1、Lecture 1 An Introduction to Software Engineering1 what does software engineering concern?1) Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development.2) Software engineering is concerned with cost-effective software development.2 What is software?Softw
2、are includes: computer programs data structures documents 3 What is the two types of software productsGeneric software(通用软件) and custom software(定制软件) 4 The three key elements of a successful software project are:on time, within budget, satisfies the users needs5 Generic activities in all software p
3、rocesses are:Specification(描述), Development(开发), Validation(有效性验证), Evolution(进化)6 The attributes of good software include:Maintainability(可维护性), Dependability(可依赖性), Efficiency(有效性), Acceptability(可接受性)Lecture 2 Software Processes 1 What is a software process model A software process model is an ab
4、stract representation of a software process. It presents a description of a process from some particular perspective.2 Draw the graphic presentation of Waterfall model and describe its character.1) 这种模型把软件过程划分成几个顺序的阶段。阶段间具有依赖性,前一个阶段结束,后一个阶段才能开始;2) 这种模型很难对用户变更做出调整,只适用于需求非常清楚和需求变更被严格限制的情况下。3 Describe
5、the basic principle of evolutionary development and its two types进化式开发的基本思想是先开发一个原型给用户使用,通过用户反馈意见来不断修改系统直到最后成熟,所以又被称作快速原型开发方法。它不主张将描述、开发和有效性验证等活动分开进行,而是让这些活动迭代执行,同时让这些活动能得到快速的反馈信息。进化式开发有两种基本类型:探索式开发和抛弃式原型法。4 Draw the graphic presentation of incremental delivery and describe its character在这种开发方式中,系统不
6、是作为一个整体交付,而是被分解成若干个增量,每个增量交付系统的部分功能。用户的需求按优先级排队,优先级最高的需求被放入最早交付的增量中。这样,优先级最高的系统功能就得到最多的测试,系统的可靠性较高。5 Describe the characters of Spiral development.(对照模型去理解)1) Process is represented as a spiral rather than as a sequence of activities with backtracking.2) Each loop in the spiral represents a phase in
7、 the process. 3) No fixed phases such as specification or design - loops in the spiral are chosen depending on what is required.4) Risks are explicitly assessed and resolved throughout the process.Lecture 3 Requirements Engineering1 Draw the graphic presentation of requirement engineering process.2
8、Describe the difference of functional requirements, non- functional requirements, Domain requirements.Functional requirements describe the services that the system should provide and how the system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations.Non-functi
9、onal requirements describe the constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc.Domain requirements come from the application domain of the system and that reflect characteristics of that domain.3 Descri
10、be the difference between user requirements and system requirements.1) User requirements should describe functional and non-functional requirements in such a way that they are understandable by system users who dont have detailed technical knowledge.User requirements are defined using natural langua
11、ge, tables and diagrams as these can be understood by all users.2) System requirements are more detailed specifications of system functions, services and constraints than user requirements.They are intended to be a basis for designing the system.They may be incorporated into the system contract.Syst
12、em requirements may be defined or illustrated using system models.4 Describe the process activities of requirements elicitation.Requirements elicitation process is an iterated process.1) Requirements discovery(需求发现)Interacting with stakeholders to discover their requirements. Domain requirements are
13、 also discovered at this stage.2) Requirements classification and organization(需求的分类与组织)Groups related requirements and organises them into coherent clusters.3) Prioritisation and negotiation(优先排序和冲突解决)Prioritising requirements and resolving requirements conflicts.4) Requirements documentation(需求文档化
14、)Requirements are documented and input into the next round of the spiral.5 what are viewpoints and what are the types of viewpointsnViewpoints are a way of structuring the requirements to represent the perspectives of different stakeholders. Stakeholders may be classified under different viewpoints.
