是一种计算机软件技术 , 其特点之一是“ move genetic research out of the laboratory and transferred it to computer databases for use by anyone with access to theInternet 即“将基因研究搬出实验室 ,将其转移到计算机数据库 ,可以让能够上网的任何人使用 ,由此可见 ,题干的说 法是正确的。 解题关键 1

4、掌握英语定义结构特点 , 即先归类后指出主要特点;2掌握词组 with access to 的含义。2.Imports from Asian countries are more competitive than U.S. home-made products because of lower wages in Asia and the exemption of duties for imported goods shipped to the United States. 分数: 2.00 A. 正确B. 错误 V 解析: 解析 Foreign laborers, especially Asi

5、an ones earning low wages, are pictured as working willingly for American capitalists abroad who pay slightly better than average wages; while the former learn otherwise inaccessible technology arid produce sophisticated goods that compete with domestic American goods, even allowing for shipping cha

6、rges and import duties. 分析 语义逻辑推理判断。根据原文可知 , 对于美国海外资本家来说使用外国劳力 ,尤其是亚洲国家的劳力费用非常低。 而这些国家 却从此得到先进技术 , 生产尖端产品。这些产品 , 即使在增加运费和进口税的水平上仍可与美国国内制造 的 产品竞争。由此可见海外美国人使用亚洲劳力制造的产品 , 即使有运费和进口税的压力 ,仍然可与美国外乡制造的产品竞 争。显然这与题干中所言进口美国的商品免除税费的说法不相符。因此 ,题干的说法是 错误的。解题关键淳握短语含义。原文中“allowing for意为"将计算在内而题干中“the exemption

7、of 意为“免除,二者含义正好相反。3.States should respect international law even if some people are skeptical about its power to be enacted.分数:2.00 A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 It is significant that those who regard international law as a form of morality usually speakof it as "mere morality". Although experienced

8、 diplomats do not often share the popular skepticism about international law, there is a danger that the popular attitude may affect inexperienced officials and pressure groups within a state, and that the state may, as a result, be pushed into breaking international law. 分析 因果关系的理解和推断。 原文认为公众对国际法的疑

9、心态度会影响国内那些经验尚不丰富的官员和重要的集团, 其结果便是,这种 疑心态度会导致违反国际法。由此可推断,即使一些人对国际法持疑心态度,国家要尊重该法,才能 使国际法得以贯彻实施。显然,题干的含义符合对原文的推断,因此,该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键 注意识别表因果关系的信号词,以便正确理解因果关系。原文中使用了“ as a result 。4.The international community should seek other effective methods in establishing economic global governance instead of relyin

10、g on the WTO. 分数: 2.00 A. 正确B. 错误 V 解析: 解析 Asking for a WTOfocused on its trade mission is not to neglect the importance of the other problems the institution has been asked to deal with. But the balance that many countries expect to see in the economic global governance agenda should not be pursued

11、 solely at the WTO.The international community should create effective ad-hoc instruments to confront the other challenges. 分析 语义逻辑关系的理解和判断。 原文最后局部指出国际共同体应该“ create effective ad -hoc instruments to confront the other challenges 即“创造有效、特别的方法面对其他挑战,而题干中却说国际共同体寻求有效的方法 是为 了“ in establishing economic glo

12、bal governance 即“建立经济的全球管理方式 " ,显然题干 所言的目的与原文不相符,因此,该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 掌握表示目的的信号词,有助于快速理解语义。原文中信号词为最后一句中动词不定式短语;而题目中为介词 in 短语。5.Economists attribute the world soybean boom to the rise in soybean production in China andits increased export of related products.分数: 2.00 A. 正确B. 错误 V 解析: 解析 Economists

13、 say that the main spur to the global soybean boom is the emergence of a middle class in China, much of whose newly disposable income has been spent on a richer, more varied diet.Over the past decade, China has been transformed from a net exporter of soybeans to the world's largest importer in s