15、There are three types:1) Interactor viewpointsPeople or other systems that interact directly with the system. In an ATM, the customers and the account database are interactor VPs.2) Indirect viewpointsStakeholders who do not use the system themselves but who influence the requirements. In an ATM, ma
16、nagement and security staff are indirect viewpoints.3) Domain viewpointsDomain characteristics and constraints that influence the requirements. In an ATM, an example would be standards for inter-bank communications. 5 Write down at least four principles of delaminated DFD. 顶层数据流图上的数据流必须封闭在外部实体之间。 数据
17、应通过加工流动,避免从一个数据存储直接流向另一个数据存储。 每个加工至少有一个输入数据流和一个输出数据流,且输入与输出数据流要平衡。有输入,无使用及输出为“黑洞”,无输入和产生而有输出为“奇迹”。 在数据流图中,需按层给加工框编号。编号表明该加工处在哪一层,以及上下层的父图与子图的对应关系。 规定任何一个数据流子图必须与它上一层的一个加工对应,两者的输入数据流和输出数据流必须一致。此即父图与子图的平衡。 图上每个元素都必须有名字。数据流和数据文件的名字应当是“名词”或“名词性短语”,表明流动的数据是什么。加工的名字应当是“动词宾语”,表明做什么事情。6 According to the dec
18、ision table, draw the decision tree.7 What are the attributes of a good SRS(System Requirements Specification)?1) 完整性:需求描述包含了所有的用户要求,不应该遗漏要求和必需的信息;2) 一致性:需求描述不能存在冲突;3) 可检验性:功能与性能指标应该能够量化衡量;4) 可理解性:需求描述方式要容易理解,没有歧义;5) 可跟踪性:要明确标识需求与其原始材料的关系,能够回溯道源头;6) 可变更性:需求要易于修改,有良好的组织,如目录、索引。Lecture 4 Software Desi
19、gn1 Describe the two scale parameter of Independency and explain why we need fine independency.模块独立性可用两个定量准则来度量:耦合(coupling)和内聚(cohesion)。耦合性是对软件程序结构中各个模块之间相互关联程度的一种度量。内聚性是信息隐藏和局部化概念的自然扩展,它标志一个模块内部各成分彼此结合的紧密程度。 模块的内聚性越强,耦合性越弱,独立性越强。独立性好的模块对其它的模块依赖性小,修改时对其它模块的影响小,易于修改和扩充,因此有良好的可维护性。2 What is the task
20、 of architectural design?It is to identify the sub-systems making up a system and to build the framework for sub-system control and communication.3 Describe the basic character of repository model.Shared data is held in a central database or repository and may be accessed by all sub-systems4 Describ
21、e the basic composing of Client-server model.Set of stand-alone servers which provide specific services such as printing, data management, etc.Set of clients which call on these services.Network which allows clients to access servers.5 Describe the characters of Abstract machine (layered) model1) Th
22、is model organises the system into a set of layers (or abstract machines) each of which provide a set of services.2) It supports the incremental development of sub-systems in different layers. When a layer interface changes, only the adjacent layer is affected.6 Describe two types of control model.C
23、entralised control: One sub-system has overall responsibility for control and starts and stops other sub-systems.Event-based control: Each sub-system can respond to externally generated events from other sub-systems or the systems environment.7 Describe three types of software reuse.Application syst
24、em reuseThe whole of an application system may be reused either by incorporating it without change into other systems (COTS reuse) or by developing application families.Component reuseComponents of an application from sub-systems to single objects may be reused.Object and function reuseSoftware comp
25、onents that implement a single well-defined object or function may be reused.8 What is framework?框架是一种高于对象层次的大粒度抽象的复用成分Framework is a sub-system design made up of a collection of abstract and concrete classes and the interfaces between them9 Draw and describe the graphic presentation of MVC framewor