14、ome years of whole soybeans as well as oil and meal byproducts. 分析 因果关系的理解和判断。根据原文,文中把全球大豆畅销的原因归结为“ the emergence of a middle class in China 即“中国中产阶级的出现 , 而题干中却将其原因归结为“ the rise i ll soybean production in China and its increased export of related products即“中国大豆产量的增加和相关产品出口的增加,显然该说 法与原文不符,因此,该题的说法是错误

15、的。 解题关键 掌握表因果关系的信号词,可以帮助听者作出正确的判断。原文第一句使用系表结构,直截了当说明原因。分数:题干使用了短语 attribute to 归因于。分数: 6.00 ) 1.Many young people doubt that their dreams for the good life could ever come true.1.20 A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 Scarce jobs, fewer promotions, soaring costs for shelter and other necessitiesall are causingthe na

16、tion's young to revamp their dreams for the good life. Many of the nation's young people are convinced that, despite the economy's steady climb out of recession, they will get only a tiny share of the spreading prosperity or nothing at all. 分析 根据上下文线索猜想词义。 该题的关键是根据原文上下文线索猜想出单词“ revamp&qu

17、ot; 的含义。原文中“ Scarce jobs, fewer promotions, soaring costs for shelter and other necessities ,即“匮乏的工作时机,越来越少的 升迁时机,飞涨的物价 " ,由此可推测这些因素应该改变 (revamp) 年轻人对美好生活所怀有的梦想,这与 题干的说法 相吻合,因此该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键 1) 将原文中关键词进行归纳总结, 与选项对照,可得出正确答案; 2) 理解选项中关键词含义,如理解 revamp 的含义。(2) .Such awful losses of human life in t

18、he Iranian quake should not have occurred.(分数: 1.20 )A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 Consider three major recent California earthquakes: Loma Prieta in 1989, with a 6.9 magnitude, Northridge in 1994, with a 6.7 magnitude, and San Simeon/Paso Robles on December 22, 2003, with a 6.5 magnitude. These relatively str

19、ong earthquakes in California resulted in a total of 125 deaths, while this week's Iranian quake, with a somewhat lesser magnitude, claimed 40,000 lives. 分析 隐含事实的推测。 将原文中有关加利福尼亚和伊朗地震的数字信息作比拟,可知隐含的事实是:伊朗的地震远 没有加利福尼亚的厉害,但造成的人员伤亡损失却远远超过后者。由此可推测作者认为,伊朗地震造成如此沉重的人员 伤亡本可防止。这与题干的说法相吻合,因此该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键

20、正确识别并判断数字信息。(3) .Gaddafi made headlines in 1998 by surrendering two Libyan suspects who plotted the bombing of an American jumbo jet. (分数: 1.20 )A. 正确B. 错误 V 解析: 解析 Gaddafi, born in 1942, made headlines six years ago when he agreed to surrender the two Libyan suspects in the 1988 bombing of an Ameri

21、can jumbo jet over-Lockerbie in southern Scotland in which 270 people died. 分析 特定信息的找寻和判断。 此题要求通过特定的数字信息,寻找具体事实。原文提到“Gaddafi.made headlinessix years ago ",但并未提那就是 1988 年,原文中关于 1988 年的说法那么是“ .the two Libyan suspects in the 1988 bombing of an American jumbo jet." ,由此可知,两个利比亚人涉嫌于 1988 年炸毁美国一架

22、珍宝喷气客机,这与题干中“ Gaddafi made headlines in 1998."的说法不符,因此该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 正确识别数字信息。(4) .Organic foods are accepted by most nutritionists.(分数: 1.20 )A. 正确B. 错误 V 解析: 解析 Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed foo

23、d products are now being debated. Advocates of organic foods frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others. 分析 观点态度的判断。此题要求判断说话者对 organic food 的观点态度。 由原文“ The advantages claimed for such foods.are being debated. 可判断作者并非趋向支持该种食品的优势,或接受该种食品。由此可见,题干中该种食 品为很多的营养学家 所接受的

24、说法是没有根据的,因此该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 善于根据原文中的信息判断说话者的观点。(5) .The removal of the president was a very dangerous and unconstitutional example for other democratic countries.分数: 1.20 A. 正确 VB. 错误解析: 解析 The circumstances under which the president left office set a dangerous precedent for democratically elected go

25、vernments everywhere, as it promotes the unconstitutional removal of duly elected persons from office. 分析 因果关系判断。 原文因果关系中原因局部是句子的前半局部,即主句局部:这种情况下的总统离任给全世界任 何民主选举 的政府形成危险的先例; 结果局部是原句后半部 as 引导的从句局部, 即:这种离任促动了正式选举出 的人不合法律地离职。这与题干的说法相吻合,因此该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键 掌握通过信号词判断上下文意义的逻辑结构,如as 表示前后局部 - 为因果关系。二、Part n 总

26、题数: 2,分数: 16.00 分数: 10.00 A. VB.C.D.解析: 解析 I have to tell it was another down day on Wall Street, ending a down week. Earlier in the week it was the Subprime Mortgage story, now renewed concerns about inflation, consumer prices rose a little bit more than expected in February, and that has investors

27、 worded, partly because the Fed is unlikely to cut interest rates while prices are on the rise. So as a result, stocks ended broadly lower today, taking a look at the Big Board at the New York Exchange, the Dow lost 49 points, the NASDAQ Composite fell 0.25%, the S&P 500 dropped more than 1/3 %.

28、 难点 此题难度较大 , 需要笔记的辅助再加上细心的读题。根据第一句中的“another down day 和“ ending a downweek' , 可以得出选项 a 是正确的。选项 b 与“ consumer prices rose a little bit more" 相反, 故不正 确。而选项 c 与“ the Fed is unlikely to cut interest rates相反 , 故也不正确。选项d 与“ that has investors worried' 不符,故不正确。A.B. VC.D.解析: 解析 Hi, everyone, as

29、 we mark the anniversary of the Iraq war, we're being reminded of all that our soldiers have sacrificed and what some continue to experience. The scandal of Walter Reed put their suffering into sharp focus and so was a new study from the Archives of Internal Medicine. The study found that about

30、a third of returning vets were diagnosed with mental illness, or a psychosocial disorder, everything from depression and post-traumatic stress to homelessness and domestic violence. The highest rate of mental problems is among the youngest- soldiers between 18 and 24. The doctor who conducted this s

31、tudy says the numbers may eventually surpass those from Vietnam. 难点 此题较简单,只要能抓住原文并且记下18-24 这个范围后稍加判断就可以得出正确答案。此题为细 节题,考查应试者对细节的把握,只要细心,不难做出此题。A.B. VC.D.解析: 解析 Inside this court room today Jason Mclean appeared in front of the judge for the first time in his life. He's never been in trouble until

32、 this point, but now he faces first-degree murder. In shackles, showing no emotion, Mclean stands up. "This is an interesting case. It's all I can say." Interesting but most of all tragic for those involved, Mclean's mother wipes away tears. Her son will remain behind bars from now

33、. "During the headlights, just sitting and stunt, in sigh. He really doesn't comprehend what's happening right now." Defensive attorney Bruce Parkston could lay out the case as a crime of passion. Jason's family says Erin Mclean, an intern-teacher atWest High, was having an aff

34、air, an affair with Senior Shean Paul, a student at West High. Police say Mclean shot Paul in the head as he sat inside a vehicle outside Mclean's home. 难点 答复此题的关键在于听懂这句话: Jason's family says Erin Mclean, an intern-teacher at West High, was having an affair, an affair with Senior Shean Paul,

35、 a student at West High. Police sayMclean shot Paul in the head as he sat inside a vehicle outside Mclean's homeA.B.C. VD.解析: 解析 She is the multi-grimy award woman, ever-changing queen of pub, icon of style, actress, motherand global brand. Nowthe material girl has reinvented us again, this time