26、k .这个框架有三个基本组件:控制器、模型和视图1) 控制器:代表应用程序的逻辑部分,它定义了一个用户如何和程序进行交互并且定义了用户行为是如何映射到模型;2) 模型:负责对数据模型和所有用来确定应用程序状态的信息进行管理;3) 视图:从不同的角度对存储在模型中的数据进行展示。10 Draw the graphic presentation of user interface design process.11 The principles of user interface design are:用户熟悉、一致性、意外最小化。12 Error messages should be polit
27、e, concise, consistent and constructive.13 ExerciseLecture 5 Object-oriented Analysis and Design1 Compared with traditional structural developing methods,what are advantages of object-oriented methods?n符合人类自然思维方式,易于理解、描述和实现。n对需求变化有较好的适应性:封装机制和消息传递机制将需求变化影响限制在对象内部。n支持软件复用:封装性有助于实现复用;继承、实例化实现了对象复用;类库提
28、供了大量公共代码。n可维护性好:封装性和消息传递造成低耦合,错误定位和修改容易;继承与多态使得功能的扩展更加容易。n开发过程衔接紧密:在软件生命周期各阶段可以使用同样的模型描述。2 Describe the ultimately purpose of UMLUML是一种标准的图形化建模语言,为不同领域的人们提供一种统一的交流标准,这种标准使得系统构造者能够用标准的、易于理解的方式建立能表达出他们想象力的系统蓝图,并使客户、分析员、设计人员、程序员和系统其它涉及者能够相互理解和达成一致,从而能够有效地共享和交流设计结果。3 Exercise(要求熟悉UML各种模型)Lecture 6 Softw
29、are Implementation and Validation1 Each program component involves at least three major aspects: control structures, algorithms, and data structures.2 Describe the difference between verification and validation.l Verification: "Are we building the product right”.The software should conform to i
30、ts specification.l Validation: "Are we building the right product”.The software should do what the user really requires3 The two methods in V & V process are :Software inspection is concerned with analysis of the static system representation to discover problems (static verification)Softwar
31、e testing is concerned with exercising and observing product behaviour. The system is executed with test data and its operational behaviour is observed. (dynamic verification)4 Draw the graphic presentation of software testing process.5 The two phases of system testing are integration testing and re
32、lease testing 6 In integration testing , to simplify error localisation, systems should be增量集成.7 Describe the base composing of test case and the base principle of equivalence partition testing.测试用例的基本构成可以包括:设计的输入、期望的输出、测试环境和测试对象的描述。等价划分测试是测试用例设计的一种方法。设计测试用例时,可以按特征把数据输入域化分成若干等价类,等价类中的每个数据应该以同样的方式得到处
33、理,因此对于揭露程序中的错误是等效的。这样,就可以选取少量有代表性的输入数据作为测试数据,以期用较小的代价暴露较多的程序错误。8 Describe the difference between black-box testing and white-box testing.黑盒测试又叫做功能测试,测试者只关心系统的功能而不关心软件的实现。也就是说测试者不必了解有关系统的任何细节,只把系统看成是一个能够处理输入,产生输出的“黑盒子”,仅从功能的角度设计测试用例。白盒测试又叫做结构测试,是一种根据软件的结构知识导出测试用例的设计方法。测试者把被测试组件看成是一个打开的“白盒子”,组件的内部结构对测
34、试者是透明的,通过对所用算法结构的分析设计测试用例。9 Describe the basic principle of basis path testing and calculate the number of basis paths in the figure.12345678在程序控制流图的基础上,分析控制结构的环路复杂度,并用这个复杂度为指南定义执行路径的基本集合,从而导出基本可执行路径集合,设计出测试用例并保证每个可执行语句至少执行一次,而且每个条件在执行时都将分别取真、假两种值。1) 计算环路复杂度V(G)V(G)=简单判定的数目+1 或 封闭区域的数目+1=42) 导出独立路径的数目由于V(G)=4,所以共有4条路径Lecture 7 Software Project Management1 Describe the process of project planning Establish the project constraints Make initial assessments of the project parameters Define project milestones and deliverableswhile project has not been completed or cancelled
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