36、 as a fashion designer. MF Madonna arranging clothing design by the star goes on sale worldwide this week in stores ofEuropean fashion retailer H&Dam.In the age with line of celebrity and business blurred, teaming up with the global brand - makes a commercial sense. 难点 此题非常简单,文中直接提及。文章的开头并没有直接说明

37、她是谁,而是说明了她的多重身份,只 要考生耐心 听,便可以从“ MF Madonna arranging clothing design by the star goes on sale worldwide this week in stores of European fashion retailer H&Dam. 这句话中轻松得到答案。A.B.C.D. V解析: 解析 And in my first term Hillary was really the face of America and Africa and India, places like that, because

38、she went to 82 countries when I was president, 82! And in my first term when I was preoccupied with getting the economy turned around with and in the Middle East, in Haiti, she was out there in placesmeeting with womenand children talking abouteducation and economic and power for people in poor coun

39、tries and in humanrights. In 1995 whenHillary represented our country at the Beijing International Women's Conference, she said human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights. 难点 此题为细节题, 需要辅以笔记做排除选择。 根据原文中“ She was out there in places meeting with women and children

40、talking about education and economic and power for people in poor countries and in human rights.这句话,加以排除可以得出正确答案。分数: 6.00 A.B.C. VD.解析: 解析 Ever since the Apollo moon landings, the idea of human expeditions to the Mars has come up repeatedly as the kind of grand adventures that would give focus, purp

41、ose, and inspirational lift to the space program. But confronted with the cost estimated at $150 billion last week presidents starting with Richard Nixon and others have flinched and resorted to halfway measures tike the shuttle. 分析 因果关系的判断。 根据原文,人类梦想去火星探险,但是“ confronted with the cost.presidents. ha

42、ve flinched and resorted to halfway measures like the shuttle即“面临经费问题,美国总统们畏缩了,不得不做出 妥协,先开展航天飞机。由此可见,开展航天飞机只是人类去火星探险梦想的妥协。只有选项 c 符合这种判断,因此该项的说法 是正确的。 解题关键 掌握因果关系的表达法,可快速理解原文。文中使用了过去分词短语 confronted with 的形式来表示因果 关系。A.B.C.D. V解析: 解析 More difficult for foreign managers to grasp are the intricacies of c

43、ulture, such as the advertising staple of humor. "In southern China humour is more slapstick and physical, like you find in Hong Kong movies," Taw says. "In the north, people love clever wordplays, a legacy of traditional Chinese opera and verbal sparring. For national campaigns, the

44、challenge is to tap into a universal interest." 分析 比拟结构的识别和理解。 关于中国的幽默,原文将南方和北方作了比拟。发现南方幽默“more slap stick andphysical 即“更为打闹滑稽,强调形体动作,而北方那么“ love clever wordplays 即“更喜欢口齿伶俐的文字游戏。 由此可见,只有选项 d 的说法与原文含义相符,因此,选项 d 的说法是正确的。 解题关键 1掌握比拟表达的结构,本文在平行结构中使用反义词,以提起读者注意:2掌握近义词替 换,原文中 wordplays 与选项中 verbal a

45、ct 言辞意思相近。A.B.C. VD.解析: 解析 It's amazing what you can see when you don't look. Astronomers often practice a technique known as averted vision to see very faint things. By looking to the side rather than straight on, they avoid using receptors in the eye's center, which are more sensitive

46、to dim light. So canny stargazers try to see the wonders of the cosmos out of the corners of their eyes. 分析 比拟结构的识别和理解。同原文“ they avoid using receptors in the eye's center, which are more sensitive to dim light 比拟中看,显然选项 c的说法正好与此相背,因此,选项 c 是正确答案。 解题关键 掌握所比拟的对象之间的关系是该题解题的关键。A.B.C. VD.解析: 解析 Sweden

47、's rejection of the European Union's common currency was a coldly rational statement of mistrust in the euro. It distanced itself from the stagnant economic performance of the euro zone, and flatly refused to place its monetary future under the sway of big countries like France andGermany, w

48、ho have bent the euro's rules to suit themselves. 分析 事实细节的理解和判断。 将各选项中关键词与原文比照,发现选项 a 的说法可与原文第一句“ Sweden's rejection of the European Union's common currency.相对应;选项 b 的说法可与原文“ .big countries like France andGermany, who have bent the eur o's rules to suit themselves相对应:选项 d 的说法可与原文“ It

49、 distanced itself fromthe stagnant economic performance of the euro zone相对应;只有选项 c 的说法在原文中找不到对应,因此该项的说法是错误的。 解题关键 掌握同义词的替换可快速解题。如原文中 rejection 与选项中 refuse 同义; bent the rule to suit themselves 与 tailor the rule to their own benefit 同义,均指为自己利益而调整规那么; sluggish 与 stagnant 同义,均指经济的不景 气。A. VB.C.D.解析: 解析 S

50、tem cells are undeveloped human cells that can grow into many or all of the different specialized cells in the human body. Although stem cells have been harvested from adults, the most versatile stem cells come from embryos. The main source of embryos is fertilityclinics. Vitro fertilization,the pro

51、cess that produces test-tube babies, involves the fertilization of eggs to produce embryos outside the woman's body. 分析 语义逻辑关系的识别。 此题要求识别原文的逻辑结构。原文主要讨论的是 stem cells 干细胞,如干细胞 的定义、起源等, fertility clinics 人工受精虽有提及,但不属于主要讨论的话题。因此选项a 的说法符合题义,是正确答案。 解题关键 掌握主题及支持性细节是解题的关键。本文主题是干细胞,支持性细节是干细胞的定义原文第一句及起源第二

52、句至最后一句 。显然,选项 b、 c 和 d 的说法均围绕这一框架。三、Part 川总题数: 0, 分数: 0.00四、Passage One 总题数: 1, 分数: 10.00 分数: 10.00 A.B. VC.D.解析: 解析 We are rapidly nearing the end of this course in history of classical music. We have covered several centuries in a very short time. Much too short to do the music justice, of course,

53、 but then this is a survey course. From now until the end of this term, we will be talking about and listening to electronic music. You probably already know that it was in the 1950s that musical computers and synthesizers first appeared in universities.The first commercialsynthesizers weresold abou

54、t this time, too. The sophistication and complexity of these instruments has now increased to the point that they can produce almost any kind of sound. Some alarmists believe these new instruments will bring an end to classical music or that they already have. You know I don't share this view, t

55、hough I agree we are in the midst of revolution in instrument design. This, however, is not the first such revolution in musical history and probably not the last one either. Remember we've already studied the similar case in the early 19th century when the piano replaced the harpsichord and mod

56、ern brass and wind instruments came into being. One of the most important reasons for the great popularity of electronic instruments is, of course, their relatively low price. Well, just look at it, only about 400 dollars for a piano. Naturally this has done a lot to increase sales for electronic in

57、struments, expecting them to completely replace acoustic instruments. 分析 主旨题。 本文开篇明示本次讲座的目的是 From now until the end of this term , we will be talking about and listening to electronic music , 然后作者围绕电子乐器的开展进行了全面的介绍 , 如电子乐器的起源、 特点 ,人们对该类乐 器的不同看法及该类乐器与传统乐器相比价格低廉等。总之 , 综合本文的主要内容可 得出其主要内容与 B 项内容相符 , 因此该项

58、为正确答案。 解题关键 把握表示全文主旨的句式结构 , 如本文中 from now until the end of this term , we will be talking about. 是解题的关键。A.B.C. VD.解析: 解析 隐含事实的找寻和判断。 根据原文第一句 We are rapidly nearing the end of this course in history of classical music 中 的 nearing the end of this course 即我们已接近本课程的尾声。由此可判断 , 这段讲话是在接近学期末 时进行的。 解题关键 根据题干关键词 , 如 the semester 找到原文中相关信息。A.B. VC.C. 解析: 解析 观点


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